Lanka Falls Off Radar of UN and US, Despite Rapp Report and
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, December 10 -- How far the plight of the Tamils and other
minorities in Sri Lanka has fallen off the radar of the United States
and United Nations was made clear on Thursday. After US Ambassador
Susan Rice made remarks to the press about human rights day and
accountability, Inner City Press asked her about "the State
Department report on Sri Lanka that seemed to allege war crimes, what
[are] the next steps for the State Department on Mr. Rapp’s
answered, "with respect to Sri Lanka, and frankly other
instances of alleged and definite human rights abuses, we will
examine these with seriousness internally, and look at what steps we
might take bilaterally to reflect those concerns, with respect to any
nation. And the President in his remarks in Oslo mentioned today
Zimbabwe, Sudan and Burma specifically." Video here,
from Minute
week, as
Stephen Rapp walked into the UN Security Council, Inner City Press
asked him about the Sri Lanka report he had signed. "We are
pushing hard on that," Rapp said. But what exactly is being
done? Another report authored by Senator John Kerry urges
rapprochement with Sri Lanka. So what was that about accountability?

Susan Rice, President Obama and Secretary
Clinton, Sri Lanka not shown
UN, too, spoke
of accountability of one of three things necessary in Sri Lanka. On
December 10, Inner City Press asked the UN official who has most
visited Sri Lanka, John Holmes, about reports of people released from
the Manik Farm camp only to be put in other closed camps, and about
additional disappearances. Video here,
from Minute 20:15.
said he
wouldn't call those disappearance, rather that people who previously
worked with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam were "still
being identified" and put into "rehabilitation camps."
Video here,
from Minute 21:31. Holmes put the number at "ten
to eleven thousand," fewer that those the Red Cross has been
allowed to visit. Again, what about accountability? Watch this site.
the US Mission's transcript:
City Press: Parliamentarians from 29 countries have written to the
Council asking for them to setup a commission of inquiry on what the
call crimes against humanity committed by the military government of
Myanmar/Burma. I’m wondering if you received that and what you
think of it. And the State Department report on Sri Lanka that
seemed to allege war crimes. What’s the next steps for the State
Department on Mr. Rapp’s report? What steps are going to be taken?
Rice: I have not seen the letter you reference on Burma so I won’t
comment. With respect to Sri Lanka, and frankly other instances of
alleged and definite human rights abuses, we will examine these with
seriousness internally, and look at what steps we might take
bilaterally to reflect those concerns, with respect to any nation. And
the President in his remarks in Oslo mentioned today Zimbabwe,
Sudan and Burma specifically. And obviously we will continue our
discussions here in the United Nations and in Geneva at the Human
Rights Council on what action might be desirable and feasible
multilaterally. Thank you.
For more, see this same authors piece on Sri Lanka in
John Hopkins University's "SAIS Review," Summer-Fall 2009...
* * * *
Did Not Vet Nepal's "Killer Major" Who's Still in Chad, Misplaced Trust
in TCCs
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, December 9 -- When a peacekeeper serving with the UN is
accused of torture and murder, what happens? He or she is sent back
to their country.
For a week now Inner City Press has asked
UN about Nepalese Major Niranjan
Basnet, serving with the UN Peacekeeping
Mission in Chad, accused of the torture and rape of a 15 year old
girl. Nepal sent him on the UN mission, for which they get paid,
knowing of the allegations against him.
UN's chief of
peacekeeping Alain Le Roy on Wednesday told Inner City Press that
Basnet "is being repatriated... in the next 48 hours," that
all the remains is to "make the plane ticket." Inner City
Press asked how the UN vets such people before sending them out among
vulnerable people with the UN's blue helmet and immunity. Video here,
from Minute 48:01.
Roy said that
senior officials are vetted, while for lower level people, the UN
relies on the Troop Contributing Country. Inner City Press asked,
"how senior?" then what the UN does when a TCC tries to
game the system like here: Nepal knew of the allegations against
Basnet, and sent him at a lower level to escape scrutiny. Video here,
from Minute 51:03
UN's head of
Field Support Susana Malcorra specified that all "individual"
deployments, regardless of rank, are vetted by the UN. This appears
to be limited to force commanders and their deputies -- even so, the
UN let in as deputy in Darfur a Rwandan changed with war crimes. In
apparent exchange for not renewing his service, the UN gave Rwanda
the higher, Force Commander post, being vacated by Nigerian Martin
Luther Agwai.
led Nigeria to
threaten to pull its troops from Darfur unless it got the Special
Representative job, which was was just awarded in the form of Ibrahim
Gambari, Nigeria's former ambassador to the UN. And so it goes.

Alain Le Roy and senior peacekeeper, vetting not shown
On December
Inner City Press asked
City Press: Marie, I wanted to know if you can confirm that a
Nepalese major serving in MINURCAT, Niranjan Basnet, who was found
guilty of both murder and torture in Nepal is being repatriated from
the mission and Nepalese media accounts say that the UN only vets
senior officials, therefore didn’t vet this major despite the
charges that were swirling around him at the time he was deployed. It’s
reported that DPKO has decided to send him back. Is that
Spokesperson Okabe: I think we’re waiting for some updates from
DPKO on that issue, but I haven’t seen any yet. So if they’re
listening, please send it down.
was the next
day, December 4, that the UN
read out this:
in response to another question yesterday about the deployment of a
Nepalese officer to the UN Mission in the Central African Republic
and Chad (MINURCAT), DPKO (Department of Peacekeeping Operations) has
provided us with the following information:
vets all senior appointments to its missions. However, with more
than 115,000 personnel currently in the field, it is impossible to
vet each and every peacekeeper deployed. Therefore, the United
Nations relies on its troop- and police-contributing countries --
which ultimately have the mandated responsibility for the good
conduct, order and discipline of their forces -- to screen all
contingent members nominated to take part in peacekeeping operations
in accordance with international norms and standards.
regard to this specific case, due to the serious nature of the
allegations against Major Niranjan Basnet, who was deployed as a
member of the Nepalese contingent, a decision has been made to
repatriate him immediately.
five days
later, when Inner City Press asked Alain Le Roy, Basnet had still not
been repatriated. Watch this site.
* * *
Somali Chaos, Japan and Germany Offer Separate Training, U.S. Cuts
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, December 8 -- Mirroring the chaos of the Transitional
Federal Government in Somalia, donors and vultures and purported
helpers are all working at cross purposes. Among the vultures we
place a company called "Phoenix,"
which brags of having
contracts with the TFG to train security forces in Jordan for
deployment in Somalia. We will have more on this.
the UN claims that it alone is authorized to train Somali forces, a
senior UN official on Tuesday complained to Inner City Press that
Japan and Germany are moving toward doing their own trainings,
outside of Somalia.
has reportedly
angered the UN's envoy to Somalia Ahmedou Ould Abdullah enough that
he has traveled to Tokyo. His spokesperson has repeatedly declined to
answer questions from Inner City Press in the past.
top UN
humanitarian managers for Somalia briefed the Press on Tuesday, about
shortfalls in fundraising. Inner City Press asked if they have solved
their dispute with the United States, which slowed aid because
transfers to Al Shabaab would violate U.S. anti terrorism laws. Mark
Bowden, the UN's Nairobi based humanitarian coordinator, confirmed
his talks with "donors," stressing that time is of the
City Press
asked Bowden about the UN urging the TFG president not to fire the
police chief of Mogadishu, which nevertheless took place. Bowden
confirmed the UN has concerned, but said they "come from the
political side." Then what is Ould Abdullah doing in Japan?
disclosure of how the TFG's parliamentarians were paid, Inner City
Press was told that when the parliament contained 250 members,
countries including the U.S., UK and Norway paid their salaries. When
the parliament swelled to 500, the UN Development Program started
paying, Inner City Press was told. UNDP itself has repeatedly refused
to answer questions about its funding in Somalia.

UN's Ban and Somalia's president, Germany and
Japanese training not shown
Shabaab has
ordered the UN World Food Program to stop importing food, to buy
locally or not bring food in. The Food and Agriculture Organization's
Graham Farmer conceded that bringing in food aid during the harvest
season depresses the prices farmers get.
WFP buy
locally in Somalia? Farmer said WFP tries to buy locally elsewhere,
but does not do so in Somalia. Why not? Watch this site.
Bowden's press conference was delayed, a spokesperson said, because
he was blocked at the UN's visitors' entrance. Afterwards, Bowden
told Inner City Press he showed his pass from the UN Office in
Nairobi, but that this wasn't accepted at the UN in New York.
Ironically, Kentucky Fried Chicken's Colonel Sanders impersonator got
into the building with no problem, but the UN's humanitarian
coordinator for Somalia was stopped...
* * *
Congo Expert Covers Up for MONUC, Chides Press He Was With Under
Other Name
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, December 7 -- The coordinator of the ostensibly independent
UN Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo appeared
in the UN briefing room on Monday to criticize the Press for focusing
on portions of the Experts' report which show the UN working
murderous former rebels engaged in Congo mining.
Video here.
before the
press conference, Dinesh Mahtani on December 4 declined to answer on
the record Inner City Press' questions about the UN's role in
providing logistical support to units of the Congolese army which
were until recently the rebel forces of Laurent Nkunda and indicted
war criminal Jean Bosco Ntanganda.
a large
conference call at the German Mission to the UN, filled with an
audience of several dozen, Mahtani said "I can't speak on the
record," and referred Inner City Press to his press conference
on Monday. Dinesh was introduced, by former head of UN Peacekeeping
Jean Marie Guehenno, as having been a journalist in the past.
Guehenno also declined to answer questions.
days later,
when Mahtani took to the UN's rostrum accompanied by an employee of
the UN's Department of Political Affairs, he emphasized that the
Group is independent. He criticized press accounts of his report,
previously leaked to Reuters, BBC and others in Kinshasa, which
emphasized on the findings against the UN.
said the
report, now available online here,
is mostly about two groups, the
FDLR and the CNDP, that latter of which has become a part of the
Congolese army. The UN's Mission in the Congo, MONUC, provides
logistical support to these former CNDP units, for example one led by
Innocent Zimurinda, who identified as Zimulinda is charged by UN
Special Rapporteur Philip Alston with murder and multiple rapes.
City Press
asked Mahtani if he believes the UN should be working for example
with these "Innocent" units. Mahtani replied that his
report mentions Zimurinda several times. But should the UN be working
with him?
there, things
got more surreal. Mahtani told one long time wire service
correspondent that her question was "strange." Dinesh
Mahtani, as it happens, reported from the
DRC for Reuters, on other monkey
business, under the
name Dino
Mahtani. Why so defensive?

In Bunia, mine awareness- land mine, that is, Experts not shown
defended China, which is named in the report as flying in weapons
without accounting for them to the UN Sanctions Committee. Defending
itself is the company Niotan, identified as a wrong-doer in the
report: it claims it has another name, Refractory Metals Mining
Company Limited. Sort of like Zimulina and a certain Mahtani... To be
the Report at paragraph 119 zeroes in on a Western Union transfer to
"the program manager of the Ahadi Institute, Edison Bashimbe
Nshombo [whose wife] reportedly administers medical treatment to
wounded FDLR in the region." But, hat tip CanWest, the Ahadi
Institute has as a supporter the UN's own UNESCO, click here for that,
and watch this site.
* * *
Congo's Gold Hits 60 Minutes, UN Is Let Off Hook, Wal-Mart's 10%
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, November 29 -- The Congo's conflict gold was the
subject of a fifteen minute feature tonight on the American television
program Sixty Minutes. A former rebel said he used collected gold to
buy weapons and ammunition from the Congolese army. A woman said she
was raped by men in Army uniforms.
accepted UN escort and showed a UN camp, but neglected to mention
that the UN now provides logistical support to the Congolese army,
which beyond weapon sales and rape has been documented for the mass
murder of civilians, by the UN's own special rapporteur and experts.
But the UN's
top envoy to the Congo Alan Doss has
told Inner City Press there is not
enough evidence, and has yet to act on Special Rapporteur Philip
Alston's report detailing mass rape by Congo's Army. (Click here for
coverage of Congo trip by Inner City Press.)
than at
least mention this perversion of the UN's peacekeeping mandate, Sixty
Minute showed a UN camp to which 13,000 internally displaced people
fled. Bags of flour and beans and cooking oil were distributed on the
day of filming, for the first time in five months.
Minutes nor the two non governmental organizations which appeared on
screen, HRW and the Enough Project, explained the starvation
just outside a UN camp.

UN's Ban and Doss in Congo, continuing support of
rogue Army units not shown
The point of
the show was that just as conflict diamonds were focused on seven
years ago, conflict gold now cries out for action.
Minutes said
without explanation that the UN tries to stem the flow of conflict
gold. But if the UN is supporting Army units which rape, kill and
sell weapons, and which themselves control mines, how is the UN
trying to stop the flow?
Back in the U.S., Sixty Minutes quotes Tiffany's as identifying the
source of nearly all of its gold -- in Utah -- while Wal-Mart will only
that it will track the source of 10 percent of its gold by next year.
If it were rap music with profanity, Wal-Mart would take action. But
conflict gold from the Congo? Ten percent sourcing, maybe, by next
* * *
Murky on Angola's Oil, Bond and China Deals, Doles Out $1.4 Billion
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, November 25 -- Days after announcing a $1.4 billion
arrangement with Angola, the International Monetary Fund held a press
conference call to offer explanations. At the end, things were
murkier than before. Inner City Press asked if the IMF had been able
to fully assess the income and distribution of revenue from the state
owned oil company Sonangol.
IMF's Lamine
Leigh, who led the Fund's missions to Angola in August and September,
replied that "in the context of our negotiations, Sonangol
participated fairly well." Inner City Press asked, since
Sonangol has accounts in off shore financial centers and tax havens,
if the IMF had gotten to the bottom of these accounts.
a long
pause, Lamine Leigh proffered another answer, that the government has
"committed to steps in the more general area of resource revenue
transparency." But what about the Sonangol accounts?

Oil in Angola, Sonangol's accounts not shown
City Press
asked about the statement
by IMF Deputy Managing Director and Acting
Chair Takatoshi Kato that in Angola "measures will be taken to
strengthen further the regulatory and supervisory framework."
The IMF's Senior Advisor on Africa Sean Nolan replied that the IMF
analyzed the effect of the exchange rate on borrowers and "on
the banks."
fact, Angola's
government has gotten billions in pre-export oil loans from, for
example, BNP Paribas, Standard Chartered and Deutsche Bank. The
latter has made similar loans in Turkmenistan, assailed by
transparency and human rights advocates. How much of the IMF's new
arrangement benefits these banks?
fact, the
questioner after Inner City Press, cutting off follow up, was from
Standard Bank. Other than Inner City Press, the only other media
questioner was from Reuters.
the call
ended, Inner City Press was able to ask about Angola's reported $4
billion bond sale planned for December. Sean Nolan said that the
IMF's "understanding" with Angola does involve a
"fundraising effort," but that the timing was not agreed
to, the IMF does not "micromanage" to that extent. Nolan added
that there is an agreement on an "overall limit."
it four
billion dollars?" Inner City Press asked.
replied that
the precise limit will be "clear in the documents," which
have yet to be released. Why play hide the ball?
praised the country for "appointing reputable financial and legal
advisers for the transaction" -- JPMorgan Chase will be the manager.
that the actual size of the bond sale will depend on how much
"concessionary lending" Angola gets from "countries
with a strong record of financial support to Angola."
City Press
asked if the size of China's loans to Angola -- China gets 16% of its
foreign oil from Angola -- were known by the IMF or considered.
figured in our discussions," the IMF's Nolan responded. Why not? Watch
this site.
* * *
Food Speculation, UN's Expert Says Nothing's Being Done, S. Korean Land
Grabs from Madagascar to Sudan, Brazil on Ethanol
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, October 21 -- After many speeches at the UN about the need
to crack down on financial speculation in food, nothing has been
done, the UN's expert on the right to food told Inner City Press on
Olivier de Schutter, a Belgian law professor just back
from a visit to Brazil about, among other things, the loss of land
for food to ethanol, replied that "nothing is moving at the
inter-governmental level." This despite a statement by the G-20
in April favoring the regulation of hedge funds which present
systemic risk. The argument is that commodities index funds which
speculate in food present systemic risk to net food importing
countries. But nothing has been done.
Schutter spoke
about the monopolization of the seed industry, and made a slew of
recommendations for governments. The three top monopolizers --
Monsanto, Dupont and the Swiss-based Syngenta -- are all members of
the UN Global Compact, and claim to comply with human rights. De
Schutter pointed out the antitrust law is directed as national and
not global or subnational markets. It is all very heady but one
wonders what effect it has.
might be
one of de Schutter's claims to impact. He spoke glowingly of
President Lula, saying that Brazil has said that only 19% of land can
be used for sugar cane for ethanol, and has committed to monitor
labor rights. But what about, for example, Indonesia and Malaysia?

De Schutter, action on food speculation not shown
Schutter's briefing, Inner City Press asked his staffer for an update
on the proposed land grab in Madagascar by South Korea based Daewoo,
which was reputed after the coup in that country. De Schutter had
been scheduled to visit, but it was put off by the coup. The same
thing happened in Honduras. So perhaps De Schutter does have an
effect after all, mused one wag.
immediately after De Schutter's briefing, the UN's Haile Menkerios
was scheduled to speak to the Press about Madagascar. While the UN
usually compartmentalizes its work such that a rapporteur looks at
land grabs, while the Secretariat remains on "political affairs"
narrowly defined, this land grab played a role in the change of
government. Now it's said the South Korean deal is being pursued from
India, while South Korea appears to have moved on to 690,000 hectares
in Sudan. Watch this site.
for an Inner City Press YouTube channel video, mostly UN Headquarters
footage, about civilian
in Sri Lanka.
Click here for Inner City
Press' March 27 UN debate
Click here for Inner City
Press March 12 UN (and AIG
bailout) debate
Click here for Inner City
Press' Feb 26 UN debate
for Feb.
12 debate on Sri Lanka
Click here for Inner City Press' Jan.
16, 2009 debate about Gaza
Click here for Inner City Press'
review-of-2008 UN Top Ten debate
Click here for Inner
City Press' December 24 debate on UN budget, Niger
Click here from Inner City Press'
December 12 debate on UN double standards
Click here for Inner
City Press' November 25 debate on Somalia, politics
and this October 17 debate, on
Security Council and Obama and the UN.
* * *
reports are
usually also available through Google
News and on Lexis-Nexis.
Click here
for a Reuters
AlertNet piece by this correspondent
about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army. Click
for an earlier Reuters AlertNet piece about the Somali
Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's $200,000 contribution from an
undefined trust fund. Video
Analysis here
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