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Top 10 '07 UN Stories

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In N. Sri Lanka, 2,683 Civilian Killings This Year, UN Leaked Documents Show

UN's d'Escoto Supports Ban in "Deadbeat-Gate," UNIC Fingered, Japan's Threats Defended

On Myanmar, UN Official Predicts April 18 Ban Visit, US Softens Too, Gas as Lubricant

In Madagascar, UN's Role In Protecting Rajoelina Questioned, Who Is the "International Community"?

As UN Rights Expert Decries Sri Lankan Camps, OCHA Funds Them, Of Recruitment

As Sudan Moves Against NGOs, No UN Guidance, IRC Spins, Principles Come Last

In DC, Obama Officials Defend Bailouts of AIG and Citigroup, Summers Speaks of Fear

In North Korea, UN Declines To Evacuate Its Staff, "Human Shields," Some Say

In DC, "Inevitable" Fraud as Obama Jokes with JPM Chase, Meets Citi and ExxonMobil

As White House Chides UN's Ban, Will "Deadbeat-Gate" Have Legs?

On Sri Lanka, IMF Says Its Pending Loan Would "Support Government Goals"

U.S. "Deadbeat-Gate" Draws Midnight Clarification from UN's Ban Ki-moon: He Said It, But...

UN's Ban on Capitol Hill Grilled about Reform, Praised as Hardworking, Darfur Raised

UN's Ban Meets with Obama, No Pesky UN Press, Myanmar Convergence Described

With UN's Ban in DC, Procurement Scandals Unanswered, No Protection by UN Security

In Sri Lanka, UN Still Withholds Casualty Numbers, Funds Detention Camps

UN's Ban in DC Cedes Control to Coverage, Of Closed Pools and White House Rules

In Darfur, UN Considers Hiring Workers of Expelled NGOs, But Will More Be Thrown Out?

UN's Harston Removed from W. Sahara As Quid Pro Quo for Van Walsum

On Haiti, UN's Council and Ban Focus, Abuse and Mandate Questions Unanswered

On N. Korea, UN's Ban Has No Comment, No Control Over "UN Command," Planes Threatened

At UN, Printing Plant Stroke Death and Ambulance Delay, Dangers Unmitigated

At UN, Council Meets on NGOs' Eviction from Darfur, Bashir Indictment Freeze Requests

As UN Covers For Obama Climate Backslide, It Does Not Carbon Offset, "Act Not Together"

On Sri Lanka, UN Notes Starvation, Believes No Heavy Artillery in Use, Defers to Council's Silence

UN Security and Capital Master Plan Slammed for Bloat, Retaliation Starts, Flooding

On NGOs in Khartoum, UN Is Not Sure, Council to Meet Friday, No Legal Expertise

In Demoting Anna Tibaijuka, UN's Ban Did Not Consult His Gender Advisor

UN Belatedly Admits It Still Gets Satyam Services Through ICC, Cover-Up Alleged

At UN, Amid Sudan Indictment Hoopla, Myanmar Follow-Up and Sri Lanka Forgotten

At UN, Spirulina's Pomp Likened to Snake Oil, Obama and Clinton Links Played Up

As Sudan's Bashir is Indicted, Spin and Real Wars Begin at UN and Beyond

In UN Council, March Agenda Omits Sri Lanka, UK Did Not Even Request, Libya Implies

UN's Nairobi Snub of Africa and Women Shows Planning Chaos, Audit Cover-up

UN Evades Satyam Questions, Leaves ICC Loopholes, Uses and Defends the Past

UN Lawyer O'Brien Refuses Questions on Cambodia Tribunal, Ignores Logo Misuse

In UN, Protests to Nairobi Post Switch From Woman to Man, Gender Balance Comes Last

UN Peacekeeping, in Bashir Run-Up, Pitches Haiti, Dodges Chad Fees and Lubanga

UN's Ban Hands Nairobi Office to German, Union Protests, Pemba Sidelined

At UN, BASF Dodges W. Sahara Phosphorus Fall-Out, Global Compact's PetroChina Denial

UN's Ban "Did Not Know of Fowler" as Niger Envoy, Diplomat Says, Alleging Fraud

UN's Ban Moves to Switch Top Nairobi Post from Tanzanian to German

At UN, Greece's Bakoyannis Not Ready for Prime Time: Sri What?

On Sri Lanka, UN Meeting Called One-Off, UK Makes No Proposals, Holmes Differs from Ban

At UN, Council Belatedly Gets Sri Lanka Briefing, "No Politics," Holmes Was Told

At UN, Sri Lanka Briefing Now Set for Friday, As Editor Arrested in Colombo

On Sri Lanka, Requests for UN Council Session Languish, Camp Questions Go Unanswered

In Congo, Civilians Bear the Brunt as UN Attacks NGOs and Whistleblowing General

At UNDP, Selection Process Stays Secret, from Solomon Islands to Sierra Leone, No Answers

As UN Bids Bye to Kumalo, Susan Rice Starts Behind Closed Doors, Jackfruit Diplomacy

As Sri Lanka Ignores UN's Call for Cessation of Hostilities, Detention Camps UNcommented On

As UN Pitches Wiretaps in Guatemala, Bus Murders Unsolved, Bhutto Panel Not Filled Yet

At UN, GlaxoSmithKline's Pricing of AIDS Drugs Raised, Clintons Press Flesh

On Sri Lanka, as UN's Ban Calls for "Suspension of Fighting," No Council Meeting Yet

As Sri Lankan Army Toured UN's Holmes, Questions Left Unanswered

On Sri Lanka, UK's for UN Council Session Upon Holmes' Return, "Shocking," Robinson Calls It

On Myanmar, UN May Help 2010 Election Under Flawed Constitution, Rohingya Not Discussed

With UN's Holmes in Sri Lanka, Government Supported, Staff Scared, Deaths Uncommented On

UN Security Brass Let Off Hook on Fowler, On Promotions, Investigation Called For

In UN Council, "No Strong Request" Anymore for Sri Lanka Meeting, Japan's Mediation Results

In Sri Lanka, Civilians Deaths Counted at 1898 by Locals, UN Refuse to Estimate

On Congo, US Role Avoided as Austria Pushes Call for Planning Past France, UK and Uganda

In Sri Lanka, UN Has Casualty Estimate But Won't Release, No Cease Fire Call

As UN Makes Play for Bailout Funds, Currency Exchange Losses to Dictators Undermine Its Pitch (updated Feb. 23)

At UN, Chad's Attempt to Re-Rent Peacekeepers' Air Strips Covered Up in Council

At UN, Russia Maintains Sri Lanka Issues Not in Council, UK Disagrees But Does Not Act

On Georgia, Behind the UN's Word Games, Russia Bases Approach, What Will Obama Do?

UN's Congo Mission Critiqued by General, UN Fires Back, Blames the USA, ICC Follies

At UN, Merkel's Economic Proposal Absent, Dreams of UN Credibility, Sevan

On Sri Lanka, Still No UN Cease Fire Call, UNICEF is Blocked, Japan Presence Wasted

As Thailand Admits Sea-Dump of Rohingya, UN Hasn't Studied as Trafficking, Costa in Uganda

As UN Chiefs Sign Contracts, Only Some Can See Them, Transparency Still Lacking

Sudan Pre-Indictment Frenzy at UN, Gun-Jumping by Ocampo Alleged, AU in Town

UN Mistakes Sri Lanka for Zimbabwe, Access to Vanni Doubtful, UNICEF No Comment Yet

UNDP Advisor Serves Lobbyist for Nigeria, No Comment on Niger Driver Missing

On Darfur, Libya Vows Opposition to UK Draft, ICC Celebrated with Beer

UN's Ban Defends Lack of Sri Lanka Ceasefire Call, Misunderstands His Powers

Darfur Statement Blocked in UN Council By Bashir Indictment Language

UN's Ban Prepares for a "No" from Obama, Dialogue Except in Sri Lanka

Subprime Non-Bank Lenders Ask Obama and Geithner for Bailout, in Guise of Stimulus

For UNDP Top Post, UNICEF's Hilde Johnson, Kiwi Clark or Oil Man Akram

Abkhaz on UN Agenda But Not Yet in UN, Russia and Ossetians and Kebabs for Iran

UN Secretariat Says Tamils Held by "Force, Fear or Family," Monitoring of Camps Suggested

UN's Ban Names Ian Martin on Gaza Bombings, Munoz on Bhutto Killing

In UN Council, Japan Works on Sri Lanka Issue, "Ongoing Engagement of UN"

At UN, Ban Plans Climate Meet in March with Obama, Africa Trip Awaits Rice, Lights Out

UN Has No Answers in Myanmar or N. Korea, Peacekeeping Losses from Poland

At UN Security, Prefixed Promotions, Whistleblowers' Dog Days

As Somalis Are Killed by Peacekeepers, Censorship Urged by UN's Ould Abdallah

Challenged on Gaza School Bombing Story, UN Attacks the Press, Confirms Staff Strike

At UN on Sri Lanka, Russia Blocked Mexican Request for Briefing, Ban's Contradiction

On Sri Lanka, UN Won't Confirm its Own Reports or Call for Ceasefire

Murky Water Conference in UN, Ban Panned, Suez in the House

UN Accused of Inaction As LRA Kills in Congo, Denies But Without Specifics, No Bosco

After Bailout, ING's Kok Blames Regulators, Food Inflation and Social Inclusion Questioned

As UN Plans $100 Million Bunker in Iraq, UNrest in Haiti and Cote d'Ivoire

At UN, Japan's Month Starts with N. Korea Confusion, Somalia Short Shrift, Seikos

With UN's Gambari In Myanmar, Than Shwe and His Money Not Questioned

As Taylor Case Winds Down, Africa-Only Focus Clouds ICC's Future

UN's Rehab Plan Might Drive Press Out, From Bid Openings to Cost Overruns

UN Abductions in Pakistan, Like Fowler's in Niger, Shrouded in Security Cover-Up

Banker Allison of BB&T in Meltdown Misdirection, Subprime Loans Were Shielded

As N. Korea Breaks With South, US and Japan React, UN's Ban Has No Comment

Some Gaza Victim Swept UNder the Rug, UN Date Bars Not in Data Base

Under Ban, UNDP Short List Not Public, Of Pirated Computers in Albania

UN's Gambari Not Sure to Meet Than Shwe, Myanmar Refugees Sold Out as Courtesy

With UN Silent on Fowler, Ambassador Whispers, "He's Alive" in Niger

At UN, of Somalia and Sandwiches, Susan Rice at France's Shindig

At UNDP, Ad Melkert Grabs for Top Post, Opposes Disclosure, Like Mattsson Retaliates

UNHCR Fundraiser von Praag's Departure Presaged by Irregularities, Staff Complaints

At UN, Arab Commission for Human Rights Out for Year in 18-0-1 Vote, Member List Demanded

UN Dodges on Sri Lanka and Congo, Burma, Kosovo and Afghanistan

As Bolivia Votes, Questions of Gaza, Treason and "Dishonorable" Media, Indigenous on Move

As UN Buzzes for Rice, Taste Tester Kornblau Said To Be in Wings, Congo Questions Boil

UN Bans Propaganda, Then Refuses to Take Questions, Crackdown in Gaza's Wake?

As UN's Ban Meets Sri Lankan Enforcer, His Has Eyes on S. Korea, Nambiar As Malloch?

At UN, Algeria's NGO Complaint Processed in Secret, Vote Set for Wednesday

At UN, Protest of Staff Union Under Team Ban's Watchful Eye, Scripted Town Hall Revealed

At UN, Algeria Seeks Ouster of "Terrorist" NGO, Secret Complaint Withheld by UN

UN in Gaza Was Quiet on Aid Suspension, 10 Million Little Dollars

At UN, As Sudan Heads G-77, Ban Offers Praise Despite War Crimes

As JPMorgan Chase Shutters WaMu Branches, Regulators Missing, Commitments Gone

UN Agency Tests Terror with Microsoft and Kennedy, UN FOIA Called For But Denied

With Ban Ki-Moot Mute, Obama's US Nixes Gaza Investigation Cite in UN Council

Planet UN, Filmed in a Parallel Universe, Awaits Spiderman Rescue from Critics

In Congo, UN Blocked from Civilian Protection, Bosco in the Mix, UK Hears Nothing

As Olmert Brags of UN's Rocket Focus, Ban Loses Voice, Jordan Truck Said Missing

Behind Bank of America's Toxic Assets, Subprime Links Obscured But Continued

In Gaza, UN's Ban Meets Staff, Ging Sings for Supper, Holmes to Strip

At UN, Obama Inauguration Causes Work Halt, Jokes, More Gaza Confusion

Under Obama, UN's Pascoe May Stay, UNICEF's Veneman Not, Consultant Hired

As UNOPS Wants New Posts, Hides Procurement Audit and Mattsson's Disclosure

As UN and Ban Are Booed, Buck is Passed But Not to Gaza, Phosphorus Facts Promised

At UN, Algeria's Complaint Against NGO Draws US Request for Delay

UNDP Moved on 30,000 Boxes of Records Mid-Investigation, Dervis' Successor Must Answer

At UN, Egypt's Gaza Text Beats Ecuador's, Bombing Continues, No Vote for Cape Verde

With Gaza Still Shelled, Egypt Keeps Out Doctors, Fatah Complains of Cash

Bombed in Gaza, UN is Banquished, White Phosphorous at its Door

At UN Group on Pirates Meets, Surrender is Advised, Somalia Abandoned

Fed's Geithner Evaded Taxes at IMF, Used Statute of Limitations Later, Mishanded Citigroup

UN Belatedly Suspends Indian Enron Satyam, Puts Contracts Under Assessment

UN Blocks Access to Free Gaza Movement's Website, GA Jan. 15 Gaza Meeting Set

In Gaza, While UN is Cashless Hamas Meets Its Payroll, Ging Says, AbuZayd in Norway

At UN, Outgoing Khalilzad Quieter on Congo and Reform, the Price of Being Well-Liked?

In UN's Capital Master Plan, Skanska Bid Event Is Closed to Press

UN Council Passes Compromise Gaza Resolution, US Abstains, Withdrawal Unclear

At UNDP, Dervis' Desires, Scandals and Silence Recalled As He Departs

Israel Protests General Assembly Meeting on Gaza, Which Is Then Postponed

From Sulfur to Formaldehyde, Latin Smells at UN as D'Escoto Calls Gaza Meeting

At UN, Libya's Naming of Hamas Had Latin Roots, Cracks in EU

At UN, New Gaza Draft Resolutions Emerge, Condi Will Be Back, D'Escoto Plans a Meeting

On Gaza, Egypt Breaks Law, Say UNHCR and Holmes, Serry Defends, is Puzzled

On Gaza at UN, Western Placeholder Statement Competes with Libyan Resolution

At UN, As Norway Speaks on Gaza, Roed-Larsen Evades Financial Disclosure and GA Critique

UN Facility Had Hamas Members, Israel Claims, But Not Armed, UN Says

With Gaza Schools As Targets, Theater in UN Council, Protests in the Streets

On Congo, UN Can't Say If Nkunda's Ousted, No New Troops, from LRA, No Protection

At UN, Ban's Town Hall Has Pre-Screened Questions, on G-to-P Injustice

UN "Caught Off Guard" by Bombing of Gaza, Aware of Sewage Dangers

UN Panned, Praised by Fox and New Yorker, 24 and Harr on Chad

As Tanks Roll Into Gaza, UN Council Meets, Fireworks at Stakeout

UNder Ban, Ethics Fiefdoms, Moves to Charge Press Rent, Favoritism and Photo Ops

On Gaza, UN Envoy Has No Casualty Figures, "Not Aware," No Comment on LRA from Congo to CAR

Vietnam Outlaws News Blogs, Claims Foreign Servers Will Help, UN Security Council Review

At UN, Somalia Peacekeeping Dream Dies a Quiet Death before New Years, US Buckles

At UN's Gaza Meeting, Croatia Corrects CNN Report They Leave the Council on Jan. 1

At UN at Gaza, New Year's Eve Meeting Is Called "No Joke" by Arab League As Air Strikes Continue

UN Helps Congo Attack LRA, Can't Protect Civilians Then Disclaims Any Role, as in Kivus

On Gaza, New Year's Eve Council Meeting, Missiles and Protests on 42nd Street,  Casualty Confusion

On Gaza, UN's "62 Civilian Casualties" Misstatement Goes Global, On Wires, Wall Street and Sky News

On Gaza, Egypt Blames Blockage of Rafah Crossing on "Other Party," Strange Bedfellows Noted

UN Quietly Reports Over 100 Killed in Congo by LRA After "Well-Judged" Attack on Group

Gaza Casualties Disputed, UN Implies Killed Men Are Not Civilians, Ban Takes No Questions

As Gaza Air Strikes Continue, UN's Ban Finally Speaks to Quartet, Blair Speaks of Fatah If At All

At UN, Competing Gaza Drafts Result in Surprise Passage, Israel Dodges PGA d'Escoto, Where is Obama?

On Gaza, UN PGA d'Escoto Fires Back from Nicaragua as Council Begins Speeches

UN Council President Meets Arab League on Saturday on Gaza, Belated Response

For UN, Ban's Meeting with Israel Was "Purely a Courtesy Call" In Run-Up to Air Strikes

At UN, Nigeria Gives Myanmar $500,000, Bypassing UN Programs, Also UN-Transparent

UN Ends Year Refusing to Answer on Africa, Larsen and OIOS, Passes Buck to Others

As UN Budget's Passed, G-77's Champagne Dreams Echoed by Nicaraguan Priest, OIOS and Larsen Challenged

Final UN Budget Drafts Hit Nairobi Corruption, Reinstates Africa Advisor

UN Budget End Game Turns on Roed Larsen's Conflicts, Playing Poker with Arms Trade

UN Investigator's Work Criticized in Draft Resolution, Cronyism and Delay, Replacement Search to Begin

UN Budget Targets Africa Advisor, Oversight of Roed Larsen in Lebanon, Permanent Contract Gone

UN Budget Compromise Closes in on 92 Jobs, Arms Trade and Durban II May Trigger Vote

At UN, 10% of Ban's Budget Faces Axe, on 36% Proposed Hike, UN Has No Comment

At UN, As Some in Budget Process Try to Exclude Press, Others Leak, Christmas Eve Prediction

UN's Hiring from Permanent Five Grows, China by 8%, US by 134 Jobs, Japan Slower While Others Lose

In UN Budget Committee, Poor Versus Rich, 90 New Jobs, While Oracle Is Paid for Unused Licenses

UN Wastes $3 Million on 30,000 Oracle Licenses Left Unused, Budget Committee No Comment

At UN, Korean Staff Rise from 51 to 70 in Ban's Two Years, on Pianos and Lobbyists

At UN, Budget Committee Mulls Valencia Base, Office Rent and  Contracts

As Fowler Invited Himself to Niger, Did He Create His Own UN Mandate in Niger?

Chad's Landing Fees Ground Peacekeepers, Darfur 59% Deployment Amid Double Standards

UN Global Compact Chief Says Corporations Are Victims Too, Lashes Out at Critic

UNDP Withholds Its North Korea Plans, Stonewalls on Zim, Muzzles Kosovo, Niger Drive and Mine

Fowler's Niger Companion Guay Active in Mining, UN Stonewalls on Their Mission

At UN, Dutch Pol Verhagen Explains Aid Cut to Rwanda but not to Congo, Trusts Kabila or Structure

Suspended UN Pornographer Opposed Gays, Liked Dogs, As Higher Ups Escape

UK and UK Split on Kenya Explains UN Council Disfunction, S. Africa's Kumalo Describes

UN Envoy and UK Bless 3 Nations' Attack on LRA, All Bets Off With Kony

Missing UN Envoy Visited UN-Founded Mine in Niger, Uranium Extraction by Canadians Questioned

Condi Rice Chooses Somali Prime Minister Over Pirate President, Dodges on Eritrea

As UN's Stealth Envoy Goes Missing in Niger, Secret Process and Payments Questioned

The UN from Elite to Street, in a Party Season, Skanska Captured, Fetes Lantos

UN, With Office in Turkmenistan, Assesses One-Party Election But Won't Comment

At UN, d'Escoto Calls Quotes He Disagrees With a Crime, Israel Cancels Meeting

Amid UN's Ministerial Hype, US Praises Departing AMISOM, Sikhs Complain of France

UN Council Takes Up Vague Middle East Resolution, Tony Blair Stays Silent

ABN-AMRO and ING Are Facilitators of Congo Sanctions Violations, ICC Disclosure Not Solved

UN's Rwanda Prosecutor Says He Cleared Karenzi, Contra Navi Pillay, No News On Nepali Generals

Deaths in Congo Are Explained Away by UN, Lack of Translators and Cars Par for the Course

At UN, China Complains Its Name Was Erased, Blair By Video Only, Croatia Takes No Questions

As UN's Obasanjo's Accused of Bias, UK's Milliband Due in NY for Zim, Blair Won't Talk Until February

UN Peacekeeping Ripped by Ramsey Clark and Congo Doctor, Even HRW's Roth

Nigeria Rejects UN Involvement in Delta, Greece Likes Ban's No Comment, NY Bricks Are Thrown

At UN, Fake Out at the Stakeout, Morocco Takes the Stage Denied to Polisario Front

At UN, Global Compact's Coke and Nestle Under Fire, Advisor Barlow a Transparently Cheap Date

As Greece Burns in Police Shooting's Wake, UN's Ban Has No Comment, and Letters Not Received

At UN, Ms. Albright Talks Genocide While Dodging on Rwanda Votes of 1994

UN's Pillay Says While Few States Discipline Abusive UN Troops, They Are Needed

UN was "Disrespectful" In Approach to Aung San Suu Kyi, NLD Leader Says

Swept Under the TARP, Grabs by GMAC, PHH and CIT, Wachovia's Sewers

Questions About Jamaat ud Dawa and UN's Pakistan Aid in Mumbai's Wake

Behind Myanmar's Bluster, Gas Deals for Daewoo, China and India, UN's Ban No Comments

When UN Loses Money to Dictators, It Resists Disclosure, Unlike Even Corporations

UN in Congo, Genocidaires Into Moral Vacuum, Zero Follow-Through on Sexual Abuse Charges

UN Mine Action Calls Chechnya a Country, Uses Troubled UNOPS, Downplays Ossetia Cluster Bombs

UN Amid Backsliding Heads to Poznan, WMO in Chaos, UN Safety Saga Goes Without Update

With UN Justice Delayed, Ban Blames Member States, Rushes Ad on Intra-Net, Leaves No Remedy

As Libyan Ship Blocked by Israel, Echoes of France and Myanmar, Free Gaza and Somali Toxic Waste

ICC's Moreno Ocampo Learned Nothing from Lubanga Case, Laughs at Retaliation Finding

In UN's Silent CAR Alarm, Impunity for Assassinations, Civilians Still Unprotected

Who Investigates UN Investigator Ahlenius is Raised by Unsigned Letter Which Ban Dismisses

At UN, Pride like Mugabe May Exclude Kofi Annan, Blair Resists Agenda, France Protects Its Turf

UN Piracy Resolution Dodges Toxic Waste and Sinking of Wrong Ship, Somali TFG's Sphere to Shrink

Citi Sleaze with Bail-Out, of Junkets and Spanish Highways, PNC and Ocwen Need Hearings

At UN, Re-Sale of AIDS Drugs and Zimbabwe Diversions Downplayed, As Ban Met Mugabe

As UN Pleads in Doha, For Money and with Mugabe, Who Will Bail Out UN's $12 B Pension Loss?

As UNICEF Drugs Resold in Sierra Leone and Holiday Cards Misrun, UN's Ban Is Silent

At UN, Corruption Within Investigative Unit Is Alleged, Unit's Chief Ms. Ahlenius Declines All Comment

In Doha, UN's Ban Praises Turner While Zoellick Is Absent, UNDP Elusive

Amid Congolese Chaos, NGOs Are Split on Nkunda, FDLR and Camouflage for UN Mission

UN Accepted Mugabe's Exchange Rate in Zimbabwe, Refuses to Disclose Losses As In Myanmar

UN Council Fails to Act on India Shooting Spree, Waiting for Word, Going on Vacation (updated)

UN Silent on Cypriot Tensions, What a Downer, UNIFEM Forgets FYROM

While UN Says Kosovo Trust Agency Budget Is Not Public, UK Calls for Transparency

With Afghan Rifts of UN and Australia, Karzai and Obama, Mullah Omar Returns

Snubs by Bush and World Bank Recounted on UN's Road to Doha by Miguel d'Escoto

UN Denounces Gender Violence But Takes No Questions or Actions on Peacekeeper Abuse

As Cyprus and Greece Protest Turkey, Where Is UN's Downer, Ban's Envoys Strangely Upbeat

As UNDP's Dervis Dodges on Dome-Gate, Will Doha Be a Dud?

Stealth Chinese Resource Deals Link UN's Obasanjo to Congo and Kabila, Conflict of Interest Alleged

With Subprime Citigroup at Trough, What Would Rubin's Geithner Do?

UN Dodges Africa, Funding and Justice Questions, Ready on Israel, Weak Week

On Kosovo, EU's Solana Urges Ban to End Delay, Greece about the River, Pirates Press Ahead

Satiric Film About UN Triggers Question, Who Let Its Makers In?

In Congo, 3000 Troops But UN Still in White Fortresses, France - Rwanda Rift Downplayed

At UN, Justice System Faces Year-End Collapse as JDC Chairman Now Resigns

At UN, Costa Rican Openness Founders on W. Sahara, FOIA Leaves Swiss Dubious

On Climate, UN Lobbies Itself, On Migration It Tells the Poor to Go Home

UN Talks Child Soldiers But Lets Recruiters Off, On Manipur a Slow Start

UK May Hold Pirates Without Legal Authority, UK Guantanamo Bay Alleged, UN Silent

At UN, Ban's Justice Delayed May be Justice Denied, Ms. Migiro's Ruling May Predict the Future

Costa Rica on Arms and Openness At War With UN's Secrecy Culture, What Is It Good For?

UN Leaves Civilians Outside Congo Bases, Peacekeepers are Absent, Kerim Is In Kinshasa

At UN, Georgia Denies Ukrainian Backing, Longs for NATO and Dismisses Hanging Threats

As Spain Uses Int'l Cooperation Funds for Dome, UN Denies, Ban Ignores

Bolivian President and Nicaraguan Priest Slam Catholic Hierarchy, French Copters Not in Darfur

On Congo, Obasanjo Is Optimistic, Theron on Abuse by UN Peacekeepers, General Wants Camouflage

UN Denies Development Aid Used for $25 M Ceiling, "Voluntarily Funded" Disaster Post Left Murky

As UN Policeman Stabs Liberian Counterpart, No Justice in Monrovia, No Comment in NY

In London, Lord Levene Continues in Myanmar with Lloyds and Total, UN Stands Pat

As Spain Uses Aid Funds For Stalactite Ceiling at UN, Ban's Travels Seen from LA and Europe

On Congo, UN's Troop Count Is 1500 Off as London Calling Different on Others' 3000

UN's Larsen Refuses Ban-Requested Financial Disclosure As Conflict Questions Raised on "Peace" Event and Lebanon

In UN's Culture of Peace, Pomp and Sleaze Compete With Middle East Politics

At UN, Amid Congo Castration and UN Buckpassing, UK Denies Dithering

UN Peacekeepers Can't Contrain Congo Army Abuses, NGOs Split on Speaking with Nkunda

UN's D'Escoto Favors Banning Defamation of Religion, But Hasn't Seen the Resolution

At UN, Team Ban's Culture of Secrecy, Exclusion and Amnesia, Hiding in Plain Sight

In Nepal, UN Is Counting Guns But Not Controlling, Terai Cries  Misunderstood

In Ban's UN, Pomp and Secrecy on Congo, Asia and Quartet, Closed Meeting

After Haitian Collapse, UN Uses Batons But No Building Codes, School Chief Said Arrested

In the Congo, Angolan Troops or Angola-Trained, Lost in Translation With the UN

UN In Denial as Congolese Army Works With Paramilitaries, Angolans, Let Them Eat Soap

In Liberia, UN Staffer Jailed for Child Support, Immunity Would Have Applied Like More Serious Abusers

At UN, Russia Wins Budget Seat Over Georgia, as Cuba Bangs on Missing Tables

UN Assembly President Lashes Out on W. Sahara, Obama Diplomacy,  Oil Sands Viewed by Expert

At UN, Briefing Bans Myanmar, Somalia and Nkunda Talks, Mandate Unclear

At UN, Election of ICJ Judges Is Archaic, Somali and French Electioneering

Ban's UN Tries to Outsource Kosovo Questions, Partial Answers Don't Assure a Second Term

At UN, Ban's Call for Staff Reform Seen as Slashing Benefits as US Mission Wants

On Obama vs. Osama, UN's Ban Says Bombs Away, Second Term in Mind, Some Opine

At UN, Racism Expert Omits Myanmar like NGOs from Durban II

At UN, Lame Duck Labor Moves by US, Georgian War on Budget, Chinese ID Follies

In UN Council, Myanmar and Mugabe in Footnotes, Demand for Tony Blair, Kosovo Wide Open

Voting in the South Bronx, Names Not on Lists, Few Choices on Paper Ballots

In Congo, UN Spins Amid Hutu Rebels and Kabila's Friends, Denies Retreating and Abuse

Cash Hard to Come by in Gaza, Development Scarce as Tony Blair Wears Too Many Hats, UNRWA Head Says

From January to October 2008 the headlines are not here -- but all articles remain online, "Google-able"

UN's Darfur Contract with Lockheed Troubles General Assembly, Of Coded Cables and Copters

At UN, Tales of Ban Ki-moon and the U.S. Trigger Concern from Developing World

After Bhutto's Killing, UN Statements Watered Down, Omitting Need for Speed and Law

To Speak or Not with Taliban, Behind Karzai's UN Expulsion, Its Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy

In Uzbekistan, UN Development Program Abandons Local Hire to Torture by Karimov, Now Reelected

U.S. Opposes UN Budget, Which Passes Assembly 142-1, Mr. Ban into the Dawn

At UN, Late Night Attempts to Change U.S. Budget Vote, Some Durban II Abstentions Surprise

UN Budget Approved, 141 versus U.S., in Committee Vote, Durban II Opposed by 40

UN Budget Deal Hits Durban Conference Hurdle, $4.6 Billion Blocked by $6.7 Million

UN Budget Deal Said Reached, Numbers Crunched for Committee Vote Before Midnight

At UN, Proposed Budget Cuts Grow Deeper, Baghdad and Corruption Put Off to Spring

At UN, Budget May Cut Iraq and Conference Funding, Corruption Issues Raised, a Snapshot

In Darfur, UN Will Have Barely 9000 Troops at Hand-Over, Of Drills and 21 Copter Mystery

At UN, Official Sent to Rebut Scandal Declines Lockheed Questions, Confirms Toh Job

As UN Budget Deadline Looms, GA President Predicts Its Passage, US Will Not Predict

UN Split on Kosovo As Precedent, Russia Speaks of Shockwaves and China of Disaster

Algiers UN Bombing Commemorated in NY, Silent Walk and Finger Pointing

UN Budget "Can't Be Christmas Tree," Says US, Deal in Principle Predicted for December 21

Behind Tuesday's UN Corruption Story, Kid-Gloves on Americans, Lockheed's No-Bid Contract

As UN's Iraq Resolution Passes Bombs Drop, UK Leaves and Oil's Still Unmetered

Behind Death Penalty Moratorium Vote at UN, Lunches with Dictators, Cities for Life

UN Envoy Declines to Criticize Myanmar, Says Corporations Should Check With Global Compact

Post-Bali, UN Blames China for Breakdown of de Boer, Mr. Ban's Game Face Described

At UN, Budget Games Stretch from Baghdad to Basement, Procurement Task Force Down to Wire

As Turkey Bombs Iraq, Not Even Raised in Security Council, UN Baghdad Budget Introduced

At UN, Of Ice Bridges and Electricity Bills, Bali Read-Out Eschewed by Ad Melkert

At UN, Chinese Painting Mirrors Quiet Council Role, Carrying Veto for Sudan, Leaving Blank Space

At UN, Reticence to Vote Confines Kosovo to Private Meeting, No Room for Transparency

At UN, Darfur No-Bid Contract to Lockheed and Budget Confined to Secret Meetings

UNICEF's Work Includes Giving Voice to Children, Staying Silent in Sri Lanka

CERF Fund at UN Gave Cyclone Funding in Five Days, Built a Bunker in Somalia

As Carrion Downshifts to Race for NYC Comptroller, Human Rights Disinvestment Balanced by Returns

At UN, Deadlock Even on Format of Kosovo Meeting on Dec. 19, Croatia Joins a Council in Chaos

UN Budget Defended by UK, While U.S. Hardball Links Justice to Procurement Task Force

As Congo Chaos Spreads, Council Questions UN's Military Role, Behind Closed Doors

US Talk on UN Budget Called Transparent by Some, Maligned by Others

In UN Ag Tech Spat, Israel Calls "Shameful" Abstention by S. Africa, Which Feels Singled Out

At UN, Del Ponte "Stupified" by UNMIK's Support for Haradinaj, Dodges UN's Srebrenica Role

At UN, Cartoons For Human Rights Exclude Denmark, Ban on Gifts Unless Given to S-G

At UN, Tour Guides Return to Work As Job Action Results in Concessions After Cocktails

Darfur War Crimes Statement Dies In Security Council, Called "Gutted" and Not Needed

In Burundi, FNL Dissenters Are "Alleged," UNICEF Ready for Child Soldiers, Silent on Sri Lanka

As UN's Ban Heads to Bali, Caps on Greenhouse Gas by Poorer Countries is the Question

In Wake of UN Tour Guides' Sick-Out, Working Group Set Up With Union Leaders Excluded

At UN, Somalis Plight Discussed Without Action, Problematic Biscuits and Nkunda's Rwandan Sojourn

At UN, Tour Guides Go On Strike, World Body's Labor Double Standards Protested

Behind Lockheed's No-Bid UN Contract, Condi Rice and UN's Guehenno in Late 2006

At UN, Italian Jazz and Off-the-Record Stylings As Labor Unrest Looms

All Five of UN Court's Criminal Case Are in Africa, Myanmar's Not a Member

At UN, Terrorism Remains Undefined, Tensions Explain 3 Month Mandate Extension

UN Security Council Is Too "Overstretched," President Admits, For No-Bid Contracts, Aid Blocks

As UN Creates Separate Fiefdoms of Ethics, U.S. Declares Victory on Appeal Rights

As Myanmar Ousts UN's Petrie, And Protests Are Called Trivial, Time Has Come to Speak

UN Ethics System Formalized But in Fragments, Whistleblowers in Wilderness of Fiefdoms

UN Confirms Lockheed's Contracts of $36 Million in Congo, $250 M in Darfur, Questions Multiply

At UN, Gun-Jumping on Annapolis Resolution While Kosovo Clock Ticks

War Criminals Discussed at UN, Uganda and Somalia Outshined by Darfur

At UN, Abkhazia IDPs Urged to Cite Precedents While Kosovo Is Distinguished

On Road to Bali, Kyoto Protocol Under Fire, UN's Ban Defends from NGO, not UNDP

UN's No-Bid Contractor in Darfur an "Inside Job," Ex-Auditor Says, Congo Dodges

EU's Solana Admits Chad Force Delay, UK Does Not Want to Pay

At UN's DESA, Still No Accountability for Faked Work of Greek Center, New Chief Says

At the UN, Budgets Pass Midnight, on Darfur and Gut Rehab, Tales of 5th and ACABQ

As Darfur Is Debated at UN, Lockheed No-Bid Contract Questions Dodged

As India and Experts Criticize UNDP on Climate, It Shuts Computer Access

Lockheed Unit Given No-Bid UN Contract in Darfur Reneged on Congo Air Bid, Memos Show

UN's Somalia Arms Embargo Reporting Fiasco Cries Out for Reform, Experts Say

At UN, Silence on Sri Lanka and Congo Accusation Toilet Taboos Broken with Champagne

First Congo Trial of ICC Will be Test Case, While Child-Conscriptor Karim Remains Free

On UN's No-Bid Lockheed Contract, Russia Demands Investigation, Why Council Misled

On UN Accountability, Many Words But Few Answers, "Growing Mistrust" Noted

As UNICEF Fetes Ex-Child Soldier, Not Clear How Recruiters Are Pursued, Chad Update

At UN, Targeting of Civilians Decried, Cluster Munitions Defended, NGO List Clarified

UN's Budget Committee Hits No-Bid Lockheed Contract for Darfur, Demands Documents

At UN, No "Coalition of the Willing" for Somalia, as Body Count Continues to Rise

Spinning Belarus, UNDP Downplays Chernobyl and Human Rights Concerns

UN Development Program No-Bid Contracts for Computer Clean Up on Eve of Accountability Seminar

Scaled-Back Rebuilding of Aceh Raises Issues of Shari'a and Trust Funds, Even One UN

UN Humanitarian Chief Gets Visa Lesson, Unaware of NGO List in Chad Aftermath

Headed to Beijing, UN's Peacekeeping Chief Dodges on Darfur Pilots and Post-Coup Fiji

In DC, Bush to Discuss Sudan with Salva Kiir, Senators Push to Scrutinize UN Funds

In DC, Predatory Lending Bill Draws Doubt from Consumers, Praise from Brokers

UN Backslides on Fix-Up Commitments, Bloomberg Repeats Threat to Cease School Visits

At UN, Chissano Downplays Roles of Otti in LRA and NGOs in Peace, Opines on ICC

At UN, Lessons Not Learned in Chad Kidnapping Case, Refugee Agency on Nepal But Not India

UN Controller Called No-Bid Darfur Contracts a "Troubling Pattern," PAE in Congo

UN's Contractor Sued by MIT for Leaks, While UN Management Dodges Leaks

UN's Ban Jokes of Eco-Tour, Heads Without Carbon Off-Setting to Biofuels Debate in Brazil

At UN, Bolton Decries Slow Pace of Reform, Promotes His Book, Tells Japan to Write Its Own

At UN, of Lebanon Camps and Bases, Mis-use of Schools and Rights Council, Activist Charged

UN Denies Expanding Kosovo Investigation, of Hard Drives in New York

UN Management Seeks to Block Access to Justice, While Achievements Seem Few

UN Diplomats Contest Congestion Pricing, Cuba Out of Princeton, Ticket Number Down

At the UN, What Safeguards Prevent Assisting Child Traffickers Raised by Chad Case

NATO Staff Designed Lockheed's No-Bid UN Contract, French and Legal Questions Arise

At UN, In Budget Boost for Preventative Diplomacy Some Questions Are Sidestepped

At UN, Salva Kiir Speaks on Sudan, Uganda and LRA's Otti Mystery

In UN Security Council, Silence on Pakistan and PKK Raids, Copter Crash and Georgia

As Death Penalty Issue Heats Up, Ban and Annan Compared, as World Bankers on Poor

UN Tells Darfur Rebels To "Get It Together," Despite Qaddafi and Lockheed's No-Bid Contract

Behind Lockheed's No-Bid UN Contract, State Department Timing, DynCorp, Dissent

UN Global Compact Hard Pressed to Raise Its Standards, But Deigns to Answer Questions

In Liberia, UN Staff Complain of Disparities in Promotions, Silence from Field Support

Cisco Talks on Poverty While Getting Sole Source UN Contracts, Ban on Audits and UNDP

UN Reforms Still "Disappointing," Secret Audits and also No-Bid Contracts Blamed

UN Omits Ban's Answers From Transcript, Questions Raised by Accident

At UN, Near-Snuff Film of Russian Peacekeepers in Georgia, Helicopter Murky

Western Sahara Debated Without Plug Being Pulled, Taking Note of Bolton

UNDP Leases Ten Room for Tony For $1.3 Million, Cash From Norway and DFID Not In Hand

In Pakistan, UNDP Awards No-Bid Contract For Disputed Election, UN Dodges Questions

Bolton Memoir Settles Scores, Dishes Dirt, Ignores Kosovo and Uganda

UN Grants Chief in Manila Gives to NGO She Founded, No Action Taken, UN-Reformed

At UN, Human Rights Photos Amid the Canapes, Stories of Watches on Display

UN Under Fire From Its Experts, on Torture, Executions and Peacekeeping Standards

In Kosovo, UN in Dirty Coal and Business, Ridge Global

Lockheed Shifts Risks to UN in its No-Bid Darfur Contract, Yet To Be Disclosed

At UN, Budget Flux Amid Claims of Transparency, Favoritism Called Minor, FOIA On Its Way

At UN, Darfur No-Bid Contract Spun by UK, Chad and Somalia Preemptively Bid Out

UNICEF India Chief Faces Sexual Assault Charge, Fired Whistleblower Barred From Ethics Office

In Burma, UN Envoy Sees Saffron But No Revolution, No Kiev in Myanmar

As UN Spins "Expectations" For Darfur Talks, No-Bid Lockheed Contract Unaddressed

Restricted Access in N. Korea is Downplayed by WFP's Sheeran Shiner, Silent on Audits

As UN Worker Released in Mogadishu, UN Transcript Deletes Word "Bail"

At UN, Turf War About Rape, Slow on Gender and N. Korea UNDP Audit

At UN, Kazakh Ambassador Serves Cheney Film and Lamb, Stakes Claim as Diplomat

At UN, Montreal's $2.2 Billion Proposal Disappears, Bookstore Ban and Questions

At UN, France Holds Ivorian Pen Through Murky Splitting of Council Pie, Drafters Rule

At UN, Ire at Report of Family Ties In Iraq Staffing, Ivorian Mistura, Lunching with Bertucci

UN Retracts Claim Sudan "Approved" Lockheed's No-Bid Contract, Toh Headline Changed

UN Management Is Disarray, No Defense for "Useless" Report, Unexplained Travel

At the UN, Two Days for the Poor Include French Carpet Sweeping, Potato's Year

UN Now Will Not Disclose Its No-Bid Lockheed Contract, But Summarizes, Toh Jam

At UNICEF, Child Soldiers Counted But Not Reported, Karim like Kony Falls Through Political Crack

"Darfur Now" is Full of Cheadle, Director Chides UN's Paralysis by Complexity

At the UN, of Syrian CDs and Hasty Re-Translations, Mysterious Maps of Concentration Camps

While Dodging Africa Questions, UNDP Builds Breakaway Ethics Regime, Conceals Audits

UN's Ban Vows Transparency, After Lockheed Gets $250M Sole-Source Darfur Contract

In Afghanistan, UN's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Taliban Approach, Mortgages on the Horizon

At the UN, Warhead Reduction Pitched by U.S. While Replacement Warhead "Sketchy"

At the UN, Georgia Speaks of Russians with AK-47s, Russia Speaks of Rust

For Darfur, Lockheed Martin Gets UN Sole Source Contract, Questions Raised

At the UN, Job Favors Cloud Management Audit, Issues Rise to 38th Floor

On Myanmar, France's Total Conflict, China's Hedged Bet, Zimbabwe Precedent for S. Africa

UN Renovation Plan to Be Speeded Up, $150 Million More in Relocation Costs

UN Quiet About Being Gagged, from Sri Lanka to Burma, Does Silence Equal Consent?

For Darfur Force, No Western Copter Pilots, Mauritania's Offer Deemed Late, Sudan Says

UN's Myanmar Response Muffled, "No New Needs," Weakened Council Statement, Seeming Cover-Up

At the UN, Arms Trade Treaty Pitched, While UN Role in Congo Gold and Guns Is Murky

UN Lacks Aircraft for Darfur But Won't Say Why, Troop Numbers Murky, Dictators Not So Bad

At the UN, Georgian Minister Says More Missiles May Come, Black Sea Vacations Offered

At the UN, Pataki Dodges Burma and Bruno, Demarches and What's In a Name?

UN's Gambari Saw No Monks, Fled Staged Rally, Myanmar Threat Question Dodged

At the UN, Job Favors Asked and Given between Management and Investigator, E-mails Show

On Myanmar, UN's Gambari Describes His Tourism-for-a-Cause, Are Killings and Protests a Threat?

Iran's Mottaki Opposes Talks with Taliban, UNDP Ties Beyond Karzai Are Unclear

At UN, Muted Support for UNDP Worker Arrested in Myanmar, "Unacceptable," Staff Says

At UN, Ban's Hands-Off Approach to UNDP, on Ethics Office and Audits, Draws Criticism

On Myanmar at UN, Moves to Keep Envoy's Report Secret, Seizure of UN Staff Triggers Letter

As UN General Debate Ends, Tale of the Tape, Broken Mikes and Promises -- and World Peace?

Abuse by UNDP's Philippines Coordinator Raised to Ban Ki-moon by Human Rights Groups

UN's Delayed Response to Darfur Attack Flashes Back to Spanish Subway, Ghana's Coming Month

North Korea Does Not Need UN Mediation or Money, Auditors Kept Out, Minister Choe Says

Myanmar Funders Through UNDP Include Japan, UK, Australia and Italy, Records Show

In Myanmar, UN Envoy's Tourism for a Cause, "Not a Popular Uprising," UN Rapporteur Says

At UN, No Agreed Statement on Darfur Peacekeepers' Deaths, Senegal's Warning Goes Unheard

UN's "Partnership for Democratic Governance" Vaguely Launched, Rwanda's Questions Unanswered

Arab League Supports "IGAD" Force in Somalia, On Darfur Serious if UN Rejects Egyptian Troops

At the UN, Ministers Gone Wild, A Week of Dips on the Mic™ About Burma But Not Somalia

Rwanda's Kagame Refutes UNDP Report and Criticism of Darfur General, on Stakeout Technique

At UN, Cypriot President on Ships to Syria from Famagusta, "Illegal Ghost City," Raises Questions

Big Eyes Over the Railing, Kouchner on Burma, on War, on the Press, Gbagbo and Lebanon

On Myanmar, 'Saffron Revolution' Triggers UN Gambari's Night Flight, Soft Talk in the Council

Sri Lanka's UN Delegation of 39 "Feels Invisible," Of Child Soldiers, Aid Workers, and MIG-27 Jets

At the UN, Exclusions by Sarkozy and Ahmadinejad Trigger Questions

UNDP's Dervis Plans to Take No Questions, Karzai and Answers Never Come, Afghan Law Explained

UN's Ivorian Envoy Chosen Monday by Ban and Gbagbo, "Non-African Troops Should Leave"

On Darfur, Sudan Complains of UN Rejecting African Troops, While Italy Calls for Somalia Cooperation

Zapatero of Spain, Donor to UNDP, Calls for Transparency, While UNDP Cashes the Checks

Amid US' Nick Burns' Tough Talk on Iran, Ahmadinejad Laughs At UN Press Conference

At UN, Sarkozy Excludes Reporters Without French Passports, Tries African Photo-Op

UN's Big Day Begins with Bagels and Barricades, the O.J. of this G.A. is Iran's President

At the UN's Climate Change Event, "False Dichotomy" on Coal, Bush Presented as Supportive

At the UN, the Waves of Bush and Sarko at Mr. Ban's Stakeout, Of Blogs and Carbon Offsetting

On Climate Change, UN's Africa Project Triggers Complaint Which UNDP Refuses to Address

UN's Iraq Meeting Ends with Whimper, Wiesel Breathes Fire, Work and Japanese, Junkets Abound

UN's Global Warming Summit May Yet Offset Emissions, "Coal Is Here to Stay," UN's de Boer Says

At UN on Darfur, War Crimes Go Virtually Unmentioned, Rebel Noor May Face Sanctions

In Afghanistan, UN Discourages Blackwater and Proselytizing, Had "No Role" in Hostages' Release

Shootout in Abkhazia Triggers Georgian Accusations, Missile Mystery Will Rise Again

At UN, Human Rights in Somalia Downplayed, Treaties on Disabilities and Women Pitched, Despite Congo

On Myanmar, UN's Gambari's On the Run, While Khalilzad of U.S. Calls the Regime a Scam

In the UN, Of General Assembly Meetings Closed and Ethics Office Fixes Unclear at UNDP

On Africa Telecom, ITU Explains Somalia While Charging $100,000 for Access to Heads of State

ICC's Ocampo On Darfur but not Uganda, Asserts Jurisdiction over U.S. But For Its Veto

At UN, Trafficking Film "Trade" Outshines $5000 Paella Over the East River

UN's Legal Chief Dodges Questions of Cambodia and King, After An Hour on Lebanon

At the UN, Afghanistan and Ships from Japan in Abe's Wake Debated in the Shadows

General Assembly President Dodges Questions about Ethics Office, While Talking One UN

For Iraqi Refugees, UN's Ban Says There's Moral Obligation, But Not By Whom

UN Global Environment Fund Whistleblower Complains to World Bank and Secretary-General

At UN, Quiet End to War Crimes Review, Those Owing Dues Including Liberia and Tajikistan

UN Ethics Office Becomes "Rigged for Retaliators," New Memo Reflects

At UN's Ban's Housewarming, Global Warming, Eel Sushi, A Showing by UN's Breakaway UNDP

At the UN, Belated Focus on Under-Investment in Africa, UNDP's Redlining

At the UN, $5000 for Dinner and a Movie, Trade, Finger Foods and Fingerprints Taken

At the UN, Syrian Airspace Fireworks Recall Georgia Missile Crisis, France Bags Gbagbo?

At the UN, Declaration of Rights for Indigenous First Nations Passes Despite First World Opposition

At UNDP, Path to Reform Murky, By Design

In Burundi, FNL Rebels Decry Lack of Resources While UN Speaks of Political Will

UN's Holmes Tells Harrowing Congo Tales, Reporters Referred to FDLR's Mission in NY

UNDP Fires At Whistleblower, Shoots Own Foot, Demotion of Memo's Author Ignored

UN's Ban Defers on Human Rights, But Not on Climate Change, UN Charter Put In Question

As Fed Releases Mortgage Study, Subprime Disparities Worsen at Citigroup, HSBC, Wells

At UNDP, Memo-Writer Retaliated Against, Panel's Dervis Connections, Senegalese Surprise

UN's African Office, Like Elder, on Life Support, Radio Okapi Complaint Left Unaddressed

At the UN, Mike Gravel on Kososo and Blowback and Presidential Fitness

UNDP's Dervis Foretells New Panel's Findings, Whistleblowers Left Exposed, Development Mis-served

Back at the UN, Ban Ki-moon Addresses Darfur and Ethics Office Questions, Clarifications

From Turkey, A Whistleblower's Tale Brings Ethics Issue Closer to Home for UN and UNDP's Dervis

At UNDP Meeting, Dervis Talks of Transparency While Fleeing the Press' Questions, Propaganda

At the UN, Errors in Promises of Whistleblower Protection Go Uncorrected, Shooting Messengers

In Liberia, UN Mission Does Not Recognize Union or Diamond Distributive Justice

At the UN, Tentative Deal for Indigenous Rights, Once Member States' Sovereignty Enshrined

UN's Congo Force Commander Dodges Reports of Gold Smuggling Involvement, Carries Ammo in the Kivus

At UN, Ban's Chief of Staff Told Congress to Rely on Ethics Office, Jurisdiction Dodged A Month Later Click here for Nambiar's letter

In the UN, Oversight Is Undermined by Funded Relocation of Jobs, Fishy in Denmark

UNIFIL Commander Vague on Frequency Inhibitors and German Ship Costs, Denies Hezbollah Protection

On Myanmar, UN's Gambari Defends Ban's (Very) Soft Ear, Believes in Oil Company Morals

In Dakar, More Retaliation by UN Development Program, Climate Change Used for Sole Source Contracts - Click here for exclusive copy of Koumoin letter to UN Ethics Office

Double-Dipping on Jamous, Spinning on a Plane, Team Ban in Sudan, Answerless in New York

While ILO Talks Productivity, Strikers at UN Congo Mission Ask if Labor Rights Begin at Home

While Vague on Viennese Climate Change Results, UN Will Offset Emissions in September, Donor Undefined

With Subprime Hot Air in DC, Cold-Blooded Citigroup Buys Ameriquest

Blair's Office Procured with No-Bid $1 Million by UNDP, Whose Retaliation is Decried by UN Staff Federation

At UN, After Five Days Silent With Nerve Gas, Belated Spin and Returns from Turin

Ban's Turin Retreat Light on Reform, Heavy on Praise of UN by Outsiders Invited to "Non-Public" Event

At the UN, When the Nerve Agent's Been Removed, It's Back to Business As Usual, Un-Inspected

At UN, Russia's Claim to North Pole Seabed Is Set Forth, Murky Allegiances of Commission Members

Unnerved at the UN, Poison Phosgene Discovered, Portending Calls for Inspections by Safety Agents

Ban's Silent Diplomacy is Also Secret, Like Search for Sudan's Water, Blair's UNDP Link, Turin Shrouded

UN Staff Council Votes to Tell Ban to Make UNDP's Dervis Accept Ethics Office, Stop "Culture of Impunity"

In Ban's UN, Few Answers Amid Speeches on Conflict Prevention in Africa, Non-Council Members Speak

Corruption Allegations in UN in Beirut, IIIC and ESCWA, Not Addressed by Ban Ki-moon, Shrouded in Turin

While Ban Calls UNDP Review Independent, Dervis Chooses Investigator List, Documents Show

UN's Ban Claims Credit for Korean Hostages' Release, While Careful on Sovereignty and Sudan, Which Questions to Take

In UN's Chad Preparations, Mystery of Tiger Team Dodged by France, Reverberates in Near-Empty Council

At the UN, No Answers on Sudan's Kalma Camp and UNDP's Rogue Res-Rep in Philippines

Bosnia's Zeljko Komsic Compares Darfur to Srebrenica, Studies in UN Inaction on Genocide

In Chad, Leaked Memos Show UN Worries about Funding, Which Camps to Protect, Keeping Up with EU

At the UN, Moves to Rename West Bank, Dodge Questions on Sudan, Rwanda and Tony Blair's Costs

At the UN, the Story of Five Seconds of Silence, Fixing Russian Misinterpretation (updated Aug. 29)

UNESCO Has No Comment on Crackdown on New Media, Fraud in Guyana, Banned Moroccan Spoof

As Mogadishu Mayor Says to Let Displaced Children Starve, UN Prepares Mild Reminder

UNDP's Dervis Disregards Ethics Office, Threatens to Tarnish Reputation of Accusers

At the UN, Team Ban Emphasizes Split in US Mission, UNDP Shielded from Ethics Office, Brussels Links

UN's Congo Staff Strike Moves Into Second Day, UN Union Busting in Liberia Surfaces, High Officials Away

Abkhaz Airspace and Feverish Pig Allegations Follow Georgia's Russian Missile Case

UNDP Orchestrates Danish-Led Ethics Evasion, Dangles Melkert Off the Record, As Legal Ruling Is Sought

At the UN, Ethics Office Urged to Protect UNDP Whistleblower Despite Ban's Support of Self-Investigation

In UN's Mission in Congo, National Staff Threatens Work Stoppage, Day Laborers Abused, Staff Say

At the UN, Whistleblower Loopholes Defended, Ban's Fragmentation Called Ludicrous - Video here

In Missile-Gate, Russia Tells Its Side of the Story, Saying Georgia Made It Up, and Kodori Too

At the UN, Belated Focus on Darfur Leaves NW Central African Republic Unprotected

At UN, Ban Is Entangled in Scandals of UN Development Program, As Staff Union Complains

UN's Secrecy About Past Iraq Security Bodes Badly for Future Expansion, Sources Say

UN to Open in Turkmenistan, Takes Long View on Nepal, Mentions Soo Kyi, But Not Too Much

Retaliation Is Found In UN Development Program, For Ban Ki-moon, an Inconvenient Test - UN Ethics Office Memo here

UN Baghdad Bombing Reports Withheld, As Ban Wants Expansion in Iraq, Transparency Is Lacking

At UN, Press Focus on Death and Cockroaches, Caterers Blame UN While Poison's Sprayed

At UN's Baghdad Bomb Memorial, Marginal Voices Question Ban's Iraq Expansion

UN's Explosion in Iraq Remembered as Ban Pitches Expansion, Threat Assessment Unaddressed

UN Aid to N. Korea Marked by UNDP's Absence, Ban's Shadow, Peninsular Politics

At the UN, Georgian Missile Plot Thickens, With Friends Like These...

UNDP Censors Wikipedia to Remove Press Link to Ugandan Violent Disarmament

Terrorism Accusations Against UN Official and Iranian Guards Draw No Comments at UN

UN Still Defers to Khartoum, on Suleiman Jamous and the Hybrid Force for Darfur

UN Environment Program Is Hacked, Explains Policies on New Media and Corporate Partnering

UN's Ban Meets with N. Korean Rep, Access for Audit Not Raised, Secret Message Conveyed

On Global Warming, UN's Ban Ki-moon Still Has Far to Travel, As September Summit Approaches

At the UN, Hacker Cut-Up Brings Turkish Denial, UNEP Doesn't Answer About Its Still-Hacked Site

Greenspan's Shameless Cash-Out to Deutsche Bank Is a Sub-Crime, Consumers Complain

At the UN, Somalia Discussed As Journalists Are Killed, White Phosphorous Used --  (Somalia video here)

UN's Hacked Website Is Restored but Still Vulnerable, Online Engagement Should Increase

In UN-Bloomberg Fire Safety Stand-Off, Freedom of Information Is Lacking

As UN Expands in Iraq, Old Scud Missile Engines and Gyroscopes Await Their Fate

At the UN, Iraq Expansion Approved as Ambassadors Leave, The Man Who Spat Peanuts

In Face of Floods, Military Helicopters Are Last Resort, Oslo Guidelines and UN Say

At the UN, Indigenous Rights Declaration Moves Leaderless Toward End Game

At the UN, Iraq to Khalilzad Call Presages Friday Vote on UN Role, Bombs and Rent Questions Persist

At the UN, Georgian Missile Mystery May Have Ossetian Explanation, United for Peace Unlikely

As UN's Ban Dines in Barbados with Blair, $130 Million in Iraq UN Expansion Discussed in NY

UN Staff Union Questions Ban's Rush Into Iraq, Death of a Demographer Reverberates

At the UN, As Darfur Mission Described, Congo Misdeeds Unaddressed, Cote d'Ivoire Forgotten

In UN Scheme for US Visas, UN Development Program's Role Raises Questions

At the UN, Protesters Ask Ban Ki-moon to Do More to Help Free Hostages in Afghanistan (and video)

UN Rehab Losers Named, Durbin's Claimed Call Denied, Let the Transparency Begin

At the UN, Carter's Palestine Book Is Pulled, as Gaza Explains Qatar's Lebanon Objection

Russia Lays Claim to North Pole While Ceding Ground on Iraq at the UN, Pundits Say

UN Council's New President Says Uganda's LRA Is Still in the Woods, Jan Pronk Should Be Replaced

UN's Ban Extends Barbados Visit into Vacation, Plans to Visit Darfur, Sources Say

UN's Climate Change Gurus Disagree on Cap and Trade in Debate that is Off-set for $2500

On FAO in North Korea, No Audit Despite Hard Currency, Murky Seconded Staff

At the UN, Darfur Resolution's Ambiguity May Spell Trouble, Sudan Says It's Happy (and video)

At the UN, Greenwash and Hamstrung Peacekeepers, What Brown Can Do For You

At UNDP, No Answer to Staff Complaints from Philippines, As Dervis Schmoozes Ban

On Climate Change, Duke Energy Talks Cap at the UN While Filling the Air with Carbon Dioxide

From UNDP, Half an Answer on Diamonds, No Denial of Policy of Non-Response

At the UN, Darfur Resolution "Goes Blue," Readied for Tuesday Vote

At the UN, Ban's Beirut Appointee Deals Real Estate With Spencer Abraham, As Williams Eyes UK

UN Mulls Banning Bloggers, Leaked Minutes Reveal, Fearing Coverage Not Easily Controlled

UN's Gambari to Abuja and Reed to Tokyo, Musical Chairs Between Haiti and HQ, Where Lights Go Out

UN Resists New Media, Minutes Show, as UNDP and WHO Refuse to Answer Questions

UN's Contractor Fined for Bid-Rigging, Chosen Over Two Unnamed Firms by Two Unnamed Reviewers

On Darfur, China Bristles at Misquote, Sudan Blames the West for Rebels' Self-Importance

At UNDP, Cover-up in Finance, Screw-up in Nepal, Waste in Glen Cove - and No Answers

In Nepal, UN's Martin Balances Maoists and Snakes in the Camps, UNDP Makes Rebels "Allergic"

At the UN, Russia and Georgia Tussle on Abkhazia, So Close to Sochi But So Far

At the UN, Amid Ethiopia Questions, Who Investigates WHO Remains Unanswered

UN Confines the Wrong 700 Peacekeepers in Cote d'Ivoire, No Discipline in Congo to Speak Of

UNDP's Melkert Remembered As Apparatchik by Dutch Media and UNDP Staff

With One Korean Hostage Dead, Ban Ki-moon Calls Afghan President Karzai Again

UN's Holmes on Somali Guns, Who Will Investigate WHO in Ogaden?

At UNDP, Staff and G-77 Turn On Melkert, A "Ruud Lubbers With His Pants Up"

Ethiopia's Meles Goes from Strategic Starver to UN Partner in a Day, Ogaden Games in the Times

At UNDP, Melkert Is a Diversion, U.S. Rep. Says, As Walls Close In On Dervis

UN's Ban Asks for Unclear "Utmost" to Free Koreans in Afghanistan, Amid Questions

"You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet," UNDP Whistleblower Vows, Calling for Ban Ki-moon's Action

At the UN, Closed Rooms and a Crafty Ban Ki-Whom, Paparazzi on Julia Ormond v. Hezbollah

Ban Ki-moon Summons All Top UN Officials to Turin for a Weekend, Who Needs Long Island?

At the UN, Team Ban Accused of Undermining Africa, Leaking of Letter Is Counter-Charged

From Arraignment to Entertainment, Koreas on Display at the UN and in Spy Case

UN Urges "Reduction" of Hutu Rebels in Congo, More Gem Trading Charges

From the UN, the World's Most Famous Steam Pipe Incident Raises Underlying Questions

In Ban's UN, Africa May Be Overshadowed by Climate Change, Somalia Silence Continues

At the UN, Prostitutes for Procurement Go Barely Mentioned, Corruption Off the Map

At the UN, Russia Joins Opponents of Indigenous Rights, Ban Ki-moon MIA

At the UN, Team Ban On the Defensive, Chiding Reporters While Access is Denied

In Ban's UN, Access Lists Are Not Kept or Disclosed, Consultations After the Fact

At the UN, Kosovo Resolution Goes Blue Under Veto Threats, Precedents and Access Denied

UN's Ban Denies Being Faceless, But Is Obscured by Gatekeepers

At UNDP, Investigators By Invitation Only, To Scrutinize Complainants, Make Sure the Fix Is In

As UN Pension Board Partially Rebuffs Him, Cocheme Speaks of Eternity and Burnham

UN's Ban Blandly Calls Critics Unfair, While Avoiding Critical Questions and Ignoring Somalia War

At the UN, a Ban Ki-moon for the Misbegotten, Amid Bad Reviews, Ban Meets the Press

In Somalia, Despite Mortars the Show Must Go On, For Funding

In a Ban-less UN, It's Executions, Polisario and a Cheerleader from Another Planet

UN's Guehenno Denounces But Won't Quote Ivorian Alpha Blondy, Rubber Bullets Suspended

UN Confirms Its Congo Peacekeeper's Gold "Facilitation," While Denying Gun Trading

At the UN, Nuclear and Terror Committees Struggle Toward Their Sunsets, No Mention of N. Korea nor of A.Q. Khan

At UN Pension Fund, Cocheme's Last Grab, Skirting Procurement Rules for JP Morgan Chase, Potential Outsourcer

At UNDP, Computers Shut-Down As Investigators Swarm, Jurisdiction Unclear, Aruna to UNICEF

At UNDP, Melkert's Toast and Aruna's on the Move, Sources Say, Procurement Task Force Needed

Migiro Says UN "Will Not Tolerate" Somali Executions, Confirms Africa Office Consolidation

At UNDP, Secretive Empowerment of the Poor, Whistleblower Publicly Trashed, Melkert's Misdirection

At the UN, Staff Council Opposes Outsourcing of Pensions and CEO Cocheme's Coup

Guinea-Bissau is Broke If Not Broken, UN Responds With Press Release

In Ban's UN, Africa Office Threatened with Extinction, Diplomats Complain

In Ban's UN, a Headless Sudan Mission and an Airstrip for War Criminals from Uganda

At the UN, Posturing on Kosovo, Evasions on Use of Rubber Bullets and Ballots, Veto Trades

UNDP Attacks Whistleblower, Admits He Met with Dervis,  Placed Among the Crazies

Ban Ki-moon, With Coke Chair, Says Global Compact Will Be Transparent, But How?

UN's Ivorian Mission Disavows Its Peace Messenger As Posts Remain Unfilled

UN Spins VIP Fireworks and "Standard" Meeting on Myanmar, Submachine Gun Tales

At UN Pension Fund, Cocheme Coup Includes 43 New Posts and Double the Travel

On Rights and Labor, Global Compact Is "Not a Watchdog" of UN's Own Compliance

From the UN, Fireworks Are Close But Far, Delegates-Only by the East River

In Ban's UN, 44.37 Whistleblowers Face 45 Days of Retaliation Without Protection

At UN in July, China's Changed Position on Myanmar and Faith in Somali "Brothers" Among Tests

In UN Justice News, Cambodia Timing and Costs, Rwanda Run-Around, Rubber Bullet Silence

In UN Doldrums, Wind-Down of Iraq Weapons Search, Asbestos in the Swing Space, MDG Embargo

At the UN, News Blackout in Tbilisi, Assessing New Media in Madrid "Internal Meeting"

At UN Pension Fund, Cocheme Coup Includes OIOS Confusion, Words Instead of Action

In Ban's UN, Whistleblower Games Reveal UNDP Good Cop - Bad Cop Charade

At the UN, The Guns Of Rio and Nepal, From Pakistan's Press, Refugee Answers

At the UN, Somalia's Gedi Asks for $32 Million, Denies Restricting Opponents' Travel

At UNDP, Hunting Down Leakers and Whisteblowers' Photos, Hiding Disclosure Behind a Bored Board

At the UN, Votes on Peacekeeping Split and Israel Debt, Building Fix and School's Out for Summer

UN Pensions On Verge of Privatization, Cocheme's Power Play and Memo

Americans for UNFPA's President Calls Ban's N. Korea Audit "Political," Katrina "Too Local"

With UN Peacekeepers' Equipment, Anything Apparently Goes, As Frequency Inhibitors Called National Issue

At the UN, Rumi Tunes Show Softer Side of Ban, Myanmar Efforts Unclear

In Ban's UN, Rwanda Letters Lost or Denied, In Echo of Genocide Memo, Still Left Unclear

Subprime in Seattle, Spin on Capitol Hill and Bailouts on Wall Street Leave Consumers Sleepless

In Ban's UN, Human Rights Arguments Can Be Ignored, Journalists Kept Out of the Club

At the UN, Harms to Civilians in Colombia, and by UN, Are Raised but not Resolved

In Ban's UN, Peacekeeping Win Is Elusive, Union Not Convinced, Big Guns Over Gaza

At UNDP, Top Lawyer Demoted In Favor of One More Eager to Please, Funding Under Attack

At the UN, Kosovo Subject to Bosnian Spin and Romanian Precedents, Uzbek Refugees Still Without Asylum

In Ban's UN, Praise of Human Rights in Artic but Not in North Korea, Over UNDP's Filet Mignon

At UNDP, As Five More Get Silenced, Myanmar Restrictions Explained, Still Undefined Corruption

UN DESA's Centers May be Discontinued, As Nagoya Center Funding Disappears, Sources Say

Ban-Mentor's Olympic Dreams Are Covered Over in NY, the Rights Mariachis in Geneva

UN's Global Compact Accepts Nearly All Sinners, Struggles to See UN Comply with Principles

Ban Ki-moon's Soft Ear Not Heard at UN Human Rights Council, Lost in the Mail, Bosnia Letter

UNDP's Dervis Says, "I Am Not Answering Any of Your Questions," on Audits and Head of Budgets

At the UN, Blue-washing Waldheim, Gaza Power Redux, Saharawi Monday, LI Press

At UNDP, Melkert's Spin Machine Shoots at Khalilzad, Somalia Secrets

On Darfur, Mr. Ban Dislikes "Skeptical Reporting" While Questions Go Unanswered

At UNDP, Melkert Accused of Threatening Retaliation Against Member States, Amb. Khalilzad's Plea to Dervis

At UNDP, Audit Access Gets Loophole, "Commitment" Becomes "Considering," Melkert on the Run

In North Korea, UNICEF Has Stopped Medical Aid to Two Provinces For Lack of Access

In Ban's UN, Backsliding on Internal Justice and Question-Taking, Bazaar of P-3s in Vienna Cafe

At the UN, China Favored Over Taiwan by Guatemala's Vinicio Cerezo, "Arias Was Right"

At the UN, Mr. Ban Takes Aim at Leaks, Focus on Secrecy Questioned, on N. Korea Issues

At UNDP, Tales of Data Corruption, 'Whirling' Dervis and Whistleblower's Warnings about N. Korea

In Somalia, ICRC Demands Hospitals Serve All Wounded, While Working With "Local Authorities"

In N. Korea Scandal, Still No WFP or FAO Audit, What Did UNICEF Know and When?

At the UN, Secret Briefings on Lebanon and Sudan, Withheld Briefings on Congo and Advisor

At UNDP, Denial of Retaliation and Barring of Council Belied by E-mails as North Korea Scandal Unfolds

At the UN, Srebrenica Immunity Downplayed, West Papua No Comment

Sierra Leone Prosecutor Goes Hat in Hand to a Closed Down BBC, While ICC Stays Off the Record

In Myanmar, Local UNDP Staff Must Tithe To Get and Keep Jobs, Yangon Insiders Say

At UNICEF, Still No Answer on N. Korea Audit, Morgan Stanley Partnership Questioned

The UN and Human Rights, A Day Late and a Dollar Short in Sri Lanka, Uganda and Bangladesh

UN's Ms. Ahlenius Silent on Investigation of DESA as GA President Kerim Worked There, Pension Fund Buck Pass

At the UN, Watered Down Plan For Darfur Force Is Promoted by Anonymous Official, to Sudan's Liking?

UN's Spin on Africa and MDGs Launched, As UNDP Swings Axe on Brasilia, Money Sucked to NY Stars

UNDP's Melkert Opposes Online Disclosure, Myanmar Corruption and Harare Law Firm Questions

In Ban's UN, Sun Myung Moon's Paper is Praised, While Gambari Raises Him Funds, WFP Demurs

At the UN, Peacekeeping Doldrums in Chad and Fifth Committee, Chocolate Sandwiches and Landscapes

UNDP Won't Say How It Chose As Partner Fortis, Reported Funder of Pipeline and Myanmar

Team Ban Memo Foretold UNDP Resumption in N. Korea A Month Before Audit Was Released

Corporations Come to the UN to Brag behind Closed $1000 Doors about Diversity, Global Compact

As Puntland Is Bombed by US, Security Council Leaves Somalia in the Footnotes, With Sanctions

WFP In the Public Eye, In Uganda, India, Chad and at the Top, Not Yet on North Korea Audit

At UNDP, Evasive or No Answers on Myanmar Corruption, As Even Dervis' Location Is Secret

Ban Ki-moon and UNDP Claim Exoneration by Auditors Barred from N. Korea, Retaliation Concealed

UN's Twenty Babies in Timor Leste and Atul Khare's Candid Hand, June 30 Elections

At the UN, Dow Chemical Protesters Detained and Media Sent on a Blue Planet Run

As N. Korea Audit Looms, Memo of Mr. Ban's DPA Foreshadows the White Wash of UNDP

UN's Louise Arbour is Human Rights Catch-All, As War Crimes Go Unpunished in Congo

At the UN, Kosovo Draft and Serbia Spam Recall Mehlis' Hariri Blooper, in Diplomatic Dog Days

In Haiti, UN Community Center Stories Disclaimed, Perp Walks Disfavored but Allowed

UN's "Inclusive Finance" Does Not Begin at Home, Subprime Blind Spot at UNDP, No Answers

At UNFPA, Ruling to Investigate Obaid is Called Off by Alicia Barcena, Justice on the Rocks

At the UN, Hariri Tribunal Approved as Blackberry Flies, Kosovo on Horizon with Veto

On UNDP, Auditors Who Did Not Visit North Korea, Non-Answers on Sri Lanka and Myanmar

On Darfur, Ban's Soft Power Eclipsed by Sanctions, Shish Kebabs for Peace

As UN Peacekeepers Are Mourned, Ending Impunity and Exposing Corruption Are Key

At the UN, Team Ban's Transparency Is Elusive, As Hiring Rules Avoided

In Ban's UN, S. Korean Nationals Placed in Other UN Offices Avoid "Regular Procedures"

In Ban's UN, Senior Appointee Information Is Withheld, Even if UN Had Info-Rights, Which It Does Not

UN Skips Darfur Debate, Reuters Poll Shows NGO Fear, Let the Grassroots Blogging Begin

At the UN, New GA President Talks Climate, Vows Transparency, ACABQ Not Included

At the UN, Indigenous Miss Mr. Ban, Fight for Rights While UN Censors Films for its Member States

IMF's Screened-Out Questions Include Banks Over Butter in Santo Domingo, Subprime's Now Old Hat

At the UN, Congo Spin of Peter Karim's FNI Militia, Gold and Guns and Child Soldiers Still

UNICEF Appeals for Iraq, Explains Mozambique, Snoop Dogg at Arm's Length

In Ban's UN, Withheld List of Staff Shows 51 South Koreans As a Baseline, Series Will Continue

At UN, Indigenous Rights Are Threatened With Amendments, by Global Warming and Agency Hot Air

At the UN, Two Voices from Bosnia, Silence from the UN on Srebrenica Genocide Decision Decried

In Mr. Ban's UN, Why Is List of Staff by Nation Still Kept Confidential, Even from the Staff?

At the UN, Senators Talk Darfur, Boycott Is Disfavored, N. Korea Audit Is Not Raised

Arts at the UN, Security That Sings and Jokes, Underground Films of Laos and Rwanda

After Bombing in Somalia, UN's Holmes Regrets Not Meeting Hawiye Clan, Prizes Peace over Justice

Kosovo Precedent, Border War Silence, Stand-Up Comedy at the UN

On Darfur, Questions of Ban's Calls and Kazakh Plane Allegations Not Permitted

UN Withholds Nationality and Job Data Which Even Swiss Would Release, As Japan Wants More Posts

At the UN, No Belarus But Much Boasting, Human Rights Hypocrisy Is Widespread

At the UN, Clashing Stories on Council  and Peacekeeping Reform, UNHCR on Swiss and Thailand

At the UN, Finland's Halonen Makes Pitch For Council Seat, on Free Media and Gender

UNDP's Silence on No Audit Help from N. Korea Broken By Barcena, Diamond Questions

At the UN, Aghan-Pakistan Dispute Lacks Answers and Preventive Diplomacy

At the UN, More Transparency Is Promised as Violations Are Confirmed

In Mr. Ban's UN, Retraction Demand about Nationality and Staffing Raises Questions

UNDP's Belated Disclosure Policy Undercut By Harassment, Diamond Smuggling and Conflict Allegations

As African Nations Oppose Indigenous Rights Treaty, Stories from Botswana and Rwanda

At the UN on a Moon-less Night, Indigenous Fend for Themselves on 38th Floor (updated May 16, 2007)

UN Leaves Somalia With No International Staff, Gedi's Nairobi Villa Is Word on Mogadishu Street

At UNDP, Morale Low in Georgia, N. Korea Says "Expect No Audit Help"

At the UN, Belgium's Karel De Gucht Is Asked Of Dalai Lama's Cancelled Visit

At the UN, Zimbabwe Elected 26-21 to Sustainable Development Chair As EU Rejects Text

UN Investigation of UNDP and Diamond Smuggling, Sri Lanka was UNOPS not WFP

UN Counter-Terrorism at Crossroads, From Danish Cartoons to Sunset on Pakistan's Wall

At the UN, An Absurd No at the Stakeout, Auditor Brodeur Is Sought, No Comment on Drowned Haitians

At the UN, Germany Defends Its Burning of Coal, Makes Up By Buying Credits

At the UN, Ban Ki-moon is Knocking on the Door, 46th Street Lease, Larsen as Volunteer

On UNDP North Korea Audit, ACABQ Chairman Has No Paper, While Spokesperson Says It Is Finished

At UNU, Swiss Grab Rector Post, It's Konrad Osterwalder, To Sell UNU Press, $1 a Year in New York

At the UN, Questions of Myanmar and Belarus, Qatar's Ruperez Tapes at Sharm El Sheikh, Chevron to Cop a Plea

At UN, Model of "Independent" Diplomacy Questioned on Conflicts, Clients and Funders

At the UN, Ban Envoy Lagos' Climate Change Record Questioned, Palm Oil Promoted

Stages Skipped in UN North Korea Audit, UNDP Gets First Dibs on the White Wash, Sources Say

UN's Zero Tolerance Doesn't Add Up, UNESCO Hits Delete, Sanitation and Silence on Terror Quitting

Iraq's Debt and Oil Accounting Left Murky by UN's Gambari and Compact with Iraq

In Run-Up to Human Rights Council Vote, Freedom House Chides the US, UN Watch Disappointed with Arbour

In Nepal, Snakes in the Camps Are Not In UN's Mandate, Vote by November OK, Envoy Says

UN Tour Guide Becomes Albania's PR Minister While Paid by UN, Quits Only After Questions

UN's "If Asked" List Changes For Lebanon, BNP Rally, Ruperez' Reputed Quitting as Anti-Terror Chief

At the UN, Undisclosed Envoys Moonlight "When Actually Employed," G-4 Visas and Conflicts

Alan Johnston Is One of Many Journalists Held Hostage, For Whom the Drums Should Be Beaten

U.S. Highlights Bloggers at the UN, While Keeping Them from Amb. Khalilzad

On Kosovo, Amb. Churkin Foreshadows a Veto, Scrutiny Somalia Lacked

UN Exhibit-Gate Gets Russian Spin, U.S. Domination Questioned, Abkhazia With(out) Georgia

Online and other Journalists Under Attack by Governments and even the UN, on Press Freedom Day

At the UN, New Ethics Head and Pension Double Talk, Syrian Snubs and UNMOVIC

UN Refugee Czar Guterres Praises Sudan and Mozambique, Questions U.S.-Australia Asylum Swap

At the UN, Plug Is Pulled On Polisario, Access Cut by Khalilzad, Press Freedom's Day's To Come

UN's Migiro Says UNDP's Centrality Not Yet Decided, Condi Rice Theory Circulates

UN "Acknowledges Failure" in Rwanda, 13 Years and Three Weeks Late, French Soldier Is Identified

As UNDP's Melkert Sings to World Bank Board, His Own Hiring and Non-Action Lack Scrutiny

UN's Rwanda Genocide Exhibit Shifts "Turkey" to "Ottoman Empire" and "Murders" to "Mass Killings"

At the UN, Ban on the Move, Khalilzad Defers, Sahara Words, Rwanda Exhibit Still Not Visible

Somali Diplomat Questions UN's Warlord Payments, Blackhawk Down - TFG Connection Confirmed

UK's Nero-Like April Atop Security Council, Fiddling As Somalia, Chad and Central Africa Burn

At the UN, Mobility Defended, Member States Invoked, Pension Fund Video Screened and Panned

UN Auditors Without Access, UNDP's Audi Without a Driver As N. Korea Recalls Visas

At the UN, Access for Vodka and Connected Electricians, Mobility for Auditors and Human Rights, Less So

UNDP Downplays N. Korea's Order that Two Staff Leave, Melkert's Hiring, Zimbabwe and Gambia

At the UN, Questions of Real Estate and Cyprus, Rwanda and Korea, While UNDP Hides

On Zimbabwe, UNDP's Support For Mugabe's Human Rights Commission Criticized

At the UN, Ban's Mobility Plan is Panned by Staff Union, Complaints of Favoritism

UN's Holmes "Condemns" Reported Somali TFG Statements, While Withholding Documents

In UNCA-gate, Mr. Ban's Dig from Geneva Leads to Speechwriter Questions in New York

UN's Trip to Balkans Slated To Skirt Demonstrations, Hit Ethnic Enclaves, Work the Vote

At the UN, Arms Treaty Promoted, Ugandan Disarmament Panned, Eye on Kabul

UNDP Acknowledges Ouster from North Korea, Claims Audit Not Impacted Despite Delay

In Three-Way Bank Deal, 10% Deposit Cap and Barclays' Subprime Loom As Issues

UNDP's Last Two Staff Members Become Persona Non Grata in North Korea

As Wolfowitz Totters, Lying in Wait Is Mark Malloch Brown As Well As UNDP's New Duo

In Somalia, Understaffed Government Demands to Inspect All UN Aid, At "Anti-Terror" Checkpoints

At the UN, Excusing Abuse of Asylum Seekers, Dodging Human Rights, Fetishizing Borders

In Nigerian Electoral Chaos, UN Hides Role of UNDP, Kemal Dervis' Boasts

As UN Rewrites Rwanda Genocide Exhibit, Role of France, the Church and Hutu Are In Play, Top Official Says

Sudan's "White Plane" Was Bought From Russia, Despite UN's Borat-like Kazakh Diversion

Plight of Sudan's Children, Like Accountability for their Abuse, Runs Up Against Sovereignty

At the UN, Mobility on Hold, ASGs Extended, Melkert Spins Wolfowitz Back

UN-Marked Plane in Darfur Triggers Briefing on Peacekeeping Delays, Silence on Old Ammo in Kosovo

UN's Rosy on Asia, Except Japan, North Korea and Timor-Leste, Carbon and Growth

At the UN, Ban Ki-Meleon Does Not Observe Nigeria, Declines Comment on Disarmament Icon's Death

At Citigroup, Prince Eyes Predatory Argent, Standing Where Sandy Weill Once Stood

At the UN on Global Warming, Polluters Like the Council, the Less Developed Don't

At the UN, Ban's Coherence Plan Is Critiqued, Lead Agency UNDP is Headless and Silent

On Darfur, Sudan and UN Speak Two Different Hybrid Languages, Arguing in the Hall

At UNDP, Ad Melkert's Political Hiring Rivals Wolfowitz's, World Bank Documents Disclosed

At the UN, Basis of Genocide Exhibition's Postponement Is Not Disclosed, Nor FDNY Issues

At the UN on Abkhazia and Kosovo, Separatists and Independence Muddied by Right to Return

At the UN, Congo To Get One Month, Abkhazia Six, Clinton on Uganda, Kosovo Trip Firms Up

Ban Ki-moon Strives for Coherence, But UNDP Scandal and G-77 Doubts Won't Help

UNDP Accedes to Gambian President's "Spiritual" AIDS Cure, Refuses to Answer Any Questions

Steamroller or Slippery Eel, Ban Ki-Moon's 100 Days at the Helm, Silence Doesn't Help

At the UN, Of Fire Drills Cancelled, Six Dollar Tea, Camerapersons Inconvenienced

As Somali Defense Official Speaks of Extermination, UN and U.S. Dodge War Crimes Questions

At the UN, Mayor Bloomberg Talks Global Warming While Fire Department Inspection Is Discussed

Predatory Lending in NY Compared to S&L Crisis, As Subcrime Disparities Worsen

With Abkhazia at the UN, Breakaway Republics' Club is Waiting, Disputes on Visas, Kosovo and Exhibitions

IMF Warns on U.S. Subprime Lending, While Praising Its Global Spread

Bombing of Civilians Justified by UN-Supported Somali President, War Crimes Questions Raised

At the UN, Rwanda Exhibition Postponed For Turkish Armenian Concerns, Abkhazia Exhibition Flies Under Radar

At UNDP, Agit-Prop Gushes Online from Interns, Staff Survey Buried, Ad Melkert Spins

UN Mine Action Works With One-Third of Governments Including Ugandan Army Mining Karamoja

At the UN, Secretive Diplomats, Shy Dervis, UNDP Sings As Ms. Ahlenius Lunches

U.S. Exclusion of Abkhazia Minister Explained, While Gunship Mystery Continues, Russia in the Wings

Fijian Troops are "Rotated" to UN in Iraq through Limitless Loophole in Previous UN Coup Response

At the UN, Congo Days and British Knights, Climate Change Reaches Council Agenda

At the UN, Kosovo Questions Glean Abkhaz Visa Answers, Arria-Style Then and Now

UNDP Officials are "Collaborating with Federal Investigators," Romanian Gold Mine Charges Unanswered

UN Keeps Peacekeepers from Post-Coup Fiji, Has No Comment On Role in Bangladesh Coup

UN's Africa Report Sidesteps Zimbabwe's Fall, Embraces Privatization of Banks

At the UN, Justice Reform Progress is Delayed a Year, Money Fight Delayed, Favoritism Continues

As Somali Mortars Fly, Ban Ki-moon Waits for April 16 Summit, While Some Clans Are Excluded

At the UN, Even Louise Arbour Is Dismissive of Critical New Media, Zimbabwe Sanctions Decried by S. Africa

At the UN, Six Hours for Two Paragraph on Iran, Spin Over Kosovo and Zimbabwe

At the UN, Who Is a Journalist, Who Decides and How Are Put to Pincas Test

Senior UNDP Officials Summoned to Southern District of NY in N. Korea Case

UN Threats Against Dubai Corruption Whistle-Blowers Pose Test for Ban Ki-moon

At the UN, African Kosovos, Ivory Coast Deal and Jean-Pierre Bemba's Leg

At UN Pension Fund, OIOS Mysteries and Gag Orders, Ms. Barcena Says Outsourcing Slow Under Sach

On UNDP Audit's 7th Day, Questions of Two Sets of Books and Prejudged Outcome

At the UN, Memorial of Slavery While Local Fires and People Are Too Often Forgotten

At UNDP, Hiring from Melkert's Dutch Labor Party, Sudden Retirements and Consultancies

At the UN, Questions of Iran Sanctions' Secondary Effect, On Bank Sepah's Depositors

On UN's Iran Resolution, Opposition Wilts While Inconvenient History's Raised

At the UN, Ahmadinejad No-Show Through Rashomon Lens, Zimbabwe Bumped a Week

In March Madness at UN, Big Five Set Saturday Vote on Iran Sanctions, Zimbabwe Gets Bumped

On 4th Day of N. Korea Audit, UNDP Spins From Leaked Minutes

UN Envoy Chissano Seeks Solution to Lord's Resistance Army, "Without Impunity"

In DC, Sen. Dodd Focuses on Brokers, HSBC Blames Its Victims, Citigroup Escapes, Complaints Lost

At UN Office of Drugs and Crime, Problems of Lack of Oversight, Slow Sleaze in Kabul

On Third Day of UN's North Korea Audit, Memos Show Warnings But Not the Source of Funds

At UN, Iran Resolution Is Juggled with Zimbabwe, Uganda Is In, Brammertz Eats Alone

In Ban's UN, Questions of Kim, Waiting on Migiro, Dodging LRA Juba Talks, Rodent Update

UNFPA's Dubious Tales On UN's N. Korea Audit's 2nd Day, Red Faces at UNDP

At the UN, Hat Tipped to Human Rights and DC's Stance on Emissions, Equinox is Marked

On UN's N. Korea Audit's 2nd Day, Rosy Tales from UNFPA, Red Faces at UNDP

Question of Ban Ki-moon's Role in N. Korea Funding Unanswered for Two Weeks

At UN Security Council, Kosovo Joisting, Double-Talk on Iran, Depression on Darfur

As UN Global Compact Lauds Sri Lanka's Hayley Group, Cigarette Filter Production Deemed Not Serious

As Audit Starts in NY, UNDP Manager Akiko Yuge Leaves Town, Sale-of-Jobs Unanswered

At the IMF, Comment on Global Subprime Contagion Deferred For Already-Leaked Report

In N. Korea, IAEA Won't Say How It Pays, UN Auditors Say They Can't Speak

At the UN, Kosovo Prognostications, Malagasy Twins, the Magic of Jan Egeland

At the UN, Questions of Iran Texts, Eels and Laws in Pakistan and Georgia

At UNDP, Audit Delayed and Questions Deflected As Other Scandals Brew

At the UN, Iran Process Speeds Up Amid Secret Meetings, Uganda, Citigroup and the Global Compact

At UNDP, Scandal Allegations by Stefan Vassilev, Former Russia Resident Representative

On N. Korea, Ban Ki-moon Refers Press to UNDP, Which Refuses to Provide Information

UN Audit of Four of Its Agencies in N. Korea Starts, Memo Shows, Only in NY

UN Women's Week Ends As Ban Ki-moon Dodges Mercenary Questions

In Iran Talks, China Offers Quotes and Hope to Shivering Reporters

At the UN, Rosy Light Falls on Great Lakes Despite Bombs and Kony of Lord's Resistance Army

At UNDP, Silence on North Korea Echoed in Zimbabwe, The Gambia and Cambodia

At UN Pension Fund, More Complaints, More Impunity, No Stop to Outsourcing Assured

UN Envoys Hide and Seek While Narcotics Are Decried, the UN Parties On

At UNDP in N. Korea, March Payments Made, Auditors Excluded, Reports Forgotten

At UNDP, Spin Extends to Headless Poverty Group, Not Only Trust Funds

UNDP Stonewalls on Trust Funds for N. Korea, Including S. Korean Money

UN Peacekeeping Waits For Sudan's Letter, Lobbies Pakistan for Troops and Restructuring

At the UN, Belarus Blames Victims of Trafficking, OAS Head for Extraditing Posada Carriles

Outsourcing of UN Pension Fund Delayed Through April, Cocheme's Inaction on OIOS Report

In Wake of UNDP's Stealth North Korea Shut Down, Spin Machine Re-Starts

Suspending Operations in N. Korea, UNDP Slows Audit Called for by Ban Ki-moon

From the UN to JFK, It's Kim Jong Eel and Labor Relations Snafus

UN's Man in Somalia Says To Embrace and Not Question the Baidoa Government

At the UN, Chad and Darfur Fall Into Footnotes, Sudanese Praise of French But Not UN Soldiers

At the UN, Children and Armed Conflict, From Karim in Congo to UNICEF in Zimbabwe

At UNDP, Poverty Group Head Rolls, Contractors Double-Dip, Mizsei to Moldova

At UN Pension Fund, No Outsourcing in March, Cocheme Speaks As Complaint Filed to Block Press Access

UN's Louise Arbour Calls Lord's Resistance Army a "Criminal Enterprise" With No Political Agenda

At UN Pension Fund, Outsourcing, Corruption and Abuse of Staff To Be Questioned

In Continued CAR Alarm, Mia Farrow Rebukes Bozize Troops, and Chad Border As Poorest

At the UN, Ban's Management Chief Despairs of Lightweight Jibe, Prepares to Unveil Reforms

UN's Nepal Envoy On Guns, Peacekeeping Split - or Merger - and Child Soldiers

In Turkmenistan, UNICEF's Praise of Leader and Deference on Staff Leads to Salt Ionization

At the UN, Sudan's Letter Is in the Mail, UNDP Envoy Is on the Lam, Blix Is in the House

In Zimbabwe, UNICEF Partners with Enemies of Human Rights in Name of Orphans

At the UN, Grants to Zimbabwe, Peacekeepers from Fiji, Visits with Kurt Waldheim

At UN's WFP, Directors Old and New Are Shielded from Press As Zimbabwe's Bound for Board

At UN Pension Fund, Cocheme Spins Staff Twice in Two Days, As Scrutiny Closes In

At the UN Pension Fund, Staff Told Not to Sue, Rules Bent, Goddard's Abuse of Staff Detailed

At the UN, Slovak Minister Addresses Sterilization of Romany Women As Well As Kosovo

At the UN, Lords' Resistance Army Closer to Council Agenda, No Ban Comment on Mugabe

At UN University, Staffers Moonlight by Day, While Jobs Move to Malaysia from Japan

Guinea Crisis Appears on Margins of Security Council Debate, UN Takes Backseat on Darfur

At UNDP, Audit Is Said to Have Started, While Oversight Still Lacks, Says G-77

At UNOPS, Fight for Control of Dubai, Hub of Harassment and Deals for Iraq and Afghanistan

At the UN, Ban Ki-moon Tips Hat to the GA, Deals in the Works, Stories in the Air

UN Pension Fund Outsourcing Draws 13 Bidders, Over 10 from USA, Kudos for Shrink-Wrap

Liberia's Debt Remains Crushing, While UN's Ban Ki-moon Criticizes DRC Diamond Sanctions

At the UN, Ban Ki-moon Wants Access to Darfur, Has Genocide Office Shortlist

At UN Pension Fund, Outsourcing Is Set to Be Sued, While Medical Abuse Paper Trial Surfaces

At UN Peacekeeping, Urge to Split and Downplay in Haiti the Collateral Damage

At the UN, Calls for Transparency and Short-Lists for Genocide Prevention Post

At UNDP, Melkert Hides Behind Audit and Sharapova, Dervis on 1st Ave. and Still No N. Korea Numbers

As UN Pension Fund Outsources, UN Directives Are Said to Not Apply, Per Jan Beagle Memo

UNICEF Criticism of US and UK Is Quietly Released in NYC, Tipping Hat to Never-Divorced Families

At the UN Pension Fund, Question of Special Status As A Second Gag Order Is Issued

For UNDP Audit, UN Controller Met With Timo Pakkala While UNDP Refuses to Answer

In UN Pension Fund Outsourcing Controversy, Russia's Role Revealed in Just-Released Minutes

At UNOPS, Payments to Nay Htun Evade Pension Rules, Sources Say, in N. Korea Shadows

At UN Pension Fund, Gag Orders and Mental Health Accusations as Audit Committee Meets

At the UN, Questions of Jobs Given Predetermined, Nepotism Admitted in Schori's Parting Shot

Head of UN Pension Fund Ignores Investigation, While Whistleblower Speaks in Exclusive Interview

While UNDP's North Korea Representative Is in a NY Hotel, Dervis Is Cut Off and the Fund Details Protected

At the UN, Haiti and Kosovo Predictions, Labor Mobility and Offshore Banking

UN Pension Fund's Investment Director Has Resigned, Sources Say, Recusal and Revolving Door Remains Unresolved

Rift Over UN's Call to Train Police for Somali Government Is Downplayed by UN Headquarters

At the UN Pension Fund, Those Investigated Remain Firmly in Their Jobs, As Outsourcing Proceeds

On Somalia, Ban Ki-moon and US Urge Inclusion of Moderate Islamists, While Words and Mortars Fly

President Uribe, at the UN, Asked about Murders in Colombia of Human Rights Defenders

At the World Bank, Corruption-Fighting Claims Not Fully Matched by Actions, Though Better than UNDP

At the UN, the Staff Pension Has a "Bad Odor" While Outsourcing is Still Pursued

Lord's Resistance Army in Sights of UN Security Council President, for Action on War Crimes

At the UN, in NY and Geneva, Central African Republic Gets Lost, Like UNFPA's Dungus

At the UN, Secrecy Still Reigns, from UNFPA to the Council, from Russia to Ban Ki-moon

At UNDP, Kemal Dervis' Private Briefing Excludes North Korea Answers Despite Claims of "One UN"

At the UN, Crime of Aggression Does Not Fit Somalia, Two Refuse to Quit and UPeace Is Debated

At UNFPA, Audit Shows Asset Transfers to N. Korean Government, Hard Currency through UNDP

At the UN, Sierra Leone Prosecutor Picks Justice Over Peace as Roma Ask Ban Ki-moon To Act on Rights

At FAO, North Korean Officials Fly and Run the Show, While UN Jobs Are Allegedly Traded

At UNICEF, "Children First" Includes Flying N. Korean Officials to Conferences, Silence

At the UN, Happy Talk of Haiti and Hide-the-Ball on Casualties and the Taiwan Factor on MINUSTAH

UN's University for Peace Pays N. Korean Travel, Maurice Strong Still On Its Council, UNDP's Role in Question

UNDP Backslides on Audits and N. Koreans' Travel, Scope Expands to UNICEF, WFP, and UNFPA, FAO and UPEACE

At the UN, Dice Rolled on Jan Beagle, Vienna Cafe Called "Disgrace" by Warren Sach, on Margin of UNDP Scandal

At UNFPA, Press Questions Met With Armed Guards, Despite Audit Irregularities, Saudi Arabia in NY

UNDP North Korea Investigation Limited in Murky Deal with U.S., Independence of Hiring at Issue

Before UNDP Meeting, North Korea Reaches out to G-77 and Deal for Silence Reached, Unless a "Wrinkle"

On UN Reform, Grandstanding and Apathy, on UNFPA at Least, Despite Tax Evasion on Milk and Cars, UNDP to Follow

At UN, Ban Backs Down on Fiji Coup, Churkin Calls for Creativity on Kosovo, But What of Veto?

At UNOPS, Side Deals for Danish Relocation, Mattsson and Dalberg and the DSA Farming of Vitaly Vashelboim

At UNFPA, Audit Failures Are Put In Charge of Audits, Olivier Brasseur, While Milk Is Bought and Money Is Missing

Ban Ki-moon Narrows Scope of UNDP Inquiry While Euro Focus Spreads to UNFPA and WFP, Feeding Koreans

As UNDP Auditor Leaves, a Secret Test is Proposed, Which Executive Board May Act On, UNFPA Also Under Fire

At UNDP, Dervis Dodged Questions for a Month, Now Hides Behind Melkert, Slickly Edited

Facing UNDP Scandals, Ad Melkert Says "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet" In Terms of Transparency

UNDP's North Korea Scandal, Just a Tip of the Iceberg, Opens Window on Larger Problems

As Villages Are Torched by Central African Republic Troops, World's Focus Is Turned Elsewhere

At the UN, Dag's Past Is Ban's Present As Uganda Questions Dodged and Asbestos Upon the Vienna Cafe

UNDP Administrator's Discretionary Spending Includes Mysterious Special Audit and $592,000 for Book

At the UN, Silence on Somalia and ICTY Pardon Request, Confidence on Kosovo

At UNDP, Former Staffers Get Consulting Contracts, Dalberg in Ethiopia Called "Insiders' Game"

UN Climate Change Chief Describes Growing Deserts and Rising Tides, Bhutanese Happiness

At the UN, Central African Rebels Redux, Slow Donors and Shadow of Tanzanian Anti-Media Law

At the UN, Central African Republic Rebels Without a Report, Bangladesh Without an Envoy

At UNDP, Book Costs Rise to $737,118 While Other Funding Stays Secret like Somalia, Out of Date

At UNDP, As Corporate Dealings Grow, Standards Are Lacking, With Coke and Cisco, Koc and Karimov

At the UN, As Vetoes Are Cast on Myanmar, Switzerland Muses on Council Reform and Alliance of Civilizations

At UNDP, Human Rights Are Left for Last, While Legal Empowerment of the Poor Is At Least Discussed

At the UN, Questions of Reform Are Kept Off Ban Ki-moon's Center Stage While Sudan Is "Too Sensitive"

At UNDP and at DESA, Countries Call All the Shots for a Four Percent Cut, UNDP's Trust Funds

At the UN, Dodging U.S. Bombs and Death of Uighurs, Outliers in UN's Economic Projection

At UNDP, Auditors Flee While Documents Are Denied Even to Executive Board, Now Not Only to Press

In the Congo, Kidnapper of UN Peacekeepers Still Shoots So WFP Tip-Toes Around with Food

At UNDP, Gender and Harassment, While Dervis Heads South, Honduras and other Information Appealed For

At the UN, Talk but Little Action and Few Answers, Thailand, Congo, Nepal and Fiji, Vienna Cafe Follies Update

At the UN, Ban Ki-moon Demands Resignations, Then Won't Release the List

At UNDP, Evaluation Means Paid Praise While Transparency is Ignored and Information Withheld

At the UN, Ban Ki-moon Visits Press, and Is Pointed to Waste at the Vienna Cafe, Sudan and Kosovo

At WFP, It's Hurry Up and Wait for Josette Sheeran Shiner, and Delays in Nepal

At the UN, Top Posts Doled as Musical Chairs, Sustained Silence on Ethiopia's Somali Adventure

On Kosovo, Russia's Churkin Warns Danger's Ahead, While UN's Pristina Airport-Runner Is Indicted

To Accommodate Smoking, UN Spends $130,000 on Ducts Faced with Demolition Within Two Years

At the UN, Death Penalty Lurchings, Ban Ki-moon Lunching, Somalia Left for Another Day

UNDP's Dervis Tells Employees to Accept Orders and Not Blow Any Whistles, While Misspelling Ban Ki-Moon's Name

Waste at UNDP Includes Environmental Unit's Junket of 145 Staffers to Goa, Hometown of Unit's Director

On Somalia, Security Council Denies African Union Position, Calling It a Mere Point of View, Disagreements on Darfur

Fraud in UNDP-Russia Includes Malloch Brown's French Water Scheme and Kalman Mizsei's Excess

As Ethiopia Bombs Somalia, UN Security Council Gives Wink and Nod, Ready to Grin and Bear it on Darfur

At the UN, Mysterious Deletion from Iran Sanctions List of Aerospace Industries Organization Goes Unexplained

At the UN, Iran Resolution Passes 15-0 Amid Media Frenzy While Somalia and UN Reform Are Ignored

At the UN, Security Council and GA Games and Holiday Spirit As Revolving Door Ban Disappears on Final Day

UNDP Not Covered By Weak UN Post-Employment Restrictions, Dervis and Mizsei and Aid to the Scapegoated

UN Post-Employment Restriction Are Watered Down for Senior Officials, Comparison to June Draft Reveals

At the UN, Curt Eulogies for Dictator, Revolving Door and Budget Left for the Last Day

UNDP's Dervis Backtracks on Transparency, Promises Accounting of Funds, Denies Role in Uganda Abuse

At the UN, Jeffrey Sachs Answers the $75,000 Question But Not on UNDP, Still Laudable Goals for 2025

Burundi Spin at the UN, Amid Coup Trial and Ceasefire Not Implemented, Great Lakes Commission Moves In

At the UN, Iran Resolution Goes Blue as Ivory Coast is Traded Away With No Follow-up on Hmung

At the UN, Annan's Long Goodbye, With Oil for Food in the Air and Hothouse Musical Chairs

At Kofi Annan's Farewell, UNDP Transparency is Raised, and Brian Gleeson Steps Up

At UN in Beirut, Dueling Charges of Job-Trading and Tax-Evasion, the Burden of Mervat Tallawy, Retaliation from Below

UNDP Will Be Called to Greater Transparency, Says President of Spain, on UNDP's Board, and Flaws of UNOPS

UNDP's Ad Melkert Says He Will Finally Increase Transparency, Describes Fraud in Russia, Dodges Uganda

In Eastern Congo, Kidnapper of UN Peacekeepers Is Made a Colonel, Clooney And Now Guehenno Might Stay

At the UN, Ocampo 1 Says Kony To Jail and Ocampo 2 Sees No Serious Bertucci Charges, Dueling Parties

In UNDP's Book, Strong's Scandals Are Missing, While Workers Complain, MMB Schmoozes the Korean Mission

At UNDP, Flighty Rhetoric Founders in Mismanagement, MMB's Net, a Genocidaire and Whither ECOSOC

At the UN, Disabled Are Freed from a Footnote, Murky Answers from Gbagbo to Kosovo to a Genocidaire

Countering UN's Vanity Press, UNDP Histories from Below, Brussels and Two Views of Omar Bakhet

At the UN, Indigenous Indignation, Revolving Door Mysteries and Peace Pipe Belatedly Smoked

At the UN, Questions of Congo Mass Graves and Kazana, Mugabe and Forests and Rich German Ships

UNDP Is Important For The Poor, and Therefore Must Be Made Transparent

As UN Speechifies, UNDP Audits Are Still Being Withheld, While War in Somalia and Sudan, Pronk Blogs On

Waste, Fraud and Abuse at UNDP in Vietnam, While UN Secretariat Urges Censorship

At the UN, Questions of Humanitarian Aid and Congo Body Count, Despots' Crackdown on Dissent

In UNDP, Questions of Money Wasted, Neutrality Trampled, Russian Office Audits Withheld and Sachs Expenses

From Baidoa to the UN, Denials on Ethiopian Troops Being in Somalia, Resolution Is Passed

Retaliation Found at UNDP, While Dervis Is Focused on Turkey, In Two Weeks Will Take Questions

Annan's Spokesman Silent on 150 Dead in Congo, War in Somalia - But in Loud Defense of UNDP's $567,000 Book

At the UN, Interlopers into Somalia Are Discussed, With Chadian Pull-Back, Peacekeepers and Uganda's Karamoja

UNDP Spent $567,000 on Book to Praise Itself, While the Well-Placed Feed Off UNDP's Core Budget and Prime Postings

As UNDP Questions Mount, Mark Malloch Brown Calls Them Irresponsible, Answers Only in Vanity Press

In UNDP Series, Questions of Jeffrey Sachs and Associates Payments, From $1 to $75,000

From Sleaze in Vietnam to Fights in DC-1, UNDP Appears Out of Control at the Top

On Somalia, Past Arms Embargo Violations Forgiven in Zeal to Contain Islamic Courts

In UNDP, Drunken Mis-Managers on the Make Praised and Protected, Meet UNDP's Kalman Mizsei

From Violent Disarmament in Uganda to the National Bank of Serbia, UNDP Leaves Others to Answer for It

UNDP Sources Say Dervis Fires Malloch Brown-linked Officials, Then Offers Hush-Up Jobs

On Somalia, Fiji and Oil-for-Food, UN Ambiguity Leads to Hypocrisy and Corruption

At the UN, Indigenous Rights Get Deferred, As U.S. Abstains, Deftly or Deceptively

At the UN, Threat and Possible Statement on Fiji Spotlights Selection and Payment of UN Peacekeepers

At the UN, China and Islamic Dev't Bank Oppose Soros and World Bank On How to Fight Poverty

At the UN, Misdirection on Somalia and Myanmar, No Answers from UNDP's Kemal Dervis

UNDP Dodges Questions of Disarmament Abuse in Uganda and of Loss of Togo AIDS Grant, Dhaka Snafu

At the UN, The Swan Song of Jan Egeland and the Third Committee Loop, Somalia Echoes Congo

UN Silent As Protesters Tear Gassed in Ivory Coast, As UNMOVIC Plods On and War Spreads in Somalia

In the UN, Uzbekistan Gets a Pass on Human Rights As Opposition to U.S. Grows and War's On in Somalia

At the UN, Cluster Bombs Unremembered, Uighurs Disappeared and Jay-Z Returns with Water -- for Life

From the UN, Silence on War Crimes Enforcement and Conflicts of Interest on Complaint from Bahrain

En Route to Deutsche Bank, the UN's Door Revolves, While Ban Ki-moon Arrives and Moldova Spins

As Two UN Peacekeepers Are Killed, UN Says Haiti's Improving, Ban Ki-moon on Zimbabwe?

Nagorno-Karabakh President Disputes Fires and Numbers, Oil and UN, in Exclusive Interview with Inner City Press

Inside the UN, Blaming Uganda's Victims, Excusing Annan on Mugabe, and U.S. Blocked Darfur Trip

U.S. Blocked Council's Trip to Darfur Meeting, Brazzaville Envoy Explains After U.S. Casts a Veto

At the UN, Council Works Overtime To Cancel Its Trip About Darfur, While DC Muses on John Bolton

UN Panel's "Coherence" Plan Urges More Power to UNDP, Despite Its Silence on Human Rights

On Water, UNDP Talks Human Rights, While Enabling Violations in Africa and Asia, With Shell and Coca-Cola

Will UN's Revolving Door Keep Human Rights Lost, Like Bush's Call and WFP Confirmation Questions?

On Somalia, We Are All Ill-Informed, Says the UN, Same on Uganda, Lurching Toward UNDP Power Grab

On WFP, Annan and Ban Ki-Moon Hear and See No Evil, While Resume of Josette Sheeran Shiner Is Edited

Would Moon Followers Trail Josette Sheeran Shiner into WFP, As to U.S. State Dep't?

At the UN, Positions Are Up For the Grabbing, Sun's Silence on Censorship, Advisor Grabs for Gun

In WFP Race, Josette Sheeran Shiner Praises Mega Corporations from Cornfield While State Spins

At the UN, Housing Subsidy Spin, Puntland Mysteries of UNDP and the Panama Solution

In Campaign to Head UN WFP, A Race to Precedents' Depths, A Murky Lame Duck Appointment

At the UN, Gbagbo and his Gbaggage, Toxic Waste and Congolese Sanctions

WFP Brochure-Gate? John Bolton Has Not Seen Brochure of "Official" U.S. Candidate to Head World Food Program

Ivory Coast Stand-Off Shows Security Council Fault Lines: News Analysis

At the UN, It's Groundhog's Day on Western Sahara, Despite Fishing Deals and Flaunting of the Law

"Official" U.S. Candidate to Head WFP Circulates Brochure With Pulitzer Claim, UN Staff Rules Ignored

Senegal's President Claims Peace in Casamance and Habre Trial to Come, A Tale of Two Lamines

A Tale of Two Americans Vying to Head the World Food Program, Banbury and Sheeran Shiner

At the UN, the Unrepentant Blogger Pronk, a Wink on 14 North Korean Days and Silence on Somalia

At the UN, Literacy Losses in Chad, Blogless Pronk and Toothless Iran Resolution, How Our World Turns

Sudan Pans Pronk While Praising Natsios, UN Silent on Haiti and WFP, Ivorian Fingers Crossed

UN Shy on North Korea, Effusive on Bird Flu and Torture, UNDP Cyprus Runaround, Pronk is Summoned Home

At the UN, Silence from UNDP on Cyprus, from France on the Chad-Bomb, Jan Pronk's Sudan Blog

Russia's Vostok Battalion in Lebanon Despite Resolution 1701, Assembly Stays Deadlocked and UNDP Stays Missing

As Turkmenistan Cracks Down on Journalists, Hospitals and Romance, UNDP Works With the Niyazov Regime

At the UN, Darfur Discussed, Annan Eulogized and Oil For Food Confined to a Documentary Footnote

With All Eyes on Council Seat, UN is Distracted from Myanmar Absolution and Congo Conflagration

As Venezuela and Guatemala Square Off, Dominicans In Default and F.C. Barcelona De-Listed

At the UN, North Korea Sanctions Agreed On, Naval Searches and Murky Weapons Sales

At the UN, Georgia Speaks of Ethnic Cleansing While Russia Complains of Visas Denied by the U.S.

At the UN, Deference to the Congo's Kabila and Tank-Sales to North Korea, of Slippery Eels and Sun Microsystems

At the UN, Annan's Africa Advisor Welcome Chinese Investment, Dodges Zimbabwe, Nods to Darfur

Georgia on its Mind, Russia Delays North Korea Nuclear Resolution with Abkhazia Allusions

At the UN, Richard Goldstone Presses Enforcement on Joseph Kony, Reflecting Back on Karadzic

The UN Shrugs on Congolese Warlords, While UNDP Assists Sudanese Justice, and OIOS Is In Hiding

Hungarian Revolutions Past and Present, Kissinger to UN and Ban Ki-Moon Speaks, Of Needs and Refugees

UN Defers on Anti-Terror Safeguards to Member States, Even in Pakistan and Somalia

Afghanistan as Black Hole for Info and Torture Tales, Photos and Talk Mogadishu, the UN Afterhours

Amid UN's Korean Uproar, Russia Silent on Murder of Anna Politkovskaya, Chechnya Exposer

UN Envoy Makes Excuses for Gambian Strongman, Whitewashing Fraud- and Threat-Filled Election

U.S. Calls for Annan and Ban Ki-moon to Publicly Disclose Finances, As U.S. Angles for 5-Year WFP Appointment

Sudan's UN Envoy Admits Right to Intervene in Rwanda, UNICEF Response on Terrorist Groups in Pakistan

UN's Annan Dodges Danger and Set-Backs in Gabon, Geneva, Tibet, Sudan, Disclosure Form Also for Successor?

At the UN, Ban Ki-Moon's Track Record on Myanmar Criticized by ASEAN Parliamentarians on Human Rights

At the UN, Cagey Council President of the GA on the Bottom of the Sea, of Stolen Chairs, Uzbek Human Rights and Georgia

At the UN, As Next S-G is Chosen, Annan Claims Power to Make 5-Year Appointments, Quiet Filing and Ivory Coast Concessions

Chaos in UN's Somalia Policy, Working With Islamists Under Sanctions While Meeting with Private Military Contractors

U.S. Candidate for UN's World Food Program May Get Lame Duck Appointment, Despite Korean Issues

At the UN, U.S. Versus Axis of Airport, While Serge Brammertz Measures Non-Lebanese Teeth

Exclusion from Water Is Called Progress, of Straw Polls and WFP Succession

William Swing Sings Songs of Congo's Crisis, No Safeguards on Coltan Says Chairman of Intel

Warlord in the Waldorf and Other Congo Questions Dodged by the UN in the Time Between Elections

In Some New Orleans, Questions Echo from the South Bronx and South Lebanon

In New Orleans, While Bone Is Thrown in Superdome, Parishes Still In Distress

At the UN, Tales of Media Muzzled in Yemen, Penned in at the Waldorf on Darfur, While Copters Grounded

US's Frazer Accuses Al-Bashir of Sabotage, Arab League of Stinginess, Chavez of Buying Leaders - Click here for video file by Inner City Press.

Third Day of UN General Debate Gets Surreal, Canapes and Killings, Questions on Iran and Montenegro and Still Somalia

On Darfur, Hugo Chavez Asks for More Time to Study, While Planning West Africa Oil Refinery

At the UN, Ivory Coast Discussed Without Decision on Toxic Politics, the Silence of Somalia

Evo Morales Blames Strike on Mobbed-Up Parasites, Sings Praise of Coca Leaf and Jabs at Coca-Cola

Musharraf Says Unrest in Baluchistan Is Waning, While Dodging Question on Restoring Civilian Rule

At the UN, Cyprus Confirms 'Paramilitary' Investigation, Denies Connection to Def Min Resignation, CBTB Update

A Tale of Three Leaders, Liberia Comes to Praise and Iran and Sudan to Bury the UN

Behind the UN Speeches, A Thai Coup, Somali Assassins and Hit-and-Run Chirac Ignoring Ivory Coast

Annan Pitches UN With No Mention of Reform; EU President Dodges Human Rights and Micro-States

UN Round-up: Poland's President Says Iraq Is Ever-More Tense While Amb. Bolton Talks Burmese Drugs, Spin on Ivory Coast

As UN's Annan Now Says He Will Disclose, When and Whether It Will Be to the Public and Why It Took So Long Go Unasked

At the UN, Stonewalling Continues on Financial Disclosure and Letter(s) U.S. Mission Has, While Zimbabwe Goes Ignored

At the UN, Financial Disclosure Are Withheld While Freedom of Information Is Promised, Of Hollywood and Dictators' Gift Shops

UN's Annan Says Dig Into Toxic Dumping, While Declining to Discuss Financial Disclosure

A Still-Unnamed Senior UN Official in NY Takes Free Housing from His Government, Contrary to UN Staff Regulations

UN Admits To Errors in its Report on Destruction of Congolese Village of Kazana, Safeguards Not In Place

As UN Checks Toxins in Abidjan, the Dumper Trafigura Figured in Oil for Food Scandal, Funded by RBS and BNP Paribas

Targeting of African Americans For High Cost Mortgages Grew Worse in 2005, While Fed Downplays Its Own Findings

The UN and Nagorno-Karabakh: Flurries of Activity Leave Frozen Conflicts Unchanged; Updates on Gaza, Gavels and Gbagbo

The UN Cries Poor on Lawless Somalia, While Its Ex-Security Chief Does Business Through Ruleless Revolving Door

At the UN, Micro-States Simmer Under the Assembly's Surface, While Incoming Council President Dodges Most Questions

"Horror Struck" is How UN Officials Getting Free Housing from Governments Would Leave U.S., Referral on Burma But Not Uzbekistan

Security Council President Condemns UN Officials Getting Free Housing from Governments, While UK "Doesn't Do It Any More"

At the UN, Incomplete Reforms Allow for Gifts of Free Housing to UN Officials by Member States

Rare UN Sunshine From If Not In Chad While Blind on Somalia and Zimbabwe, UNDP With Shell in its Ear on Nigeria

Annan Family Ties With Purchaser from Compass, Embroiled in UN Scandal, Raise Unanswered Ethical Questions

At the UN, from Casamance to Transdniestria, Kosovars to Lezgines, Micro-States as Powerful's Playthings

Inquiry Into Housing Subsidies Contrary to UN Charter Goes Ignored for 8 Weeks, As Head UN Peacekeeper Does Not Respond

Congo Shootout Triggers Kofi Annan Call, While Agent Orange Protest Yields Email from Old London

On the UN - Corporate Beat, Dow Chemical Luncheon Chickens Come Home to Roost

UN Bets the House on Lebanon, While Willfully Blind in Somalia and Pinned Down in Kinshasa

Stop Bank Branch Closings and Monopolies in the Katrina Zone, Group Says, Challenging Regions- AmSouth Merger

Ship-Breakers Missed by UN's Budget for Travel and Consultants in Bangladesh, Largest UNIFIL Troop Donor

Sudan Cites Hezbollah, While UN Dances Around Issues of Consent and Sex Abuse in the Congo, Passing the UNIFIL Hat

With Somalia on the Brink of Horn-Wide War, UN Avoids Question of Ethiopian Invasion

In UN's Lebanon Frenzy, Darfur Is Ignored As Are the Disabled, "If You Crave UNIFIL, Can't You Make Do With MONUC?"

UN Decries Uzbekistan's Use of Torture, While Helping It To Tax and Rule; Updates on UNIFIL and UNMIS Off-Message

At the UN, Lebanon Resolution Passes with Loophole, Amb. Gillerman Says It Has All Been Defensive

On Lebanon, Russian Gambit Focuses Franco-American Minds, Short Term Resolution Goes Blue Amid Flashes of Lightening

Africa Can Solve Its Own Problems, Ghanaian Minister Tells Inner City Press, On LRA Peace Talks and Kofi Annan's Views

At the UN, Jay-Z Floats Past Questions on Water Privatization and Sweatshops, Q'Orianka Kilcher in the Basement

In the UN Security Council, Speeches and Stasis as Haiti is Forgotten, for a Shebaa Farms Solution?

UN Silence on Congo Election and Uranium, Until It's To Iran or After a Ceasefire, and Council Rift on Kony

At the UN Some Middle Eastern Answers, Updates on Congo and Nepal While Silence on Somalia

On Lebanon, Franco-American Resolution Reviewed at UN in Weekend Security Council Meeting

UN Knew of Child Soldier Use by Two Warlords Whose Entry into Congo Army the UN Facilitated

At the UN, Disinterest in Zimbabwe, Secrecy on Chechnya, Congo Polyanna and Ineptitude on Somalia

Impunity's in the Air, at the UN in Kinshasa and NY, for Kony and Karim and MONUC for Kazana

UN Still Silent on Somalia, Despite Reported Invasion, In Lead-Up to More Congo Spin

UN's Guehenno Says Congo Warlord Just Needs Training, and Kazana Probe Continues

With Congo Elections Approaching, UN Issues Hasty Self-Exoneration as Annan Is Distracted

In DR Congo, UN Applauds Entry into Army of Child-Soldier Commander Along with Kidnapper

Spinning the Congo, UN Admits Hostage Deal with Warlord That Put Him in Congolese Army

At the UN, Dow Chemical's Invited In, While Teaming Up With Microsoft is Defended

Kofi Annan Questioned about Congolese Colonel Who Kidnapped Seven UN Soldiers

At the UN, Speeches While Gaza Stays Lightless and Insurance Not Yet Paid

At the UN Poorest Nations Discussed, Disgust at DRC Short Shrift, Future UN Justice?

At the UN Wordsmiths Are At Work on Zimbabwe, Kony,  Ivory Coast and Iran

UN Silent As Congolese Kidnapper of UN Peacekeepers Is Made An Army Colonel: News Analysis

At the UN, New Phrase Passes Resolution called Gangster-Like by North Korea; UK Deputy on the Law(less)

UN's Guehenno Speaks of "Political Overstretch" Undermining Peacekeeping in Lower Profile Zones

In Gaza Power Station, the Role of Enron and the U.S. Government's OPIC Revealed by UN Sources

At UN, North Korean Knot Attacked With Fifty Year Old Precedent, Game Continues Into Weekend

UN's Corporate Partnerships Will Be Reviewed, While New Teaming Up with Microsoft, and UNDP Continues

Gaza Resolution Vetoed by U.S., While North Korea Faces Veto and Chechnya Unread

BTC Briefing, Like Pipeline, Skirts Troublespots, Azeri Revelations

Conflicts of Interest in UNHCR Program with SocGen and Pictet Reveal Reform Rifts

At the UN, A Day of Resolutions on Gaza, North Korea and Iran, Georgia as Side Dish

UN Grapples with Somalia, While UNDP Funds Mugabe's Human Rights Unit, Without Explanation

In North Korean War of Words, Abuses in Uganda and Impunity Go Largely Ignored

On North Korea, Blue Words Move to a Saturday Showdown, UNDP Uzbek Stonewall

As the World Turns in Uganda and Korea, the UN Speaks only on Gaza, from Geneva

North Korea in the UN: Large Arms Supplant the Small, and Confusion on Uganda

UN Gives Mugabe Time with His Friendly Mediator, Refugees Abandoned

At the UN, Friday Night's Alright for Fighting; Annan Meets Mugabe

UN Acknowledges Abuse in Uganda, But What Did Donors Know and When? Kazakh Questions

In Uganda, UNDP to Make Belated Announcement of Program Halt, But Questions Remain (and see The New Vision, offsite).

Disarmament Abuse in Uganda Leads UN Agency to Suspend Its Work and Spending

Disarmament Abuse in Uganda Blamed on UNDP, Still Silent on Finance

Alleged Abuse in Disarmament in Uganda Known by UNDP, But Dollar Figures Still Not Given: What Did UN Know and When?

Strong Arm on Small Arms: Rift Within UN About Uganda's Involuntary Disarmament of Karamojong Villages

UN in Denial on Sudan, While Boldly Predicting the Future of Kosovo/a

UN's Selective Vision on Somalia and Wishful Thinking on Uighurs

UN Habitat Predicts The World Is a Ghetto, But Will Finance Be Addressed at Vancouver World Urban Forum?

At the UN, a Commando Unit to Quickly Stop Genocide is Proposed, by Diplomatic Sir Brian Urquhart

UN's Annan Concerned About Use of Terror's T-Word to Repress, Wants Freedom of Information

UN  Waffles on Human Rights in Central Asia and China; ICC on Kony and a Hero from Algiers

At the UN, Internal Justice Needs Reform, While in Timor Leste, Has Evidence Gone Missing?

UN & US, Transparency for Finance But Not Foreign Affairs: Somalia, Sovereignty and Senator Tom Coburn

In Bolton's Wake, Silence and Speech at the UN, Congo and Kony, Let the Games Begin

Pro-Poor Talk and a Critique of the World Trade Organization from a WTO Founder: In UN Lull, Ugandan Fog and Montenegrin Mufti

Human Rights Forgotten in UN's War of Words, Bolton versus Mark Malloch Brown: News Analysis

In Praise of Migration, UN Misses the Net and Bangalore While Going Soft on Financial Exclusion

UN Sees Somalia Through a Glass, Darkly, While Chomsky Speaks on Corporations and Everything But Congo

AIDS Ends at the UN? Side Deals on Patents, Side Notes on Japanese Corporations, Salvadoran and Violence in Burundi

On AIDS at the UN, Who Speaks and Who Remains Unseen

Corporate Spin on AIDS, Holbrooke's Kudos to Montenegro and its Independence (May 31, 2006)

In Congo, Peacekeepers Turned Hostages: Interview with Jean-Marie Guehenno by Inner City Press

On AIDS at the UN Perspectives Vary, Some Civil Skeptics and Many Non-reporting Countries

World Bank Blinded by 'Surging Capital Flows' - Quantity Not Quality Exalted in Bank's New Global Development Finance Report

On Congo, Cognitive Dissonance at the UN, While UK Calls for Crackdown on LRA's Joseph Kony

Conflict Cocoa in Cote D'Ivoire But Maybe No Election; In Security Council, Late Night on Timor L'Este; In Kosovo, UN Uses Tear Gas Though the Spin

At the UN, Too-Rosy Light on Myanmar, More Clarification on Timor L'Este and a Dance

At UN, Silence Greets Birth of a Nation, Montenegro, and Continuing Collapse of Another, Somalia

Reports from the Other New York: Bronx Ambulance Was Slow, and Chase to Close Four Branches in Low and Moderate Income Tracts

Kinshasa Election Nightmares, from Ituri to Kasai. Au Revoir Allan Rock; the UN's Belly-Dancing

Working with Warlords, Insulated by Latrines: Somalia and Pakistan Addressed at the UN

The Silence of the Congo and Naomi Watts; Between Bolivia and the World Bank

Human Rights Council Has Its Own Hanging Chads; Cocky U.S. State Department Spins from SUVs

Child Labor and Cargill and Nestle; Iran, Darfur and WHO's on First with Bird Flu

Press Freedom? Editor Arrested by Congo-Brazzaville, As It Presides Over Security Council

The Place of the Cost-Cut UN in Europe's Torn-Up Heart;
Deafness to Consumers, Even by the Greens

Background Checks at the UN, But Not the Global Compact; Teaching Statistics from Turkmenbashi's Single Book

Ripped Off Worse in the Big Apple, by Citigroup and Chase: High Cost Mortgages Spread in Outer Boroughs in 2005, Study Finds

Burundi: Chaos at Camp for Congolese Refugees, Silence from UNHCR, While Reform's Debated by Forty Until 4 AM

In Liberia, From Nightmare to Challenge; Lack of Generosity to Egeland's CERF, Which China's Asked About

A Tale of Two Citi's: Sandy Lives Richly While UN Begs for Refugees and Darfur is Debated

The Chadian Mirage: Beyond French Bombs, Is Exxon In the Cast? Asylum and the Uzbeks, Shadows of Stories to Come

Through the UN's One-Way Mirror, Sustainable Development To Be Discussed by Corporations, Even Nuclear Areva

Racial Disparities Grew Worse in 2005 at Citigroup, HSBC and Other Large Banks

Mine Your Own Business: Explosive Remnants of War and the Great Powers, Amid the Paparazzi

Human Rights Are Lost in the Mail: DR Congo Got the Letter, But the Process is Still Murky

Iraq's Oil to be Metered by Shell, While Basrah Project Remains Less than Clear

At the UN, Dues Threats and Presidents-Elect, Unanswered Greek Mission Questions

Kofi, Kony, Kagame and Coltan: This Moment in the Congo and Kampala

As Operation Swarmer Begins, UN's Qazi Denies It's Civil War and Has No Answers if Iraq's Oil is Being Metered

Cash Crop: In Nepal, Bhutanese Refugees Prohibited from Income Generation Even in their Camps

The Shorted and Shorting in Humanitarian Aid: From Davos to Darfur, the Numbers Don't Add Up

UN Reform: Transparency Later, Not Now -- At Least Not for AXA - WFP Insurance Contract

In Congolese Chaos, Shots Fired at U.N. Helicopter Gunship

In the Sudanese Crisis, Oil Revenue Goes Missing, UN Says

Empty Words on Money Laundering and Narcotics, from the UN and Georgia

In Locked Down Iraq, Oil Flows Unmetered While Questions Run in Circles

What is the Sound of Eleven Uzbeks Disappearing? A Lack of Seats in Tashkent, a Turf War at UN

In a Bronx Basement, Complaints Linger Long After Lease Is Signed

Kosovo: Of Collective Punishment and Electricity; Lights Out on Privatization of Ferronikeli Mines

Live from Gracie Mansion: Mayor Bloomberg’s Media Bragging Fest Sounds Far Away From The Bronx

Predatory Super Bowl: Ameriquest and the Big Banks in Detroit

Abkhazia: Cleansing and (Money) Laundering, Says Georgia, Even Terror’s Haven

Post-Tsunami Human Rights Abuses, including by UNDP in the Maldives

Halliburton Repays $9 Million, While Iraq’s Oil Remains Unmetered

Argent Mortgage Layoffs, One Week After Ameriquest's $235 Predatory Lending Settlement

Ameriquest Settlement: What Does $325 Million Buy? Carte Blanche to Gouge Consumers (and Get Out of Jail as Ambassador to Holland)

Predatory Lending Settlement Leaves Out Ameriquest’s Largest Lender, Argent, Critics Say

Darfur on the Margins: Slovenia’s President Drnovsek’s Quixotic Call for Action Ignored

Who Pays for the Global Bird Flu Fight? Not the Corporations, So Far - UN

Yankees’ Proposal to Take Parkland Panned at City Planning Hearing

Royal Bank of Scotland Has Repeatedly Been Linked to Terrorist Finance and Money Laundering, Not Only in the Current Brooklyn Case

From Appalachia to Wall Street: Behind the Mining Tragedy, UBS and Lehman Brothers

Iraqis Absent from Oil Oversight Meeting on Development Fund for Iraq, Purportedly Due to Visa Problems

Watching the Detectives: Oversight of the Development Fund for Iraq Will be Discussed at the UN on December 28, 2005

From the UN Budget, Transit Strike, to the USA Patriot Act, 2005 Ends with Extensions

Just-ended NYC Transit Strike Leaves Bronxites in the Dark and Cold

Kofi Annan's Press Conference on December 21: Background to Blowup

Bank Beat: Layoffs in Cleveland by Royal Bank of Scotland

Soldiers Denied Benefits of Servicemembers Relief Act: A Study

Money Laundering News from Georgia, Nauru and Chile

Citigroup Dissembles at United Nations Environmental Conference

Some previous highlights and special reports:

Ameriquest Offers $325 Million in Predatory Settlement

The United Nations' Year of Microcredit: Questions & No Answers

Bronx Policing and the Mayor

Fed Watch: Bernanke and Moral Hazard

Back Drafts Don’t Take Place in a Vacuum: Report on Bronx' Fire

From the Inner City Press archives: TWU Strike? Dec. 16, 2002

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