UN's Ban's Housewarming, Global Warming, Eel Sushi, A Showing by UN's Breakaway
Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press on the UN Diplomatic Beat
September 15 -- The UN Secretary-General's townhouse, on 57th Street and Sutton
Place, has been lavishly renovated. Ban Ki-moon moved in from the
Waldorf-Astoria last weekend, ten days before the upcoming meetings, including
climate change,
of the new General Assembly. "I wanted to address this global warming issue
after having addressed house warming issues," Mr. Ban said on Friday, when he
invited the press and his Under Secretaries-Generals, including from the UN
Development Program.
UNDP has been loudly asserting its
autonomy from the UN, particularly on matters of ethics
and whistleblower protection, so Inner City Press took the opportunity to ask
some questions of UNDP Associate Administrator Ad Melkert, who has not done a
press conference in months, speaking only to the Dutch press, and then only
off-the-record. No such request was made on Friday night.
Melkert said he had previously been to this house, that while the curtains and
Korean mobile partition were among the differences, the structure is the same.
Speaking of structure, Inner City Press asked, what are the steps for UNDP to
assume its position, as promised by absent Administrator Kemal Dervis, under the
structure of the UN Ethics Office and to come, as it were, into Ban's house?
This is
not about the issue itself," Melkert said, "but a broader governance issue...
Keeping the governance of the Secretariat in itself, you have more flexibility
around it."
flexibility has, according to the
UN Ethics Office's Robert Benson's August
17 memo, included prima
facie retaliation against at least one whistleblower. Since then
other whistleblowers
have asked the Ethics Office for protection; others are watching. "So why
doesn't UNDP just accept the Ethics Office, as Mr. Benson urged, 'for the good
of the UN'?"
Melkert's answer alluded to the creation of the UN funds and programs; he said
that "in the General Assembly, there are member states adamant" about keeping
UNDP independent from the Secretariat. We'll see.

Mr. Ban on
Friday about
Africa, before the housewarming
With the question of UNDP providing more than double the funding to
Latin America than to Africa hanging in the air, former Special Advisor for
Africa Ibrahim Gambari came over, joking to Melkert that if the mountain won't
come to Mohamed, Mohamed must come to the mountain. Once
had been raised, Mr. Gambari mentioned that the UN's Resident Coordinator,
UNDP's Charles Petrie, had come to see him. In obeisance to its understanding of
unspoken UN rules, Inner City Press will not for now report on the Myanmar
musings that followed. As Mr. Ban said of the townhouse, there is a library and
other areas, "to engage in informal private dialogues." Yes it is a UN house.
Chef de cabinet Vijay Nambiar came but quickly left, with
much left to be said.
Peacekeeping's Jean-Marie Guehenno was there, as was Management's Alicia Barcena,
ever with the populist touch, speaking with the Aramark wait-staff brought north
from the Delegates' Lounge. Wine and cocktails flowed, along with roasted eel
sushi and a noodle dish which drew rave reviews. "My wife and I are well taken
care of," said Mr. Ban, who has himself joked that he has been called "Slippery
Eel." Friday he loosened up, saying that a correspondent's gift of North Korean
ginseng tea won't get him special treatment and, of
carbon offsetting,
saying the question was unexpected but that offset's in the future.
Later in
the evening, Inner City Press asked the head of the UN's Office of Internal
Oversight Services, Inga-Britt Ahlenius, about the UNDP stand-off. Ms. Ahlenius
cautiously as always.
She has said that questions can be asked and answers quoted, "I won't always be
able to give you the truth but I will not lie to you," she said. "There are
people who want to nail me on formal issues but I will not give them that
opportunity, I came here to do some job." She advised the press to "take up the
lack of transparency collectively." When asked by a reporter, "Are you are
frustrated as we are?" Ms. Ahlenius deadpanned, "I don't know how frustrated you
Ahlenius said that "everything there is a scandal... in the large UN family,"
there is a call for giving the Secretary-General "line authority over the funds
and programs." So why hasn't it happened? Turf wars, apparently. This time it is
squarely raised, and right before the GA General Debate.
Mr. Ban
will be inviting member states' Ambassadors for another housewarming on
September 18. After that, he said, in little over a week he will meet with over
100 heads of state and government, by starting early and staying late. This work
ethic is to Mr. Ban's credit, and while his advisors and staff have unique views
of off-the-record, even when no request has been made -- we are endeavoring for
peace on this issue, the current restraint being part of that -- Ban himself
praised the press for its "efforts to connect the UN activity, what it is doing,
to the outside world. I hope you will continue to do so." On that, while UN
Humanitarian Coordinator John Holmes had been scheduled for a press conference
at four p.m. on Friday, subsequently cancelled, to launch a flash appeal for
Nicaragua, he was accessible three hours later, with
of flying to remote parts of the Congo and staying in the "inaccurately named"
Grand Hotel in Kinshasa.
City Press asked if Holmes chafed, as a former diplomat, at his new focus on
humanitarian issues. Holmes indicated that now, rather than defending British
foreign policy, he is more free to speak. And of a
Sri Lankan minister's outlandish charge
that he is a terrorist, for
saying Sri Lanka is one of the most unsafe places on earth for humanitarian
workers? Holmes replied, "I could have said more." So could we.
* * *
for an earlier
Reuters AlertNet
piece by this correspondent about the Somali National Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's
$200,000 contribution from an undefined trust fund. Video
Analysis here
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