Darfur Contract with Lockheed Troubles General Assembly, Of Coded Cables and
Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at the UN: News Analysis
December 31 -- Today responsibility for peacekeeping in Sudan's Darfur region
passes to the UN-African Union hybrid mission created by a resolution of the
Security Council on July 31, UNAMID. Rather than the projected 26,000 troops, it
begins with
barely nine thousand.
None of the called-for helicopters have been provided by member states. And in a
little-noticed section of the UNAMID budget resolution, adopted in an all-night
session of the General Assembly on December 21, the UN's $250 million no-bid
contract with Lockheed Martin for Darfur infrastructure was criticized, and an
investigation called for.
Paragraphs 27 and 30 of the
December 21 UNAMID resolution state
that the General Assembly
"27. Notes with concern the decision of
the Secretary-General to utilize a single source contract without competitive
bidding and requests the Secretary-General to take immediate action to supply
good and services in compliance with the established procedures for procurement,
based on international competitive bidding and the widest possible geographical
base of procurement, so as to avoid a non-competitive extension of the present
"30. Requests the Secretary-General to
entrust the Office of Internal Oversight Services to undertake a comprehensive
review of the use of the extraordinary measures for this mission..."
To recap,
the "single source contract without competitive bidding" referred to was for
$250 million, to Lockheed's subsidiary Pacific Architects & Engineers. After the
deal was announced on October 15, Inner City Press twice asked Ban Ki-moon to
explain the lack of competitive bidding. He responded by promising transparency;
his spokesperson's office explained that following the Security Council's July
31 resolution on UNAMID, requiring the UN to take responsibility for Darfur by
year's end, there had been no choice but Lockheed. But then whistle-blowing UN
staffers showed Inner City Press an earlier letter, from
April, from the head of the UN's new
Department of Field Support, Jane Holl Lute, pushing Lockheed Martin's PAE for a
sole source contract.
incongruity was subsequently raised in the General Assembly's budget (Fifth)
committee, by speakers ranging from the African Group to Russia and even Canada,
but was never publicly explained. The budget committee and General Assembly
cannot have been convinced by explanations provided behind closed doors, either:
on December 21, the full Assembly, even in compromise language, criticized the
contract and called for an investigation of the lack of competition.

UN in El Fasher in Darfur
numerous requests, Jane Holl Lute never came to a briefing to answer questions
-- although she did write a December 26
letter to the editor of the Washington
Post arguing that reports of
corruption in peacekeeping procurement were overblown.
City Press has spoken on background with UN officials involved in the Sudan.
Requesting anonymity in order not to be fired, these officials have complained
for example that the UN has at least 21 helicopters elsewhere in Sudan that it
is not moving to Darfur. Others have complained that the UN mission on south
Sudan, UNMIS, stands alone in allowing national staff to view so-called coded
cables, a practice they say began under then-envoy
Jan Pronk.
While 140 Chinese engineers are already in Darfur, because flying their
water-drilling equipment in on Antonov cargo planes was deemed too expensive, it
is en route literally on a slow boat from China. A diplomat involved in the
budget negotiations recounts other procurement irregularities, up to sourcing
needed water even by air through the UN base in Brindisi, Italy, rather than
closer-by. "It's a comedy of errors," this diplomat told Inner City Press at
year's end. Only nobody is laughing.
* * *
here for a
AlertNet piece by this correspondent about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army.
for an earlier
Reuters AlertNet
piece about the Somali National Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's
$200,000 contribution from an undefined trust fund.
Analysis here
Because a number of Inner City Press'
UN sources go out of their way to express commitment to serving the poor, and
while it should be unnecessary, Inner City Press is compelled to conclude this
installment in a necessarily-ongoing series by saluting the stated goals of the
UN agencies and many of their staff. Keep those cards, letters and emails
coming, and phone calls too, we apologize for any phone tag, but please continue
trying, and keep the information flowing.
Feedback: Editorial
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