Misuse of Vacant Posts in UN Pension Fund and Geneva,
Staff Union Complains of Justice Delay
Byline: Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at
the UN: News Analysis
UNITED NATIONS, February 20 -- Even when the UN
appears to take abuse by supervisors seriously, it bends the rules to
accommodate the abuser. How else to explain the strange situation these days at
the UN Pension Fund, where Executive Officer Peter Goddard has effectively been
replaced by Ms. Sevil Alirzayeva. But following
exposure of staffer Mathew George's
complaint of abuse by Goddard,
the Department of Management under Alicia Barcena was forced to
put on hold Goddard's ill-fated venture to
join the UN's Chad peacekeeping mission.
Ms. Alirzayeva had already traded in from peacekeeping, leading to musical
For now,
Goddard has been accommodated by shifting him to an empty post, that of Senior
Legal Officer. A recruitment announcement for the position has been published on
the UN's Galaxy system, with a due date of April 12. In the interim Goddard has
been stashed in the job. It is similar, insiders say, to the way former head of
the Office of Human Resources Management Jan Beagle was parked in the empty
Assistant Secretary General for UNCTAD position in Geneva. The Group of 77, in
December's budget, specifically protested this (mis) use of posts. But it
continues, right here in New York, in the Pension Fund on Second Avenue.

Ms. Barcena: what is happened with
human resources and administration of justice?
On the case of Peter Goddard, DM's Alicia
Barcena faced a formal complaint from the UN Staff Union. More recently, the
Staff Union has had to complain about Ms. Barcena, to the Secretary
General and his Deputy. In a February 13 letter to Mr. Ban, Staff Union
president Stephen Kisambira "noted with grave concern the compact of the Under
Secretary General for Management with the Secretary-General wherein it is
indicated that the Internal Justice Council will be established by 1 May instead
of 1 March, as mandated by General Assembly resolution 62/228." In Ms. Barcena's
compact, ostensibly a document taken very seriously, either there is a two month
typographical error, or a conscious disregard of the General Assembly's
timeline. We will endeavor to determine which it was.
* * *
These reports are
usually also available through
Google News and on Lexis-Nexis.
here for a
AlertNet piece by this correspondent about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army.
for an earlier
Reuters AlertNet
piece about the Somali National Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's
$200,000 contribution from an undefined trust fund.
Analysis here
Because a number of Inner City Press'
UN sources go out of their way to express commitment to serving the poor, and
while it should be unnecessary, Inner City Press is compelled to conclude this
installment in a necessarily-ongoing series by saluting the stated goals of the
UN agencies and many of their staff. Keep those cards, letters and emails
coming, and phone calls too, we apologize for any phone tag, but please continue
trying, and keep the information flowing.
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