Global Environment Fund Whistleblower Complains to World Bank and
Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at the UN: News Analysis
September 17 --
Complaints about the UN Development
Program's activities in Africa
have expanded. UNDP ordered Ivorian Mathieu Koumoin to divert $9 million of the
$30 million he raised for anti-global warming work in Africa to companies based
in France and Canada. When Koumoin refused, he was let go, and UNDP subsequently
tried to have him thrown out of his office in Dakar, and out of Senegal itself.
Now Koumoin has complained to the president of the World Bank, which along with
UNDP is involved in the Global Environmental Facility. Click
here for the filing with the World Bank.
Ironically, World Bank president Robert Zoellick was at UN Headquarters on
Monday, speaking about recouping stolen and diverted assets via the new "Stolen
Asset Recovery Initiative." How that relates to the diversion of resources of
which Mr. Koumoin complaints will become clear.

World Bank's Zoellick with Ban Ki-moon
and crime chief Costa
September 14, the UN Ethics Office sent distinctly strange letter to Mr. Koumoin,
here for
a copy. Ethics Office director Robert Benson, who has yet to answer press
questions about his enigmatic rulings, recites a timeline of Mr. Koumoin's case
which is decidedly slanted for UNDP, then uses the facts that Koumoin complained
within UNDP, and to the UN Joint Appeals Board, as an excuse to not even address
if a prima facie case of retaliation exists. Mr. Koumoin's counsel's
September 15 letter to the Office of the UN Secretary-General is below:
15 September
Office of the
United Nations
Subject :
Request for Immediate Whistleblower Protection for and Reinstatement of Mr.
Mathieu Credo Koumoin
Following my
letter to you requesting an independent investigation from the Ethics Office
and/or the Executive Board of UNDP, as well as requesting to afford my client
whistleblower protection in accordance with your administrative issuance, ST/SGB/2005/21,
I would like to bring once again to your attention the latest statements from
the UNDP Administrator who has announced that UNDP would not investigate the
case brought forward from my client but only the North Korean Case.
I consider this
UNDP decision to be retaliatory and discriminatory to my client’s right to be
heard in a manner that is fair and consistent with UNDP and UN rules and
I kindly
request that you direct UNDP to either cooperate in an investigation led by the
UN Ethics Office or launch an independent review panel which would look into the
serious allegations brought to light by my client.
M. Koumoin
claims to have solid evidence confirming that the helm of UNDP reported to him
that the UNDP Office of Human Resources was doing a fine job which met the
satisfaction of the UNDP Executive Office, even when violations of his due
process rights were blatant and harassment against him rampant.
There also appears to be corroborating
evidence that because of the severity of the situation and the stake that many
African countries had in M. Koumoin’s program activities, 12 African Ministers
of Energy and 53 Ministers of Environment – in Sub-Saharan Africa – went on the
record strongly by formally requesting UNDP to reverse its course of action
against M. Koumoin. My client has provided evidence that UNDP has
redirected funds earmarked for Africa to
developed countries.
We will
have more on this.
Again, because a number of Inner City Press'
UN sources go out of their way to express commitment to serving the poor, and
while it should be unnecessary, Inner City Press is compelled to conclude this
installment in a necessarily-ongoing series by saluting the stated goals of the
UN agencies and many of their staff. Keep those cards, letters and emails
coming, and phone calls too, we apologize for any phone tag, but please continue
trying, and keep the information flowing.
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