At UN,
Budget May Cut Iraq and Conference Funding, Corruption Issues Raised, a Snapshot
Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at the UN: News Analysis
December 21, 11:30 a.m. -- On the last day to
adopt the UN
budget, negotiations continued in the smoky basement of the world body's
headquarters, with proposals to cut the Procurement Task Force and a new UN
building in Iraq opposed by proposals to reduce staffing levels, de-fund a
conference and call for a vote on a one-time fix for UN pensioners in
Ecuador. As of late Friday morning, negotiations continued. A snapshot of the
elements in-play is provided in a negotiation document obtained by Inner City
Press and placed online
The "Provisional Package" document, reflecting proposed cost-cuts as of the
night of December 18, shows the Fifth (budget) Committee cutting $180 million
from the Secretary-General's Special Political Missions. That is the amount Ban
Ki-moon has proposed spending to build a new headquarters in Baghdad, to expand
UN presence in Iraq. The Fifth Committee also proposed increasing the "vacancy
rate" of UN professional staff to 6.3%, and of general service staff to 3.3%,
for a savings of $35 million. All told, compared to a the Secretary-General's
proposed budget of $4.5 billion, the proposed cuts of the UN's Advisory
Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions ($33 million) and of the
Fifth Committee ($319 million) would reduce the budget to $4.15 billion.

At UN, budget fight swirls
But are
these reductions enough for the United States? Friday's New York Times
apparently sourced nearly entirely to the U.S. and Procurement Task Force, that
Singapore is winning in its battle to shut the PTF after six months. The Times
opines that the conflict around the PTF "represents the continuing suspicion
developing countries have about international intervention in their affairs,"
which connotes, throughout 2007, the controversy around the U.S.'s allegations
of wrongdoing in
the UN Development Program's operations in North Korea. The Times ascribes
the current PTF conflict to the Task Force's case against Singaporean
procurement official Andrew Toh.
Ironically, while the Times' coverage appears to side with the U.S. and PTF
against Mr. Toh and Singapore, the Times fairly clearly sided with UNDP,
including running the name of an until-then anonymous whistleblower. This may
show even-handedness: the Times' reporting is pro-U.S. on the PTF, while siding
with UNDP over the U.S.'s allegations about North Korea. (That's
more even-handed
than the PTF, which is apparently uninterested in the recent
$250 million no-bid
contract to U.S.-based Lockheed Martin.)
But the
allegations of lack of controls in UNDP's programs in North Korea were upheld by
the UN's Board of Auditors, and continue to be investigated by a UNDP-named
panel. Meanwhile, unmentioned by the Times, Mr. Toh has recently prevailed in
his case before the UN's Joint Appeals Board, which has reputedly recommended
that the UN pay him damages. (Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon can accept or reject
the recommendation.)
The Times
says funding for the PTF is "not a budget matter so much as a political one."
But it interacts with the budget negotiations. The U.S. is calling for a vote,
rather than the usual consensus, on a proposal to modify the pensions of UN
retirees in Ecuador, given changes in exchange rates. The U.S. has sought to,
diplomats say, line-item veto
funding of a
follow-up anti-racism conference which it calls anti-Israel. Meanwhile, the
Fifth Committee has proposed cutting $15 million from the Office of Central
Support Services, the unit previously headed by Mr. Toh. A show-down is looming,
watch this space.
* * *
here for a
AlertNet piece by this correspondent about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army.
for an earlier
Reuters AlertNet
piece about the Somali National Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's
$200,000 contribution from an undefined trust fund.
Analysis here
Because a number of Inner City Press'
UN sources go out of their way to express commitment to serving the poor, and
while it should be unnecessary, Inner City Press is compelled to conclude this
installment in a necessarily-ongoing series by saluting the stated goals of the
UN agencies and many of their staff. Keep those cards, letters and emails
coming, and phone calls too, we apologize for any phone tag, but please continue
trying, and keep the information flowing.
Feedback: Editorial
UN Office: S-453A,
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(and weekends): 718-716-3540
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