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Hype of UN Women Relaunch Has Bachelet Dodging on Impunity and Chile, Even Praising Libya, A Work in Progress

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, February 24 -- The (re) launch of UN Women Thursday night in the General Assembly drew more photographers than reporters. The agency has already existed for two months. Still, attendees of the Commission on the Status of Women were excited, and cheered speeches by, among others, Nigeria's Ambassador Joy Ogwu and UN Women chief Michele Bachelet.

Afterward Bachelet took three questions from the press. She dodged a question about Chile, where she used to be President. Inner City Press asked her about Libya being on the board of UN Women, and what if anything she has accomplished in two months on the immunity of UN peacekeepers when they commit sexual abuse or exploitation while on mission.

Bachelet said that all 41 countries on UN Women's board have been helpful - a strange answer given the belated mobilization of the UN system on the violence in Libya.

   Afterwards it was remarked, if one wants to become Secretary General, you can't duck questions on a topic like Libya today.

    Bachelet gave a multi-part answer on peacekeeping, including training women mediators. But on immunity, which leads to impunity, nothing. We'll keep asking.

  While UN Women is mostly a consolidation of the UN's pre-existing women's programs, it has units like one researching the rights and plight of expatriate domestic workers. It is a work in progress.

Bachelet on Feb 24, answers on Chile and impunity not shown, (c) MRLee

  The event began with the announcement that Christiane Amanpour could not be present, replaced by Ju Ju Chang. Ju Ju described Mrs. Ban as a good woman behind her man -- groan -- and introduced an activist from Nepal. Qatar is opposed by Nepal for the next President of the General Assembly post. Most say that Qatar's money will win the day. So it goes at the UN.

Footnote: the mood is energetic at the UN, it must be said. Inner City Press spoke with a CSW delegate who last visited the UN 40 years ago, very happy to see the GA again. People ask strangers to take their picture. The UN has a lot of social capital, but persists in wasting it.

* * *

Under Gadhafi, UNDP has Praised Libya on MDGs & UN Women, Contra Ban

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, February 22 -- As questions mount about the UN's coddling of dictators in the Middle East and North Africa, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and his spokesman have claimed that the UN, through the UN Development Program and its Human Development Report, have been criticizing the region's lack of democracy for years. Click here for UN's February 17 answer to Inner City Press.

  But the UN system's coordinator for Libya, UNDP official Costanza Farina, has in fact been praising Gadhafi's regime. She has said, “''Libya has made immense progress and is well positioned among the countries that will be able to say that they have reached 8 of the Millennium Objectives in 2015.”  And click here, 2010 "UNIC Tripoli organizes Reception at UN House in celebration of UN Day."

  She has also praised Gadhafi on women's rights, as Libya is on the board of UN Women:

the UN chief for Libya, Costanza Farina, said that the fight against violence against women was one of the priorities of the agencies operating in the country and announced that the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), thanks to a contribution from the Dutch embassy in Tripoli, would be able to support the programme financially. Farina added that Libya is one of the 41 members elected to the executive committee of the new UN Women agency, which was created on July 2 to show the desire of governments to respect women. Farina also said that "Libya confirmed the equality in rights between men and women in 1969.”

Maybe she is unaware, as “local UN officials said, the new coordinator of the UN in Libya, Costanza Farina, credited only last June 1, is located in Geneva.”

 As of February 22, UNDP Libya had a blank press release page.

On February 17, Inner City Press had asked Nesirky

Inner City Press: Is there any thought of using the existing UN programs on the ground, whether it is UNDP or otherwise? There was some criticism of this training of police in Egypt prior to the — there was criticism by NGOs that it didn’t bring in human rights activists but rather Government people. Is there some thinking of how — the UNDP website about Libya hasn’t been updated now in several months, I guess — it seems to some, due to the turmoil. What about these UN…?

Spokesperson Nesirky: Who might that be? Who is it, these people who think it might be?

Inner City Press: People that look at it and have seen that it was updated all the way, until suddenly there was turmoil in the country and then it is not updated any more. What’s the role, according to the Secretary-General, of the existing UN programmes in countries like Libya and Yemen, where Helen Clark visited and didn’t say anything about democracy?

UN's Ban & Gadhafi, MDG and woman's right praise not shown- erased?

Spokesperson Nesirky: Well, there are lots of, as you know, across the region, there is a UN presence in different constellations; country teams with different components, whether it is UNDP or other UN agencies, funds and programmes. Of course, given that they are already on the ground, given that they have been working there in different capacities on different projects, they are well placed to be further involved. But this is part of a bigger picture, and it is being very carefully coordinated.

Inner City Press: Is there any change of policy? I guess I am saying, given that the announcement today that the UN is sort of taking cognizance of all this, is there, is that…?

Spokesperson Nesirky: Well, Matthew, it’s hardly an announcement today. This is something that has been said consistently for a number of weeks now. And indeed, further back, as you know, the Human Development Reports on the Arab world have been saying this for the best part of a decade. So, okay, thank you very much.

What have the UN and UNDP been saying about Gadhafi, other than praising MDG achievements and women's rights in Libya? Watch this site.

* * *

As Libya Kills Protesters, Gadhafi Daughter is UN Ambassador, UNDP Silent

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, February 20 -- As in Libya the forces, including mercenaries, of Colonel Moammar Gadhafi shoot and kill peaceful protesters, the UN has been nearly entirely silent.

  On the morning of February 20, Inner City Press asked UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's spokesman Martin Nesirky:

In the wake of the gunning down of 46 democracy protesters in Libya’s second largest city, Benghazi, by security forces under the command of Colonel Gadafi, is the UN reassessing its relationship with Col Gadhafi’s daughter, Aicha, who the UN has designated a “Goodwill Ambassador?

Has the Secretary-General sought to use the UN’s special relationship with its Goodwill Ambassador Dr Aicha Gadhafi to persuade her father not to use such excessive force against peaceful demonstrators?

  Nine hours later, no response at all from the UN. Inner City Press also asked Ban's spokesman Nesirky “in this context, the Secretary-General's planned trip to California to meet and greet 'the entertainment industry,' how much is this trip costing, and is it funded by the Regular Budget of the UN -- and if not, what is the funding source?” Again, no answer.

On February 17, Inner City Press had asked Nesirky

Inner City Press: Is there any thought of using the existing UN programs on the ground, whether it is UNDP or otherwise? There was some criticism of this training of police in Egypt prior to the — there was criticism by NGOs that it didn’t bring in human rights activists but rather Government people. Is there some thinking of how — the UNDP website about Libya hasn’t been updated now in several months, I guess — it seems to some, due to the turmoil. What about these UN…?

Spokesperson Nesirky: Who might that be? Who is it, these people who think it might be?

Inner City Press: People that look at it and have seen that it was updated all the way, until suddenly there was turmoil in the country and then it is not updated any more.

UN's Ban and Gadhafi, Goodwill Ambassador daughter not shown

Inner City Press: What’s the role, according to the Secretary-General, of the existing UN programmes in countries like Libya and Yemen, where Helen Clark visited and didn’t say anything about democracy?

Spokesperson Nesirky: Well, there are lots of, as you know, across the region, there is a UN presence in different constellations; country teams with different components, whether it is UNDP or other UN agencies, funds and programmes. Of course, given that they are already on the ground, given that they have been working there in different capacities on different projects, they are well placed to be further involved. But this is part of a bigger picture, and it is being very carefully coordinated.

Inner City Press: Is there any change of policy? I guess I am saying, given that the announcement today that the UN is sort of taking cognizance of all this, is there, is that…?

Spokesperson Nesirky: Well, Matthew, it’s hardly an announcement today. This is something that has been said consistently for a number of weeks now. And indeed, further back, as you know, the Human Development Reports on the Arab world have been saying this for the best part of a decade. So, okay, thank you very much.

But what had the UN been doing about Libya? Watch this site.

 Click here for an Inner City Press YouTube channel video, mostly UN Headquarters footage, about civilian deaths in Sri Lanka.

Click here for Inner City Press' March 27 UN debate

Click here for Inner City Press March 12 UN (and AIG bailout) debate

Click here for Inner City Press' Feb 26 UN debate

Click here for Feb. 12 debate on Sri Lanka

Click here for Inner City Press' Jan. 16, 2009 debate about Gaza

Click here for Inner City Press' review-of-2008 UN Top Ten debate

Click here for Inner City Press' December 24 debate on UN budget, Niger

Click here from Inner City Press' December 12 debate on UN double standards

Click here for Inner City Press' November 25 debate on Somalia, politics

and this October 17 debate, on Security Council and Obama and the UN.

* * *

These reports are usually also available through Google News and on Lexis-Nexis.

Click here for a Reuters AlertNet piece by this correspondent about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army. Click here for an earlier Reuters AlertNet piece about the Somali National Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's $200,000 contribution from an undefined trust fund.  Video Analysis here

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