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At UN, Drafts on MDGs Stalled on World Bank Reforms, Serb & EU Votes, Portuguese Junkets for UNSC Seat

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, September 6 -- A handful of contentious General Assembly resolutions and an outcome document on the Millennium Development Goals are to be decided on in the coming days at the UN.

The MDGs document was to have been finalized on September 3 but could not be. It will be taken up again on September 7. The ALBA Group of left-leaning Latin American nations is, for example, trying to get in language about reforming the World Bank.

  Various UN agencies are trying to slip self serving clauses in; there is opposition to including praise of Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's maternal health programs unless similar praise of Cuba's work in Africa is included. It is typical UN.

  A vote is predicted for September 9 on Serbia's resolution on the International Court of Justice's ruling that Kosovo's declaration of independence was no illegal. Well placed sources tell Inner City Press that Serbia may lose the vote -- and that the European Union, which has moved its resolution to gain special powers in the General Assembly back to September 13, may also lose. But are the two connected?

EU's Ashton in GA, special powers not yet shown

Meanwhile, following Inner City Press' report of junkets offered by Germany and Canada to further their candidacies for the two Western European and Other Group seats on the Security Council, sources have come forward to point out that Portugal, the other candidate, has despite its financial problems also been offering junkets.

   These are along the river in the northern part of the country where the port wine comes from; they are paid for out of the country's budget to promote tourism. Click here for Inner City Press' Labor Day report on Equatorial Guinea's desire to join the Community of Portuguese Language Countries, blocked by Angola. Sources describe luxury housing developments on the outskirts of Lisbon where up to one third of the units are sold to those with oil money spirited out of Angola. And so it goes.

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For UNSC Seats, Canada & Germany Offer Junkets, Colombia Opposed by Chavez & Alba Group? India In, Zuma MIA?

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, September 2 -- To choose the five new non permanent members of the UN Security Council, one contest is known, another only rumored.

India and South Africa are running unopposed, even though the latter's president Jacob Zuma is now not coming to the UN General Debate in late September. Colombia still maintains it's unopposed, but sources say that the endorsement of the regional group GRULAC is by no means assured, due to opposition from Venezuela and members of the ALBA group.

Inner City Press asked Venezuela's Ambassador Valero about the controversy on the evening of September 1. He acknowledged GRULAC support was being withheld, but said this might change if relations with new Colombian president Santos continued to improve.

Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's appointment of Alvaro Urbibe to his panel of the assault on the Gaza flotilla continues to chafe the Grupo Alba. Venezuela is slated to head the Group of 77 and China in the coming year, and will act on that appointment at that time.

  Skeptical observers link Ban's Uribe appointment not only to a desire to please the U.S. and Israel, but also Colombia, as it would have a vote on Ban's second term. Ban's backtrack on Kashmir is also seen in this light.

The competition between Germany, Canada and Portugal for the two Western Europe and Other Group (WEOG) seats is heating up, with attempts to buy votes. The Permanent Representative of the Democratic Republic of the Congo complained to Inner City Press about Canada flying five African Ambassadors north last weekend, and said he was not going.

Last month outside the General Assembly's session on the floods in Pakistan, Inner City Press asked Canada's foreign minister Lawrence Cannon how the campaign was going. Good, good, he said with a smile.

On the evening of August 30, simultaneous with Russia's End of Security Council Presidency party uptown, Germany held a reception in the UN's North Lawn building, promoting its funding of African border demarcations.

Sources told Inner City Press that Germany behind the scenes was topping Canada by inviting African and other developing world Ambassadors for a European junket.

  Inner City Press asked the German mission to “please confirm or deny that Germany recently invited a number of developing world diplomats and their spouses to Germany. Please state how many diplomats and spouses were invited, including how many from Africa and from which countries, to where, and why. Please comment on the relation between these invitations and Germany's run for a Security Council seat 2011-12.”

Six hours later Inner City Press received a response from the German mission to the UN, below.

UN's Ban & Angela Merkel,
Gästeprogramm not shown

Subject: Re: press questions
From: .NEWYVN POL-2-6 Eberl, Alexander
To: "Matthew R. Lee" Inner City Press
Date: Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 6:49 PM

Dear Mr. Lee, thank you for your mail... Within the framework of the so-called “Gästeprogramm der Bundesrepublik Deutschland” (Visitors Programm of the Federal Republic of Germany) the Federal Government and the German Bundestag jointly and regularly invite different groups of foreign personalities to Germany.

This well-established programme stretches back to the early years of the Federal Republic and has through time covered a wide variety of countries and topics. It is aimed at foreign personalities with an accentuated role in their country, be it in politics, society or culture – or journalism. The programme intends to foster the dialogue between Germany and other countries, societies and cultures. Please note, that spouses are not invited or covered by the programme.

Various groups – among them this year all in all around fifty diplomats from developing countries based in New York – were invited to Germany. They held fruitful meetings and talks both in Berlin as well as in other German places.

The aim of the Visitors Programme has always been to make insights available and thereby improve the understanding of Germany. It goes without saying that Germany – as a keen multilateralist – has an interest to provide decision-makers with opportunities of firsthand information.

Best regards,

Alexander Eberl, Press & Public Relations
Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations

Can Portugal, given its financial problems, keep up? Should UN Security Council seats be for sale? Watch this site.

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At UN, Ban Lunches with Reporters, Menu Includes Corruption, Maybe Congo

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, August 31, 11:45 am -- What's in a lunch? For a week now, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has been holding lunch meetings with groups of four to five journalists at a time.

 These come after attacks on Ban for a failure to fight corruption in the UN, following by the scandal of the UN's inaction as 154 women were raped 20 miles from one of its peacekeeping bases in the Congo.

  At the August 27 UN noon briefing, two journalists not invited to the lunches inquired into Ban's criteria for issuing invitations, and afterward linked the lunches to an attempt by Ban to improve his image with an eye toward winning a second term. Ban's spokesman Martin Nesirky returned fire, figuratively, at the journalists.

  Inner City Press has been invited to lunch with Ban later today. Neither in the invitation nor subsequent back and forth was the lunch described as off the record. (This report is being written and published an hour before the lunch, for the record.) Inner City Press asked who else would be present, but has not been told.

  At least at the first of the lunches, Under Secretary General for Management Angela Kane was present, and the charges in former USG Inga Britt Ahlenius and her stinging End of Assignment Report were discussed.

   Will Ms. Kane be present at the August 31 session? Inner City Press asked, but was not told. A session later last week included Ban's speechwriter Michael Meyer, as well as spokesman Nesirky.

   We return and will return to the question, what are these lunches for?

UN's Ban and Kane at a previous lunch, on record response on Congo not shown

  A member of Team Ban has said he likes to meet the press. Ban is certainly cordial: earlier on Tuesday on his way into the General Assembly's meeting on human trafficking, he greeted Inner City Press, amid glad handing with many ambassadors. But he rarely speaks on the record, for example on the Congo rape scandal. Will he, at the lunch?

  Some of Ban's better moment have been off the record. He gave a speech full of jokes, in the photo op room next to his office. Inner City Press was told not to film it, not to report it. He told a story about landing in Afghanistan - off the record. His handlers don't seem to know what they are doing. We'll see. Watch this site.

 Click here for an Inner City Press YouTube channel video, mostly UN Headquarters footage, about civilian deaths in Sri Lanka.

Click here for Inner City Press' March 27 UN debate

Click here for Inner City Press March 12 UN (and AIG bailout) debate

Click here for Inner City Press' Feb 26 UN debate

Click here for Feb. 12 debate on Sri Lanka

Click here for Inner City Press' Jan. 16, 2009 debate about Gaza

Click here for Inner City Press' review-of-2008 UN Top Ten debate

Click here for Inner City Press' December 24 debate on UN budget, Niger

Click here from Inner City Press' December 12 debate on UN double standards

Click here for Inner City Press' November 25 debate on Somalia, politics

and this October 17 debate, on Security Council and Obama and the UN.

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These reports are usually also available through Google News and on Lexis-Nexis.

Click here for a Reuters AlertNet piece by this correspondent about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army. Click here for an earlier Reuters AlertNet piece about the Somali National Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's $200,000 contribution from an undefined trust fund.  Video Analysis here

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