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Mar 1, '11 re Libya, Sri Lanka, UN Corruption

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On Syria, Assad Won't Take Call from Ban, Draft Resolution Stalled

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, June 10 -- With a resolution on Syria stalled in the UN Security Council, and the Council now scheduled on June 16 to vote to recommend Ban Ki-moon for a second term as Secretary General, Ban has tried to call Syria's Bashar Al-Assad. But Assad has not taken his call, his staff telling Ban that Assad is “not available.”

Inner City Press asked Ban's spokesman Martin Nesirky to confirm this on June 10, just after the Security Council set its schedule to recommend a second term for Ban and kept the draft resolution at the “experts level,” with no vote on June 10.

Nesirky confirmed it, that Ban has been trying to call Assad, without success. While he may think this makes Assad look bad, to others it highlights the low profile of Ban Ki-moon, or of the UN under Ban Ki-moon. Is this why the veto-wielding Permanent Five members of the Security Council want to give Ban a second term?

Ban & Assad previously, now it's Ban Ki-Who?

Meanwhile on the resolution, German Permanent Representative Peter Wittig told the Press that it remains at the experts level. Asked if he is as frustrated with the position, for example, of Brazil as the US' Susan Rice is, Wittig declined to criticize. We are talking with them, Wittig said. We'll see.

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On Syria Draft Russia, China & India Won't Engage, S. Africa
Won't Without Them

By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive

UNITED NATIONS, June 3 -- At a UN meeting Thursday about the draft Syria resolution, Russia, China and India said there was no reason to begin word by word negotiation: they overall oppose the resolution. Then the European sponsors tried to reach out to South Africa and Brazil, to see if they would engage in negotiations without the nay-saying three. They were rebuffed.

  As South Africa's Permanent Representative Baso Sangqu put it to Inner City Press on June 3, “We are in solidarity with the E[lected] Ten, we will not go into some cocoon of the Security Council. If they won't negotiate, either will we.”

  Also on June 3, Russia's Deputy Permanent Representative Pankin asked Inner City Press, “Why a new resolution -- for more bombing?” The reference was to what NATO has done in Libya after Russia and China, along with non veto wielding India, Brazil and Germany, abstained on Resolution 1973.

  The Europeans' draft resolution still refers to a statement by the Organization of the Islamic Conference, to which the OIC has objected in a letter it sent to the Security Council president for May, Gerard Araud of France.

At this stage, Inner City Press is putting a copy of the draft resolution online, here. Watch this site.

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At UN on Syria, As 2 Vetoes Loom, Request to Withdraw Resolution, West Thinks More than 9 Votes Might Change

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, May 31, updated -- Days after the European members of the UN Security Council formally introduced a resolution about the violence in Syria, not only have Russia and China indicated they will not support it: now they want the Europeans to just as formally withdraw the resolution.

A Permanent source told Inner City Press on Tuesday morning that the Europeans “should just withdraw it. Any resolution on Syria would be a gamble, that it might turn out like Libya.” He

Inside the Council, a briefing on Libya began amid reports including video of Western “boots on the ground” in Libya. A spokeswoman for Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who is supposed to be coordinating and receiving notices about military action in Libya, said she had no comment on the report.

A non-Permanent Western member of the Council bemoaned to Inner City Press that the cause and concept of protection of civilians has been injured in Libya.

  At a surreal Friday evening stakeout, Inner City Press asked May's Council President, Gerard Araud of France, if he thought there was any chance to call a vote on the Syria resolution before the end of May. We are not ready, he said on camera, adding off camera that it was not promising.

    On Tuesday morning a Permanent Western member's representative told the Press that there are definitely nine votes for the Syria resolution, leading into a meeting at the experts' level on Wednesday, and if the number goes higher than might make it harder for Russia and China to veto. As of Tuesday this seems unrealistic. Watch this site.

Update of 12:41 p.m. - China's Permanent Representative Li Baodong told Inner City Press that his county is against anything that would destabilize. We'll see.

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As UN Report on Iran Arms Sales to Syria Put Online, France Talks of 9 Votes

By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive

UNITED NATIONS, May 17 -- With the days of UN Security Council inaction on Syria mounting, on Tuesday Council President Gerard Araud of France anounced in a closed door meeting that the Council can meet and vote anywhere, including on the trip to Africa that starts on May 20.

  With Alain Juppe bragging that there are almost the nine required votes to pass a Council resolution on Syria, it seems that France is counting on neither Russia or China vetoing the resolution.

  The Permanent Representative of one of these told Inner City Press on Tuesday that “Hague of the UK hasn't been talking so much about Syria recently -- now the UK is back to focusing on Libya.”

  On Libya, another Council source pointed at the 10-0-5 vote on Resolution 1973, focusing specifically on the African countries that rather than abstain with Russia, China, Brazil, India and Germany voted for the resolution.

  While the content of the draft Syria resolution being referred to be France is said by others to be “weak” -- modeled on the Council's first press statement on Libya back in February -- it is worth noting Russia's complaints about the UN Panel of Expert report alleging Iranian arms transfers to Syria.

  Inner City Press has obtained a copy of the Iran Panel of Experts report, and as a public service is putting it online here.

As regards Syria, the UN Iran Panel of Experts report states:

The Panel notes that most reported incidents of conventional arms-related violations involve Syria, which has a long and close relationship with Iran. In all such incidents inspected by the Panel, prohibited material was carefully concealed to avoid routine inspection and hide the identity of end-users. It is likely that other transfers took place undetected and that other illicit shipments were identified but not reported to the Committee....

The vessel Hansa India, chartered by the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) left Bandar Abbas, Iran on 25 September 2009, destined for Latakia Port (Syria) via Damietta Port (Egypt). It was stopped and searched by the United States Navy in the Red Sea en route to Damietta and in conformity with instructions received from the German authorities, the vessel’s flag State, instead of offloading the cargo in Damietta (the original port of discharge), the Hansa India was instructed to go to Malta Freeport. In Malta Freeport, the cargo was inspected upon arrival by the Maltese authorities. The cargo was found to contain bullet casings and blank disks....

While en route from Damietta, Egypt, to Latakia, Syria, the MV Francop was intercepted on 3/4 November 2009 by the Israeli Navy and diverted to the Port of Ashdod where the ammunition was unloaded, inventoried and dispersed for safekeeping at a variety of Israeli Defence Force depots...

YasAir Cargo (Turkey) Turkey reported to the Committee on 28 March 2011 that between 19-21 March 2011 they had inspected a YasAir Cargo Airlines transport aircraft at Diyarbakir Airport, Turkey (S/AC.50/2011/COMM.31). The aircraft had been en-route from Iran to Syria. Arms were found onboard in nineteen crates declared as “auto spare parts.” They comprised 60 Kalshnikov rifles, 14 BKS (Bixi) machine guns, 7920 rounds of Kalashnikov ammunition, 560 60mm mortars and 1288 120mm mortars.

Victoria (Israel) Israel reported to the Committee on 28 March 2011 that on 15 March 2011 the Israeli Navy boarded the MV Victoria, which had originated its voyage in Latakia Port, Syria and was en route to Port of Alexandria, Egypt (S/AC.50/2011/COMM.30). Three crates of arms were found hidden inside shipping containers, comprising 232 120mm mortars, 2280 60mm mortars, six NASR 1 (C 704) anti-ship missiles, two Kelvin Hughes radars, two control stations, two C 704 launchers and 66,240 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition. The arms had been unloaded at Ashdod Port in Israel and stored...

Syria is the stated destination of six out of the nine incidents of conventional arms transfers reported to the Committee. The Government of the Syrian Arab Republic, in a letter dated 12 January 2010 (S/AC.50/2010/COMM.1), underlined the fact that “the Francop vessel was not carrying anything that pertained to Syria” and denied the allegations. The Panel awaits Syria’s response to its queries.

Watch this site.

Click for Mar 1, '11 re Libya, Sri Lanka, UN Corruption

 Click here for an Inner City Press YouTube channel video, mostly UN Headquarters footage, about civilian deaths in Sri Lanka.

Click here for Inner City Press' March 27 UN debate

Click here for Inner City Press March 12 UN (and AIG bailout) debate

Click here for Inner City Press' Feb 26 UN debate

Click here for Feb. 12 debate on Sri Lanka

Click here for Inner City Press' Jan. 16, 2009 debate about Gaza

Click here for Inner City Press' review-of-2008 UN Top Ten debate

Click here for Inner City Press' December 24 debate on UN budget, Niger

Click here from Inner City Press' December 12 debate on UN double standards

Click here for Inner City Press' November 25 debate on Somalia, politics

and this October 17 debate, on Security Council and Obama and the UN.

* * *

These reports are usually also available through Google News and on Lexis-Nexis.

Click here for a Reuters AlertNet piece by this correspondent about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army. Click here for an earlier Reuters AlertNet piece about the Somali National Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's $200,000 contribution from an undefined trust fund.  Video Analysis here

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