At the
UN, Job Favors Cloud Management Audit, Issues Rise to 38th Floor
Matthew Russell Lee on UN Management Reform: 2d in series,
October 11 -- One week after whistleblowers released and
Inner City Press published evidence
of job favor requests between the UN's chief investigator Inga-Britt Ahlenius
and Under Secretary General for Management Alicia Barcena, Ms. Ahlenius on
Thursday morning told Inner City Press, "I have no comment on that." At issue is
Ahlenius' September 17 e-mail to Barcena
pressing a candidate to head Procurement Services, urging that one Danielle
Coolen "be interviewed and seriously considered... I guess you would probably be
yourself on an interview panel."
In the
week since the first report, a range of diplomats and UN insiders have marveled
at Ahlenius' brazenness or lack of judgment in asking for a favor from a
department she is the midst of auditing. Click
here for a memo page
concerning the audit. Hypocrisy has also been mentioned, as it is understood
that when Ahlenius was previous asked to provide shelter in her Office for
whistleblowers from elsewhere in the UN system, she said that it would be
improper to do this for anyone she audited. Friday what stood out was the lack
of accountability, to neither comment nor take press questions on such a
Two hours
after Ahlenius' request, Barcena
wrote to her chief of staff Simona Petrova,
"I want to make sure that I am in all panels of my Department to select D-2s,
the senior rank Ahlenius sought for Ms. Coolen. Asked about this, Ms. Barcena a
week ago declined comment while telling Inner City Press she would "come to a
press briefing next week. But when first asked, the UN Secretariat's
spokesperson said that Barcena will only come once the General Assembly's Fifth
Committee has finished with an unrelated part of Barcena's wide mandate, the
Capital Master Plan, which will reportedly not take place until next month. At
Thursday's UN noon briefing it was specified that the formal presentation to the
Fifth Committee will not be until November 9. Inner City Press formally asked
that Ms. Barcena before then come and take questions, as she'd said she would
this week.
reports grow that Barcena will leave by the end of October. Some of these
reports come from Barcena herself. Numerous sources have recently told Inner
City Press that, when the chairman of the UN Advisory Committee on
Administrative and Budgetary Questions said factually that he is leaving his
post, Barcena said "me too." She ultimately signed a contract which waived her
right to revert to her previous UN staff job in Chile (another UN reform and
transparency issue on which she declined to answer written questions from Inner
City Press). The speculation about her possible replacement focuses on Japan,
while others say that even considering Japan paying 19% of the UN's budget, one
USG position is enough. Others still say that the United States has its eye on
this second USG post, or second-and-a-half, considering Jane Holl Lute at the
Department of Field Support. Barcena's "compact" with the
Secretary-General promised yet-to-be achieved results concerning the UN's
Administration of Justice; she is also ultimately responsible for the delayed
improvements of the UN's computer systems, coordinated by Lena Dissin on her
staff, regarding which a less-than-inspiring presentation was made this week to
the Fifth Committee.
In the
Fifth Committee on October 10, one of the Member State questions for Ahlenius
"note[d] that in last year's report
A/61/264 on the activities of the Office of Internal Oversight Services, the
General Assembly was informed that OIOS had started to plan a comprehensive
management audit of the Department of Management... When will the report be
issued? What is the reason for the delay? We are particularly concerned because
we heard rumblings during a noon briefing last week that the report on the DM
audit had been 'scuttled.' Is this the case?"

OIOS' Ms. Ahlenius: miscellaneous?
October 8, OIOS had provided the following response:
Subj: Your question from last week on OIOS/DM
To: Matthew.Lee [at]
Date: 10/8/2007 11:09:31 AM Eastern Standard Time
OIOS has informed us that there is
absolutely no truth to any impression given that a report is being "scuttled" by
The Department of Management is the
subject of OIOS audits, as would be the case for any department in the
Secretariat. There are audits of various aspects of the Department of
Management's operations that are currently in progress and they will be
completed, reported and dealt with in the usual manner, OIOS says.
As noted
in the Fifth Committee on October 10, it has been more than a year. Informed
sources say that the goal of delaying the issuance of the management report is
to wait until, among other things, the controversial D-2 placement of Simona
Petrova is finalized. As Inner City Press reported last week, in a memo headed "Internal
Audit Division, OIOS - Exit Conference Briefing," some of the criticisms by
Ms. Ahlenius' OIOS are set forth, including about the hiring and promotion of
Ms. Petrova herself. Of what has become Ms. Petrova's post, the
memo says that
"the two previous
Under-Secretaries-General had each selected an individual during their tenures
to assume the D-2 functions temporarily and had given them special post
allowance (SPA). In both cases, the Under-Secretaries-General did not issue a
temporary vacancy announcement for the post contrary to the provisions stated in
paragraph 5.1(e) of ST/AI/1999/17...
The next Under-Secretary-General had
selected a P-5 to perform the D-2 functions starting in March 2006 to date. This
individual received an SPA at a D-1 level from March 2006 to November 2006. In
December 2006, she was promoted to D-1. In February 2007, the current
Under-Secretary-General applied the SPA of a D-2 level retroactively to the
first day of her promotion to D-1... The lack of transparency in the selection
of the candidate for assuming the D-2 functions in OUSG had created a negative
perception among staff."
staff have expressed amazement at the rapid-fire promotions given to Ms. Petrova,
which, it has been pointed out, only became arguably permissible due to
"time-in-post" changes implemented to the head of the Office of Human Resources
Management, Jan Beagle (who, some are saying, may be bound for Geneva, to keep
New Zealand with an Assistant Secretary General post -- in this case, one
"borrowed" from UNCTAD, which reported "does not want" Ms. Beagle, but will lend
the ASG post.) Now the decision to finalize Petrova in this high D-2 position
sits in the UN Executive Office on the 38th floor, as does the decision of how
to respond to the Ahlenius - Barcena - Petrova - Sach email chain and the issues
it raises.
that "this is a Belgian D-2 applicant in an office currently headed by a D-1
Belgian; steps may need to be taken to ensure the applicant is retained on the
long list."
example of the predictable failure at the UN of oversight, particularly of the
overseers, is that in the Fifth Committee, the
coordinator for the resolution on
the Office of Internal Oversight Services, whose director proposed "a Belgian
D-2 applicant [for] an office currently headed by a D-1 Belgian," is
also a Belgian, Karl Van Den Bossche.
Close observers suggest that another coordinator be appointed.]
October 10, Inner City Press interviewed the "D-1 Belgian," Mr. Paul
Buades. He explained that the procurement unit he currently heads "used to be a
service, now we are a division and so a D-2 post is being filled." He was aware
of the Ahlenius and Barcena emails regarding Ms. Coolen; he raised his eyebrows.
He indicated that he is an applicant too, for the job that would supervise his
current post. "I work everyday," he said.
"They are
now screening c.v.'s," he added. Unrelatedly, Inner City Press has obtained a
copy of Ms. Coolen's c.v., which is relevant given Ms. Ahlenius'
still-unexplained support for her. A copy of the c.v. is
the Ahlenius email it came attached to is
here. While it reflects
experience in banks, including Bank of New York Mellon, CIBC, Sumitomo and Union
Bank of Switzerland, a number of experts consulted by Inner City Press noted its
relative lack of procurement experience. So why did Ahlenius push Coolen's name
and c.v. unto Barcena, with the heavy-handed suggestion that she be on the
interview panel?
Why has
the response to date to this question, rather than to answer it, been to
interrogate UN staff seeking the whistleblowers who sought to correct what they
see as wrongdoing? How far up in the building does this knee-jerk instinct to
cover-up and retaliate extend? The Ahlenius - Barcena - Petrova - Sach chain did
not begin on the UN's 38th floor, but the issues are there now.
* * *
Again, because a number of Inner City Press'
UN sources go out of their way to express commitment to serving the poor, and
while it should be unnecessary, Inner City Press is compelled to conclude this
installment in a necessarily-ongoing series by saluting the stated goals of the
UN agencies and many of their staff. Keep those cards, letters and emails
coming, and phone calls too, we apologize for any phone tag, but please continue
trying, and keep the information flowing.
Feedback: Editorial
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(and weekends): 718-716-3540
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