Alston Critiques MONUC's Doss As Lax on Rights, Nepotism Biter Case
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, October 27 -- The UN Mission in the Congo under its chief
Alan Doss is "mistakenly" dismissive of reports
massacres by the Congolese army units it works with, the UN's
Rapporteur on executions Philip Alston told the Press on Tuesday.
Alan Doss
delivered a self congratulatory briefing to the Security Council on
October 16, Inner City Press asked him about Alston's
report about
the Congo, and the other
nepotism and misuse of UN resources scandals
surrounding Mr. Doss. He was
dismissive of both, saying that he
wasn't convinced by Alston's report, and that the scandals
were being
investigated so he would not comment.
Inner City
Press asked Alston about Doss' response, Alston noted that even the
Congolese minister for communications essentially admitted the
massacres took place. "Where does that leave MONUC, saying we
don't have evidence," Alston asked. Video here,
from Minute
specifically about Doss, Alston said while he understands the
reluctance of a Special Representative of the Secretary General not
wanting to derail his mission with what seem "minor human
rights" violations, Doss' is a "mistaken way of looking at
it." In fact, Alston said this approach makes MONUC
claims to get
assurances from the Congolese government of Joseph Kabila, but Alston
said that such behind the scenes talks do not "leave the UN
looking very good." He mocked the responses of MONUC "at a
high level," saying, "rest assured, we speak to the
Congolese Army." "Assurances are not the answer,"
Alston said, until there is "something on paper," for
example MONUC actually stopping working with specific units of the
Congolese Army. Don't hold your breath, at least not under Alan Doss.

UN's Alan Doss in North Kivu, scandals and critique not shown
the case of the UN versus Nicola Baroncini, the UN Development
Program worker whose job was give to Alan Doss' daughter Rebecca
after Doss wrote to UNDP asking for "leeway, is scheduled to
continue in criminal court in New York on October 28.
According to
the defendant, the UN says it can't or won't drop the charges --
against a man who was pepper sprayed before he reportedly bit
Security Officer Peter Kolonias -- because he had tried to contact
Officer Kolonias. But if the UN can press charges in court, why can't
charges be pressed against it? Watch this site.
Somalia, UN's Pascoe Blames Shabaab for Marketplace Shelling, Hiring
Hush Up
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, October 27 -- Having been turned back from Somali airspace
during a mortar attack on the Mogadishu airport, the UN's political
chief Lynn Pascoe on Tuesday presented to the Press a rosy picture of
successful peacekeeping by Burundi and Uganda. Inner City Press asked
about reports that these African Union peacekeepers fired into a
marketplace and residential neighborhoods, killing at least twenty
on what kind of story you're trying to write," Pascoe answered,
repeating the claim that Al Shabaab has been shelling the
neighborhoods it controls in order to blame the AU peacekeepers.
Video here,
from Minute 12:15.
Shabaab has
threatened to target Burundi and Uganda for the incident. Inner City
Press asked Pascoe if that might impact his upbeat story of a growing
AU force in Somalia. "Threats and statements are just threats
and statements," Pascoe said. Video here,
from Minute 20:08. He
said that the two countries are there because they perceive a threat
from Somalia to their own peace and security.
threat Somalia
poses to Burundi is not entirely clear. Nor is the legality of
Uganda's new screening of all Somalis in its territory, as an
anti-terrorism measure. On that, Inner City Press asked Charles
Petrie, now the deputy to Ould Abdallah at the UN's mission to
Somalia, based in Nairobi, if it is true that the U.S. is withholding
$50 million in food aid in connection with an internal investigation
by the UN World Food Program of alleged diversions.
said to
"ask the State Department," and claimed it is not really
about WFP. But WFP has admitted it it investigating itself. So which
is it? Petrie dismissed claims by Somalis that food is being used as
a political weapon, saying that there are spoilers in Somalia who are
"on lists." Video here,
from Minute 21:59.
on Tuesday,
Inner City Press asked Richard Barrett of the UN's Al Queda / Taliban
Sanctions committee about this withholding of aid, and if there is
any proof linking Al Shabaab to Al Qaeda. Barrett repeated what he
had said in July, that Al Shabaab praises Al Qaeda. Video here.
But is that the
standard of proof? Recently, his committee de-listed that Barakaat
financial institution, which had many remittances to Somalia frozen
without any due process.

UN's Pascoe, answers on hiring flap not shown
Chairman of this Resolution 1267 Committee, Austria's Ambassador Thomas
Mayr-Harting, said that those sanctions are not
punitive but preventive, and some are taken off once they no longer
pose a threat. Video here.
But did they ever?
And how are they made whole? As in
the Congo, the UN has taken sides in a conflict, and now suffers the
consequences, including to the dwindling perception of its
Inner City Press, which first reported on what many in and out of
Pascoe's Department of Political Affairs view as a hiring scandal in
which Pascoe laterally moved into a Sanctions Branch position an
Irish woman -- said to have long been pushed within DPA, back to two
directorships ago under British management -- after a full
recruitment process had been done, asked Pascoe about it.
refused to
comment. At first he said his answer would be boring. Then he said he
would not comment on "my internal relations with my staff."
But it is a UN reform issue. The UN preaches transparency and
accountability but refuses to practice either.
* * *
Sri Lanka, UN's Alston Probes Execution Video, Kaelin Says His Praise
Was Misquoted
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, October 27 -- As Sri Lanka announces another internal
investigation of the war crimes charges against it, at the UN on
Tuesday the Special Rapporteur on executions Philip Alston told the
Press he has "begun to commission some analyses of that video
tape" depicting Sri Lankan soldiers shooting bound and naked
prisoners. Video here,
from Minute 6:56.
City Press
asked Alston about the reports that people seeking to surrender in
May, waving white flags after in some cases speaking with UN
officials, were shot and killed, reportedly on orders from the
highest ranks of the Sri Lanka military. Video here,
from Minute
have an independent inquiry," Alston said,
noting that past "investigations" by the government were
not independent. He used as his example that two Sri Lankan military
figures were charged with investigating the execution video. The
government of Sri Lanka cannot be proud of its track record, Alston
commissioning his own analysis of the video, Alston said he "would
have liked the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights"
Navi Pillay to have undertaken an investigation, as was done for
example by Justice Richard Goldstone of the conflict in Gaza this
City Press
asked Alston about the countries on the Human Rights Council which
have rebuffed his requests to visit, including both China and Russia,
which blocked Security Council consideration of the conflict in Sri
Lanka this Spring. Alston said "there has to be a limit,"
presumably to what members of the Human Rights Council can do. But
for now, there are no limits. Alston's mandate expires in August 2010
and will no be renewed.

UN Rapporteur Alston at UN before, OHCHR
investigation of Sri Lanka not shown
Rapporteurs, on Internally Displaced People and freedom of religion,
also took questions about Sri Lanka on Tuesday. Inner City Press
asked IDP expert Walter Kaelin about a headline in
Sri Lanka, "UN
envoy pleased with progress," in the Sunday Observer of
September 27.
said he'd
never spoken with that newspaper, and went on to criticize the
conditions in the Manik Farms camps. He said people were being moved
out. Inner City Press asked if the so called transit camps also
restrict movement. He said that they did, and that this did not
comply with international humanitarian law. Video here.
But the UN keeps funding
it, apparently.
City Press
asked about IDPs' right to return to their homes, and not be
displaced, as some say is planned in northern Sri Lanka east of A9,
by members of other ethnic grounds. While Kaelin said there is a
right to return which the government of Sri Lanka has not disputed,
he acknowledged that he is not able to closely monitor what happens
on the ground. And therein lies the problem.
City Press
asked the Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief Asma Jahangir
about this same issue, Sinhalese versus Tamils, the Buddhist
triumphalism some see in Sri Lanka. She acknowledged she'd heard of
it, ascribing it to political fights "long ago." Video here.
But these
fights continue. The UN system, even its special rapporteurs, may
appear out of touch. Watch this site.
* * *
Sri Lanka, UN Inaction on Torture, Refugees, Peacekeepers' War Crimes
and Sexual Abuse
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, October 24 -- While the UN claims to be much concerned about
civilians in and from Sri Lanka, a week of questioning five separate
officials at UN headquarters tells a different story. When Inner City
Press asked the UN's special rapporteur on torture Manfred Nowak if
he'd looked into the case of the two UN system staff members
disappeared and they say tortured by the Sri Lankan government, he
said no. Video here.
City Press
has asked two of the spokespeople for Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
what is the UN system doing about the Sri Lankan asylum seekers on
hunger strike in Indonesia, blocked from Australia, and now off
Canada. Each time an answer has been promised, but none has been
UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on a panel about human
trafficking, Inner City Press asked what the UN made of claims that
these Tamil asylum seekers were somehow engaged in traffic. Ms.
Pillay did not answer, leaving another panelist to answer, in
essence, not necessarily. Video here.
most recently the US State
Department report detailing what elsewhere
are called war crimes, the UN
Department of Peacekeeping Operations
is contracting for 198 more Sri Lankan soldiers to patrol in Haiti.
Inner City Press asked what safeguards are in place to determine if
any of the supposed peacekeepers were themselves engaged in crimes of
war. UN associate spokesman Farhan Haq replied, "DPKO
relies upon
the troop-contributing countries to vet all of their soldiers to make
sure that their records are clean regarding any sort of involvement
in violations." This
position was repeated by a representative of UN Police. Video here.

Sri Lankan troops in Haiti, war crimes not shown
a Friday press
conference promoting a concert for Peacekeeping, sponsored by Chinese
businessmen who contracted for photographs with Ban Ki-moon, a pro-UN
director spoke glowingly of the Sri Lankan troops in Haiti. Inner
City Press noted that a full contingent was sent home amid charges of
sexual abuse and exploitation. They talked about that, the director
answered, they said there were some bad apples. Video here.
Meanwhile in
Toronto, Tamils have protested in front of UNICEF. Is it any wonder?
the October 23 trancript:
City Press: I’ve seen that Sri Lanka is sending a contingent of
198 peacekeepers to Haiti on 8 November, and I’m wondering, in
light of the Office of the Human Rights finding, this United States
State Department finding, looking into war crimes, and a European
Union thing on [inaudible], there’s a lot of findings -- what is
DPKO [the Department of Peacekeeping Operations] going to do in terms
of making sure that the soldiers sent didn’t participate in what
now a number of people say credibly may be war crimes? What
safeguards are in place?
Spokesperson Haq: As you know, as a standard rule, DPKO relies upon
the troop-contributing countries to vet all of their soldiers to make
sure that their records are clean regarding any sort of involvement
in violations.
* * *
Sri Lanka Postponing Visit of UN's Caemmart Retaliation?
UN Claims Photo-Op Was Disclosure
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, October 20 -- The Sri Lankan government is already delaying
the visit of the UN's Patrick Cammaert, announced a mere week ago as
starting in early November. In response to questions from Inner City
Press last week, UN Children and Armed Conflict expert Radhika
Coomaraswamy disclosed for the first time that the government had
agreed to an early November visit by Mr. Cammaert, formerly with the
UN Peacekeeping Mission in the Congo.
City Press reported
that sources told it the visit would be delayed.
Tuesday it was authoritatively and multiply confirmed to Inner City
Press, that
the government has pushed the date back to November 23 -- a time
which currently doesn't work for Mr. Cammaert.
pretext for the delay is that it is moving some of the youths from
one camp to another. These moves are of course within the control of
the government, and it is not at all clear that the government didn't
know about its move last week.

Childen in Sri Lankan IDP camp in May,
November visit on children and armed conflict not yet shown
some, the postponement seems a heavy handed reaction to Ms.
Coomaraswamy having said anything publicly about Cammaert's trip.
Then again, Inner City Press' sources for yesterday's item now say
that the government is dangling the possibility of reinstating
Cammaert. It is called trying to control the UN's speech: quite
successfully, of late.
following yesterday's
piece which questioned why Ban Ki-moon's
Spokesperson did not last week in lengthy noon briefing read-outs
mention anything about Ban's meeting with the Sri Lankan minister,
the Spokesperson points to the listing of a photo-op between the two.
Inner City Press, which had seen that before publishing yesterday's
not inconsistent piece, has asked for a copy of Ban's Daily Schedule
for October 12,
an on the record answer as to why the Spokesperson's Office does not
archive Ban's daily schedule and an explanation of how it is decided
which of the S-G's meetings and calls are presented in the initial
parts of noon briefings or in writing, and which are only summarized
if someone knows to ask. Watch
this site.
* * *
Sri Lankan IDPs Shot, UN's Pascoe Says Camps To Be "Thinned
Out," Council Should Meet
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, September 28 -- Just after the Sri Lankan Army shot people
leaving the Manik Farms camps in Vavuniya, Sri Lanka's Prime
Minister, Foreign Minister and Secretary of Defense met in New York
with the UN's highest officials.
Inner City Press asked
the head of the UN's Department of Political Affairs Lynn Pascoe
about the shooting incidents, whether the Sri Lankan
Army's web site
had misquoted him, and why the UN had not convened a meeting about
Sri Lankan during the last week's General Debate. Video here,
Minute 55:49.
the shooting,
Pascoe attributed it to overcrowding in the Manik Farms camps, saying
"they need to be thinning it out." He acknowledged that the
Sri Lankan Army had put a "different spin" on what he said
during his visit this month. Inner City Press asked about the headline
"You have better story than is getting out today -
Pascoe to President." Inner City Press asked this question ten
days ago, without getting any answer.
said he
was only been referring to de-mining, that he was "surprised"
he was quoted "for saying things quite in the way that [he] had
said them." But why didn't the UN seek a correction then, as it
has when for example Sudan characterized what the UN told them in a
bilateral conversation?
said that
the meeting with Defense Secretary (and Presidential brother)
Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickramanayaka and
Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama was attended not only by Ban
Ki-moon, but also by John Holmes and Vijay Nambiar.
Pascoe sought
to turn to another questioner, Inner City Press reminded him of the
unanswered question of why the UN had not set up a meeting during the
General Debate, as it did on Myanmar, Somalia and other countries.

UN's Pascoe on Sept. 28, Sri Lanka's "different
spin" not shown
Pascoe said there had been some thought "early on" of
convening such a meeting about Sri Lanka, but it didn't happen. He
added that "it is important for the Security Council to
discuss... in their rooms or in the basement." Well, the UN
Charter provides for the Secretary General to convene a Security
Council meeting, under Article 99. Watch this site.
in continued reporting
on the delayed U.S. State Department report on
war crimes in Sri Lanka, which was due before Congress on September
21 but was then deferred, Inner City Press has been told that staff
for Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont found deficiencies with the
report, having nothing to do with the stealth visit of Gotabhaya
Rajapaksa. Meanwhile, in Europe the possible termination of Sri
Lanka's GSP Plus tariff benefit is set to be discussed on October 1,
and voted on by October 15. We'll see.
City Press' June 18 debate on Sri Lanka, click here
Click here
for an Inner City Press YouTube channel video, mostly UN Headquarters
footage, about civilian
in Sri Lanka.
Click here for Inner City
Press' March 27 UN debate
Click here for Inner City
Press March 12 UN (and AIG
bailout) debate
Click here for Inner City
Press' Feb 26 UN debate
for Feb.
12 debate on Sri Lanka http://bloggingheads.tv/diavlogs/17772?in=11:33&out=32:56
Click here for Inner City Press' Jan.
16, 2009 debate about Gaza
Click here for Inner City Press'
review-of-2008 UN Top Ten debate
Click here for Inner
City Press' December 24 debate on UN budget, Niger
Click here from Inner City Press'
December 12 debate on UN double standards
Click here for Inner
City Press' November 25 debate on Somalia, politics
and this October 17 debate, on
Security Council and Obama and the UN.
* * *
reports are
usually also available through Google
News and on Lexis-Nexis.
Click here
for a Reuters
AlertNet piece by this correspondent
about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army. Click
for an earlier Reuters AlertNet piece about the Somali
Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's $200,000 contribution from an
undefined trust fund. Video
Analysis here
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