ICC's Ocampo Mugs for "The Reckoning,"
Fired Whistleblower But ICC Will Pay the Damages?
Byline: Matthew Russell Lee of
Inner City Press at the UN: News Analysis
July 17 -- A film promoting the
International Criminal Court, a work in progress, was screened Thursday
at the
UN, with ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo prominently in attendance,
down in the front row. The movie, the working title of which is "The
Reckoning," contains to its credit original footage from Northern
where victims of the Lord's Resistance Army describe their opposition
to the
indictments of LRA leaders including Joseph Kony
being waived or suspended.
There is rare footage of Kony himself, denying responsibility for
and of indictee Thomas Lubanga training child soldiers in Eastern
film does not mention, however, that the Lubango
prosecution has been put on
hold because Ocampo neglected to show information to the defense
lawyers, as is
required. And while the version screened on Thursday ends with Ocampo's
conference earlier in the week announcing his request for an arrest
against Sudan's Omar Al-Bashir, the movie does not include any of the
or questioning of Ocampo's move, which is widespread in the Africa Union,
Arab League and even anti-Bashir non-governmental organizations.
City Press asked the film's producers if they intend to include
voices, for example those pointing out that since the five permanent
members of
the Security Council have vetoes, their acts could never be referred to
the ICC
for investigation, much less prosecution. ON the question of including
this perspective,
produce Pam Yates answered, "Probably not." She said the film is to
impart "basic knowledge to a general audience." But if it includes
none of the critical or questioning voices, is it credible? Is it more

Moreno-Ocampo at UN, film poses and fired
whistleblowers not shown
One of Ms.
Yates' two co-producers, Paco de Onis, whom she married
in 1993, responded to
Inner City Press' question about all of the ICC's prosecutions being in
by saying that since African presidents were part of the request, the
were "not initiated by the ICC." But earlier in
the day, Ocampo
admitted that he selected Northern Uganda and the Democratic
Republic of the
Congo, and then asked the presidents of those countries to refer the
cases to
him. So the ICC did initiate the action -- but by looking to the
presidents as
ground-cover, the ICC has not evenhandedly considered the behavior of
army, or of DRC's president Joseph Kabila.
The film
contains long scenes of Ocampo showing the camera how pensive he is,
example in the back of a car looking out at the rain, or mock-typing on
laptop. He similar appeared in, and devoted time to, the film "Darfur
Now." One prominent UN correspondent recounts that when he called the
interested in writing about the Court, he got a mixed reception. When
he called
back mentioning he might do a personal profile of Ocampo, the response
much more positive. One might argue that Ocampo's self-promotion serves
ICC, even international justice. One might argue that -- but it might
not be
Footnote: At
Ocampo's press conference Thursday, he
was asked about the fall-out of a sexual harassment case against him,
in the
course of which the ICC paid damages to a complainant. Ocampo was
saying "check with human resources" until the moderator pointedly
moved to another question. Subsequent inquiry by Inner City Press has
the actual
judgment, which was for Ocampo unceremoniously firing a
whistleblower. Upon review, Ocampo was faulted for having participated
in the
decision-making to fire the whistleblower.
Not only backpay, but "moral damages" of 25,000
Euros was
ordered, apparently to be paid not by Ocampo but by the ICC itself, in
that came out on July 9. While
Ocampo is free to believe that Sudan, for example, is somehow behind
decision, it is what it is. Click here
to view the decision, which Inner City
Press obtained and is putting online.
* * *
These reports are
usually also available through Google
News and on Lexis-Nexis.
here for a Reuters
AlertNet piece by this correspondent
about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army. Click
for an earlier Reuters AlertNet piece about the Somali National
Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's $200,000 contribution from an
undefined trust fund. Video
Analysis here
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