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Archive 2011 2nd quarter; 2011 1st quarter here; 2010 4th quarter here; 2d & 3d quarters here--1st,  09 here, further back here, current here

UN Peacekeeping Deal Has 7% Raise of $85 M, Press is Told, After Midnight

UN Peacekeeping Budget Fight Presages Scales of Assessment, France is Cheap

From UN Peacekeeping, Payers Want $230 M, TCCs Want “57% Raise"

At UN, Budget Endgame on Peacekeeper Funds Tied to Sexual Abuse, Vote Delayed

On Sri Lanka, Ban Won't Push to Get UN Heyns In, Got Killing Fields, No Time

As UN Is Asked If Ban Notified of Arms into Libya, Says “Ask France"

Gaddafi Gone By Mid-July, Libyan Rebel Diplomat Predicts at US Barbeque

In Mogadishu, 40% of Casualties Due to TFG & AMISOM, Old UK General In

As France Brags of Violation of Libya Resolution, Should It Head UN Peacekeeping?

In Sudan, UN Dodges on Darfur IDPs & Abyei, Hasn't Accessed Nuba Mountains

At UN, As Georgia Wins “Right to Return” Vote, Russia Cites Facts on Ground

At End of Gabon's Month, Grumbles Over Libya, South Sudan Predictions

On S. Sudan Border, Few Rights Monitors, Blockage by Haroun, CPA to Expire

UN Has No Comment on Myanmar Deportation, DPRK, Ban's Quiet Diplomacy?

On Syria, UNDOF Vote Delayed, Russia's Blue Text Contrasted With US

Ban Ki-moon & North Korea: Will “Disconnection” Continue for 5 More Years?

As UN Confirms Le Roy to Leave, No Comment on Chevalier, Orr, Pascoe

On Abyei, Ban Won't Disclose Rights Plan Until After July 9, Bashir Will Be There

As Myanmar Blasts Away At Kachin Rebels, UN Dodges Issue for 9 Days

As Bolivia Quotes US Calling Coca Chewing Plan “Creative,” No Comment from US

At UN on Abyei Force, Deal Struck Friday Night, Monday Vote Predicted

On Abyei, As France Asks Why Fewer Troops Not OK, Others Says Stick to Addis

At UN on Abyei, Delay on Precedent of No Rights, Khartoum May Nix?

At UN, Talk of Dutch Replacing Choi, Carpetbagger Aims for Iraq, Musical Chairs

At UN, Congo Vote Delays, Ban's Shadowy Meetings, Rape & Swedish Tweeting

At UN on Abyei Resolution, Western Delay on Budget & Bombing

Amid UN Council Card Games, Turnover Continues, Olek Matsuka's Rise

US Position on Libya Rebels Stalls African Draft, UN Silence on NATO

UN Dodges Sri Lanka Claim On Killing Fields, Ban Hasn't Seen, Silent on Prageeth

While Rebels Oppose Darfur Deal, US Supports It, Bassole to Send Letters

At UN, Russia Puts UNDOF Syria Resolution Into Blue, Organ Envoy Floated

At UN, Ban Meets Envoys of Israel, CAR & Saudi Arabia, 2 Co-Greeters

Distracted by DSK & Hacking, IMF Ignores Sudan & Afghan Banks

As Ban's Spokesman Blames UN Radio for Question, Other Answers Not Public

At UN, Doha Process on Darfur Ends in Whimper, No Rebels, No Rice

As Qatar Heads GA Over Poorer Nepal, In Shadow of FIFA, "Ask Fiji”

For South Sudan, Hilde Johnson Tapped as Ban's Envoy, “Like Susan Rice”

At UN, Amid Libya & Sudan Fights, Farewell to UK's Quarrey, France Is Dean

After 1 Candidate Race, Ban Takes Last Question of UN Radio, “Propaganda”

On Libya and Sudan, Obama Mission at UN Hits the BRICS

On Verge of 2d Term, Ban Hasn't Watched Sri Lanka Film, Called Not Correct

On Ban's Big Day, Sanitation Presser Allows No Questions on Haiti Cholera

With US Flailing on Syria & Yemen, Whither Public Diplomacy, McHale? (updated)

On Libya, As Ban Won't Comment on Civilian Death, Poison Pill PRST Amendments

As Ban Takes Darfur Deal from Bassole, IDPs & Rebels Ignored, Abandoned

As Khartoum Floats Aid Cut Off, Juba Says Harun Should Be In The Hague

On Sudan, Mbeki Presents Ethiopian Solution, “Somalia-Like” Mandate in Play?

As Ban Claims Libya Talks Are Led by Khatib, Jordan Activities Still UNexplained

As EU Asserts Special Rights at UN, Caricom Calls It Abuse, Qatar on Tap

At UN, As EU Uses Special Rights, Caricom Calls It Abuse, Qatar on Tap

As UN Denies Sri Lankan Copter Offer, Killing Fields Moved Out of UN

At UN, “Going Through Motions” on Syria Resolution, Attending Just to Listen

As UN Council Touts Ban 2d Term, GRULAC Hasn't Endorsed, Process Questioned

At UN, GRULAC Delay of Council Vote for Ban Is To “Send A Message,” UNheard?

UN Admits Kadugli Peacekeepers Refused Convoy Escort, France Downplays It

As Sudan Pulls US & UK Diplomats from UN Helicopter, Raising of Stakes?

Hiring of Ban's Son in Law to Lobby UN Confirmed by IFRC, No Safeguards

At UN, Lack of GRULAC Endorsement Delays Ban's Re-Appointment

With Ban's Son In Law Set to Lobby UN for IFRC, Nepotism Stonewall

Libyan Rebels Play “For Outside Patrons,” Uganda Says, Alleging Colonialism

On Sri Lanka, Ban Hasn't Seen Killing Fields Film Nor Reviewed UN Actions

At UN on Libya, As Uganda Calls for Ceasefire on NATO, Stalling on PRST

At UN on Libya, After AU Speech Against Marginalization, SC Closes Doors

With UN Troops Accused of Rape in Sudan, UN Agencies Won't Answer

With Ban's Son In Law Set to Lobby UN for IFRC, No Safeguards

On Libya, AU Wants Statement on Compliance With Resolution, US Opposes

In UN as Cote d'Ivoire, Electoral Flaws Alleged, Incumbent Vows to Stay

On Cambodia Genocide Court Protests, Ban Puts Off Comment for 2d Term

Sudan Meeting at UN Postponed Amid Addis Confusion, Kordofan Pull Out

Hit for Inaction in Kordofan as Abyei, UN Pulls Staff Out, SC Postpones

Under Fire for Inaction in Kordofan as Abyei, UN Pulls Staff Out, Silent on Jau

As Ban Seeks 2d UN Term, Rights Groups Go Silent To Keep Access

Amid Sudan Slaughter, Clinton's Trip Ignores the UN's Role in Abyei & Darfur

Amid Ban's 1 Candidate Anointment, Global Model UN Had 10, Union Charged

For Congo, A Single S. African Copter, Meece Concedes, DRC Says Needs the Money

Syria Denounces AIDS Declaration, Lebanon Expert Says Arab Group Didn't Agree

On Syria, Assad Won't Take Call from Ban, Draft Resolution Stalled

At UN, Ban Ki-moon 2d Term Set June 16 in Council, June 21 in GA, No Other Candidate

Amid Sudan Fighting, UN SC Cancels June 10 Meeting, Waiting on Bashir

Amid Fighting in Sudan, UN SC Cancels June 10 Meeting, Waiting on Bashir

At UN, French Domination of Peacekeeping Slates Eric Chevalier to Replace Le Roy

Amid Lagarde & DSK Scandals, IMF Won't Answer on Belarus or Jamaica

At UN Seeking 2d Term, Ban Speaks Behind Closed Doors, Complaints of P5 Power

At UN, As Ban Credits Bassole for Darfur “Progress,” He Left Post on June 8

With Northern Congo Civilians Unprotected, Meece Does Manhattan

At UN, New Draft Urges Restraint from “All Sides” in “Syria-Led Process"

At UN on AIDS, Egypt Named for Obstruction, Uzbeks for Arrogance

At UN, Push For Vote on Ban Without Reform Answers, 5 Latins Ask Time

On Reprisals in Cote d'Ivoire, Juppe & UN Speak of Past But Not Protection

Amid Libya Rift, Western UNSC Members Try to Have African Union for Lunch

Obama Support For Ban Cites Non-Public Cuts Said to Chase More Jobs Away

At UN, Moves for Ban Includes Monday UNSC Consultations But Not Russia

On Sri Lanka, Ban Hasn't Moved to Review Actions of UN & Nambiar, 2d Term

At UN as Ban Pushes for 2d Term, Sees No Need or Time for Other Candidates

Amid UN Praise of Arab Spring, a One Candidate Coronation of Ban Begins

Amid UN Complaints on Ban's Budget, Pre-Coronation Reported

At UN on 2d Term for Ban, “No One Else Wants the Job,” Asia Group Prejudges IMF?

Amid Burkina Faso Unrest, UN & Djinnit Stay Silent, Under France's Watchful Eye

Former Saleh Minister Is UN Face in Arab World, UNDP Yemen Website Dormant

On Syria Draft Russia, China & India Won't Engage, S. Africa Won't Without Them

At UN, Ban Poised to Announce for 2d Term on June 6, Amid Critiques & IMF Intrigue

France Pitching Lagarde for IMF Called “Not Incompatible” with Leading G-20

At UN on Abyei Draft, Sudan PR Denies Food Theft, Dismisses Burning of “Huts"

Brazil Says Advocate Against Dam to Displace 12,000 Could've Come to UN on Vacation

On Libya, AU Ministers Set to Come to UN June 15, China Opposes Syria Draft

At UN, US In-Fighting Said to Delay Sudan PRST, Ethnic Cleansing Out?

At UN, Haggling on Sudan, Haysom's Hat in Ring, Pascoe Eager to Leave?

As Azeri Minister Meets Ban, Seeks UNSC Seat Over Hungary, Citing EU Rules

In French Month Atop UN Council, Araud's 3 Stakeouts Hit New Low, Misstatements

At UN, As Sudan Considers AU Force of Ethiopians, US Draft Called Too Late

After Elevator Falls in UN Building, Injuring Staff, Ban's Office Unaware, Lawsuit?

On Sri Lanka, As Pillay Supports UN Report, Ban Merely Says It's Out There

After Zuma Libya Trip, AU Visit to UN SC Planned, Forum Shopping as Risk

At UN on Syria, As 2 Vetoes Loom, Request to Withdraw Resolution

On Sri Lanka, Ban Passed Buck to GA, Whose Leader Passes It Back, Letter to US

At UN, Council President Won't Explain 10 Hour Mladic Delay, Syria Not Promising

On Haiti Evictions & Clinton Commission, UN Spin in a Time of Cholera

As Benghazi Backslides on Elections, UN Ban Has No Comment, No UK Notice?

As Kyrgyzstan Bans Kiljunen, UN Ban Has No Comment, Sri Lanka Report Echoes

As UN Plans for Durban Discussion, Tiptoeing Around Holocaust Denial, Press Access

IMF Claims Didn't “Find Bad Stuff” on Ethics, No Answers on LP, Severance

After UN Inaction in Abyei, Ban Proposes 7000 Peacekeepers in South, But For What?

Fleeing Volcanic Ash & Fiasco in Sudan, UN Council Returns to Problems in NY

At UN, Ban on Mobility Means Post for Khare, Musical Chairs, Orr for Nambiar?

As Sri Lanka General Silva At UN Peacekeeping Signing, War Crimes Questions

As UN Links South Sudan to 1st Move in Abyei, Bashir Says North Won't Leave

UN Sri Lanka Report Not Transmitted to Geneva, Ban Waits for What?

UN Uses Peacekeepers Who “Occupy” Chittagong Hill Tracts, Indigenous Say

As French & UK Copters to Libya, UN Has No Notice, Abdicates Its Role

At UN on Abyei, Sudan Says Karti Was Sick, Western DPRs Quiet, Georgia Arts

At UN, Gay Group Denied Consultative Status 8-7, Kyrgyz Pivot, India on Dalits

As Myanmar Blocks UN Rights Rapporteur, Not Clear Nambiar Raised It, No Answers

As UN Won't Lay Blame for Abyei, France Says Little, No Notice on Libya

In Sudan, UN Council Rebuffed By VP & FM, Somewhere Haroun Laughs?

As UNSC Cancels Abyei Trip, Georgia Echoes Amid AU Diagnosis of Narcissism

US Says South Sudan Shot First In Abyei, UN Still Silent, Who Else'll Speak?

As UN Won't Blame for Abyei Violence, Council Visit in Doubt, Haroun Looms

On Myanmar, Ban “Notes” Calls to Replace UN Envoy Nambiar, Rohingya on Margins

After DSK Resignation, Questions of Laissez Passer, Pay & Gift Disclosures Dodged

At UN on Sri Lanka, Ban's Inaction on Report Contrasted With Rwanda Mapping

As UN Council Takes Flight to Africa, Syria Resolution Grounded

At UN, As Georgia Loses HRC Bid It Blames Russian Lobbying, 5 Votes for Syria

As Climate to UN Security Council, Just Words or Coal Mine Sanctions?

As Obama Speaks, UN Syria Resolution Not Seen, Waiting for Plane & Tarmac?

At UN, Kuwait Denounced for Human Rights Council But Only 2 Contests

As Sudan Asks Why Haroun Shouldn't Meet UN Council, Journalists Detained

After 30 Year Workers Fired at UN, Protest Targets Kane Words & Ban's House

As UK Calls for Myanmar UN Envoy Replacement for Nambiar, He Brushes Off Press

After Myanmar “Sick Joke” on Political Prisoners, UN Nambiar Won't Take Questions

On Walikale Rapes in s, Only Mayele in Jail, MONUSCO Shrink After Vote?

Amid DSK Case, Theory of Replacing Ban & US Taking IMF, China WB Revived

With Ban's Son-in-Law Leaving UNOPS, Now Said in Line to Lobby UN for IFRC

At UN on Syria, No Resolution Seen Despite 9 Votes Projected, “9 for Nothing"

Strauss-Kahn Air France Upgrades & Sofitel Discounts Afoul of IMF Policy

Petition on Sri Lanka Is Fake Carried Into Empty Building by UN Staffer

As UN Report on Iran Arms Sales to Syria Put Online, France Talks of 9 Votes [Story removed based on claim by Reuters at the UN of exclusive, made on May 23, 2012]

As UN Welcomes Election Haroun Claims, Council Trip Stalls on Haroun Meeting

As UNSC Takes Up Ethiopia-Eritrea at Portugal's Request, Empty Thai Talk

As UN Sends “Low Level” Envoy to Libya, Provides “Cover to NATO"

As UNSC Eyes Sudan, Martin & Johnson Vie, Vladimir Hands Cup to UK Quarrey

At UN, Weerawansa Speaks of Buddha, Silva of Love, Ban Has No Comment

As IMF Says Strauss Kahn Paid Hotel, Stonewall on Air France, Pakistan Echoes

UN Won't Confirm Weerawansa of Sri Lanka Here, Calls His Blockade Legitimate

After Sudan Air Strikes on Darfur, UN Declines to Condemn, Finally Gambari

As IMF Chief Strauss-Kahn Is Arrested, Denials to Press of Rule-breaking Recalled

On Myanmar, as Nambiar of UN “Neglects Justice” & Minorities, Q&A Requested

UN Says Syria Has Paid in Full, US Owes $1B, Of Contracts & Union Busting

On Cote d'Ivoire, Bamba at UN Predicts Gbagbo Goes to ICC, Rice on Liberia

At UN on Cote d'Ivoire, Bamba Predicts ICC Action on Gbagbo, Rice on Liberia

At UN on Kosovo, Muted Talk of Organ Probe, How Statement Was Passed Out

With UN's Nambiar in Myanmar, UN Won't Speak on Minorities or ASEAN

UN's Ban Greeted & Dined with Coup Leader Rajoelina, Says They Didn't Meet

IMF Has Request from Egypt, Takes Question on South Sudan, Ignores Haiti

For UN in Central African Republic, Margaret Vogt Will Lead, Obo Still Unserved

At UN on Sri Lanka, Coomaraswamy Would Recuse, Team Ban Says Watch This Space

At UN, Syria “Postponing its Candidacy” for HRC to 2014, No Dera'a Answers

UNEP Calderon Presser Allows No Nuclear Power Questions, Germans Everywhere

As EU Notes UN Report, Sri Lanka Scoffs At Do Gooders, Navy's Idle Hands

At UN, Morocco Goes for 2012 Security Council Seat over Mauritania of AU

At UN on Syria, Moves for a Resolution As Non-Binding As 1st Libya Statement

As UN Confirms Sudan Arrest of Staff, Council Stalled on Wau Airport for Abyei

In Sudan, UN Council Will Bypass Darfur, Of Juba Hotels & Abyei Agreements

At UN on Syria Much Posturing, No Text or TV Camera, Libyan Ships

At UN Libya Briefing, UK Asks To Hear From Amos on Deraa, Syria Asks Equal Time

After Ban Said Supported UN Rights Rep in Cambodia, Leaving Draws No Reaction

At UN, President of GA Has No Comment on Syria & Human Rights Council

As UN SC Blindspots Critiqued, Oxfam Excludes Sri Lanka Due to “Sensitivities”

As UN SC Blind Spots Critiqued, Sri Lanka Excluded Due to “Sensitivities”

At UN on Syria, Russia Tells France to Stick to Lebanon, No Resolution Yet

Ban's Office Admits UN Staffer Went to Bahrain with Roed Larsen, No Comment

At UNDP, Carlos Slim Praises Competition After $1B Antitrust Fine, UN & Monopolists

UN Economists Disagree With IMF & Geithner on China, Bollinger Blind on US Banks

As UNEP Prepares Award for Calderon, Drug War Protests, LG Pollution

UN Economists Disagree With IMF & Geithner on China, Bollinger Blind on Banks

In Central African Republic, UN Abandons Obo Like Birao, Nigerian SRSG?

Report Links UN to Cholera in Haiti, South Asia Strain, Bad Practices, Denials

At UN, Ocampo of ICC Hasn't Read Sri Lanka Report, Checking Dual Citizens

At UN, Meeting of Sri Lanka PR With Ban Belatedly Confirmed, White Flag Testifying?

At UN on Syria, Western Move Toward Vote on A Resolution, Isolation Games

UN Council Will Not Travel to Darfur, Meeting Gambari Outside Sudan, Doha Failing

On Sri Lanka, Araud of France Says Accountability Is Up to Locals, Unlike in Libya

At UN, Araud of France Says Russia Has Not Raised Kosovo Organ Trade

On Sri Lanka, As G.L. Peiris Riffs on Old Call, Kohona Comes Calling at UN

On UN Ban's Relief at Killing of Bin Laden, NY Exception to Extrajudicial Execution?

At CFR, Citigroupers Rhodes & Zedillo Won't Answer on Citi's Greek Debt Spin

At UN, as EU Wins Special Rights Over 2 Objections, GA Voting Boards Broken

At UN on EU Rights, China & Brazil Say They'll Go With CARICOM

Amid Talk of UN SC Statement on Bin Laden, Pakistan Diplomat Enters Chamber

UNDP Now Defers Programs in Yemen & Bahrain, Won't Provide Copies

Echoes of Abbottabad Raid from Pakistan Mission in NY But Not UN Itself

UN in S. Kordofan Confirms 19 Murders, Won't Say if Harun Did It: Flights Continue?

As UNDP Postpones Syria Program, Proceeds on Bahrain & Yemen in June

With Sri Lanka Government Snubbing UN, “Foreign Policy Response” Emerges

On Sri Lanka, Ban Hasn't Asked UN Human Rights Council to Act, No Comparisons

As Alsaidi of Yemen Retires to IPI, Roed-Larsen Bahrain Trip's UN Link?

On Libya, Ban Envoy Khatib “Out of Touch” on New Adviser Ian Martin

On Sri Lanka, Ban Has Not Asked UN GA to Act, Web Shutdown Ignored

At UN, Opposition to EU Special Rights in GA Grows, CARICOM Memo

In Haiti to Replace Mulet, UN Asks Taranco, Rejected for Bahrain, So Who?

On Syria, Russia & China Willing to Negotiate Press Statement, Lebanon Blocked

IMF Ready On Yemen “Once Situation Allows,” Saleh Test Unclear, Watching Syria

On Syria, UNSC Member Tells Lebanon Open Meeting Wasn't a Good Idea

UN's W. Sahara Vote Presaged by Lobbying of Ban, France Denies, AU Excluded

At UN, Open Meeting on Syria after Statement Blocked- by Lebanon, Sources Say

On Sri Lanka, Ban Claims UN Couldn't Assess Casualties, Leak Shows UN Did

On W. Sahara, UN Resolution Passes 15-0, AU Phrase Rejected, Even Letter “T”

At UN, Deadline on Western Sahara Amid Sovereignty & Human Rights Disputes

At UN, Asked Of Withheld Casualty Figures, Ban Says Sri Lanka Made Threats

At UN, As US Wants Fingerpointing at Assad of Syria, Lebanon Between Iran & Hard Place

On Sri Lanka, Ban Passes Buck to UN Councils, UN Won't Say Who Advised Him

On Sri Lanka, Ban's Buck Passing to UN Councils & Agencies Questioned

At UN, Colombia's Month Ends in Music, Talk of Syria, EU & Dissing of Caricom?

At UN on Syria, “Watered Down” Proposal for Tuesday, Under Yemen Precedent

At UN 2 or 3 Votes for W. Saharans, France Cites Zimbabwe, Deputies Meet

As UN Releases Sri Lanka Report, Ban Says He Can't Investigate w/o Consent or Vote

UN Sri Lanka Report Mistakes Basil for Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Stonewalling Continues

UN Report Says Sri Lanka Restricted Invitation then Took Back, Despite Ban Claims

On Sri Lanka, 216 Pg UN Report Obtained by Inner City Press, Put Online

Withheld Sri Lanka Report On White Flag Killings UN Nambiar Involved In

On Sri Lanka, After Russia Bashes UN Report, Ban Withholds It, Asks for 2d Term

On Sri Lanka, UN Reneges on Releasing Report “This Week,” 3 More Days

In Cote d'Ivoire, UN Vague on Coulibaly & Heavy Weapons, Bangladesh's Tale

At UN, Sudan Statement Deal Drops Robust, Puts In Political Detainees

On Sri Lanka, As UN Delays Report, Pascoe Tells Press He Didn't Know

At UN on Sri Lanka Report, Agencies Prepared, Portugal Only Against Leaks

On Sri Lanka, As GL Peiris Trashes Report, UN Moves to Release It

At UN, Sudan Statement Delayed on Abyei, Darfur & No “Robust” Mandate

In Sudan, Harun Accused of 20 Murders After UN Flew Him to Abyei

On Sri Lanka, Kohona on UN Incompetence, Silva on Press Freedom

On Sri Lanka, UN's Take of Non-Release Shifts, 3 Weeks After Panel Finished

At UN, AFL-CIO and SMCC Protest Ban Ki-Moon's Anti-Labor Moves & Memo

UN Report Ready March 31, Delayed for Sri Lanka, Kohona Says Don't Release

At UN on Yemen, Russia Blocks Lebanese & German Statement Supporting GCC

On Cote d'Ivoire, As DRC Complains, Choi Speaks of Undershirts, Tagro's Death

On Sri Lanka, UN Gave 196 Pages to Silva, Asked 24 Then 36 Hours, Got Played

On W. Sahara, US Position on Human Rights Unclear, S. Africa Questions Friends

As UN Withholds Sri Lanka Report, Confirms Nambiar Reviews, Russia Read Out?

UN Hangs Laurent Gbagbo Gift to Ban, Not Stating Where They “Protect” Him

At UN on W. Sahara, After Group of Friends Wrangle, Draft Resolution Emerges

As UN Security Council Hears of Sri Lanka Report, Russia Objects, Ban to Moscow

At UN, Yemen Taken Up by Security Council, Syria Discussed, No Bahrain

On W. Sahara, As Ban Dropped Credibility, France Pushes Friends Against Rights

At UN, Sri Lanka Put on Security Council Schedule, “Leak May Change Things"

On Sri Lanka, UN Withholds Full Report For Review by Nambiar & Advisers

In Sri Lanka, UN Allowed Sabotage of its Report, Ban Withheld Information

On Cote d'Ivoire, US Now Aware of Detentions in Golf Hotel, Death of Tagro

On Sri Lanka, After Ban Gives Rajapaksa a Head Start, Partial Text Emerges

At UN on Western Sahara, Ban's Final Report Has No Rights Monitor in MINURSO

IMF Promotes Bank Mergers, Says Bigger is Better, Politics & Portugal Dodged

On Cote d'Ivoire, US “Unaware” of 107 Detainees in Golf Hotel, “Fair Qs” Not A-ed

On Sudan, While US Cites Dane Smith, Nothing on Harun Killing 20, UN Copter Flights

On Libya, US Says Arming Rebels Is Legal, Deferred Answer on Visas of d'Escoto

US Urges Sri Lanka to “Use” in “Process of Accountability” UN Panel Report

At IMF, DSK Dismisses “French Questions,” None Taken on Cote d'Ivoire

World Bank Can't Deal With Libya Rebels, Says Danger Drives It Out of Yemen

On W. Sahara, Delay As UN Says Report “Has Rights Language" - But No Monitoring?

In Cote d'Ivoire, Tangro Treatment Unclear, HRW on Gbagbo Photo, UN Silent

In DC, Session on Corruption Hunting Is World Bank Ad, ICC Tales, Gaddafi

Leaked French Memos Discuss Destablizing Gbagbo, Coup Plots & Leaders

Leaked French Memos Discuss Destablizing Gbagbo, Coup Plots & Leaders

Asked If Ban's Panel Met Sri Lanka AG, UN Said “Not the Case,” Misleading Report

In Cote d'Ivoire, As UN Won't Say Where Gbagbo Is, Must Red Cross Ask?

UN W. Sahara Report Delayed After Leak, TCC Postponed, France Against Rights

At UN, As Ban Gets Sri Lanka Report, He Gives to Government, Meetings Secret

At UN, Sri Lanka War Crimes Report To Be Handed to Ban on April 12, Murky Panel

Unable to Speak for Libya, D'Escoto in Managua, “Not a Show He Wanted"

UN Visit of France's Minister NKM Brings Out Le Roy Amid Unanswered Qs

On Cote d'Ivoire, Bamba Says Gbagbo Arrested Not By France But Ouattara Forces

After Fleeing NY Cocaine Charge, French Diplomat Resurfaces in SF

At UN, US Delays New Libya Sanctions, With Russia and China, As UK Complains

On Cote d'Ivoire, As UN Downplays French Role, Dodges on Leaked Documents

At UN, Asked for Council Statement on Gaza, US Says “Not on a Friday Afternoon”

Leaked French Documents Show Cote d'Ivoire Strategy at UN, Liberia, Mali & SF

On W. Sahara, Not Answering on Morocco Lobbying, UN Decries Leaks to Press

On Somalia, As UN Dodges on Mahiga Meeting in Kenya, Calls for Firing

At UN on Cote d'Ivoire, Buzz of Martyrdom, Arms Embargo Violations, Duekoue Fog

Amid Cote d'Ivoire Carnage, UN & France Focus on & Free Japan's Envoy

On Cote d'Ivoire, Ouattara's Bamba Says Blasted Japanese Embassy, Endgame?

On Libya, Whack Talk in Senate, Silence from UN, Filipina Nurses on Both Sides

On Haiti, Amid UN Diplomatic Fatigue, of Restavek & Mulet, Cholera Silence

On Western Sahara, Draft Reports Published as UN Refuses to Take Morocco Q

As Juppe Says Ban Demands Gbagbo Letter, UN No Comments, Vatican & Japan Q

Amid Tragic UN Deaths, Talk of Taking Sides in Cote d'Ivoire, Blocking Afghan Qs

At NYU, Galbraith's Kurdish Oil & Abrams' Contra Conviction Unmentioned

On Cote d'Ivoire, Juppe Says Ban Ki-moon Also Demands Gbagbo's Signature

UN Refuses to Say If Libya Envoy Khatib Has “Staff” Pass, Tries to Block Q's

In Ban's UN, Amid Nepotism & Threats of Firing, Mobility Memo Unveiled

On Duekoue Massacre, As Bamba Says Caritas is Pro-Gbagbo, UN Is Compromised

In Cote d'Ivoire, As UN & France Fire at Gbagbo Home, Ban Claims Not a Party

At UN, Khatib Confirms He's Still a Jordan Senator, Crackdowns Minimized

At UN on W.Sahara, Morocco Pushes To Drop Rights Monitor from Draft

At UN, April's Council President Says Kouchner's Haiti Bid Is Over, Bahrain Qs

On Libya, UN Brings In Brit Ian Martin, Mulls Mission as d'Escoto with Niece

UN Plan To Send Envoy Taranco to Bahrain Shot Down by Saudis, Sources Say

In 2010 Subprime Lending Grew More Disparate at Citi, Chase, Wells & BofA

Among 3 UN “Civilians” Killed in Afghan Attack Was a Military Adviser

At UN, Georgia Accuses Russia of Blocking Funding & Arming Libya, Russia Scoffs

At UN, Dabbashi Tells Press of Libya Rebel Strategy, Waiting to Take Sirte, Credentials

At UN in April, As Colombia Pitches Haiti Some Say Not Ready for Prime Time

With UN Rehab Over Budget, Press Gets a Tour, Qs of Loading Dock & Cameras

Amid Yemen Crackdown, IMF Meets With Central Bank, Denies DSK Nepotism

Libya Briefing by d'Escoto Canceled by UN Is Further Put Off, Shalgam in UN

UN Security Blocks Room Where Libya Talk by d'Escoto Was Planned, Video

As US Blocks d'Escoto, Grumblings on Free Speech & Precedent at Chinese Reception

At UN After 15-0 Vote on Cote d'Ivoire, Complaints About UNOCI's Impartiality

At UN, Susan Rice is Asked of Obama Order for CIA in Libya, Resolutions Skirted?

At UN, Susan Rice of US Says d'Escoto Can't Represent Libya on a Tourist Visa

As UN Claims It Urges All Ivorians to Halt Fight, Choi Speaks of Destiny

Letter from Gaddafi Minister Names d'Escoto Brockmann Libyan Envoy to UN

Obama at US Mission Says UN Words Must Have Meaning, Arms Embargo Excluded?

On Libya, As Russia & India Say Can't Arm Rebels, Ban Punts, Obama & Shalgam

In Haiti, UN's Deal for 2 Luxury Ships Led to $600,000 Loss, No Accountability

On Lebanon, a UN Council Trip Could Help, Williams Says, Blue Line in NY

At UN on Libya, Clash on Arming Rebels, Dutch In, Malta Stopped Greek Ship

UN Libya Sanctions Chair Says No Arms to Rebels, US Says It Can as Obama to NY

On Cote d'Ivoire, UN Silent Until Asked about Ouattara's FRCI in Duekoue

On Sri Lanka, UN Says No Date Set for Panel Report, Ban to Proclaim on Its Secrecy

On Libya, Ban's Envoy Khatib Works in Jordan, Ruling Snubbed, Private Planes

At UN on Libya, US Didn't Raise Arming Rebels in 1st Session on Sanctions

UN Swing Space Blazes in Earth Hour, Fake Recycling Typifies Ban's UN

As US Doesn't Fund UN Slavery Memorial, Tax Equalization Fund Eyed?

At UN, Bamba of Cote d'Ivoire Takes 7 Questions on Video, France with Nigeria

UN Now Says Envoy Khatib Still Has Responsibilities in Jordan, Contract In Flux

At UN, Envoy to Sierra Leone Says He'll Stay, As Reported Try for Pakistan Failed

As US Doesn't Fund Slavery Memorial at UN, Tax Equalization Fund $100M Q-ed

On Libya, Kuwait Writes to UN, But Humanitarian Only, No Jordan Yet

On Cote d'Ivoire, France's Brief Humility Ends, Sarkozy Seizes Le Pen for Resolution

Extension on Bank of Montreal - M&I Comment Period After Withholding Hit

On Libya, Chad Wants Fast Finish, Sudan Said To Support, UN Silent, West Spins

As UN Admits Shooting Dead a Haitian, Lack of Transparency in UN Caused Deaths

At UN on Libya, France Dodges on Arming Rebels, Tales of Rice in Her Absence

UN's 12 on Libya Officially Dips to 11, Ukraine Is Out, Turkish Ships & NATO

At UN on Libya, Ban Behind Closed Doors, Ukraine Clarifies, Turkey's Request

UN Won't Answer on Pay to Khatib, Nor Q of Chile Housing for Bachelet

On Libya, UN Resolution Left Arming & Funding Rebels Unresolved

Due to US Libya ICC Loophole, Qatar, Ukraine & UAE Could Also Be Immune

With UN on Libya, 12 Notifiers May Mean Less Than That: Ukraine & UAE

Afghan UN Envoy Tanin Supports Libya Action, Nothing on Maxwell or UNOPS

As Ban Is Protested in Tunisia, Ben Ali Envoy Remains at UN in NY

In Cote d'Ivoire, As UN Speaks Again of Gbagbo Helicopter, No Fly Zone?

At UN, Russia's Churkin Complains About Non Quiet, Others Talk of Leaks

At UN, Libyan Courtesy Passes Echo Yemen and Rwanda, French Out

At UN on Libya, the UAE, Norway and Spain Give Notice of Action

On Libya, As UN Council Punts Until Thursday, Mystery of Courtesy Passes

After UN Meeting on Sudan, Khartoum Denies Crackdown, Waffles on Libya

At UN on Libya, Churkin of Russia Tells Western Spokesman Not to Spin Press

As South Sudan Slams UNMIS for Flying Haroun, UN Drowns Out Critique

On Cote d'Ivoire, UN's “Allegations” Not Read Out on March 18, Stonewall

Ban Envoy to Libya Al-Khatib's Pay from Jordan Raises Questions at UN

As Treki Calls Media “Animals” in Tunis, Mulls Defecting from Gaddafi

Bank of Montreal Hides Reply to Merger Protest, Fair Finance Watch Challenges

As UN Authorized Bombs Drop on Libya, UN Silent on Who Notified Ban

UN Global Compact Allowed in Private Military Contractor G4S Because “Not Illegal”

From UN, Story of Obama Heroics on Libya Rings False, NYT Phones It In

On Cote d'Ivoire, UN Ban's “Allegations” Stall UNSC Statement, Reliability Questioned

At UN, Kenya's Request for ICC Deferral Dies a Quiet Death, Would Sudan's?

Gadhafi Premier Asks UN Ban to “Intervene to Avoid Bombing,” Li Tells Press

UN Spokesman Dismisses Haiti & Labor Questions, Tells Press to “Shut Up”

At UN, As Libyan Resolution Passes With Five Abstentions, Half Answers

Juppe Says “No Question to Have People on Ground in Libya," a Draft Online

At UN, Vote at 6 on Libya Text “Excluding Occupation Force,” Mentioning Benghazi

At UN, France Asks for 6pm Vote, Says “Land” Is Not In Resolution, Spin

At UN, Ban Orders Hiring Changes, Sources Say for 2d Term, ASG Games

On Haitian Rubble, UN Ban's Estimate Is Amended Overnight, Downplaying Cholera (updated)

On Libya, Rice Explains Rejection of Russian Ceasefire Proposal, Blame Game On

As Gadhafi Moves in on Benghazi, at UN France Plays the Blues

As UN Council Slows on Libya, Dabbashi Says “10 Hours, Treki in Cairo"

At UN, Kenya ICC Meeting Is Canceled by Security Council, No Ban Summary

UN General Assembly Fails to Oversee Ban Ki-Moondoggle & Mercenary Deals

As Gadhafi Forces Advance, UN Delays, “Not the End of the World” - But Benghazi?

UN Libya Draft Stalls on Whether All or Only Military Flights Would be Banned

As Global Compact Lets in Private Military Contractor, UN Quiet on Mercenaries

At UN, Downer on No Fly Zone, Iran Says 2 Sided Coin, Delay Continues

At UN, Screening of Miral Has Schnabel Looking for Color, Gucci for Profits

As War Looms in Abyei, UN Spins About No Go Zones & Flying Haroun

Ban's Son in Law Disappears from UNOPS as “Furniture, Parked in New Jersey"

Bloomberg Plans to Double City Gym Fees Despite Health Ad Campaigns

With Crowley Out For Speaking, US Mission Silent on Darfur & UN Corruption

At UN, As Ban Promotes Indian Ambassador's Wife, Are Rules Needed?

At UN, Attacks on Labor Extend to Elevator Operators, Security, Tradespeople

At UN, Glitzy DVF Awards Have Kelly Partying In Space He Called Unsafe

UN New Libya Envoy Al Khatib Torn, Too Big For Photos, Rome Not Malta

UN Puts Zewde Atop Nairobi With Nepotism in Central Africa UNanswered

With UN Libya Envoy Al Khatib Unvetted for Conflicts, Limits to Mandate Sought

On Sri Lanka, UN's Haq Says Nambiar Isn't ICC Defendant, Called Co-Perpetrator

At UN, As Ban Launches Al Khatib to Libya, Jordan Protests & Business Links

UN Has No Comment on Protests in Abyei of Haroun Flight, Partition of Darfur

At UN, Chan Replaced by Abelian Atop Security Council Affairs Amid No Fly Talk

As M&T - Wilmington Is Protested, Fed Asks On Bailout Funds, Not Fair Lending

In Libya, As Treki's Former Staffer Speaks for Rebels, Asylum Predicted

As Gillard Is Asked Of ICC & Australian Sri Lanka Citizen Kohona, UN In Denial

With UNSC Dormant on Action Against Gaddafi, ICC Limits & Alternatives Discussed

On Sri Lanka, UN Claims Inaccuracies in Press Freedom Groups' Petition, Passes Buck

At UN, Sniping at No-Fly Zone in Council Consultations, Blocking Dabbashi? updated

At UN, Lucent Official Talks DRC & Congress, Ed Royce's “Take Me To Your Leader"

With UN Silent on Sri Lanka Accountability, Dodges on Press Freedom Petition Too

UN Envoy Al Khatib Is On Board of Jordan Ahli Bank, Links With Libya Central Bank

Amid Torched Villages in Abyei, UN Flew in Torcher Haroun, Questions Unanswered

UN's Envoy al-Khatib Has Attacked the Press, Commitment to Democracy Questioned

On Sri Lanka, UN Denies “Secret” Meeting, Won't Say If Report Public

As Bloomberg's Treasurer Opposes Rating Banks, Chase & Goldman Slammed

As Ban's UN Attacks Unions, G Staff & IBEW Engineers, Will Labor Fight CMP?

Despite Scathing Audit of PWC Wrongly Selected, UN Claims All Fine With Umoja

UN Admits 2d Flight of ICC Darfur Indictee Haroun to Abyei in Sudan, Impunity

At UN, As South Korea Brags of 2d Term for Ban, Press Excluded

As US Holds Hostage Funds for Abkhazia Process, Sources Say, West Misleads

At UN, As Blair Meets Ban, Echoes of Gaddafi & JPMorgan Chase, Amos

At UN, Portugal Will Chair Libya Sanctions Committee, Hope To Never Staff It

Cote d'Ivoire's Bamba on Genocide & Exclusion But Not Forces Nouvelles

Amid Abyei Fighting, Different Stories from Sudan Mission, Haroun to Fly?

At UN, Libyan Dabbashi Predicts Inaction by UN on Gadhafi's Ouster Letter

After UN Admits Belarus Error, France Wants to Condemn Shots at Experts

IMF Called Libya “Favorable” on Feb 15, Now Claims DSK Clairvoyance

In Libya, 70,000 from Bangladesh Trapped, Gadhafi Asks for UN Seats Back

As UN Admits Belarus Copter Mistake in Cote d'Ivoire, Refuses to Answer Questions

At UN, Rice Defends Libya Resolution's ICC Carve Out, Calls Mercenaries Small

As Libya Suspended from Rights Council, Venezuela Broods, UK Dodges

Ban's Cote d'Ivoire Copter Claim Disproved, Even to France, Russia Complains

At UN, Libya Self Congratulation and Skepticism of Ban at Brazil Reception

Before UN Excludes Libya from Rights Council, Sources Say Unanimous, 4 to Speak

UN Corruption Scandal in ERP Extends from Hiring & PWC to Capital Master Plan

With Ban's Cote d'Ivoire Copter Claim Rejected, Diplomats Complain

On UN Libya Resolution, US Expert Pushed for Carve Out, Chinese Circus

As Ban Alleges 3 Copters from Belarus for Gbagbo, Silent on 3 from Ukraine

In UN Libya Resolution, US Insistence on ICC Exclusion Shields Mercenaries

At UN on Libya, Does Deployment of Ban's Rostrum Signal Chinese OK?

At UN, Changes to Libya Draft Resolution 3 Hours Before Planned Vote

At UN, Final Libya Draft Has ICC Referral, Mentions Article 16 Suspension

As Libya's Shalgam Supports Referral to ICC, Spin of France & NGO, Human Rights

At UN, Portugal Denies It Doesn't Support Referring Libya to ICC, EU Blame Game?

On Libya, Will France & UK Drop Referral of Case to ICC for Mere Mention?

On Libya UN Resolution, France Will Flexibly Insist on ICC, Gabon Breaks Unity

At UN, Libya Diplomat Trashes Gadhafi, UK & France Propose ICC as Bargain Chip?

At UN, Gabon's Ali Bongo Faces Libya Questions & Obiang of Equatorial Guinea

At UN on Libya, ICC and Conservatives Lurk in UK Draft, US Called AWOL

Hype of UN Women Relaunch Has Bachelet Dodging on Impunity, Praising Libya

After Ban Meets Sri Lanka AG & Silva, No Trip or Panel in UN Read Out

At UN on Libya, UK Quietly Drafts a Resolution, Ban to Brief, Gadhafi Kin with UN?

On Libya, As Malloch Brown Hopes Gadhafi Kin Not UNDP Ambassador, Firing

At UN, Ban & Nambiar Meet Sri Lanka AG & General Silva, Despite Denials

On Sri Lanka, As UN Haq Claims No Nambiar ICC Filing, Meeting Disputed

At UN, Ban to Meet with Sri Lanka AG, His Panel Undercut, No Nambiar Comment

Under Gadhafi, UNDP has Praised Libya on MDGs & UN Women, Contra Ban

At UN, Despite Libyan Testimony on Mercenaries, Issues Not in Press Statement

UN Silence on Mercenaries Not Only in Libya but Bahrain, Pakistani Police

As Gadhafi Friend Will Brief UN Council, UK Draft Quotes Anti-Colonel Deputy

At UN, Libyan Deputy Says Mercenaries, PR Shalgam Says No, “Brown Like Me"

As Libya Burns, UN Ban Ki-moon in Hollywood, Faceless at Facebook

UN Response On Chinese Contractor Doesn't Mention the Firm or Its Violations

Amid Gadhafi's Crackdown, UN Council to Consult, Formal Meeting Uncertain

As Libya UN Deputy Slams Gadhafi, Murabak Rep Remains, Bahrain to Decide?

Sri Lanka War Crimes Filing with ICC Names UN Nambiar Along With Kohona

UN Response On Chinese Contractor Doesn't Mention the Firm or Its Violations

As Libya Kills Protesters, Gadhafi Daughter is UN Ambassador, UNDP Silent

As Sudan Bombs Jebel Marra & Blockades Darfur IDPs, UN Won't Respond

As Myanmar Threaten Aung San Suu Kyi, Weak UN Response Leads to Escalation

In Murky UN, Kane & Trezza Look to Geneva, Nairobi Opaque, Zannier to OSCE?

After Vetoing Settlements Resolution, Rice Says Trip Not Viable, Denies Lobbying

At UN on Settlement Resolution, Colombia Asks Notice, Trinidad Drops Off

As France Briefs UN on G-20, Meeting Is Closed Like FAO Process, No Cassez

At UN, As Ban Speaks of US $100M “Contribution,” How Spent & Reported?

As Suntech Says Got $80 M Contract For UN Peacekeeping, Chief Not Aware

At UN, Settlement Resolution Undercut by Honduras, Kazakhs & Cameroon Pulling Away

At IMF, No Comment on Ukraine & Cote d'Ivoire Shutdowns, US Reform of GSE

At UN, Kosovo Debate Dominated by Organs & EULEX Limits, IMF Critique

At UN, Ouattara Rep Predicts Cairo in Cote d'Ivoire, Says Zuma Should Defer

In Haiti, UN Won't Explain Not Serving Canaan Settlement, Rebuffs Probe

At UN, France's G-20 Called Untransparent Amid Dictator Flights, Cassez Charges

Amid Sudan's Darfur Crackdown, UN Has No Comment, Partners with Bashir Gov't

UN Again Denies Receiving Petition about Disappeared Journalist in Sri Lanka

UN Says Flying ICC Indictee Haroun Was In Its Budget, Won't Disclose Cost

At UN, Thai Minister Kasit Dismissive on Rohingya, As Ban's Envoy Says Nothing

As UN Council Rebuffs Cambodia on Peacekeepers, Thai Denial of Cluster Bombs

UNMIS Flew ICC Indictee Haroun on Special Helicopter, Contrary to UN Claim

At UN, Russia Blasts Georgia, Germany Dodges & Spins, Egypt Ambassador Runs

At UN, Germany's Westerwelle Won't Answer on European- Iranian Trade Bank

Amid Scandals, UN Claims Paperwork for Filipino Payments, None for US $100 M

As India's Krishna Pitches UN Council Membership, Discussions of Nambiars

Thai - Cambodia Meeting of UN Council Confirmed for Feb 14, Marty in Personal Capacity

At UN, Tale of Two Dengs at Southern Sudan “Feel Good” Meeting with Ban

As UN Refuses to Account for $100 M, Ban Ki-Moon Doggle Alleged

On  Indian Minister Krishna Hits NY on UN Seat, Not Veto or Student Surveillance

At UN, Re-Purposing of US $100 M Defended by Susan Rice, Noone Else Paid

As US Let UN Keep $100 M for Security, Who Decided & Will Others Pay?

On Myanmar, EU Prepares Visit, Ban Delays Replacing Nambiar, Mandate Cut?

For $100M Earmark, UN & US Mission Hide Behind Security, Won't Describe Approval

As Egypt Ambassador Dismissing Web Crackdown, UN Job Search Continues?

With UN Panel Blocked from Sri Lanka, Ban Says “There Was An Agreement"

On Thai - Cambodia, UN Moves for Monday Council Meeting, With ASEAN

EU's Ashton, Who Cut Sri Lanka's GSP Plus, Says Rajapaksa Blocks Inquiries

UN Says Will Return $180M, Has Yet to Account for $100M Security “Earmark”

On Thai - Cambodia, UNSC Defers to ASEAN's Natalegawa, UN Replacement?

As UN Won't Account for US Tax Fund, $100 M Earmark for Security Questioned

On Sri Lanka War Crimes, UN's Ban Listed 2005 Trip, Panel Offers Video

As Congo Arrests American for Gold Trade, UN's Meece Knows Little, No LRA

At UN on Thai - Cambodia, 2 Members Want Meeting, Not ASEAN Deferral

As Thai - Cambodia Fighting Escalates, UN & Its Council Unresponsive, Repetition?

The Subprime Virus” Omits the Activist Cure, Mystification in CFPB Republic

As Egypt's IMF Rep Quits, Its Ambassador Wants UN Job Like Choi - & Kouchner?

Blocked from Sri Lanka, UN Panel Offers Video Conference or Written Questions

JPM Chase Closing Mission Accounts Not Solved In Closed UN Meeting

At UN, Gay Rights Group Loses 9-7 in NGO Committee, Sudan Wins, Egypt Speaks

At UN, Ouattara's Bamba Says Month Too Long, Chad Too Far, Gbagbo Cut Lights

As UN Says Panel Sri Lanka Visit “Desirable But Not Essential,” Ban Protested

On Cote d'Ivoire at UN, S. Africa Proposes Elements on AU, Ukraine Copter Vote

At UN, Rights Groups Grilled in NGO Committee by Iran, Morocco, Cuba

In Cote d'Ivoire, UN Silent on Copters & as Journalists Arrested After UN Flight

As IMF Urges Pakistan to Raise Tax, Dodges Food Prices, Cote d'Ivoire & Bulgaria

In UN Forest Week, Maathai Dodges on UNDP, Sri Lanka Dispute

In Cote d'Ivoire, UN Copters Absent After 2 Weeks, UN Passes Buck to Licorne

Amid Protests, UNDP Suspends Egypt & Tunisia Programs, Ban Vituperates

When UN Flew Haroun, No Reimbursement or Flight Manifest, France vs UK

Amid Philippines scandal, UN in Manila Says HQ Is On It, HQ Denies It

In UN Council, No Egypt or Gbagbo Sanctions, No Vote on Settlements

At UN, Talk of Egypt and Culture Wars on Gay Rights, Decay under Ban

As in Sri Lanka Media Burns, UN “Is Not Aware” of Petition about Journalist

At UN, Jabs at NGO on Lesbian Rights from Pakistan, Sudan, Russia, Morocco

With UN Chief Investigator Charged with Retaliation, OIOS Spins

Amid Sudan Threats, UN Ban Silent on Darfur with Sarkozy & US

As Egyptians Push for Change, UN Ban Warns of “Political Instability”

As in NYC Police Guard UN Mission of Egypt, UNDP Banned Rights Advocates

Amid Egyptian Protests, UN Dormant, Ban Silent on Emergency Law

At UN, Ban's Claim of 99% Public Financial Disclosure Called “Metaphorical”

As UN Takes $2m for Mines from Association Silent on Its Budget, Excludes Press

At UN, Ban in Turbulence Blames Roth for Human Rights Critique, Orr to DC

In NYC, While Snow Is Plowed This Time, Summons Strike Is Revealed

While US Claims to Push China on Iran Sanctions, Oil Calls the Tune

As in Gabon Obame Seeks UN Support, Echoes of Cote d'Ivoire & UNDP in Yemen

Despite Hearing of Death in Sri Lanka, UN Bragg Says No Contact with Ban's Panel

On Sri Lanka, UN Says Bragg Had Visa Without Restriction, Unlike Ban's Panel

As Obama Speech Jumps from South Sudan to Tunisia, Skipping Darfur, Asia Ceded

At House Hearing on UN, Lack of Transparency Met by Lack of Knowledge

With UN Panel Blocked from Sri Lanka, Visit Now Called “Not Essential"

UN Officials Refusing Financial Disclosure Range from Sudan to Lebanon, Ban's Friends

At UN, Ouattara Diplomat Bamba to Meet with ICC, Museveni With Gbagbo

With Ban Called Weak on Sri Lanka, UN Claims Unfair to Judge, Unanswered Questions

As UN Corruption Hearings Loom, Ban Team Ignores Reform & Elections Questions

As Ban Sings of Voiceless, UN Ignores Darfur, Sri Lanka & Burma Questions

UN Belatedly Confirms Ban Panel Blocked by Sri Lanka, No More Questions

UN Praises Exit of Darfur IDPs, Silent on Censorship, Refuses Sudan Questions

Retaliation by Spokesman for "Transparent" Ban Ki-moon Typifies UN Decay

As IMF Downplays Tunisia Role, Gbagbo Frozen, Juba Waiting, Hungary Dodged

As Sudan Shoots Students in Darfur, UN Says It's Better, Ignores Questions

With Rajapaksa in US Will Ban Panel, Blocked from Sri Lanka, Seek an Interview?

As Montas Sues Duvalier While Paid by UN, Suit Approved Under UN Rules?

At UN, Dormant Council Issues Kept Alive as Leverage, Seizure List Leaked

At UN, Ban on Transparency Leaves Deng Conflict in Sudan in Shadows

On Sri Lanka White Flag Murders, Nambiar Raised by Magazine, Dodged by UN

At UN, Deal on Cote d'Ivoire Resolution Has Bamba Silent, Speaks to Press

UN & Africa Judged Unimportant by CRF Panel on Fiscal Crisis, Citi in the House

At UN on Sudan, No Comment on Torture or Undercutting ICC, Turabi Arrest

In Cote d'Ivoire, Choi Denies US or French Pressure or Blockage from Abobo

While UN's Sri Lanka Panel May Not Go, Bragg Won't Convey IDPs Tales

UN Denies Role In Haiti Detaining Duvalier, Pays Montas Calling For It, Kouchner?

At UN, Cote d'Ivoire Troop Rollover Stalled by “Politics,” UK Blames Russia

At UN on Tunisia, Pillay Considers Visit But Ban Does Not, Double Standard Alleged

UN Gets Sri Lanka Visa for Fundraising, Not War Crimes Panel, Doormat for Despots

On UN Cote d'Ivoire Resolution, Russia Objects on Sanctions, China "Flexible"

UN's Landgren Spoke of Withholding from Nepal Equipment that India Gave

At UN, Somali Minister Dodges on Saracen & Sharif Term, Even Who Ambassador Is

Ban Says Panel “Finalizing” Sri Lanka Dates, “Will Be Able” to Talk B/y LLRC

As Ban Again Dodges on 2d Term, Claims a Transparency Not Seen at UN

On Sri Lanka, UN Panel Delays Report into Next Month, Travel UNclear

UN Didn't Announce Darfur Kidnappings, Waited to See if Questioned

In Cote d'Ivoire, As Ouattara is Served “UN Food,” UN Dodges Plot Questions

Amid Kyrgyz Blame Game, UN's Jenca Claims Progress, Water War Looms

As JPM Chase Cuts Off UN Missions, US Says Bailed Out Banks Are Free

UN in Sudan Didn't Ask Security Council As Flew War Criminal Haroun to Abyei

In Cote d'Ivoire, UN Defers to Gbabgo's Forces, Certified Illegitimate

As UN for Ouattara, not Hamas, Algeria or Gore, Chad's Friends Snark

In Cote D'Ivoire, as UN Retreats from Gbagbo Turf, Talks Tough in NY

On Haiti, UN Fetes Itself, Ignores Call for Cholera Indictment, Immunity Withdrawal

UN Admits Transporting ICC Indictee Harun to Abyei, NGOs & US Yet to Speak

After Ivorian One-Off, Red Flag on African Elections for UN, Anderson's Farewell

In Haiti, UN Calls Criticism “Claptrap,” Defends IOM On Pepper Spray Report

Amid Ivorian Chaos, UN Council Meets on 24 African Elections, Shrunken Horizon

Amid Discussion of Cutting Cocoa Customs & Paying Gbagbo Army, UN Is Listening

On Sudan, UN Won't Specify Khor Abeche Blockade, When Le Roy Asked Troops

In Cote d'Ivoire, Questions of Cocoa Customs, Ouattara Calls for Special Forces

On Sudan, Questions of Expulsion of Darfur Rebels & Ocampo on Bashir's Billions

As UN Dodges on Korean Reports on Ban's 2d Term, Empty Korean Desks

IMF Postpones Kosovo & Pakistan, Dodges on Tunisia & Sudan Debt

UN Was Silent as Bashir Blocked Food to Khor Abeche in Darfur, Referendum

At UN, Nepal Opposition Letter Delayed & Ignored, Landgren to Burundi

Mogadishu in Manhattan Redux, The Return to the UN of Idd Beddel Mohamed

As UN Confirms Darfur Rape, Council Claims IDP Camp Arrests “Addressed”

As UN Misses Gbagbo's Deadly Raid on Opposition Office, UN Passes Buck

UN Refuses to Confirm Darfur Rapes After 11 Days, Off Record on Referendum

As Sri Lanka Talks of “Conditional Visas” for UN, It Switches to “Potential Visit”

At UN, Susan Rice Still Blank on Bashir's Billions, UK Calls Iran Diversionary

Amid Calls in Nepal for UN to Stay, Ban Reassigns Landgren, Limits Talks

On Sudan, UN Ends 2010 in Dream World on Darfur & Rape, Praising Bashir's Courage

Despite UN Recognition, Cote d'Ivoire Diplomat Can't Enter Mission Until Jan. 3

On Sri Lanka, Amid Confusion About Ban's Panel, UN Has Nothing Further to Say

As Sudan Ends Doha Talks on Darfur, UN Ignores Questions of Rape & Referendum

UN Insists Its Sri Lanka Panel Would Not Only Talk to LLRC, 4 Questions Refused

On Sri Lanka, UN Insists Its Panel Would Not Only Talk to LLRC, 4 Questions Refused

As Sri Lanka Brags of Limits on UN War Crimes Panel, UN Stonewalls Press

In Cote d'Ivoire, UN Says It Works WITH Gbagbo on Mercenaries, Jeunes Patriotes

In Sudan, Disarmament Irregularities Freeze UN Program in Referendum Run Up

On Sudan, As UN Tells NGOs of Polling Delay, No Result to Feb 2, No Answers

At UN, Ouattara's Bamba is Installed, Speaks of Genocide But Not How He's Paid

After NYC Blizzard, Jail Bus Stuck in Snow, Unplowed Outer Borough Blame Game

With UN Under Fire on 3 Continents, Vacation for Ban Ki-moon's Spokesmen

At UN Council's Change of Guard, Press Access Doubted, Japan We Hardly Knew Ye

In Somalia, Saracen Funder Secret, Link With AMISON Denied, UN Not Briefed

UN in Kosovo Accused of Coverup of Organ Trade & Press Beating, Silent

After UN Backtracks on Sri Lanka Visit, Snow Job Even on Secretary's Trip

On Cote d'Ivoire, UN Has Nothing on Mercenaries or Blocked Broadcasts

At UN on Budget, Iran Loses Sanctions Vote, R2P, Durban III Funded

At UN, Budget Endgame Has Genocide and R2P, Iran Against Political Missions

As Congo Mass Rapist Serafim of FDLR Roams Free, 2 New Posts at UN

UN's Sri Lanka War Crimes Panel “Broader than LLRC,” Travel Unclear, No Q&A

UN Budgets Votes On Durban III & Iran Sanctions Panel, R2P & Staff Treatment

In UN Council, Bosnia's January Light Except Sudan, Cote d'Ivoire a Footnote

Mogadishu To Manhattan, Somali Minister Lobbies UN for His Clan, Ignores TFG

UN Council Gives Sudan & Iran Sanctions to Colombia, Somalia to India

In UNSC, Nigeria Gets Peacekeeping, Portugal 1718 But Not Working Methods

UN Credentials for Cote d'Ivoire Diplomat Stalled by Russia, “No Instructions”

With Obama Proud of UN Gay Amendment, 10 Who Did Not Vote, Tactics

In UN Budget, Iran Wants to Cut Sanctions Group, UNICEF to Pay More

At UN Gays Added to Executions Resolution, US Overall Abstains

As UN Seeks to Decertify Gbagbo Diplomat, Le Roy Reconfirms Mercenaries

As UN Denies IIMSAM Reps Had Grounds Passes, Photo Shows Otherwise

At UN, Gas Leak Moves Youth Video Event of US Mission, Chat with DPRK

At UN on Korea, China Agreed to Condemn Nov 23 Shelling, US Blew Up Deal

For US Youth Day at UN, 3 Videos Got Vetoed, French Went Nuclear, Montage

Susan Rice Denies Being Told Sudan's Bashir Stashed $9B, Despite WikiLeak

In Iraq, UN Negotiates to Take Over USAID Site, Ditch Bunker, Malcorra Confirms

UN Extends Sri Lanka Panel Entry Deadline to End of 2010, Trip Before Jan 15?

In Cote d'Ivoire Gbagbo Is Using Mercenaries, From Liberia, UN Says, US Unaware

Once Ocampo Told Susan Rice of Bashir's $9 B in Lloyds, What Was Done?

At UN on Korea, 8 Hours Result in No Statement, Calls for Ban Envoy, ROK Exercise

At UN on Korea, China Wants Name of Shelled Island Out of Statement

Korean Meeting at UN Stalls As Even Russia & China Disagree on Ban Statements

At UN on Korean Crisis, After US Rebuffs Russia, a Sunday Meeting Set

Mogadishu in Manhattan, After Cops Called on DPR, TFG Says Controls 55%

At UN, Portugal Takes On P-5 Favorite Bosnia to Chair Reform Group, Austria's Song

At UN, Ban Says His Panel Will Travel to Sri Lanka, Extension Not Confirmed

Darfur An Afterthought In Ban's & Gambari's UN, Withholding of Massacre Report

IOM Returns Ethiopian Refugees Blocked by Saudis in Yemen, Calls It Voluntary

At UN, Sudan Ignores Finding That It Bombed, Council Largely Ignores Darfur

On Cote d'Ivoire, UNSC Condemns Violence in Abidjan Not Tiebissou, Exile?

At UN, As Sri Lanka War Crimes Panel Rejected Evidence, UN Promises Extension

As IMF Position on Maldives Linked to Gitmo Prisoners, Silence on Climate Strongarm

As Former Somali Diplomat Is Barred from Mission to UN, Is UNICEF Barred?

On Darfur, As UNAMID Withholds Tabarat Report, Le Roy Says It's Public

At UN, Oil for Food Resolution Kept Open by Iraqi Letter Delay, Nuke Doubts by 3

At UN on Sri Lanka War Crimes Panel Deadline, Secretariat on Vacation

UN Slow to Act on Douste Blazy Misuse of MassiveGood Funds, Malaria in Myanmar

As UN Calls Cancun Transparent, Unaware of Climate Bribes, Beating & Exclusions

Biden UN Trip to Include 2 or 3 Iraq Resolutions, No Answers on Costs or Security

At UN, Copts Protest Killings to Egyptian Mission, No Party Time in Giza

On Somalia, UN Looks Away from Mercenaries & Funder, Withholds MOU

As UN and US Deal with Gbagbo Diplomats, Protesters Hit Angola Link, Council in DC

At UN Amid WikiLeaks, of Brazil & Iran, Uribe & Other War Criminals

At UN, Condi Got Gambari Fired from Burma, Suck Up to Sudan Unacted On

On Haiti, UN Role in Recount Unclear, US Mirrors UN On Cholera Origins

As India Joins UNSC It Questions Myanmar Threat & Bashir Indictment

As US at UN Selectively Touts Its Advocacy for Gays, Positions on Executions Questioned

At UN, Israel's Reuben Trashes Ging on Gaza, Questions Erdogan Connections

Chez Susan Rice, Cote d'Ivoire Plots, Sudan Greets and Meats, UN Holidays

On Darfur, As UNAMID Covers Up Killings by Sudan, ICC Reports Them

Second Term Fever of Pillay & Ban Triggers Snub of Liu Xiaobo, UN Prize

As Haiti Burns and Suffers, UN Stonewalls on Voting and Cholera in Camp Corail

UN Council Agrees After 5 Days to Cote d'Ivoire Statement on Ouattara Win

At UN on Cote d'Ivoire, Russian Expert Stood Up to UK & Susan Rice, No “Note taker”

At UN, Cote d'Ivoire Deal Mirroring ECOWAS Looms, Battle for Credit Begins

On Sudan, As US Says No Abyei Referendum Jan 9, UN Silent, on Darfur Killings Too

At UN on Cote D'Ivoire, Russia Remains Firm, Sends Note Taker, Test for Rice?

As Sudan Bombs, UN Stonewalls, US Dodges

On Sri Lanka, ICC Prosecution “Could Be an Option” for State Party Nationals

At UN, US' Rice Accuses Russia of Quibbling on Cote d'Ivoire, Claims Neutrality

On Cote d'Ivoire, Russia Chides Ban's Choi, Reiterates Rice Should be Corrected

At UN on Cote d'Ivoire, Russia Demands Susan Rice Statement Be “Corrected"

On Sudan, UN Won't Confirm Darfur Attacks, US Still Nothing on 12 Murders in Unity

In Somalia, Entrepreneurs Prosper & Petrie Violate Sanctions in Puntland, TFG Tricks

UN Choi Forced out of Cote d'Ivoire, Flees to Nigeria, Will Brief Council Tuesday

On Myanmar, UK Urges UN To Replace Nambiar With Full Time Envoy

At UN on Myanmar, 2 Meetings, No Action, Less Candor on 2 Day Visa

On Cote d'Ivoire, at UN China Says 2 Should “Share,” UN Silent on Bassole, Rice Grilled Choi

Amid Cote d'Ivoire Chaos, UN Ignores Questions, of Jack Lang & Bassole, Sudan

On Cote d'Ivoire, Gbagbo Prefers UN Abou Moussa to Choi, UNSC Unlit Saturday

As Gbagbo Moves to Eject UN Choi from Ivory Coast, No UNSC Action Under US

At UN on Cote d'Ivoire, As Council Meeting Called, Gbagbo Spin, Questions Dodged

After 2 Day Myanmar Trip, Nambiar “Trashed” Aung San Suu Kyi to UN Officials

At UN on Wikileaks, Ban in Glass Houses Won't Throw 1st Stone, Korea Spying “Legitimate”

At Gracie Mansion, Jokes of Cathie Black & Bloomberg, Moses History & Onion Tart

As UN Abandons Central African Republic, Bozize Asks Money for His Army

US Susan Rice Confirms Stealth Myanmar Briefing, Sudan Sit-Reps, Darfur

In Cote d'Ivoire, Elections Official Asks US & France for UN Protection, UN Slow

IMF Fudges on Ireland & Democracy, on Africa's Reduced Votes, Maldives Deferred

Wikileaks Buzz from Turkey to UN, But Ban Quiet with Clinton, Assange as Terrorist?

UN Won't Disclose Ban's, Le Roy's or Pascoe's Frequent Flyer Miles, Ignores JIU

At UN on Wikileaks, As Downer & Ging Dodge, Candor at UK Event, Kerim in the Wings?

At UN, Deng Admits Making Genocide Staff Work on His Book, Nambiar Said OK

UN Admits Misspoke on Frequent Flyer Miles But Doesn't Explain, Ethics Office Excuses

At UN on Koreas, China Opposes “Condemn,” Inaction Likely, 2 Elements Proposed

At UN, Diplomats Marvel at Wikileaks, Yemen Betrayal & Gaddafi Companion

As US Sought UN Frequent Flyer Miles, Misuse of Miles Alleged in Liberia

With UN's Skanska Under Fire for Minority & Mafia Hiring, Food Out onto 1st Ave

As UN Belatedly Confirms Khartoum Bombing of S.Sudan, UNSC Has Yet to Consider It

As US Shown Spying on UN, In Denial UN in Iraq Under US Protection

In Myanmar, Reporters Banned from UN Nambiar, No Comment on Press Freedom

UN's Nambiar Makes No Comment on Myanmar Crackdown on Free Speech & AIDS Patients

Disbanding in Ludlow Street Basement, Palmyra Leaves Mark, Economy Be Damned

As UN Leaves Central African Town of Birao, Rebels Oust Civilians, UN Has No Answers

UN Won't Confirm Myanmar Visit by Nambiar, Says Rights Report Speaks for Self

On S. Sudan Vote & Ban's Panel, UN Dodges Questions of Payment, Diaspora Visits

On Sudan, UN Won't Confirm Darfur Conflict or Panel's Diaspora Work, Outsourced by Ban

At UN, No Action on Korea Shootout, Council Theater, Questions Banned

UN Denies Ban's Korea-Less Speech Was For Re-Election, NJ Wrong Venue, It Says

As UN 3d Committee Ends with Doggerel on Durban III, Budget Battle Looms

With Garbari in Darfur, UN Won't Confirm Bombings, Ignores Sudan Questions

In Haiti, UN Admits APC in Ditch, In Denial on Shooting & Cholera Origins, Clinic

Amid Korea Shots & Worries, UN Ban Silent in NJ Speech, Hours After White House

In New Jersey, UN Ban Speech Ignores Haiti, Congo & Sri Lanka, Brags of Darfur

On Sri Lanka, UN Can't Confirm Will Talk to White Flag Silva, Or Report Will Be Public

At UN, As War Criminal Posted as Sri Lanka Deputy, Will Panel Interview Him?

Turkish Cypriot Leader Denounces EU, Calls Downer Fatigued, Looks to January  (video here)

At UN, Questions on Sudan, Sri Lanka & Haiti Left Unanswered Amid Free Lunch

At UN, Pakistan Expert Loses for ACABQ, of Politics & Budget Shifts Unquestioned

At UN Council, Nothing Said on Myanmar as Russia & Nigeria Oppose Guinea Meeting

On IMF Quota Changes, Spin War Emerges, IMF Role in Debt of Sudan Questioned

Afghan Inaction on UN Death as UNICEF Hired Karzai Insiders, UN in Kabul

On W.Sahara, UN Blind As Probe Is Called For Amid Uganda Paragraphs, Mexico YouTube

At UN, As Clinton Accuses Sudan of Harassing Witnesses, Karti Denies, Hague Meets

At UN, Bedbugs Now In Press Briefing Room & Al Jazeera, Talk of Fleas in Basement

At UN on Sudan, Scratchy Mbeki, UN Silent on Bombs, Hillary on Decoupling Darfur

In Haiti, UN Fires Into Crowds, Says Its Only Focus Is Future, Not How Cholera Arrived

As Bloomberg Boosts Uruguay Smoking Fight, of UN & Tobacco, Food Safety Black Hole

At EU, Delay of Sudan Referendum Predicted, Of Darfur & “Difficult” Kalma Turnover

In NY, Spanish Civil War Photos Scream of Propaganda, Echo Sudan & Sri Lanka

At UN, Transformers 3 Is Filmed, Truth Transformed, Is Ban a Decepticon?

At UN, As Serbia Complains of Telecom Cut in Kosovo, Few Are Listening

In Sudan, UN Blind, Deaf & Dumb on Fighting in Darfur, Relocation of Refugees

On W. Sahara, UN “Has No Firsthand Knowledge,” Used YouTube to Report

On Sri Lanka, UN Says Panel Might Consider New Photos, But No Comment

For UN's Nov 16 Sudan Meeting UK Hides the Ball With Outcome & Invitations

Sudan Death Sentences Met with UN Silence, LRA in Darfur Called Unconfirmed

At UN, Good Office on Myanmar Unit Works Instead on Island, Tonga, Sources Say, Nambiar Did Not Visit Burma

On Sudan, Susan Rice Defends Decoupling Darfur from Terror Sanctions, Karti Not Invited

On WSahara, UN Council & Ross Weigh Early Briefing on Morocco Violence

UN G-20 Team Cuts Out UNDP & Jomo, Ban 2d Term in View, DC House  Looming

At UN on Myanmar, Critique of Nambiar, Plea for Refugees in Thailand, Council Delay

In Darfur, UN Amos Not Meeting IDP Leaders Remains a Mystery, Politics Alleged

On Congo Rapes, UN Stalled By Fear of Equipment Theft, Wallstrom's Not on Haiti

In Ban's UN, Korean Press Wars & Bed Bugs in BBC & NHK, No Q&A With Ban in Seoul

As Musharraf Stops on Park Ave, Coups, Cases & Debt Scoffed At, Osama As Che

On Darfur, UN Confirms Amos Meeting Canceled, Blames IDP Splits Not Sudan Arrests

At UN, Censorship Alleged by Staff Union, Job Action Planned at ILO, Ban Flies Away

UN Won't “Second Guess” on Child Soldiers, Myanmar by December, Knows Little

As Darfur IDPs Won't Meet with UN, Failure to Protect Extends to Health Care

As Myanmar Imposes 90 Day State of Emergency, UN & Ban Have No Comment

On Myanmar's Military Election, UN Is Silent on Observers, War Crimes, Cyclone

On S. Sudan Referendum, EU Countries Behind on Funding Pledges, Speak of Delay

French Obama Diss Report Led to Lebanese Press Ban, Collective Punishment Alleged (updated Nov 7)

At UN, Finger Pointing on Ban Human Rights in China Flap, Nobel & Sha Unaddressed

UN's Sha Planned Dining Solo with China General, Says Award Was Surprise

In UN Council, Pascoe on Yemen, W.Sahara & Hariri Tribunal, Non-Members Excluded

As UN Confirms 2 Dead, 28 Wounded in Darfur, Nothing on Journalists's Arrest

On Myanmar, Amartya Sen Skeptical of UNDP's Data, Separatists Data Unaddressed

Amid IMF Hardball in Pakistan on Textiles & Tax, IMF Silent, on Ukraine Taxes Too

UNDP Report Excludes Separatist Data, Praises Myanmar and Iran, Politicized Dev't

In Cambodia, As UN Ban Silent on Evictions, UNICEF Denies It Funds Prey Speu

As UN Says It Probes New Darfur Attack, Silence from Council on Sudan Press Crackdown

Amid Darfur Force Build Up by Sudan, UK is Cautious, UN Cuts Off Questions

As in Sudan Arrests & Attacks Loom, UN Cuts Monitoring, Council Silent

In UN Council, Hariri Tribunal Friday, Pascoe's Views & Video Choi, Darfur Deference (updated Nov. 5)

UN In Denial Over Sha's Award to Chinese General for Foundation UN Took Money From

As in Guinea Peul Targeted, UN “Does Not Wish to Comment,” Rwanda Echoes?

As Ban's UN Manipulated by Obasanjo, Used by IFAD's Nwanze, Nigeria Questions

From Soho to Brooklyn, Must Alternative Arts Just Mean Gentrification?

On Violent Anti-Drug Camp, UN Ban Still Silent, UNICEF Funds Only “Agency"

UN Panel on Sudan Vote Said “Independent from UNMIS,” Which Pays It $4.3 M

In Cambodia, UN's Ban Silent as Petitioner Beaten, “Undesirables” Jailed with UN Money

UN Genocide Adviser Refuses to Answer on Sudan, Defers to Khartoum PR

On Bed Bugs in UN, Focus Expands to New North Lawn, DC-2 & UN Credit Union

At UN, Turkish Cypriot Community Has Rare Diplomatic Status, Non State Envy

As Darfur Arrestees Named, UN Has No Comment, Gambari On Vacation in NY

At UN, Bed Bug Finds Are More Extensive, From 1st, 2nd & 15th floors to 2d Basement

With UN Ban in Cambodia, Eviction Protests Banned, Rights Are Internal Matter?

At UN on Bed Bugs, Spin Supersedes Solutions, After 1 Year, North Lawn Next?

UN Sudan Debate Degenerates to Book Sales, In Empire of Deng, Genocide Forgotten

UN Torture Expert Urges UN Not to Handover to Sudan, Gambari & Rice Absent

On Darfur, UN Won't Confirm Village Burning, Pledges Action on Sudan Data Block

With UN Ban in Bangkok, Political Gatherings Banned, Myanmar Voting on Giri Back Burner?

At UN, Taylor Swift's “Launch” Quietly Canceled After Questions, UN Leaves Door Open

At UN, Bed Bugs Move to Capital Master Plan Office, Raising Price for Press Returns

At UN on Darfur Arrestees, Susan Rice Issues Skeptical Statement, Sudan Blames on NGOs

At UN on Darfur Arrestees, Sudan Defiant While Gambari Absent

Amid Arrests in Darfur, UN Council Sits With Gambari, Menkerios South Sudan Blindness

At UN, Sri Lanka Panel's Darusman Mulls Requesting Visit, Kohona Says “Let Him Ask”

At UN, Korean Themes of Seoul G-20 & Ban 2d Term, DPRK Human Rights Meeting Transcripts

While Sudan Bars IDP Expert, UN Says IDP Camps in Darfur OK, Unsure of Arrests

Pro-Asia Mahbubani Says Myanmar “Doing Badly,” Ban Ki-moon “In a Rough Patch”

On Myanmar, Ban Ignores Quintana's Call for Inquiry, Daewoo Win-Win Unanswered

Sudan Blocking Malnutrition Data, Allowed by UN, Raised to Right to Food Rapporteur

On Sudan Sanctions, China Criticizes Chairman, Says He Can't Send Report for Committee

At UN, China Trashes Sudan Sanctions Report & Blind Quotes, Budget Cut Threatened

In Sudan, UN Keeps Secret Bashir Blockages, Talks to Hand Over 5 Darfur Rebels

UN Resignation of Petrie Caused by Inaction on Staff Genocidaire, UN No Comments

Accident Shows UN Police Guard Liberia Ministry, Can't Use Toilet There, Loj on Base

On Sri Lanka, Stealth Solicitation of Submissions by UN Ban Panel Unexplained

At UN, Outsourced Report and Reporter Dodge Congo Rapes, Unanswered Questions

As UN Gambari Plans Hand Over to Bashir in Sudan, Torture Complaint Mulled at UN

After Burundi 1-Party Election, Murder of Opposition, UN Declares Victory

UN Won't Count IDPs in Darfur or Soldiers in Sudan, Gambari Violates Torture Convention?

UN Peacekeeping Dreams On of Abyei, No Mention of Darfur or W. Sahara

In Darfur, UN Works With Authorities on Kidnapping, Refuses Kalma Questions

Deadly Haiti Prison Riot Highlights Swedish UN Wardens, Mystery Guests, One American

As UN Dining Workers Face Oct. 29 Layoffs, Launch by Taylor Swift, Aramark's Prerogative

As Myanmar Bars Foreign Press, UN Empties “Good Offices” for Other DPA Use

With Camps Ablaze in Western Sahara, Letter Given to Silent UN Council

UN Dodges on Congo Rape, When Knew & Told Wallstrom, Meece at CFR

Facing Foreclosure, Team Obama Requests Illegal Help, Some Say, No Moratorium

As UN Admits Burning of Darfur Village, It Had a Health Center But Now “No Access”

As Human Rights Groups Boycott Sri Lanka Panel, UN Ban's Panel Invisible

As UN Apologizes to Reuters, Both Refuse to Release Letter, Sudanese Ouster Closed

Darfur Mission's Credibility Questioned in UN Closed Door Session Amid Buffer Hype

UN Refuses to Answer Mugabe Ambassador Question, Stonewalls on Sudan

In Sudan, UNMIS Dodges on Panel and Exclusions from UN Jobs & UN Plane

With Sudan in Crisis, UN Dodges Questions, UNMIS Ignores Them, DC Follies

Congo's Bosco Exposes UN War Crimes Double Talk, Darfur Turn Over Confirms It

In UNSC Race, Canada Blames Ignatieff for Loss, S. Africa Favors Deferral for Bashir

At UN, Canada and Portugal in Second Round Slugfest for Council Seat, Germany Squeaks In

At UN, Will “Right Wing” Canada Sweep in Because 4 Europeans on Council Are Too Many?

At UN, Ban Meeting with Sudan Archbishop Excludes Press, No Answers on Debt

As Sudan Intimidates Darfur IDPs Who Spoke to Council, UN Has No Comment

UN Council's 5 Days in Sudan in 6000 Words: Darfur Forgotten, $15 Returned

In Darfur, Sora Destroyed and Kalma Dismantled Before Blind UN Council Visit

Darfur Forgotten Even in UN Council's Goodbye to Khartoum, Rice Fights For $15

In Darfur, UN Council Was Told Not to Visit Shangil Tobaya IDP Camp by Authorities

Karti Takes Hard Line on Darfur and Abyei to UN Council, Which Responds With Platitudes

In Khartoum, As Demonstration Opposes Secession and ICC, UN Council Avoids It

In Juba, Chinese UN Trainer Down on Referendum, Criticizes UNMIS, Calling Li Baodong

In Darfur, UN Council Plays Mother Theresa, Dodges on Inaction of UNAMID

Leaving Darfur, UN & UK Defer to Gambari on Turn Overs to Bashir, Press Excluded

As Darfur IDPs Speak of Hunger, UN Says No Famine, Silent on Blockade, No UNSC Oversight

N. Darfur Wali Lectures UN Council, One Eyed Statistics: Down, Down USA or ICC?

In Darfur, Gambari Criticizes Nur & Inner City Press on Video, Transcription Here

Fear & Loathing in Darfur, Of UN's Curfew & Low Morale, Gambari VIP Culture

In Darfur, Gambari Attacks Publication of His Kalma Turnover Drafts, Says Press Risks

Pro Bashir Protest Greets UN Council in Darfur, IDP Camp Visits in Play

Kiir Won't Declare Independence, Susan Rice Says, Debt, Darfur & LRA Followup Unclear

As UN Expels Sudanese Journalist from Flight, 3 Follow in Solidarity, Protests Brew

South Sudan Accuses Bashir of Arming LRA as Susan Rice Smiles, Others Queasy

UN Council Hears of S. Sudan “Slavery,” Sees Call for Separation, UNMIS Off Hook

Museveni Pressed on Killing of Civilians in Somalia, Disfavors Shelling, Cites Mao

Amid 100 Toyotas, UN Retread Speaks of Somalia Support, UNSC Oversight?

As US Defends Record on Darfur, France & UK Took Lead, Silence on Bashir Noted

In Uganda With UN Council, LRA On Agenda But Not Present, Like Karamoja

On Way to Sudan, China Says No Problem With Meeting Bashir, ICC Non-Member

P-5 Interests in Sudan & Darfur Reviewed, With Ambassadors in Nairobi Airport

On Sudan, Voting Materials Delayed Blamed on US, Silence on Darfur Questioned

On Way to Sudan, UN Council Praises Chad, Talks Contingencies, Terms of Reference

On Way to Sudan, UN Council Praises Chad, Talks Contingencies, Terms of Reference

For Sudan With UN Council Trip, a Plan B if No Referendum, Bashir OK Unclear

As Darfur Rebel Nur Says UN Nears Genocide, UN Silent, Council Visit Next Week

Taylor Swift Oct 25 Event Will Be In But Not Of United Nations, UN For Sale?

On Ban's “Abnormal” Understanding with Sri Lanka's Rajapaksa, UN Won't Answer

Sudan Trip by UN Council Set for Oct 4, NCP Qualifications, Did Bashir Say Yes?

As UN Report on Congo Is Toned Down, UN Won't Say By Whom, Ban's Role

As UN Council Prepares Trip to Uganda & Sudan, DRC Report to Raise Peacekeeping Price?

UN Won't Disclose Ban's 1 on 1 Meetings This Month, Presidents Beyond Sri Lanka?

At UN, Undisclosed Ban Meetings on 2d Term, Burma Business, Sell Out of Rights?

At UN, Debate Ends with Kashmir and Karabakh, Vietnam Hits at Swedish Pique

At UN on Sri Lanka, Ban Son in Law Called Irrelevant, Rajapaksa Relations Undisclosed

UN Ban Confined His Sri Lanka War Crimes Panel to Secret Meeting with Rajapaksa

UN Upbeat on Cote d'Ivoire Despite NY Weapons Purchase, Open Air Polling 

At UN, Sweden's Hit & Run Human Rights Attack Lambasted by Cuba in GA

On UN Sudan Trip, “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” About Bashir, Darfur Stop Unmentioned

UN Council Trip to Sudan is Back On, After Obama and Taha Praise, US to Announce

In Darfur, UN Prepares To Hand Over Bashir's Enemies for “Blood Money- Exclusive

After Sudan Tripartite Meeting, UN Paints A Happy Picture of Darfur, But Questions Remain

On Myanmar, US & UN Ban No Comment on Crimes Against Humanity, Nambiar Can't Visit

On Pakistan, Ripert out of a UN Job, Schulenburg Tried Carpet Bagging, Musical Chairs

As Kouchner & Le Roy Ask Where Darfur Nur Could Be Sent, Gambari Talks of Threats

On Sudan, Obama Non-Mention of ICC Used for Support of Bashir by OIC

At UN, As France Grabs the Mic, Kouchner Says to Report Only What He Says On It

On Myanmar, Team Obama Dodges, Critiques, Resigns Itself to Chinese Dominance

UN's Invitation to Eritrea for Somalia Meeting Was Revoked at IGAD's Demand

As Sri Lanka Quotes UN Ban Undermining His Panel on War Crimes, UN Questioned

At UN, Morales of Bolivia Contradicts US Crowley on Obama Aid Cuts, ALBA Wash

On Cyprus, Two Views of Downer, “No Right to Be Exhausted,” Disclosure Still Lacking

On Sudan, Border & Abyei Issues Fester, AU Says Accountability Is Not Everything

As Ban Meets Sri Lanka Rajajaksa, UN War Crimes Panel Not Mentioned

Obama Does Not Mention Bashir, Whose VP Taha Praises Obama at UN Sudan Meet

UN Sudan Meeting Has Weak Communique, Little Darfur Focus, “Big-Footing” by US

Ambulance Carts Off Diplomat from Khartoum, Sudan Media Say “Security” Pushed Him Down

On Somalia, UN & AU Defend Shelling of Markets & Mosques, Museveni Vs UNSC

Italy to Patrol Off Yemen, Frattini Confirms Before Stealth Meeting, UK Too

As Obama Omits Sudan in GA Speech, Trip “Is Dead,” Power Speaks of Kitchen Sink

As Obama Is Booed at Fundraiser, Chinese-Only Briefing, Sri Lanka Protest, MDGs

On MDGs, UN's Ban Won't Comment on Debt, Tax Havens or Zapatero Dodging Kagame

Amid Kyrgyz Crackdown & Failure to Protect, Obama Meet May Miss Human Rights, OSCE

As Clinton Meets Sudan VP, Bashir “Does Not Come Up,” UN Dodges on Darfur

France, Under Fire on Roma & from Al Qaeda, Hides from the Press at UN

At UN, Evo Morales Calls Colombia “US Candidate,” IMF Praise Out of MDG Document

At UN, Nigeria Mutes Critique of Shell, UNEP & Campbell, But Equal Pay for Equal Work

At UN on MDGs, More Questions Than Answers, Jafar on Rosneft, UNDP Dodges

On Sudan, UN to Name Panel This Week, Obama's 5 Minutes on Darfur & Bashir Photo Op?

UN Nepotism in Central African Republic Continues, CAR Alarm Still Ringing

Lamy of WTO Lashes Out at India Cotton Export Restriction, Admits US & China Power

Sudan Actions in NY as UN Council's Trip is Stalled, China Warns of Bashir Humiliation

At UN, Morin of France Dismisses Georgia on Mistrals, Dodges Roma Question

With Pakistan Blocked by IMF from Debt Relief, EU Stalls GPS+, Ripert Dodges Press

At UN, Halonen Contradicts Rudd on Sustainability Meetings, Less Press Access Under Ban

Gambari's Travails with Dictators Shown in UKUN Documents, Myanmar Now Darfur

As Turkey Chides Ban on Flotilla Favoritism, UN Briefing Canceled, Serry No Comments

On Myanmar, Long Shot ICC Strategy Pitched, UN Ban Meeting Followed by Inaction?

Sudan Trip by UN Council Stalled by Bashir Photo Op Concerns, P-2 Discussions

As UN Official Confirms Sudan Prescreens UNMIS Statements, Rice Says If True, It Would Be Disturbing: Will Probe? (updated)

At UN, Ban's 1st Meeting with Sri Lanka Panel Omitted From Schedule, Links Undisclosed

After Congo Rapes, Would UN Expert Wallstrom Shift to a Swedish Post?

As Myanmar Dissolves NLD, UN Prior Notice and Efforts Not Clear, UN Meeting Undefined

UN's Amos on Working With Sudan Gov't, Justifies Withholding of Darfur Data

At UN, Sudan Discussion is CPA Only, Darfur Forgotten, Trip in Jeopardy, Rice on Ice

At UN, Deiss Says Not Paid By Swiss, Then Admits Swiss Apartment & Airfare

On Darfur, UN Won't Provide Malnutrition Data, Protection Details, JEM Requests

At UN, Ban Silent on Sri Lanka Repeal of Term Limits, Links, Panel Still Not Started

At UN, Push by EU for Ashton Rights Countered by CARICOM & GRULAC, Delay

At UN, Trump Group Sponsors Kazakh Event, Program Confiscated, Questions Cut Off

Obama's Head On a Starving African Child's Body is MDGs Promo, UN Questioned

At UN, EU Resolution Stalled, Africans Oppose or Want Special Powers of EU

At UN, Treki Says AU & Arab League Will Have Powers like EU, KFC Dodge

UN Happy Talk from Ban & Spokesman, No Sudan, No Sri Lanka or Congo Accountability

At UN, Of Elusive Security Council Reform, EU Special Powers & GA Revitalization

At UN, Nigeria Chief of Army Staff Fired In Peacekeeping Meeting, No Boko Haram

At UN, Kosovo Moves into Third Floor, Serbia Eviction Bid Ignored, Capitulates

On Sudan, UN Ban Admits Limits on Peacekeepers, Gambari Summoned, Change Pledged

On Pakistan, IMF Won't Explain Lack of Debt Relief, Why & When Loans, MDG Games

In Darfur, As UN Is Blocked from Tabarat Killing Site, It Claims It Resists Sudan Restrictions

In Central Asia, UN Office Ignores Human Rights While Presiding Over Car Bombs

UNICEF Dodges Questions of Congo Mass Rape and Rwanda MDG Irony

On Darfur, UN Admits 50 Dead in Tabarat, Khare Says Sudan Shouldn't Restrict Movement

At UN, Council To Discuss Darfur, As UN Confirms It Awaited Approval Before Helping

On Congo Rape Scandal, Khare Spins July 30 E-mail, Congo Army Rapes

At UN, Nepal Letters Arrive Late in Council, Dodged by Ban, Nepali Police Investigated

At UN, Darfur Deaths Dismissed By Security Council Members, Inaction Like UNAMID

After Darfur Killings, Calls for Gambari to Resign, No Responses, UN Speaks to Itself

At UN, Drafts on MDGs Stalled on Bank Reform, Serb & EU Votes, Portuguese Junkets

Equatorial Guinea's Desire to Join Luso Portuguese Group Stalled by Angola, Luxophony

As Darfuris Lay Dying, UN Leak Shows Failure to Respond, Stonewalling, UNSC Soon?

Amid Death in Darfur, UN Silent, Awaiting Permission 15 Miles from Killing

In Pakistan, As Levies Break to Benefit Elite, Diplomat Calls for Probe, Alpine Ripert

Judge Drops UN's Case Against UNDP Doss Nepotism Victim, “I Am Not the Biter"

In Sudan, As Complaints of UN Inaction on Rights Mount, No Comment for 2 Days

In Congo, July 30 UN E-mail Spoke of FDLR & Rape, 22 Rapes Reported to UN Aug 6

For UNSC Seats, Canada & Germany Offer Junkets, Colombia Opposed by Chavez?

On Congo Rapes, UN Admits 240 Victims, Dodges Meece Inaccuracies, Wallstrom Inaction

In Sudan, UN Rebuffs Rights Complaints, Vets Statements With Bashir Government

At UN, Equatorial Guinea President's Son's $ 100 Million is “Just Business,” Pro Moroccan

At UN, Full Secrecy for Host Country Committee, No Summaries of Visa Complaints

As US Restricts UN Staff to 25 Miles from NY, UN Complains, After Press Asks

UN Whistleblower Awarded $166,000 from UNDP, Exposed N.Korea Irregularities

On Congo Rapes, UN Inaction & Dissembling Stretches to Wallstrom, Meece, Higher

At UN, Ban Lunches with Reporters, Menu Includes Corruption, Maybe Congo

At Russian UN Mission, Serbia Makes Its Case, Somalia Forgotten, Churkin Serves Roast Beef

At UN, Russia Month Ends With Pilots Taken in Darfur, Congo Rape Meeting Deferred

As Rwanda Threatens Darfur Pullout, Will Ban Edit Out Genocide, Jeane Afrique & Le Monde

As IPCC Pachauri Is Pushed to Disclose Deutsche Bank Payments, UK Libel Tourism Ignored

In Brooklyn, A Tale of 2 Girl Bands, The Raw & The Cooked, Heliotropes and Scamps

As Kagame's Rwanda Accused of Genocide, UN Downplays Threats, MDG Connection

On Congo Rapes, UN Can't Find E-mail, Won't Say Where Expert Wallstrom Was

As UN Leaves Congo Rape Questions Unanswered, DSS in Hiding, E-mail Withheld

On Sri Lanka, UN's Holmes Speaks of Gov't Shelling, Casualties, 2 Sides' Propaganda

UNDP's Assistant to Palestinians Lists Degree from Diploma Mill, UNDP Dodges Questions

On Congo Rapes, DPKO Faces Council Questions, New Element

On Congo Rapes, Email About Rebels Exposes UN Lies, Council's Elements Must Grow

At UN, Sri Lanka Move to Place Alleged War Criminal As Ambassador Questioned

Amid Calls to Probe UN Inaction on Congo Rapes, UNSC to Meet Aug 26, NGO Goes Silent

As UN's Inaction on Congo Rapes Triggers Belated Trips, Why No Flares or Sat Phones?

UN and Council Silent on Congo Rapes of which MONUSCU Had Foreknowledge

At UN, As Sudan Admits Expulsions Are For Rape Detection, Offers Jebel Marra Access

In Congo, 154 Rapes 30 KM from UN Peacekeepers Leaves UN Silent, P-5 In Disarray

At UN, Darfur and Kalma Camp Belatedly Discussed, No Rice, No Understanding?

As Myanmar Ends Visas for Cyclone NGOs, UN Looks Away, Blessing Scam Election

NYC Summer Music Ranges from Monklike Tango to White Rabbits, Salsero Hipsters

In Darfur as Kalma Faces Closure, UN Spokesman & DPKO Silent, OCHA Concerned

UN Spokesman Claims Right to “Lose It” & Go Berserky, Resents and Limits Questions

As UN Denies Offer to Mediate for Cambodia, Dodges on Roma, Selective Answers

Amid UN Speeches on Pakistan, Starvation in S. Waziristan Ignored as Apples Rot

On Pakistan, Holbrooke Dodges Drone Questions, Qureshi Says UN Lacks Capacity

Pakistan's Haroon, Faster on Floods Than His Own Gov't, to Leave UN Posting in NY

In Pakistan, UN Is Barred from Areas, Won't Urge Acceptance of Aid from India

At UN, Holmes' Humanitarian Tenure Ends With Sudan Silence, Sri Lanka Questions

In Near Empty UN, Four Yankees Shine Light on Sierra Leone, GM on AL Headaches

As Sudan Expels UN Officials for Rape Detection, UN Silent, Menkerios Year & Out

On Darfur, Split US Policy Matched By Biden Focused Die-In, Whither Obama and Rice?

In Confronting LRA, It's Not Only Copters UN Lacks, It's Commitment

On Darfur, A P-5 Member's Complaint Explains UN's Kalma Camp Flipflop

In UN Security Council Affairs Back to the Future, Norma Chan Replaces Heitmann

In Darfur, UN Is Forced To Correct Its Thanks to Sudan, Kalma Problems & Expulsions Persist

As LRA Builds Base in Bas Uele, UN Blames Lack of Copters, AWOL on Rape

As Sudan Expels UN Officials from Darfur for Petitions, UN Silent on Kidnappers

In Pakistan, Belated UN Ban Trip Follows Kashmir Flip Flop, Echoes JuD & Myanmar

Sudan Was Emboldened By UN Silence, IOM Expulsions, US Rice Darfur Focus Not Shown

On Sri Lanka, UN Has No Comment on Fonseka, Panel Still Not Started, Ban Book Flux

At UN, Aung San Suu Kyi absent from Ban's Statement & Myanmar Sham Election

While Author Says Ban Is 3rd “Giant of Asia,” Ban Denies Making Commitment

At UN, Dining Room Layoffs Aug 16, After School Program Will Not Be Replaced

In Darfur, UN Denies Threatening IDPs, Defends Ending Humanitarian Reports

First “Giants of Asia” Say Goh Chok Tong, Not 3rd Giant Ban, Was US S-G Choice

UN Blind to South Sudan Killings, Mute on Darfur & Kalma Camp Blockade

As Indian Troops Use Blue Helmets, UN Belatedly Protests, But Only in Kashmir?

UN's Ban To Be 3rd Giant of Asia by Tom Plate, Lee Kuan Yew's Sri Lanka Confidante

In Darfur, UN Has No Comment on Sudan Threats to Remove Kalma Camp, No Response

On Rwanda, of Beheaded Opponent & Kagame Whitewash, No UN Follow Up

At UN, As Ban Denies Deals with Israel and for OIOS Posts, Doubts Raised

At UN, R2P Re-Argued Amid Silence on Sri Lanka and Sudan Starvation of IDPs

At UN, Ban's Travails Trigger Candidacy Tales, De Mistura, Zeid, Kubis, Kerim or even Bachelet or Bill Clinton, Game On

At UN, Ban “Melts Down, Admits” Dealing OIOS Post to South African, Ethics Questions

At UN, As Ban's Sustainability Panel May Include Rudd, Can His Rule Be Sustained?

In NYC's Central Park, The xx and Chairlift Raise Hipsters' Spirits, Bronx Death Continues

Amid Sudan Blockade & Shelling of Kalma Camp, UN Silence Recalls Bloodbath

Darfur Camp Violence “Started by People Close to Nur,” Le Roy Confirms Conditions

As Sudan Starves Kalma camp & Jebel Marra, UN Has Stayed Quiet, OCHA is AWOL

At UN, Condemnation of Lebanese Army Urged by US, Aug. 9 Meeting Tensions

UN's Ban Slammed in Staff Union Resolution, for Lack of Action & Staff Death

Kyrgyz Pogrom on Uzbeks Swept Under UN Carpet of Jenca's Boilerplate

UN in Congo Washes Hands of 90,000 Displaced, As Sex Abuse Sees Slight Decrease

UN's Kashmir Email was Drafted by DPA, Watered Down by Nambiar, Blamed on Haq

In Sudan, Aid Groups Barred from Darfur Kalma Camp, UN No Comments Abyei Incursions

In Citigroup's Subprime Circus, CFO Wrist Slapped, Regulator Hired, Data Disparate

Sudan Not on August Agenda of UN Council, Russia Against Larger Investigations

Kosovo's UN Resolutions Face Russian Veto, Churkin Says, Too Big for Footnotes

With UN Under Fire for Inaction on Myanmar, Japan is Offered Good Offices Post

At UN, Lebanon Gunfire Echoes Through Council Meeting on Piracy But No Myanmar

At UN, Sri Lanka Panel's 4 Months Has Not Begun, Ban Gives In to Protest?

Of UN Women and Ban's Second Term, Dirty Deals, Double Crosses, Boutros Echoes

In Darfur, UN Says Travel Restrictions Break Agreement, But No Kalma Attribution

As UN Names Gaza Flotilla Panel, Uribe Seems Ill-Timed, Sri Lanka Delay Contrasted

At UN, Sri Lanka Panel Stalled on Staffing, Mahinda's RSVP for September

At Morocco's Throne Day, W.Sahara and Kosovo Contrasted, Diplomats Pay Cut

At UN, Team Ban Plans Unveiling of Flotilla Panel Win, N.Zealand Chair, End to Leaks

On Darfur Camp Violence, Nur's Role as Unclear as US Stance on Doha

UN Council Meets Late on Darfur Violence, Eminences to Bless S.Sudan Referendum

UN Removes 5 Taliban from Sanctions List, 2 Already Dead, Gul File Follies

The UN Against New Media and Independent Bloggers, Story of a Footnote

UN After School Program, Closed on 2 Days Notice, May Re-Open by Fall, DSG

Kosovo Tells Other Secessionists, You're On Your Own, Solidarity is Only Emotional

With Pilot Taken in Darfur by Janjaweed En Route to Doha, Russian Action Looming

At UN, Six Week Layoff Imposed on Food Workers, Waterless Bar & Spooky Routes

At UN, Nigeria's Reception Features Fela and Gambari, UNAMID Vote Friday

UN Adopts Water as a Right, U.S. Abstains, Jumps Gun on OIOS, Ban's Back Room Deal

At UN, Farewell to Takasu Amid Echoes of OIOS, of Human Right to Water and Sushi

On Darfur, UN's Gambari Discloses Gration in Alaska, Opposes UNICEF, Dodges Genocide

At UN, To Buy Support for Canadian Auditor, S. Africa Promised Deputy Post

On Darfur, US Gration Says Genocide Charge Makes His Job Harder, Rice Says United

For UN, Is Merely Being There Enough, with Ban Under Fire for a 2d Term?

Beyond Wikileaks, Murder of UN Afghan Staff by US Forces Covered Up

At UN, Ban Doubles Down on Developed World for OIOS, Nambiar Spins to Staff

Murder of UN Afghan Staff by US Forces Covered Up Like Louis Maxwell, -UN Staff

IMF Cuts Off Funds for Central Africa, Goes on Vacation, Ignores Guinea Bissau

At UN, As Ban Switches from S. African to Canadian As OIOS Chief, Rebellion

UN's Ban Avoids Press, Invites Press, No Comment on Chad or Suriname Drugs

From UN, Sudan's Abdalmahmood's Farewell, Jovial Goebbels, Trimmer of Ocampo

Ban Ki-moon's UN Called Secret on Corruption, Silent on Torture from Sri Lanka to Sudan

Defending Ban, UN Official Says No FOIA Needed, Myanmar & Sudan No Comment

UNder Fire, Ban's Hiring Staff Spin, Decline Myanmar Comment, Doss No Action

Killing of Civilians by UN Supported Troops in Somalia Admitted But Not Acted On

As ICC Indictee Bashir Travels to ICC Member Chad, UN Ban No Comments, No Arrest

At UN, Ahlenius Trashes Ban, With Dirty Hands Too Late, Full Memo Needed

Goldman Sachs' “Tax Evasion” Hit by Rep. Doggett, Citi's and Transocean's Offshoring

Top UN Security Council Staffer Removed Without Notice, Diplomatic Fiasco

As Sri Lanka Panel Meets With Nambiar, 4 Month Clock Frozen, Pillay's Office Will Staff

UN Does Not “Police the Police,” Even in Sudan, Passive As Leaving Birao in CAR

UN Blocks Press From Rwanda Photo Op, of DSG and UN Women, Bloggers Blocked?

Sri Lanka Panel Holds 1st Meeting in NYC, "Doesn't Need UN Permission"

At UN, Gay Rights Debated, Egypt, Saudi Arabia & Russia Call It Selective

At UN, Arms Trade Treaty Taken Behind Closed Doors, Club of Member States

Probe of Afghan Murder of UN Staffer Stalled by “Culture,” Starr Says, Glitch of Firing

As Sudan Lashes at UN “Bloodsuckers,” UN No Comments IOM Ouster, Biden Blathers

At UN, Deiss Used Finn Promise to Win PGA Post, Venezuela for G77, Iran for NAM

On Sri Lanka, UN Panel's Problems, of Blackmail as Guatemala Cites R2P, NAM Games

As Iran Bombing Condemned by UN Council, Jundollah Not Named

As UN's Choice of Kagame Triggers Spanish Boycott, Rwandan to Get UN Women Post?

On Sri Lanka, NAM Will Wait, Neuwirth to Get Job, Iran, Qatar Pitched, to Head NAM

UN Housed Drug Kingpin in Guinea Bissau for 3 Months, Offering Protection

At UN, Of Africa Days and Al Qaeda Evenings, Burundi and Bacardi Gold

At UN, As Rudd Meets Ban, Pasztor Is Present, Job for Climate Change in Air?

Sexual Abuse in Congo Belated Confirmed by UN, Financial Questions Dodged

To UN Women, $100 M Offer by Qatar for HQ, But UNFPA Inks 15 Yr NYC Lease

What Would a South Sudan Unilateral Declaration of Independence Trigger?

Iroquois Passport Rift Undercuts Obama UN Indigenous Rights Re-Think

On Climate, UN Dodges Air and Sea Tax, Ban Differs With Envoy, Rudd in Wings?

As UN's Djinnit Oversees Voting Fraud and Bissau Narco State, 4 Reporters Not Enough (updated)

Haiti Suffering Linked to Bill Clinton Delay, UNDP Helen Clark Power Grab, Ouellette Out

Sri Lanka Statement Minimizing UN Panel Done with Buhne, As Kohona Pitches Officials

As Srebenica Remembered at UN, Kyrgystan Forgotten, Sri Lanka Lobbying

In Wake of Uganda Bombing, Statements Prepared at UN Not to Assign Blame

MassiveGood, Praised by UN's Ban, Clinton and Douste-Blazy, Called MassiveScam

On Darfur, Gration Skips El Fasher Summit, US Won't Explain, UN Won't Comment

At UN, Venezuelan Flutes and Beer, Clintons Shadow on Ban, Singapore's Vida Loca

Sri Lanka's Blocking of UN War Crimes Panel Visas Unremarked on by Ban

Amid Lebanese Tales of Eggs and Tobacco, UN Dodges Fadlallah Trap of UK and CNN

In Sri Lanka, UNDP Center Was Already Being Downsized, Ban's Act Overplayed

At UN, N. Korea Ambassador Declares Victory, Came Late to Empty Press Area

In Pakistan, UN Plays Politics with Children and Armed Conflict, Soft on Human Rights

At UN, Korean Ship Sinking Endgame, Faster Action on Lebanese Rock Throwing

UN's Ban Now Ascribes Siege to Sri Lanka Government, Won't Call for Visas

France's Complaint of Restrictions in South Lebanon to Trigger July 9 Meeting

As Sri Lanka Minister Blocks 150 UN Staff, UN Nambiar Assured by Kohona

As Sri Lanka Burns Him in Effigy, UN Ban Has No Comment, Pillay Says Speak to Gov't

As LRA Rampages in UN Peacekeepers' Zones, Security Council Debates, DPKO Silent

As UN Capitulates and Closes Sri Lanka Office, Conflict in Council, Bribery Alleged

As Sri Lanka Burns UN Ban in Effigy, NAM Members Desert It, UN In Disarray

With UN Aflutter for Queen, Respects to Killed Staff, Of Families Not Compensated

UN Downplays Sri Lanka Hostage Taking of its Staff, Ban Has Not Called Rajapaksa

At UN, Serbia's Long Shot Request for more UNMIK Before ICJ Rules Foretold

Sri Lanka Minister and Mob Hold UN Staff Hostage, Ban Remains Silent

Sri Lanka Army Claims Dutch Support Despite EU Human Rights Cut of GSP Plus

In NYC, Fireworks Are For Tourists, Afghan Iraq Echoes, Illegal Bronx Fight Back

As Sri Lanka Party in Power Threatens UN Staff, Ban Stays Silent, DPR To Go

On Sri Lanka, UN Continues to Spin Threat Against Its Staff, From Gandhi to Apology?

UN Council To Take Up Kosovo, Access Reconsidered, LRA Ignored, Nigeria's Month

Candidates for Top UN Women Post From Rwanda, Tunisia, Malaysia, No Bachelet

At UN, Defense of Ban's Failure to Appear Is Like Sudan's Bashir, Glass House Undermined

At UN, Colombia Serves Coffee, Anti-FARC Spin in Council Bid, Delegates' Might Close

Uzbek Karimov Closed Border Due to Capacity, But IMF Denies Impact on Budget

As Romanian Court Rules Against Pension Cuts, IMF Nods at 5% VAT Increase

As Sri Lanka Threatens UN Staff, Ban's UN Makes Excuses, Calls It Gandhian

At UN, Buck Passed on Somali Child Soldiers and Cheonan, UNESCO Bars Press

UN's Ban Takes Note of Grenade Scarred One Party Election in Burundi, Mutineer

At UN, Mexico's Month Marked by Margaritas and a S.Korean Ship, From Flotilla to Tortillas

IOC Says Saudi Arabia, Qatar & Brunei Sent No Women to Olympics, Sochi Time Bomb?

UN Hides Behind Russian After Failing to Speak Up for Uzbeks on Kyrgyz Constitution

At UN, UK's Mitchell on Lack of Ethiopian Entrepreneurs, Ogaden Constituents

As UN Council Moves to De-List Taliban for Karzai, Louis Maxwell Probe Stalled

At UN, Hyper Sexual Portrayal of Women Hit by Geena Davis and Ahmadinejad

At UN, Geena Davis Hits Hyper Sexual Portrayal of Women, Ahmadinejad Echoes

At UN, Ban Praises Kyrgyz Vote But Takes No Question on Low Uzbek Turn Out

UN Gender Entity Stalled on Posts, Palestine and Cuban Pride, Ban Waits to Take Credit

As Uzbeks Forcibly Returned as Props for Kyrgyz Voting, UN Speaks of “Mixed Feelings”

Sri Lanka Block of Visas Unfortunate, Darusman Says, UN Says Visit Not Needed

UN's Closure of Day Care Center Raises Questions of Hypocrisy, Gender Entity End Game

UNDP's Helen Clark Listed As VP of Socialist International, Until This Article

As Sri Lanka Says No Visas, UN Says No Need to Visit or Talk to Witnesses

As Kyrgyz Blame Ethnic Cleansing on Uzbek Islamists, UN Council Meets

At UN, UK's Alan Duncan Ducks BP Question, Global Compact with PetroChina

With Uzbeks Disenfranchised, UN Still Supports June 27 Kyrgyz Referendum

Sri Lanka Spin on S. Africa and ASEAN Played Role in UN Panel, Khmer Rouge Rajapaksa

UN Closes Day Care on Two Day Notice, Offers Gender Entity Post to Rwandan

At UN, Ahtisaari Says Whatever ICJ Rules, Kosovo Is Independent, Rule of Law?

On War Crimes, UN Ban's Panel May Not Speak to Fonseka or Travel to Sri Lanka

At UN, Papandreou Says Will Not Restructure Debt or Leave Euro Zone, SI VPs

As Uzbekistan Bars Refugees from Krygyz Vote Banning Ethnic Parties, UN and US Support

Amid Uzbek Arrests, UN Silent, Turkey Vs Turkic, PGA to Condemn, Acts But Not Actor

UN Sri Lanka Panel To Include Ratner and Sooka, Reconciliation or Accountability?

On War Crimes, US Rapp Says Sri Lanka Panel Doesn't Meet Standards, Ban Names

As UN Council Skips Child Soldiers, Heads to Kabul, Could Meet on Gaza Not Cheonan

To Uzbek Karimov, UN's Ban Does Not Raise Border Closure or Popov, Omitted

At UN, Israel's Flotilla Defense Puts It In League With Laos, Bloggers In Unless UN Balks

Amid Kyrgyz Cleansing of Uzbeks, UN Deals Only with Former Staffer, IMF to Seek Donors

On Myanmar, UNDP Blames Poverty on Politics, UK Defends Sanctions, Conflict in N.Korea

As Romania's Wage Cuts Challenged in Court, IMF Says Not Concerned, Lead Nowhere

On Child Soldiers Supported by UN in Somalia, UNSC Will Respond After 3 Years

Mexico Despite Carnage Is "Stable," Espinosa Says, Killings Not Political, Says UN

In Wake of Ethnic Cleansing, Dubious Kyrgyz Referendum Supported by UN

At UN, North Korea "Plays with Mouth," South Korea Limited to Feet, Different Sports

Child Soldiers in Somalia Unaddressed in Security Council Speeches, Conflict of Interest

While US Denies Paying Child Soldiers of Somali TFG, Safeguards and UN Role Not Clear

Ban and UNICEF Quiet on Uzbek Human Rights, Popov, as Karimov Closes Border

BP is Defended by UN, "Accidents Happen, Nature of Modern Life," Global Compact Updated with UNGC admission it misspoke

At UN, Mexican Math Disputed on Weapons Flow from US, Big Rift wtih Small Arms

As Uzbeks Plead for Safety, UNSC Perm Reps Leave Briefing, No Help on the Way

On Cheonon, S.Korea Fires Top General on Eve of Screening Film to UNSC

On Darfur, UN's Questionable Role Paying Pro-Bashir Rebel UNaddressed in 4 Speeches

On World Cup, UN Drop Ball as Street Kids Rounded up, Lemke Moonlights, German Haus

Amid Kyrgyz & Uzbek Bloodbath, UN Gave No New Money, Just Along for Ride

UN's Ban Called Daewoo's Myanmar Pipeline a "Win Win," Silence on Elections

As Uganda Invites Bashir, Indicted by ICC, It Cites Ahmadinejad, and Mugabe, Ban

Somali Diaspora Questions UN's Moves, from Twin Cities to West Bank

As Libya Ejects UN Refugee Agency, PGA Treki Does Nothing, Withholds Letter

UN Censors Criticism of its Officials, Uses But Seeks Exclusion of New Media

At UN, Somalia Post Handed from Ould Abdallah to Mahiga, of Yemen's G-77 Deal

Iran Sanctions Include One Scientist and Bank, Not Central After Months' Theatrics

UN Congo Mission To Be Headed by Roger Meece of US, Doss to Escape Accountability?

On Iran Sanctions, As Turkey and Brazil "Vent," Vote Approaches, Choreography Finalized

As in Sri Lanka Rajapaksas Threaten Witness, UN's Ban Has No Comment

UN Council Considers Iran Debate Before Wednesday Vote, Deliberate on Cheonan

On Gaza UN's Ban Speaks of Terms of Reference, 3 Month Delay on Sri Lanka, Kohona

As Rwanda Arrests Lawyer, UN Silent, ICTR Writes Cautious Letter to Kagame

At UN, Of Self-Serving UNFPA Prizes, Foie Gras and US Silence on GLBT Exclusion

At UN, Gay Rights Group Blocked by Egypt, Qatar, Russia and China

Abuse in Pakistan by IMF Official Ignored by IMF-DC, Jamaican Platitudes

Alan Doss Continues As King of Congo, Abuse of Power and Funds Unanswered

At UN, As Heller to Meet S.Korea, No Questions on Africa, 70% of Council Work

At UN, Flotilla Meetings with Ban, Iran Sanctions Said to Proceed, Tamale Diplomacy

At UN, Spooky Routes Through Garages & Dark Halls, Evictions and Monitors Missing

The Stakeout that Wasn't: US Asked for UN TV Camera After Flotilla Meeting

On Gaza Flotilla Assault, UNSC Statement Leaves Vague Who Will Investigate

On US Attendance at Bash for Bashir, Sudan Dip Says Needs No Outsiders (But China)

As UN Council Meets on Gaza Ship Raid, Obama, Ban and Justice Put in Question

At UN, India & Pakistan United Against DFS Move to Italy, Peacekeeping Politics

Sri Lanka's Kohona Denies Assuring Nambiar Rebels Would Not Be Executed, on Peiris

At UN, Adlerstein as "Slumlord," Forced Relocation in the End, Ceiling Collapse

To UN's 11th Hour Africa Union Proposal, Russia Says Too Late, Procuring Votes

In DC, Peiris of Sri Lanka Shows Not Ready for Prime Time, Hillary to Hear Defense

In Congo, Protection of Civilians Not Highest Priority, Vote May 28, DPRK Compared

At UN, Congo Vote Postponed, Where's Protection of Civilians, China on DPRK

While UN Ban Calls for Action for S. Korean Homeland, Silence on Slaughters Highlighted

On Haiti, Why Did UN Conceal Jail Slaughter, Shoot Into University?

On Sri Lanka, UN Did Not Recuse Nambiar, UK Supports Ban Panel, Peiris Waits

As UN Congo Mission is Shrunken by China to MINUSCULO, France Does Little

In UN, Adlerstein Demands Departure of Union, CMP Won't Disclose Luggage Building Lease Length

On Murders after Surrender, UN's Nambiar Muses on Crossfire, Speaking With Kohona

UN Undercuts Justice by Celebrating in Sudan While Soliciting Funds for Cambodia Court

As Sri Lanka Spins, UN Slow and Silent on Why Stopped Counting the Dead

NPT Draft Obtained Though Restricted to Member States, Western Dips Deceive

As Palau and Pew Fight To Save Sharks and Tuna, Japan Counters with Sushi

As UN Hosts Sri Lanka Peiris, Press Banned from Photo Op, Turn That Camera Off

On UN Role in Sri Lanka War Crimes, Ban Rejects Then Denies Rejecting Allegations

In Waldorf, Peiris and Kohona of Sri Lanka Spin Selectively, War Crimes Defense

Sri Lanka's Peiris to Meet Ban and Select Press, War Crimes Questions Not Taken

On Somalia, UN Ban's Ould Abdallah "Takes All the Money," Bumbles in Politics

UN's Gambari, Menkerios to Attend Inauguration of Bashir, Who Supports UN's Radio

Iran Sanctions Draft Was Foreshadowed in Congo, Hillary Jumped the Gun

In UN Renovation, Stealth Long Leases and No Right to Return, Adlerstein's Rules

On Sri Lanka, IMF Calls War Crimes Report Of Concern, Tranche Turns on Budget?

Amid Protests, IMF Says Wage Cuts Were Romania's Choice, IMF for Vulnerable

As Seoul Accuses Pyongyang, Ban Reacts After Obama, But Will Not Take to Council

As Sri Lanka Diplomat Investigates Himself, UN Panel Would Not Act on UN's Role

Distracted Driving at UN, LaHood Dodges Mexican Trucks, Names Taiwan

In Congo, MONUSCO Could Not Protect Civilians from Army, Doss Quits

Outflanked by Iran, Turkey and Brazil, US Rushes Out Sanctions Resolution at UN

On Sri Lanka, UN Won't Answer Questions, Its IRIN Censors Criticism of Ban?

Protests of JPM Chase on Wall St, of Predatory Loans and Mining, Laissez Faire

At UN, Of Serbian Cell Phones in Kosovo and Transport Corruption, Jeremic Runs

Leaked UN Memo Shows Shaaban Protest of Bedbugs and No Right to Return by Adlerstein

On Sri Lanka, UN Can't Say How Many Died, If Ban Called for Ceasefire, How Much It Paid

As Figueres Gets UNFCCC, S.Africa in Line for OIOS, Pillay Misplayed Simonovic

Finland Pitches Shanghai Expo Design, Shot Glass Design, Iceland Schandenfreude

On Sri Lanka, ICG Calls for Investigation of UN Inaction, Ban Panel Still Delayed

At UN, Illegal Fishing off Somalia and Pirates' Death Scoffed At, Preening Delayed

In NY, as Obama Raises Wall Street Money for his Party, Lady Gaga Goes for Rainforest

As UN Pitches Metal Recycling, Congo Coltan and Worker Safety Are Afterthoughts

On Sri Lanka War Crimes, US' Rice Supports UN's Ban, So Panel Without Delay?

At UN, Libya vs Switzerland for More Votes for Human Rights Council, 11th Hour News

Angola and Libya Poised for Human Rights Council, Georgia - Russia Fight Next Year?

On Somalia, UN's Ould Abdullah Dismisses 300 MPs as Web Sites, Hasn't Read Report

In Afghanistan, UN Won't Investigate Black Jail or Speak on Election Spending

At UN, of Beepers and Bed Bugs in the Albano Building, Electronic Sign In

It's Khartoum or NY for Sudan's UN Rep, Trimmer of Ocampo, Ban's Darfur Drip

On War Crimes Experts, UN Waits for "Sham" Sri Lankan Panel, Hiding Behind Rice

At UN, US on START and 123 Agreement with Russia, Iran Sanctions Link?

At UN, Chad Says No Agreement, 2 Week Rollover Predicted, Short Shrift for Congo Trip

As UN Delays on War Crimes in Sri Lanka, Ambassador Criticizes Blog

As Karzai Visits US, More Questions of Who Killed Louis Maxwell Raised

On Sri Lanka, UN Soft Pedals Humanitarian Law, Still No War Crimes Panel

At UN, Bolivia's Morales Hits Obama "Blackmail" and Lack of Change, "Sign Kyoto"

UN Withheld Execution Video Report from Louis Maxwell's Family, Sister Says

At Iran's Council Dinner, Two No-Shows, Show and Tell on Enrichment, Russia "Satisfied"

At UN, Uganda Ambassador Tells Colleagues Wives of Iran, Nuclear Monsters

IMF Consumed in Greek Fire, Dodges on Romania, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Rwanda

In UN Turf Wars, Delegates Help Cubicle Closed so High Officials Can Hide

On Sri Lanka, As UN's Ban Delays on Panel, Pascoe's Trip Delayed For "Goodies"

At UN, Screening of Countdown to Zero Triggers Review in Form of Live Blog

Cover-Up Alleged by Sister of Louis Maxwell, Who in Shorts Appeared a Taliban?

UN Enviro Short List Down to Four With India, Currying Favor of Member States

UN Will Not Act on Chad's Assault on Shadowy Rebels, Some Peacekeeping

At UN, Lebanon Dodges on Iran and Congo Trip, Says Ban's Staff Is Invited

At UN, Ahmadinejad Defends Iran's Treatment of Women, Mocks Obama & Ban Ki-moon

At UN, Japan Cries of War While Russia Brags of Victory, Spokesman Won't Answer

At UN, Hardly Mentioning North Korea, Did Hillary Meet Wrong Nigerian?

At UN, NPT Opens Amid Monks' Drums, Dissonant Expectations, Ahmadinejad

In Anti-Nuclear March, Free Palestine Chants Trigger Questions of Iran, A-Jod in Wings

In Anti-Nuclear March, Free Palestine Chants Trigger Questions of Iran and NPT

At UN, Gaye and Simonovic Up for Posts, Human Rights Ignored

On W. Sahara, Council Word Games Trigger 15-0 Vote, Retreat to Greentree

On W. Sahara, Prospect of 3 Abstentions, China Bonds With France on Rights

On W. Sahara, France Draws a Line in the Sand, Pillay Solution Floated, Moroccan Spin

W. Sahara Rights Fight Past Sushi to Wire, Nigeria and Uganda Put Greentree in Play

With US Silent on Sudan, Khartoum Brags of Victories at UN, Demands Gration Clarify

On Maxwell's Death, UN Staff Say de Mistura "Crony" Manlove Aided Cover-Up

On W. Sahara, Second Tier Titans Clash on Rights, Gabon and Uganda in Proxy War

UN Defends Use of Haiti Love Boat, Belated Moratorium on Evictions, No Times

As UN's Ban Partners with Statoil Despite Oil Sands and Angola, Indigenous Hit Brazil

UN's New Rape Unit Eyes Colombia, Nepal and Kabul, Congo Trip, Menkerios Runs

Downer Calls His Business with Huawei "Private" From UN, Zerihoun Leaving Cyprus?

Skepticism Greets UN's "Implausible" Tale of Kabul Killing, Video Not Seen by US

Of UN Council, Rice on Sudan and Congo, S. Africa Running for Seat, UN Musical Chairs

On Kabul Death, UN Floats Implausible Theory, Withholds Report, Banbury

On W. Sahara, Spain for Rights Mandate, Polisario Says UN Canceled its Stakeout

Amid Sudan Deaths, Bashir Victory Declaration, Silence at UN, Disdain for Rebels

The UN and its Mail, on Free Press, Sri Lanka and Middle East, True Believers

Avatar Shown to UN Forum by Cameron, White Messiah Alleged, "We're All Indigenous"

As UN Preps Benign Friendly Fire Story, Kabul Death Questions in DC

As Sri Lanka AG Met With UN's Ban, War Crimes Panel Unnamed for Six Weeks

At UN, Spokesman Goes Berserky, from Bhutto Report To Afghan Cover Up

Amid Gaza Blackout, UNRWA's Lights On, Canada Earmarks, Cast Lead's Shadow

On Kabul Staff Death, "External" Prober Had Conflict of Interest, UN's Unilateral Spin

At UN, Press Banned from Delegates' Entrance, Spokesman from Consultations

As Congo Army Charged With 11 Murders in Mbandaka, UN Investigation Uncertain

Tharoor's Cricket-Gate Echoes at UN, Nepotism and Dubai Business, Faux Kofi

As UN Denies It Covered Up Kabul Death, De Mistura Dodges, Nesirky Lashes Out

IMF Claims that Icesave Commitments Were "Not Critical," Dismisses Citigroup Role

On Volcanic Ash, ICAO Has No Standards, No Answers of EU's African Blacklist

Amid Fraud in Sudan and Kidnapping by Bashir-Affiliated Militia, UN Cuts Off Questions

At UN, Ban Chooses Limousines Over Indigenous Drums, NGOs Complain of Exclusion

At UN, Menchu Laments Rios Montt Impunity, Garzon Case, Free Press Letter Lost

On Afghan Death of Louis Maxwell As UN Edits Board's Report, 11 Questions Pending

At UN, No Answers on Sudan Election Flaws Hostage Takers of Peacekeepers

At UN, Sri Lanka Gets $3M, Fixes Panel and Pushes Its Troops, New School DPR

At UN, Georgia Mocks Puppet States, Sochi Olympics, Mistrals Without Hi-Tech

UN Dodges from Afghan Deaths through Moonlighting to MMB, Hacks of Computers

UN's Sierra Leone Rep Charged With Hitting Staffer, Council Colossus Gives Cookies

Congo Trip Canceled by UN Council, Volcano Leaves MONUC in Jeopardy

UN Admits Afghan 'Friendly Fire' May Have Killed US Staffer, US Mission Dodges

At UN, Council Excludes Spokesman's Office Without A Fight, Ineptitude or Nationality?

UN's Ban Met Otunbayeva Twice Before Bakiyev Was Toppled, Johnny Appleseed

For UN Climate Job, 11 Candidates Including from Barbados and UN, False Recusal

Condi Rice and Saudi Spy Chief Refused to Talk with UN Bhutto Panel

UN Silent on Haiti Evictions, Says Rented Love Boat is Not a Luxury

IMF Coy with Ukraine Numbers, Denies Pakistan Conditions, Ignores Haiti Question

As UN's Doss Hit by OIOS, Council Tries to Save MONUC, Rice Defended

UN Slammed for Bias by Darfur Rebels, Deferred Answer About Rebel UN Selected

UN Science Under Fire, Pharma Role in Swine Flu to Pressure on Lancet on MDG 5

Afghan Role in Guesthouse Killings Was Left Undisclosed by UN, Execution Alleged

As Sudan Vote Marred by Technical Snafus, UN Assistance Questioned

At UN, Labor Lows from UNODC to Elevator Stand-In, No Room for Union

UN Council's Kinshasa Trip Omits LRA, US Rice to Skip, Disappointing Araud

On UN's Short Congo Trip, US Rice Might Go, Depending on Right Media and Iran

As UN Council Shortens Congo Trip, Sanctions Committee Stymied, Doss Impunity

UN's Pascoe Met with Kyrgyz Otunbayeva Days Before Bakiyev Ouster, Johnny Appleseed?

Amid Sudan Voting and UN Staff Rebel Scandal, Ban Says No Problem

Too Big To Be Fair, Citi, Wells, BofA & JPM Chase Disparate in Subprime Loans in 2009

In Obama Speed-Meet, Goodluck Makes Cut, Hat Tip to Kazakh Zhotis, No Sudan?

In Haiti for UN, Mystery of Bolduc's Quitting, Love Boat Stonewall

As UN Paid Darfur Rebel Leader, UN Claims Didn't Know What Bassole Did

UN Won't Say Who Leads Peacekeeping in Crisis in Sudan, Congo, on Haiti Passes Buck

As Kyrgyz Interim Leader Worked for UN, No Comment from UN, Pending Kubis

As Iran Sanctions Season Start in NY, German Speaks of Text, China of Diplomacy

On Sudan Elections, Susan Rice Explains Gration, UN Silent, Paid "Rebel" Leader

Amid Sudan Election Fears, UN Silent, As Visas Denied, EU Observers Leave

As Korea's Lee Says UN to Help Sinking Probe, UN Says Nothing

In Congo Crunch Time, US Rice and Others Cancel Visit, Iran Prioritized, Post-Doss

On UN Press Restrictions, P-5 Wax and Wane as CPJ Decries Hypocrisy

At UN, Deal on Press Limits Faces Safety Block, Council Meeting Called

In Haiti, UN Bolduc Is Out, Coke and Clinton Fete Citigroup, Siemens

As Press Pushed from UN Council, Protests to Ban, "Tear Down This Wall!"

As UN Bans Press from Council Hall, Demand Tracks Back to Araud of France?

On Myanmar, Japan "Disappointed" by Election Law, But Not on Council Agenda

On Iran, Japan's "Only Disagreement" Is Nuclear, Arrests and of Less Import?

Press Restrictions by UN Council Come from Permanent Members, Even Ban Staff to be Excluded

At UN, Council Now Fully Excludes All But 15 Nations, Less Press Access

At UN, Climate and Sanctions Offices Left Behind, of Two Lounges, Threats

In Central Asia, UN Ban Blind to Corruption, Skips Prisoners Rights and Water Wars

As HABITAT Meets in Brazil Before Sports Evictions, No Angola Follow-up

IMF Dodges on Green Fund Stasis and Haiti Debt Relief Delay, Jamaica Question Ignored

At UN on Haiti, EU Ashton Dodges, Cannon Fires at Fowler, French Jet Unaddressed

First quarter 2010:

On Haiti, IMF's Strauss-Kahn Dodges on Debt Forgiveness, Past Conditions' Harm

"No Correlation" of Labor Rights and UN Global Compact, Kell Says No Quotes

As UN Makes Appeal for Niger, Dodges on Role of China, France, Face of Coup

As UN's Ban Delays Pakistan Report 15 Days, Amid Dodges, Doubts Grow

On Uzbek Human Rights, UN Won't Compare, Sting Sings, But Not For UNICEF

As UNDP's Clark Talks Haiti, Dodges Transfer of Retaliator, Kane for Mulet?

At UN, Council Moves But Union and Medical Files Left Behind by Master Plan

At UN, Council Moves But Medical Files and Union Left Behind by Master Plan

On Sudan, Moonlighting UN Staffer as "Rebel" Leader, As JEM Pressed on Elections

At UN, Ban Slammed for Sharing on Iran, Silent on Libya Exclusion, DPRK

At UN, Peru's Toledo Coy about Election, Blasts Chavez, Draws Venezuelan Protest

As Libya Bans a Lebanese UN Guard, UN's Ban Says Nothing, Vanished Imam

As UN Bar Re-Opens, Delegate Lounge Tech Help to Close, First Beer

At UN, As Friends on Myanmar Calculate Their Share, Ban Splits Difference

At UN, Friends on Myanmar Meet Amid UK Posturing, China Intransigence, Ban Answers?

UK Favors Sending Myanmar to ICC, China Says It's Sovereign, UN's Ban Defers

For UN's Sri Lanka Panel, Nambiar Meets with Kohona, "Two Foxes," Sources Say

UN Slated to Re-Open Delegates' Bar on March 25, of UN Elitist Venues, Events

Eide's Taliban Talks Ascribed to Ambition to Lead UN, India Critical, Pakistan Elusive

As Bashir Threatens to Cut Observers' Fingers Off, UN Silent, on Venezuela Trip

Amid Tajik Dam Conflict, UN Allows Propaganda Event with Intel Award

As UN Advisor Meles Bans Radio, Ban Is Silent, After Castro, Joins Death Regret

Pachauri's Moonlighting Critiqued by Figueres, of 2 Costa Ricans and the Alba Group

UN's Eide Spoke with Taliban, then Holbrooke, But UN Claims He Was Not Instructed

UN's Eide Spoke with Taliban, then Holbrooke, But UN Claims No Instructions

In Sudan, UN Hasn't Reached Jebel Marra, Pre-Spins Election Criticism

On Sri Lanka, As UK Disagrees With NAM Letter, IMF, Pascoe and Panel After Election?

Congo Calls for Removal of UN Envoy Doss By July, Proposes 3 French, 2 Americans

On Sri Lanka, UN Puts Spin on "No Delay," Jabs at NAM, Will Fonseka Meet Pascoe?

Somali Starvation Shows Security Council Schizophrenia, Humanitarian Window Eyed

With Euro Tanking On Reports of Greece Turning to IMF, of Half and No Answers

Of Law & Order and Congolese Rape, CNDP, Kabila and UN Let Off the Hook

As Cote d'Ivoire Says "Suppress" TV Station, UN Choi Says Nothing, Somalia?

At UN, Mandela and Rugby Praised, No Answers on Sri Lanka or Sudan, Invictus

UN's Friends on Myanmar to Meet March 25, UK's Letter Catches Up

At UN, Ban Says "No Delay" in Naming Sri Lanka Panel, Report Only to Him

As London Asks for Myanmar Elections Meeting, UN Denies Nambiar Trip

As Sudan Grabs Ballot Printing, UNMIS Is Only T.A., Ban Has Nothing to Say

On Sri Lanka, UN Now Says Panel "Not Very Soon," Response to NAM, and by UK

On Somalia, UN Belated Admits Rejections of its MOU With Kenya

At UN, Dance of Libya and Switzerland, Munoz on Lula Over Ban, Sri Lanka Charades

Staged Leak of UN Somali Sanctions Report Echoes Lebanon Claim of 2006

Ban's UN Refuses Summons in Bertucci Case, of Contempt and Rule of Law

In Congo, UN's Doss Flubbed "Out in One Year" Message, Amid Illegal Mining

As UNDP Loses Retaliation Case, Perps Relocated to Haiti, Paper Trail Emerges

At UN, Human Rights Sold Out in Sudan, Congo and Myanmar, Taking the Edge Off

At UN, Ban and Pachauri Take No Questions on IPCC and Outside Income

UK's Hi Tech Miliband Is Asked of Somalia and Sri Lanka, by Twitter, Yes or No

With UN's Treki Under Swiss Travel Ban, He Cites Vienna Convention, Heads to SK

On Darfur, UN Can't Confirm Who Controls Jebel Marra, Can't Protect Itself

UN Exposed Supporting Congo Criminals In 2010, Secret List, Using Haiti as Defense

At UN, Friends Give Friends High Posts by Doctoring C.V.s, In $300 M Umoja ERP

On Iraqi Elections, UN Has Two Positions, Afghanistan Redux?

UN Mis-Claims Its Sex Abusers "Will Be Charged" While Asserting Immunity

At UN, Questions of Settlers in Israel's OECD Statistics, Two U.S. Positions

On Sri Lanka, UN's Ban Restates Concern on Lack of Progress, Unaware of Job Request

UN Confirms Fighting in Darfur, Says JEM Not Exclusive, Deby Says UN Spies?

UAE May Name Dubai Assassins for UN Terror List, Fatah Says, Opacity at UN

UN Parties, From Genital Mutilation to Fergie's Army of Mothers, Still No Bar

As UN Criticizes Media in Liberia, No Answers on Somalia or Afghan Censorship

On Sri Lanka War Crimes, UN's Ban to Name Panel to Advise Only Him, No Pascoe

Araud of France Gives Economic Read of Iran Sanctions, Ban's Sri Lanka Inaction

As Ban Heads to Chile, UN Praises Chile Despite Protests, MassiveGood Spin

As UN Quietly Re-Starts Military Help in Congo, Says Not With Zimulinda

IMF Says "No Agreement" With Sri Lanka, Meets in Hungary, Omits Bulgaria, Angola and Chavez

On Sri Lanka, UN's Ban Was Lied To, But Pascoe Trip Delay, of Job Requests

As UN Invokes Immunity to Defeat Sex Harassment Case, UN Claims It's in Its Interest

On Darfur, UN Won't "Second Guess" JEM Deal As It Falls Apart in Jebel Marra

In Congo, UN National Staff Tell Doss They Will Strike, UN-Clarity on War Crimes

At UN, Russia Slams MOU with NATO, Georgia "Technically" on Council Agenda

With AIDS Activist in Uzbek Jail, UN Quiet, on Gambia Expulsion Too

For UN Council, Iran Rises to Second Footnote, Sudan as Truce, Lebanon Switch

Sex Abuse by Peacekeepers UN-Solved Amid CSW Shindigs at UN

UN Conflicted on Drone Deaths, Unaware of Karzai Censorship, Cambodia Impunity

After "Looter" Killed in Chile, Others Gassed, UN Official Says No Violence

Darfur Deal Followed by Bombs, UN Silent, Chad Pollution

On Swiss Uighurs, UN Dodges, China Accuses US of Double Standards, Iran Talks?

At UN, Misdirection on Census in Iraq and Congo, of Kirkuk and the Kivus

As UN Accused of Cover Up of Zimbabwe Cholera, Belated Response

UN Ban Defends IPCC Report, No Comment on Pachauri, Derides Comparisons

Censorship Omitted From UN Study of Internet Access by ITU, No Comment on Cuba

UN Official, "Elated" by Rapes, Says Corruption Watching is Up to Haiti's Preval (Updated)

As UN Holmes Confirms Return to UK, Ripert for the Job, and US for Peacekeeping?

UN Justice In Disarray as USG Refuses to Appear, Ban Will Appeal Any Order

For S. Sudan Post, UN Mulled Hilde Johnson and Khare, Menkerios over Kumalo

UN Powder was Non Dairy Creamer Brought In, Source Says, Bar to Re-Open

UN Official Ali Treki Is Reportedly on EU Travel Ban List of Libyans, Swiss Silence

Niger Coup Leader Served on UN Missions, France, UN and Council Shrug

Susan Rice of US Insists UN "Misconstrues" Somalia Aid Restrictions

UN Downplays Found Powder as Non-Toxic, Keeps Cafeteria Closed for 2nd Day

In Haiti, UN Force Commander Silent on Killings, Clinton Skips Press, Contracts

As Powder Removed from UN for Tests, Cafeteria on Hold, Iran Celebrates, US Not Seen

At UN, "White Powder" Find Forces Cafeteria Lock Down

IMF on Zim, Backtracks on Greece, Rebuffs Questions About Pakistan, Gbagbo, Lanka

As Guatemalan President Admits Mining Abuse, Goldcorp Challenged, on Laws

As Chad Says UN Destroys Airstrips, Logjam on Shakedown Street

In North Korea, UN Did Not Raise Press Freedom, Takes Staff from Gov't Lists

On Iraq, UN's Melkert Silent on Blackwater and Black Balling of Baath Candidates

At UN, CPJ on Pariah States N. Korea and on Sri Lanka, Buying Tickets, Iran's Eye

Denying Corruption of Citigroup and BofA, Obiangs Cite Obama, ExxonMobil's Investment

As Darfur Goes Quiet at UN, US Rep on China Guns, Gration and Gambari of 1 Mind?

At UN, Buzz of Holmes Leaving, Tibaijuka's Absence, Accountability on Intranet

At UN, Climate Financing Discussed, IPCC Glacier and Pachauri Questions Not Taken

Killings by Haitian National Police Ascribed to Imposters by UN, No Corruption Role

As Myanmar Torches Karen Villages, UN Watching Unclear, No Nargis Follow Up

Amid Tear Gas UN Quiet on Sri Lanka Claim of Congratulations, "Journalism" Guide

Sri Lanka Says UN's Ban "Congratulates" Rajapaksa After Arrest of Fonseka, Press Crackdown

At UN, As Ban Poses with Korean Tourism Czar, Press Is Banned, No Read-Out Until Two Days Later (updated Feb. 11)

UN Says It "Cannot Name and Shame" on Sexual Violence, Silence on Congo Report

UN's Ban to Call Sri Lanka's Rajapaksa about Fonseka's Arrest, Nambiar Questions

At UN, US Official's Pitch, like Obama's Speech, Omits Darfur, Congo, Anti-Corruption

As Haitians Protest Aid Blockage, Corruption, UN Calls It Political, Murky Land Deals

As Sri Lanka Arrests Fonseca, Censors War Crimes and Calls Nambiar, UN Quiet

As UN Heads to N. Korea, Tale of Two Swedes for Envoy, Kim Intrigue Grows

UN Ammo Had "Fraudulent Permits," S. African Police Say, 8 Tons Stopped

At UN, Two Tier Cafeteria Akin to Funeral Parlor, Lounge May Re-Open on Lawn

At UN, Kazakh Official Praises Nazarbaev Authority in Karabakh, Dodges on Free Press

Ban's Nesirky Claims UN Pension Fund Not Part of UN, No Answers on Africa

Sri Lanka Lobbies at UN Despite Child Soldiers Recruited, Others Barred from School

As Kofi Annan Wins a Double UN Pension, a Roberta Annan at UNDP

Before Global Model UN, Financial Sponsors' Names Disappear, Malaysia on Refugees

On Goldstone, UN's Ban Files Only 4 Paragraphs of Observations, on Sri Lanka, Nothing

In Haiti, UNDP Paying $4.47 a Day to Demolish, Few Safeguards on Return

UN Dodges Protest of Ban's TRNC Trick in Cyprus, Questions Refused

IMF's Strauss-Kahn Coy on Opposing Sarkozy and Intervening in Greece, Denials

As UN's Ban Rolls Dice on N. Korea Trip, Kim Won-soo Is Asked to Brief Press

UN's Ban Has No Comment on Himalayan Glacier Gaffe, Doesn't Rely on IPCC

At UN, Spain Calls Push for Top Women's Post Delicate, Ghana on Oil but not Nigeria

As UN Spins Statements on Sudan Separatism, Ban's Stance on Sri Lanka Recalled

UN Court Rules Egyptian Official "Not Concerned With Truth," May Pay $20,000

At UN, Araud of France on Chad and Guinea but not Myanmar, Francophonie Meltdown

As Russia Denies Paulson's "Dump Fannie Mae" Story, Chinese Tricks Explored

UN Claims No More Tear Gas, Dodging Wyclef Jean, Killings by Haitian Police

Rice of US Thinks "Highly" of Menkerios, Ghost Tweets by UN Council, Bosnian Chaos

NGO's Report on Conflict Resources, Targeting Rebels, Is Reviled by UN's Doss

As Menkerios Sent to Juba from UN's Shallow Bench, Sudan's Acceptance Assessed

As UN Tells Yonhap of Kim's and Pascoe's Trip to S. Korea, New(s) Strategy Emerges

In Haiti, UN of Two Minds on China, No Guidance on Bullets, Florida Football

As Sri Lanka Expels Journalists and Raids Opposition, UN's Ban Relieved Still

At UN, China Says It's Slandered, No Haiti Relations Due to Taiwan

Norway Brags of Work in Somalia, Whose Minneapolis Rep Mocks AK-47 Teens

At UN, France's Araud Refuses Question on Mistral Ship Sale to Russia, "Not UN"

As Obama's Speech Omits Sudan, Susan Rice Says Jobs Come First, Gration on Case

On Sri Lanka, UN's Ban Expresses Canned Relief as Opposition Candidate Surrounded

In Haiti, Chinese Team Dug Up Its Own and Left, UN Confirms, $94,000 Monthly Rent

As UN Fires Tear Gas in Haiti, Sri Lanka Gives Tea, UNICEF Info Awaited

UN Silent on Sudan Vote Boycott Call, US' Rice on Chad and DC, But Not Corruption

On Sri Lankan Election, UN's Ban Silent on Abductions and Forced Texts

In Haiti, UN Limits Aid to Women, Fires Tear Gas, Dismisses NGOs and Bilateral Aid

On Haiti at UN, Dominican Dodging on Immigration, UNICEF on Staffing, IFAD to Forgive?

EU's Ashton "Concerned" By Rights in Sri Lanka, On Election, No UN Ban Follow Up

At UN, Nigerian Minister Dodges on Mandate, Myanmar and Taxes

At UN, Kosovo Debate Ends with a Flush and a Cough, Last One Turn Lights Out

For UN Kabul Post, de Mistura Quits for Reasons of Family- But Whose?

UNV Job of SRSG Choi's Nephew in Ivory Coast Falsely Denied, Ban Question

At UN, Haiti Spun from Katrina, Clinton Supports Royal Caribbean Resort Cruise

As Obama Proposes Goldman De-Bank and Liability Cap, of Dodd and BofA's Evasions

For IMF, Canceling Haiti's Debt is Medium Term, UN's IFAD Is Creditor

As UN and US Work With Sri Lankan Soldiers, UK Funded Study Downplays Carnage

On Haiti, While US Says $70M of Obama's $100M Through UN, Overhead Costs In

UN Loses Focus on Darfur, Pushes to Silence Questions of it Climate Change Role

Among UN P-5, France and UK Talk Secret, Yemen, US Fetes New Diplomat

UN Dodges on Search and Safety, 278 National Staff Unaccounted For, Blames Media

At UN on Haiti, Ban Dodges on Immigration, Armenians Rebuffed, No Copter Update

US Helicopter "Crash" in Haiti Described to Inner City Press by UN Sources, Updated

For Gambari, From Iraq Swan Song to Darfur on Thursday, UN in Transition

UN's Holmes Hasn't Heard of Mercenaries, Haitian Staff Records Only in Hotel

At UN, It's "All Hail" to US in Haiti, Elsewhere France and Brazil Critical

At UN, More Troops for Haiti Debated, U.S. Off Table, 6 Hour Visit Detailed

UN's Ban-tourage to Haiti Grows After Protest, of Turf Wars, Hillary and Planes

As UN Confirms Death of Annabi, Hotel Christopher Safety Questions Remain

From Haiti, U.S. Describes Work with UN Hardly Present, Politics of Aid

UN Silent as Nepal Shields Torturing Peacekeeper Accused of Murder

As UN Ban Plans Sunday Haiti Trip, Picks South Korean and UN Media, Spurned Sources Say

On Haiti, Ban Says All Through UN, Through U.S. Not, Watchdog Possible, Staff Questions

In Haiti, National UN Staff in Limbo, Despite Some Good News in Ruins

As Somalia's TFG Prints Bills, UN Accused of Shipping Tanks, Denial by Ould Abdallah

At UN, Indigenous Cite Abuse from Right and Left, Myanmar, U.S. and Ecuador

UN Doesn't Count Haitian Staff - But Treats Them Equally, Ban Says

As Obama's Bank Fees Under-Target Citigroup and AIG, Geithner Questioned

In Haiti, Chinese Met Annabi, Search Team on Way from Beijing, MOSS Dodged

In Haiti, China's 8 Dead Include 4 Diplomats Meeting with UN's Annabi

At UN after Haiti Quake, Delivering Death News, Delayed Dispatch of Deputy, Live Blogging UN Responses

In Haiti, UN Paid $94,000 a Month for Now Collapsed Hotel, Called It Safe

At UN, EU Seeks Status Higher than African Union, Arrogance Charged, Ban Notes

In Hours After Haiti's Earthquake, Silence from UN, Building Codes Flashback

At UN, Sri Lanka Shooting of Opposition Draws No Comment, No Probe

For UN Members' $18 M in Parking Fines, Ban "Is Not Responsible"

At UN, Ban Says Holbrooke's Public Talk of de Mistura Is Not Proper

UN in Guinea Bissau Agrees to Hand Over Coup Plotter, Another Precedent?

On War Crimes, UN's Ban Listens to Sri Lanka President over Alston's Views

As UN Cuts Ribbon, Asbestos and Mismanagement Swept Under Carpet

Holbrooke Scoops UN's Ban as de Mistura Brags, Nepotism by Proxy

At UN, Security Sweep for Monday, Dry Asbestos Friday Under Watchful Eyes

On Sri Lanka, Last Act of UN's Ban Was Three Months Ago, Despite War Crimes

At UN, Kane Spins Shoot-Down of Ban's Reforms, No UN Porn Gate Update

At UN, Ban Cites Old Sri Lanka Calls to Evade War Crimes Findings

UN to Drill Asbestos in Reporters' Offices, Using Negative Pressure

On Sri Lankan War Crimes, UN Discloses Ban Expert Panel Idea, Election Snub

On Myanmar, UN Confirms Nambiar, Ban More Vague, Gambari's Income Stream

On Sri Lanka, UN Won't Observe, Has Hopes for IDPs, Mute on Accountability

UN Now Rations Questions, Passes Buck on Nepotism, of Kosovo and Double Standards

At UN, Kai Eide's Swansong and Ban's Prerogative, Afhgan Veto in Wings

UN's Ban Mute on Sri Lanka's Election Request, Impunity and Fraud Accepted

At UN, Staff Complain to Ban of Asbestos, Freezing Swing Space, No WiFi

At UN, China Takes Few Questions, ECOWAS Unheeded on Guinea, Myanmar Waits

In UN Council, Iran and Guinea But Not Yemen Discussed by Five New Members

With Congo Gloating of UN Combat Copters, Doss and Ban Trash Human Rights Watch

UN's Afghan Selection Colored by Nepotism and No-Show Jobs, Karzai Veto Threats

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