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As UN's Strategy Fails in Eastern Congo, No Accountability for Alan Doss or UK Mining Firm, "Enough Already"

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, November 26 -- On its enabling of rape and murder in the Congo, the UN is either in denial or doesn't care, close observers increasingly conclude. On November 25 the UN's Congo sanctions experts leaked their report which concludes among other things that the UN Mission in the Congo is adding to the humanitarian catastrophe in the Kivus and is a failure.

  Long after news and extensive quotes from the report were disseminated all over the world, Inner City Press asked UN Associate Spokesman Farhan Haq for the response of Ban Ki-moon and his scandal plagued Congo envoy Alan Doss.

  Haq replied that the report is not yet official and so there will be no comment. He went on to say that the UN will continue with the military operation Kimia II, even moving into an undefined "new phase" in December. Video here, from Minute 13:48.

  Inner City Press asked a simple yes or no litmus test question: is MONUC still supporting the Congolese army unit led by Colonel Zimulinda, named by UN Special Rapporteur Philip Alston as responsible for murder and at least 10, but probably 40 or more, rapes?

  Haq said he didn't know, but claimed that Alain Le Roy's -- and he emphasized, Alan Doss' -- November 1 unrelated suspension of assistance to some units of the 213th Brigade made it clear the UN's hands are clean, in essence. Apparently, after Alston's detailed report on Zimulinda, nothing has been done.

  The Security Council had a meeting on November 25 about Congo Sanctions. But members said they did not discuss the report, only the "regime" of sanctions.

  Sources tell Inner City Press that it is because the report accuses not only the UN Secretariat but also member states of complicity in death in Congo that the report is being delayed, and the experts saw fit to selectively leak it. Only at the UN.

  Combined with Alan Doss' nepotism scandal and mis-management of MONUC, this report would an most credible organization lead to the dismissal or removal of the manager at issue.

  But Alan Doss is British, and the UK is a Permanent Member of the Security Council. If the past is any guide, a new UK post of similar power would have to be arranged and even delivered before the clearly needed change at MONUC could be made.

UN's Doss, Zimulinda, nepotism report and minerals not shown

  Beyond the lack of accountability within the UN system, there is a lack of corporate responsibility. As highlighted, Malaysian Smelting Corporation and Thailand Smelting and Refining Company, which is part of the UK metals group AMC, are among the companies again identified by the Group of Experts as sourcing minerals from suppliers who have links with killers and rapists.

   The report among other things concludes that the CNDP, even after purported integration into the Congolese army, still maintains a network which now uses the army and UN to take mines over from the FDLR. That is, the UN has allowed itself to get sucked into favoring one criminal enterprise over another, and the denying this to the world. The UN experts group cut through the veil, but are so far being ignored. Watch this site.

Footnote: Days after the coordinated leak of the report, U.S. television network CBS' 60 Minutes show of November 29 will show the Enough Project's John Prendergast in the DRC tracking conflict minerals, relating them to cell phones and mp3 players. While we intend to watch, one wonder why the Enough Project, not unlike its response to the mass killing in Sri Lanka, has been retiscent to make the needed criticism of the compromised leadership of the UN Mission MONUC. Even those who are supposed to bring accountability don't, for their own reasons. Watch this site.

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As UN Enables Rapists in Congo, Supports Guinea's Dictator, Ban Preaches Without Questions

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, November 24 -- Speaking about rape on November 24, the UN and its Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called on governments and particularly men to stop condoning violence against women.

  There's a major problem, though: the UN's own peacekeeping Mission in the Congo, MONUC, continues to work with army units which have been accused of mass rape by the UN's own human rights experts. The UN's own Department of Political Affairs has advised keeping in power Guinean dictator Moussa Dadis Camera, even after public rapes by his troops in September 2009.

  When Mr. Ban held a forty minute press conference on Tuesday -- with the questions explicitly limited to the topic of violence against women -- one would have expected the controversy about the UN's engagement with Congolese army units accused of rape to be asked about, and Mr. Ban to give an answer.

  Before the press conference began, a staff remember from the Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary General asked for the names of journalists who wanted to ask questions. Inner City Press went up and put itself on the list, the third name on the list.

  But during the question and answer session, Ban's outgoing Spokesperson Michele Montas skipped over Inner City Press on the list, took four other non-UN questions ranging from Lebanon to Iran and finally a softball question about why donors don't give the UN more money for this issue. Could it be a lack of credibility?

UN's Ban and outgoing Montas, on MONUC and rape, no questions

  Waiting in the hall outside the briefing room were Ban's chief of staff Vijay Nambiar and his counterpart for Deputy Secretary General Asha Rose Migiro. Apparently, the Ban administration thinks it is well served by openly seeking to exclude questions about its and the UN's own performance. And it is not yet clear things will improve.

On November 23, Ms. Montas successor Martin Nesirky came to the briefing room to make a statement downplaying his Korean language skills and their role in his selection, and then refused to take any questions, including afterwards by e-mail (while responding to other journalists' more supportive e-mails).

To Mr. Nesirky Inner City Press has opined, in writing, that if you are going to come make a statement in the UN briefing room, you should be prepared to answer questions on it. Likewise, if the UN is going to preach about not condoning violence against women, it should answer questions such as this one, which Ms. Montas jumped out of the order on her Office's own list not to take:

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, UN Special Rapporteur Philip Alston issued a report that, for example, a unit of the Congolese Army under Colonel Zimulinda abducted and raped more than a dozen refugees. The DRC government said Zimulinda's unit will continue in the Kimia II operation, and MONUC under Alan Doss has yet to stop assisting Zimulinda's unit. (The Alain Le Roy announced did not concern this unit). In Guinea, Inner City Press understands that the UN Department of Political Affairs is advising that Moussa Dadis Camera remain in power, at least for now, despite the very public rapes committed by his troops. What can the UN do to make sure it does not continue to enable rogue army units named as abusing woman by the UN's own Special Rapporteurs?

  Will the UN ever answer this? Watch this space.

Footnotes: in fairness, we note that Mr. Ban himself once made a point of taking a question from Inner City Press, about Afghan election related security, even as Ms. Montas sought to exclude the question. Emphasis on: once.

   On the issue of sexual violence and courts, we highly recommend Jina Moore's recent writing about such courts in Liberia, on problems of evidence collection and due process. On the flip side, it is widely acknowledged that the UN staffer in Liberia who recently died or committed suicide had long been involved in video taping sex acts with minors. The UN appears to have covered it up. Watch this site.

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UN Advises Leaving Guinea Strongman in Power, Realism or Cynicism?

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, November 20 -- Guinea's strongman Moussa Dadis Camera is proposed to remain in power, by mediator Blaise Compaore. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said, in light of rapes committed by his troops, he must go. Inner City Press asked the UN about the role in the mediation, and position on Dadis Camera remaining in control. Video here, from Minute 14:38.

  Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's spokesperson Michele Montas said that she would not comment on an ongoing mediation. "Of course we play a role," she said, "Mr. Bassole plays a role."

  Inner City Press asked if she meant Said Djinit. "Mr. Bassole as far as I know is leading both," Ms. Montas said.

  Later on November 20, a senior UN official involved in the mediation laughed at the idea that Bassole was involved. It's Djinnit, he said. (The Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary General clarified this after the noon briefing). The official said that, on behalf of the UN, he had advised Compaore, "don't start with a non-starter," meaning, don't demand that Dadis Camera leave.

UN's Ban and Guinea's prime minister, advise to leave Dadis Camera in not shown

  "There is an army behind him," the UN official said. "The army has their own interest and would just put another in." He suggested that Dadis could remain as a "cememonial" president, with all power in a prime minister.

  So in this way, the UN confirms that they advise that the strongman must stay, if become undermine. Meanwhile the public (relations) position is different.

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UN Council Ignores Its Own Deadline on Eritrea and Djibouti, Pascoe's Inside Moves

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, November 18 -- The UN Security Council's inability this year to stop bloodshed in Gaza and Sri Lanka, or to stop nuclear missile tests by North Korea, is perhaps not surprising. But when it fails to follow up on its deadlines and directives on a conflict like that between Eritrea and tiny Djibouti, one has to wonder why.

  Following a military clash in mid 2008, the Security Council on January 14 passed a resolution giving Eritrea five weeks to withdraw from Djibouti's territory. Now in mid November, there has been no follow up.

  An omnipresent diplomat from Djibouti, who represents the country in nearly all of the General Assembly's committee, has repeatedly told Inner City Press that the Council's inaction only emboldens Eritrea more.

  Last month, he told Inner City Press that because the Council expects Djibouti to raise its issue through African Council member Uganda, Djibouti is left voiceless, as "Uganda has done nothing."

  That the Council defers in such cases to the member or members from the region appeared to be confirmed by this month's Council president Thomas Mayr-Harting of Austria when Inner City Press asked this week what has happened on Eritrea and Djibouti. After referring to the fruitless "good offices" mediation efforts of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's top political official B. Lynn Pascoe of the Department of Political Affairs, Mayr-Harting said that African members have a "particular responsibility to move this dossier forward." Video here, from Minute 7:22.

  Ten days ago, Inner City Press asked Uganda's UN Ambassador Ruganda to respond to this criticism. He expressed surprise, then said that "something is moving," and asked that Inner City Press hold off publishing the comment for a few days. Now, more than a few days have passed, just as more than 10 months have passed since the Council's Resolution 1804.

UN Security Council, following up on Resolution 1804 not shown

  On November 17, Inner City Press asked Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's Associate Spokesperson Farhan Haq for the status of Lynn Pascoe's mediation. From the transcript:

Inner City Press: Farhan, earlier this year in this dispute between Eritrea and Djibouti -- Lynn Pascoe, the Council considered it and then sort of deferred to DPA, sort of some kind of mediation that was being attempted. They set a deadline that’s now long expired. What is the status of DPA’s or Mr. Pascoe’s work on that issue? When is the last time he spoke to the two, and where does it stand?

Associate Spokesperson Haq: Well, Mr. Pascoe has repeatedly briefed the Security Council about the situation between Djibouti and Eritrea, so he has brought this up in their consultations. Ultimately, any further response is up to the Council, so you might want to check with them.

  On November 18, as Inner City Press asked diplomats from Ethiopia and even Latin America, word was that a follow up resolution is finally being prepared. But why did five weeks before ten months? Only at the UN.

Footnote: in other UN Department of Political Affairs, after Lynn Pascoe's decision to short circuit a recruitment process for a Sanctions Branch post and move Michelle Griffin laterally into the post was protested by D1 and D2 officials, Messrs. Martinovic and Heitmann, the move has still been made, but Ms. Griffin will report directly to Pascoe, and not through Martinovic and Heitmann. The latter walks right by Inner City Press' table by the Security Council nearly every day, but has not commented on the story. We like to tell all sides...

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As Morocco Expels Western Sahara Activist, Silence at the UN

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, November 17 -- Given the UN's role in Western Sahara, one might expect the Organization to have at least some comment when Morocco expels a noted human rights activist like Aminatou Haidar. But on November 17, Inner City Press asked both the Associate Spokesperson for Ban Ki-moon and this month's Security Council president about the expulsion, and neither had anything to say.

  The UN's Farhan Haq said only, "we'll check with MINURSO," the UN Mission there. Video here, from Minute 13:05. But what of Christopher Ross, Ban Ki-moon's envoy on the issue? What of the Secretary General himself?

  Austrian Ambassador Thomas Mayr-Harting, as Council president, said that "the issue has not been raised by anyone in the Council." Video here, from Minute 5:01.

Children and tire in Tindouf camp

  Some have noted in the Obama Administration a praising of Morocco's human rights record that may have emboldened and enable the expulsion. France, of course, is a major supporter of Morocco. With South Africa off the Council, no one is raising it. One wonders what incoming Council member Nigeria's position will be.

  Mayr-Harting went out to refer to "an informal meeting in Austria some time ago." But what about the imprisonment of Polisario leaders, and the expulsion of Aminatou Haidar? Watch this site.

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In UN, Africa Poised to Be Denied Deputy Post at UNDP, Ambassadors Complain

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, November 17 -- A continental battle is underway in the UN system, with Africa poised to once again lose out. When New Zealand's Helen Clark was named Administrator of the UN Development Program, several African ambassadors tell Inner City Press, their understanding was that the number two job in UNDP would go to the developing world, specifically to Africa.

Now, Ms. Clark and Secretary General Ban Ki-moon are said to be near naming a Costa Rican, Rebecca Grynspan, as the UNDP Associate Administrator. "Africa is being humiliated again," a well placed source told Inner City Press on Tuesday, hearkening back to Mr. Ban's merger of the Office of the Special Advisor on Africa with an unrelated small island and landlocked states position.

Despite repeated protests from the African Group and the General Assembly, Mr. Ban has yet to reinstitute a stand alone Office of the Special Advisor on Africa. Now, in what's seen as a further insult to the continent which makes up over half of the agenda of the Security Council and most UN agencies, word is he is choosing a Latin American over, for example, a candidate from Cameroon.

Several African Ambassador were scornful of Ms. Clark's accomplishments to date at UNDP. "Name one thing that she has changed," a well placed North African source asked, adding "she is seeking advancement, even to be Secretary General if the change presents itself." Ms. Clark appears to use her UNDP post to promote herself in New Zealand. Inner City Press has repeatedly asked that Ms. Clark hold a question and answer session with the Press, but instead Ms. Clark and her long time chief of staff Heather Simpson try to micro manage media relations, even choosing which reporters they want from those wire services granted interview rights.

UNDP has still failed to rule in its investigation of nepotism in the hiring of the daughter of the UN's top Congo envoy, Alan Doss. UNDP has refused to answer questions about irregularities in its China office, and about other hirings that internal UNDP whistleblowers call nepotism.

UN's Ban and Helen Clark, UNDP #2 post and Africa not shown

 UNDP's highest profile whistleblower, who the UN Ethics Office said should be awarded back pay for due process violations, is still in limbo, without compensation and with UNDP -- and the UN Office of Legal Affairs -- arguing that the Ethics Office's recommendation is irrelevant.

UNDP preaches about the rule of law, but several African ambassadors who approached Inner City Press say they are being cheated. Watch this site.

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As Blair Lobbies for Wataniya, Do Kuwait and JPM Chase's Arranger Role Spell UN Conflict of Interest?

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, November 13 -- When Tony Blair does business, who does he work for? He represents the Quartet, and thus the UN, on development in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. He has been paid by JPMorgan Chase as a consultant, and presumably works for them. When he acts in the West Bank for the Wataniya cell phone company, who is he working for?

  The UN has repeatedly claimed that there would and could be no conflict of interest between Blair's paid position for JPMorgan Chase and his work in the Palestinian Occupied Territories. When Inner City Press asked Blair, after a meeting of the Quarter in the Conference Room 4 in UN Headquarters, about any safeguards in place for his UN and JPMorgan Chase roles, he scoffed. A Blair staffer confirmed that he continued in JPM Chase's employ.

  This week, Tony Blair attended a press conference announcing the finalization of Wataniya's deal, which Blair "negotiated." At the UN noon briefing on November 11, Inner City Press asked about this last:

Inner City Press: yesterday, Tony Blair was in Ramallah, and he’s described as having negotiated on behalf of a cell phone company with the Israeli Government. There’s a whole press conference also that noted his role for the Quartet and for the UN. So I’m wondering, did he do this on behalf of the Quartet and the UN and what is the UN’s knowledge, do they have any knowledge on this business negotiating activity?

Deputy Spokesperson Marie Okabe: I have no knowledge of that.

  Even forty six hours later, no answer has been provided. But even cursory research reveals that Blair's employer JPMorgan Chase served as a "mandated lead arranger" for the acquisition of Wataniya. Click here for the document.

  So again, what safeguards are in place? Who is Tony Blair working for?

  Tony Blair Associates has as a client Kuwait, and by implication its royal family, while Blair has met with the finance minister of Kuwait while representing JPMorgan Chase. Wataniya Palestine is substantially (57%) owned by investors from Qatar and... Kuwait. For the former, it's Qatar Telecom. But for the later, it's the Kuwait Investment Authority, which operates on behalf of the State of Kuwait -- Tony Blair Associates' client.  So when Blair lobbies for Wataniya, who is he representing?

Tony Blair and UN's Ban, JPM Chase safeguards not shown

  While awaiting the UN's answers, we note that in June 2009, "Wataniya Palestine CEO Alan Richardson recently called on Middle East envoy and former British prime minister Tony Blair to intervene on behalf of Wataniya to get the frequency released. Richardson previously has been involved in controversial cell phone projects in Iraq, with Orascom and Iraqna, contracts which the U.S. Pentagon urged the Coalition Provisional Authority to cancel.

  So to the degree Tony Blair is working for Richardson, this too is problematic. But beyond the UN and Quarter, is Blair working for Kuwait? With JPMorgan Chase's documented mandate lead arranger role for the acquisition of Wataniya, there is a conflict which, it would seem, will require action. Blair is dismissive, and the UN appears cowed. Watch this site.

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Were Galbraith's Oil Interests As Undisclosed at UN as at Opinion Pages He Wrote For?

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, November 12, updated Nov. 13 -- Following reports that former UN Deputy Special Representative to Afghanistan Peter Galbraith's oil investments are worth up to $100 million, Inner City Press on November 12 asked UN Deputy Spokesperson Marie Okabe if Galbraith disclosed this interest in his financial disclosure form.

  Ms. Okabe stated that such forms are filled out when a person joins the UN at the level Mr. Galbraith did, and are "vetted by a professional firm," namely PriceWaterhouseCoopers. But did Galbraith make the disclosure which it's now clear was required?

   Ms. Okabe refused to answer, instead referring the question to UN Ethics Officer Robert Benson, who oversees the financial disclosure regime. Inner City Press asked Mr. Benson by both e-mail and telephone, early and late on the afternoon of November 12, but received no answer by the evening.

 Update: on November 13, UN Ethics Officer Robert Benson wrote to Inner City Press that "The Ethics Office can confirm that although Mr. Galbraith is no longer with the United Nations, he was a participant in the United Nations Financial Disclosure program following his appointment; however, as provided for in GA Resolution A/RES/60/238, the information disclosed remains confidential."

   Inner City Press is informed that Galbraith is now being barred from the op-ed pages of major American media based on his failure to accurate disclose his financial interests. The New York Times confirmed this on November 13. Galbraith is arguing that he didn't read the form, a strange argument for a diplomat who argued that the U.S. didn't have to comply with UN Security Council resolutions regarding the Balkans as long as they were under Chapter VI and not VII of the UN Charter.

   Earlier, just after Galbraith was fired by Ban Ki-moon, Ban's deputy chief of peacekeeping Edmond Mulet told the Press that Galbraith had some ulterior motive which would soon become clear. On November 12, Inner City Press asked an involved UN official if Mulet had meant the oil investments, or that he might want to run for lieutenant government of Vermont. "The latter," the official said. Only at the UN.

Galbraith and Scott Ritter, disclosure of $100 million oil investment not shown

   From the November 12 transcript:

Inner City Press: ...about Peter Galbraith, former Deputy UNAMA representative and his interest in oil contracts in northern Iraq. I wanted to know when he became a Deputy Special Representative, did he fill out the financial disclosure forms, and I’d also like to know whether this investment was disclosed in those forms.

Deputy Spokesperson Marie Okabe: As you know, the financial disclosure forms are something that the Secretary-General has instituted, it’s part of his UN reform, and all staff, once they’ve joined the Organization as senior staff and those in positions that require financial disclosure, are required to fill that form out upon entry into the Organization. So it’s a requirement.

Inner City Press: [inaudible] It seems, this article would make it important to know whether this, they say the investment is worth up to $100 million, whether that was disclosed in the form and if it wasn’t, what were the reasons…?

Deputy Spokesperson Okabe: As you know, these forms are vetted by a professional firm and if they see fit that they need to follow up on any questions that they have, that is done. I think Robert Benson, when he was here last time, gave you a briefing on how that procedure works. And just because they are not made public, it does not mean that they have not been vetted, and the firm that goes through it does the vetting and if they have any questions, they do get back to the staff member and do the follow-up on that.

Inner City Press: [inaudible] is it possible to just, and I don’t expect you to do it right this moment, but to get a yes or no answer, whether that investment was disclosed in the forms. Is that going to be possible?

Deputy Spokesperson Okabe: You know, you can ask that to Robert Benson, but that’s his call.

  But Benson has yet to return a call, nor an e-mail asking the above and the following questions, below.

Update of November 13, 2009 -- the following was received:

Subj: Re: Press questions,Galbraith, whisteblowers etc, thanks in advance
From: Robert Benson [at]
To: Inner City Press
Sent: 11/13/2009 9:23:56 A.M. Eastern Standard Time

Dear Mr Lee:

Responses provided:

Hi. At today's noon press briefing, I asked if Peter Galbraith (until recently Deputy SRSG in Afghanistan) had filled out a UN financial disclosure form, and separately if he had disclosed the oil interests in Iraq reported in today's NY Times.

Marie Okabe referred me to you on both questions.

A1 -- "The Ethics Office can confirm that although Mr. Galbraith is no longer with the United Nations, he was a participant in the United Nations Financial Disclosure program following his appointment; however, as provided for in GA Resolution A/RES/60/238, the information disclosed remains confidential."

Q2 -- I have also been told that in a recent UN Dispute Tribunal hearing, about the UNDP - North Korea whistleblower case, that OLA said they would not "allow" you to testify in the case. Are you aware of this? What do you think of UNDP's failure to follow your recommendation?

A2 -- "Since this is a matter that is before the UN Dispute Tribunal, I prefer not to make any comment regarding the matter."

Q3 - How many whistleblowers deserving protection have you certified / found in the past two years? Based on how many applications / approaches?

A3 - "The detailed information regarding the number of requests for protection against retaliation received by the Ethics Office and their disposition can be found in the Office’s Annual Reports for the previous two (2) years; that is, paragraphs 59-66 of A/64/316 and paragraphs 47-53 of A/63/301."

Q4 - Finally, does your Office cover local staff of UN Peacekeeping Missions? There is a recent case of a former MONUC local staffer, alleging MONUC involvement in / knowledge of diversion of jet fuel among other things, who has told me he feels retaliated against. Would your Office have jurisdiction?

A4 - "Yes, our Office would cover a request for protection against retaliation by local staff member from a UN Peacekeeping Mission. May I suggest that you have the individual contact our Office, in that way we would be able to advise the him/her directly."

Q5 - How long more do you remain in Office?

A5- "My three (3) year appointment as the Director of the Ethics Office will end on 30 April 2010, following which I will retire. During my tenure as the United Nations first Director of Ethics, I have indicated on numerous occasions that I considered it important, particularly in relation to the independence of the Office, that I serve for a fixed term and that I leave at the conclusion of that term. The Secretary-General has been informed and has accepted my plans to retire."

  While the answers, even the next day, are appreciated, one wonders in light of Q&A 2, above, who would want this job after the retirement announced in A5 takes place. Watch this site.

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In Kabul Chaos, UN Pull Out Doesn't Add Up, Transcript Held Back, Budget Delayed

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, November 9 -- While Afghans and aid agencies criticize the UN for a lack of clarity in its partial pull out announcement after the Taliban killed five UN staff, in New York the UN insists its messages have been clear.

  Inner City Press asked, for example, if the UN's figure of 200 people leaving the country included the reported 14 UNICEF staffers who are leaving. "We have answered that "we have already answered," that the 200 include "all agency and UNAMA" personnel. Video here, from Minute 14:40.

  Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on November 6 gave a rambling answer in response to what "red lines in your head" would have to be cross for the UN to pull out completely, as it did from Iraq after the bombing of its Canal Hotel headquarters there. He said, in part, that "no UNAMA election officials will be moved out... No UNAMA field staff will be moved out."

  More than seventy hours after Mr. Ban's comments, the UN had not put the transcript online on its "Off the Cuff" comments web site, nor emailed it to the Press, as usually happens one or two hours after a public statement by Ban.

   Inner City Press, which questioned Ban on November 6 and published quotes that day about it, here, on November 9 asked Ban's spokeswoman Michele Montas why the transcript had not been put online. Video here, from Minute 30:27.

  "Mostly technical reasons," Ms. Montas replied. But Inner City Press has seen a copy of the transcript which her Office prepared before six p.m. on November 6. Notably, as Ban was answering the "red lines" question, his chief of staff Vijay Nambiar arrived at the stakeout and gestured to end it, telling Inner City Press, we cannot tell them how to attack us. Then the transcript was not put on line, and still has not been.

  But the streaming video is online, Inner City Press' questions here (from Minute 6:42) and Ban's "red lines" answer here (from Minute 12:40). The transcript which the Spokesperson's Office prepared but then did not put online has Ban saying "There will be around 200 staff in a phased way - I would like to tell you -- 120 administrative staff will be relocated in six to eight weeks, and 30 development staff in six to eight weeks and 50 administrative officers will be rotated between Kabul, Dubai and Kuwait..".

  What is the difference between "administrative staff" (120) and "administrative officers" (50)? Mr. Ban went on, "UNDP level officers -- they have ended their assignment - 30 out of 125 are now remaining in Kabul." Are the 95 who left included in the UN's evacuation count? Are the 30 who, it seems, will leave included?

  Mr. Ban on November 6 said, "there was unfortunately a misunderstanding of our positions." Neglecting to put online the transcript of the Secretary General's answers on Afghanistan for more than 70 hours doesn't help.

UN's Ban and his Spokesperson on Nov. 6, as of Nov. 9, transcript not shown

  The UN claims this is all clear, but it is not. In fact, Kabul is full of rumors of UN pull out of more than 200 system staff. The price of food has shot up. As one international aid NGO was quoted, "the UN should have offered the option for its staff to relocate, rather than issue a blanket relocation. 'That's a bad signal to everyone: The perpetrators are getting what they want and are encouraged to continue, and the population feels more and more abandoned, realizing how little it takes to frighten us away, and to leave them alone to fend for themselves, in every possible field.'"

  On behalf of the UN, Ms. Montas refused to comment on or reply to this on November 9, saying that it is all clear. But is it?

Footnote: even the budget is not clear. After announcing he was seeking money after the five staff were killed, now the spokesman for the chair of the UN Budget committee tells Inner City Press that no proposals have yet been submitted to the committee, they are anticipated as "an add on to the budget fascicle" of DSS at the end of November. The ACABQ is said to have a folder, but got the DSS management review on a much delayed basis. Fast to pull out, slow to follow through, some say. Watch this site.

* * *

UN's Security Phase Confusion in Af-Pak Shown at Stakeout, Ban and Nambiar

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, November 6 -- In a press encounter that ended in disarray, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Friday called the UN security threat level in Afghanistan confidential, despite it being public in Pakistan, and then described the reclassification, renovation and vacating of various guest houses in Kabul.

  His chief of staff Vijay Nambiar rushed to the stakeout and gestured to spokesperson Michele Montas to end it. Mr. Nambiar then told Inner City Press, we can't tell them how to attack us.

  Mr. Ban had emphasized the UN is not abandoning Afghanistan, that it cannot curtail its development efforts there. Inner City Press asked about northwest Pakistan, where the UN country office issued a press release putting the threat level at Phase IV and suspending UN development activities, and asked what the Phase is in Afghanistan. Video here, from Minute 6:42.

  Mr. Ban said that security phases are "determined by DSS" [the Department of Safety and Security] "after evaluating all situations." He said it "needs not to be known publicly."

  Inner City Press asked if there isn't a conflict of interest, like in Algeria before the UN was bombed there, in which host countries doesn't want the UN Security Phase raised, even if it's needed. Mr. Ban acknowledged that this is "very sensitive," that host countries don't like the level raised because it could effect "national prestige" and "socio economic activities." He said, however, that the UN sets its levels objectively.

  Another reporter asked, in light of the UN's pulling out of Iraq after the bombing of its Canal Hotel headquarters, what are the "red lines" that would trigger a pull out from Afghanistan. Mr. Ban began to answer. Inner City Press remarked to a diplomat at the stakeout, yeah, tell the Taliban what it would take for the UN to leave.

  Then, as Mr. Ban was describing the categorization of the UN's 93 guest houses into those to be closed and those to be brought to "MOSS" standards, Mr. Nambiar rushed back to the stakeout and gestured that this should stop. Some thought this was because of Ban's next appointment, with his advisory group of businesses on the environment. But Mr. Nambiar explained, we cannot tell them how to attack us.

UN's Ban and Nambiar leave Council, divergence on disclosure not yet shown

  While this statement was at the stakeout, with no mention of being off the record or on background, some have since tried to say this was implicit. For this reason, Inner City Press is not using the direct quote. But in fact, it is not surprising that even the UN's 38th floor would have divergent views on how much to disclose. Both positions in this case could be defended. And reporting these facts is to show how the UN actually functions.

  Inner City Press asked this month's Security Council president, Austria's Thomas Mayr-Harting, if Mr. Ban had told the Council in its consultations what the UN Security Phase is in Afghanistan. He said he would rather not "get into the details." Video here.

  Another reporter remarked to Inner City Press that "it is easy enough to learn the UN Security Phase." But why then be so secretive? In fact, Inner City Press is informed that the Phase in Afghanistan, even after the killing of five UN staff in a commando style raid by the Taliban, was kept at Phase III, while it was raised to Phase IV in Pakistan. Is this objective? Watch this site.

 Click here for an Inner City Press YouTube channel video, mostly UN Headquarters footage, about civilian deaths in Sri Lanka.

Click here for Inner City Press' March 27 UN debate

Click here for Inner City Press March 12 UN (and AIG bailout) debate

Click here for Inner City Press' Feb 26 UN debate

Click here for Feb. 12 debate on Sri Lanka

Click here for Inner City Press' Jan. 16, 2009 debate about Gaza

Click here for Inner City Press' review-of-2008 UN Top Ten debate

Click here for Inner City Press' December 24 debate on UN budget, Niger

Click here from Inner City Press' December 12 debate on UN double standards

Click here for Inner City Press' November 25 debate on Somalia, politics

and this October 17 debate, on Security Council and Obama and the UN.

* * *

These reports are usually also available through Google News and on Lexis-Nexis.

Click here for a Reuters AlertNet piece by this correspondent about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army. Click here for an earlier Reuters AlertNet piece about the Somali National Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's $200,000 contribution from an undefined trust fund.  Video Analysis here

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