France Ladsous Who Justified
UN Rapes Due To Lack of
Recreation Runs For Local
By Matthew
Russell Lee
Oct 14 – UN Peacekeeping still
faces budget cuts, and it is
not unrelated to Herve Ladsous
and its descent into sexual
abuse and failure to protect
civilians. Now in October 2019
Ladsous is trying to run
for local public office in
France, getting local
newspapers to praise without
knowing much about it his
career as a diplomat. Ladsous
is the one who said his
peacekeepers raped children
because they didn't have
enough presumably for-pay (and
adult) recreation and R&R
- see here.
Video here.
that, and the supposedly
accountable policies in France
and in the #MeToo era, how can
Ladsous run? Except from the
For the record,
Ladsous covered up dozens of
child rapes by his
peacekeepers, and openly
refused to answer Press
questions about them. He
refused to answer about his
role during the genocide in
Rwanda (shown by his memo here).
So what is Ladsous' platform:
the Child Rape and Genocide
party? No matter how small the
village, they can and should
do better that Ladsous.
from his current propaganda in
the local
press: "His father was well
known to the Marmots since
Jean-Marie Ladsous was mayor
from 1977 to 1995. After
having embraced a diplomatic
career, Hervé Ladsous, is
launched, in turn,
campaign. "His father
was a soldier, he was a
diplomat," says Daniel Astier,
current opposition municipal
councilor who served for a
term with Father Jean-Marie
Ladsous and is now campaigning
alongside his son Hervé. A
remark that is not trivial
about the intentions and
especially the character of
the candidate Hervé Ladsous.
As a good diplomat with a good
curriculum vitae (ambassador,
cabinet director under Alain
Juppé in particular, assistant
secretary general to the
United Nations, etc.), Hervé
Ladsous chose the words. "I
want to make myself useful by
trying to instil a little more
management and better
governance Saint-Geniez has
many advantages but also
disadvantages related to its
remoteness" . And to support
his thought:"No more rigor
because the level of municipal
debt makes me worry and listen
with a participatory budget to
allow initiatives to be
Ladsous who destroyed UN
Peacekeeping and its budget
while calling for prostitution
trips by its peacekeeper is
going to fix the budget. Watch
When Ladsous held
his "farewell" press
conference on 24 March 2017,
one would expect the questions
of sexual abuse by
peacekeepers, their spread of
cholera in Haiti and recent
failure to protect even Panel
of Experts member Michael
Sharp and his colleagues would
be asked about. But this is
the UN - those called on by UN
spokesman Farhan Haq didn't
ask anything about those
topics, and when Inner City
Press late in the press
conference did so, Ladsous
refused to answer. Haq tried
to play it off, one last
question in French, so Inner
City Press asked in French.
But that wasn't the point.
Ladsous-friendly scribes urged
a softball question to be
asked over Inner City Press,
after which Ladsous thanked
them for their
Ladsous presided over the
decay of UN Peacekeeping.
Editorial [at]
Past (and future?)
UN Office: S-303,
UN, NY 10017 USA
For now: Box 20047,
Dag Hammarskjold Station NY NY 10017
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