Sri Lanka, IDPs Given Passes, NGOs Told Not to Complain to UN,
Election Games
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, November 23 -- Sri Lanka'a Rajapaksa administration, facing
a challenge from military leader Sarath Fonseka, announced "freedom
of movement" for those interned in the Vavuniya camps, starting
December 1, in the run up to snap elections now set for January.
UN's Secretary
General Ban Ki-moon on November 21 immediately issued a statement
praising the government's announcement, and on November 23 his top
humanitarian envoy John Holmes came to the UN briefing room to in
essence add to the praise.
reports to
the contrary from non governmental organizations on the ground,
Holmes said there's no ban on movement except for safety, "physical
safety." Inner City Press asked about statements by Oxfam in Sri
Lanka that even "freedom of movement" will involve a system
of passes and only limited numbers of days outside the camps. Video
from Minute 35:42.
replied that
people will be able to leave for "days at a time," saying
this "looks like freedom of movement as most would define it."
But signing in and out of a camp surrounded by barbed wire, with any
limitation on the number of days out, is not how many define freedom
of movement.
City Press
asked Holmes about a letter from the government of Mannar to NGOs,
telling them to suspend any operation not approved by the
Presidential Task Force headed by presidential brother Basil
Rajapaksa. Holmes shrugged that the PTF is in charge.
called any
connection between the announcement, made just after Fonseka left the
military and was reputedly drafted into running and two days before
Mahinda Rajapaksa called for snap election in January, "speculative,"
while he said that the efficacy of the UN's pushing for the IDPs was
surely a factor in the announcement.

UN's Ban and Basil Rajapaksa in January 2009,
aftermath not shown
international NGO working in Sri Lanka was told by Basil Rajapaksa to
deal only with the government, and to stop complaining to the UN.
Inner City Press asked Holmes about this, and he said he is "not
sure that is a hugely important point."
But to some,
government telling NGOs not to complain to the UN is not a small
was the UN's
quiet pull out from Kilinochchi that presaged the killing of
civilians that would occur. So for the UN to be less than concerned
with the government tries to cut off the flow of information to the
outside world is not a good sign. Watch this site.
* * *
Mine Use Defended by Sri Lanka as UN Says Nothing, of "Victim
Activated" IEDs
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, November 17 -- The UN and its Secretary General are said to
be strong advocates for countries to become parties to the Mine-Ban
Convention. But when it comes to Sri Lanka, which has refused to join
the Convention and which states openly that it uses land mines, it is
unclear what the UN is doing to urge the country to stop using mines.
UN is paying
for removal of mines laid by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.
Meanwhile, in a debate in the UN General Assembly's Fourth Committee
on October 30, Samantha Jayasuriya of the Sri Lankan Mission argued
that "for legitimate national security concerns, Sri Lanka had
not become a party to the Mine-Ban Convention... Land mines were used
by security forces 'always for defensive purposes' and mainly to
demarcate the limits of their military installations."
more than five months after the Rajapaksa government declared final
victory over the LTTE or Tamil Tigers, went uncommented on by the UN.
At a press conference on November 17, Inner City Press asked Dmitry
Titov of UN Peacekeeping and Maxwell Kerley, Director of the UN Mine
Action Service, about Sri Lanka's statement and continued use of land
mines. Video here,
from Minute 35:56.
Titov replied
that the Secretary General is in strong support of the Mine Ban
Treaty. But when Inner City Press asked if Ban Ki-moon, in his many
bilateral talks this year with President Mahinda Rajapaksa, has ever
directly asked that Sri Lanka join the Mine Ban Convention, Mr. Titov
passed the question to Mr. Kerley, who described UNDP's work removing
LTTE mines.
the LTTE
defeated, the Sri Lankan government's justification for using land
mines is gone. But it was repeated on October 30 at the UN.

UN's Titov, answer on countries in which mines are
used still not shown
more positive
land mine news, Inner City Press asked Mr. Kerley about the use
bacteria to show where mines are. Kerley said the UN is looking
technology but primarily uses dogs. He made reference to "victim
activated" improvised explosive devices. Inner City Press asked
why the UN distinguishes these from IEDs activated by cell phones or
command wire.
answer was
the the UN "guards its impartiality" so it will be "welcome
by all." IEDs are the "weapon of choice" for some, and
the UN only gets involved with these weapons are no longer "in
play." Video here,
from Minute 45. To some, this sounded like
not wanting to offend the Taliban or Al Qaeda in Iraq by targeting
their "weapon of choice" -- unless, as Mr. Titov inserted,
they threaten UN personnel. To some, the phrase "victim
activated IED" sounds like... blaming the victim. Watch this
* * *
Sri Lanka Announces UN Holmes To Visit, Is UN's Silence the Silent Deal?
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, November 11, updated
-- Sri Lanka has invited top UN humanitarian
John Holmes to "visit Colombo later this week" to witness
the removal of some of them interned in the Manik Farm camps. In an
ill-attended speech by Sri Lankan Ambassador Palitha Kohona past six
p.m. on Wednesday, with John Holmes at his side, Kohona called it one
of the "fastest resettlements in history."
Wednesday, the Washington Post reported that people are being moved
from Manik Farm to other closed camps, or simply disappearing. Kohona
told Inner City Press that the Post article "made many errors,"
without specifying them. Can we expect a letter to the editor?
ever stranger in retrospect, Holmes' speech earlier on
Wednesday did not mention Sri Lanka, but
rather Yemen. If Holmes is still engages
on Sri Lanka, why not mention it? Some surmise that Sri Lanka is once
again conditioning access on silence. If the UN will stay quiet, it
will be allowed to come and take some credit.
has been quoted, regarding Sri Lanka's expulsion of UNICEF
spokesman James Elder after he spoke out about conditions in the
camps, "I do not think it is UNICEF's role to advocate anything,
they are an aid agency...It is not for them to go out making
statements which could embarrass a host government.''
Apparently Sri
Lanka feels the same about John Holmes, the coordinator of UN aid
agencies. Some wonder, is Holmes playing along? What does he think of
Kohona's statement about the right of aid agency to advocate in some
circumstances? Perhaps he'll say -- or perhaps not.

UN's Ban and Kohona, some wonder what deal is being
Footnotes: Some found it strange that the UN never
announced this trip. Now, Inner City Press is informed that after Sri
Lanka disclosed it in Kohona's "protection of civilians" speech on
November 11, the UN will announce it on November 12. We'll see.
Update of 8:36
p.m. -- Holmes on his way out tells Inner City Press he's going
to Sri Lanka on Sunday, through Tuesday.
Kohona also maligned
the asylum seekers marooned off
Indonesia at Australia's request, stating that ""They are
economic refugees looking for greener pastures elsewhere... It is
wrong for anybody to go to a strange land and then exert emotional
pressure of this kind on the intended destination and expect people
to react positively. I think this is emotional blackmail.''
But some think
Sri Lanka is blackmailing the UN. Watch this
* * *
Sri Lanka Ignored in UN Debate, Austria Speaks of Proposal, UN's
Holmes Moves On
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, November 11 -- Austria's foreign minister Michael
Spindelegger, answering questions Wednesday from Inner City Press
outside the Security
Council debate he presided over on the
protection of civilians, proclaimed that Austria has "made a
proposal" to Sri Lanka to bring "the government side and
the Tamil side together" at one table. "We have not real
answer at the moment," he said.
his initial
comments, Minister Spindelegger praised the UN's work in Africa,
without mentioning the controversy now surrounding the UN's work with
the Congolese Army. Inner City Press asked about Asia, not only Sri
Lanka but Myanmar, where armed conflict continues, with child
soldiers and Rohingya people taking to the sea.
said, "This was not part of the discussion, especially Sri
Lanka, during our meeting of the Security Council." Then, "as
Foreign Minister of Austria," he said "we are very
concerned about the situation in Sri Lanka... huge numbers of
refugees still in camps and not allowed to go home." Video here,
from Minute 4:43.
those who
leave the Manik Farm camp in Vavuniya, it was today
confirmed, are
taken to other closed camps, or quickly picked up again by the
authorities. So what is the UN doing to protect these civilians?
Spindelegger said, they are offering a "platform" for "the
Tamilian side" to speak with the government. Another journalist
asked for more detail and Spindelegger spoke about bringing the
parties to "one table... we try to do our best." Video here,
from Minute 7:05. There was no mention of what Austria's position is,
for example, on suspending favorable entry of Sri Lankan goods into
Europe under the GSP Plus program, which is subject to a human right

Spindelegger and UN's Ban all rosy, Sri Lanka not
Minister Spindelegger's stakeout interview, Austria's Ambassador
Thomas Mayr-Harting genially advised Inner City Press not to read too much
into Foreign Minister Spindelegger's statement about having made "a
to the Sri Lankan government.
Given the way the Norwegians, for
example, feel they were burned by the process, this is perhaps
the fact
remains, at the UN on Sri Lanka, there is double talk, there are
claims of assistance and concern that are not back up, and
increasingly there is silence. Protection of civilians indeed.
In his speech to the Council on the topic, top UN humanitarian John
Holmes mentioned Yemen but not Sri Lanka. He asked, have we narrowed
the gap between rhetoric and action? Apparently not.
Holmes remains
reluctant to admit that the supposed investigation of the killing of
17 Action Contre La Faim workers led nowhere, with its advisory
committee quitting due to its lack of credibility. Apparently, if a
member state criticizes the UN or OCHA strenuously and persistently
enough, the UN's message changes or goes silent. There's always
another conflict, with less oversight, to move on to....
* *
UN on Protection of Civilians Dost Protest Too Much, 62 Speakers But
What of Congo, Sri Lanka
and Sudan?
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, November 11, updated below
-- To protect civilians should go without saying
for the United Nations, given its rhetoric. Speech after speech will
be given at a debate on the topic in the Security Council on November
11, covered below. But a decade and a half after the UN pulled out
during the Rwanda genocide, and stood by during the slaughter in
Srebrenica, the UN is still at odds with itself on levels large and
the Congo for
example despite a relatively small recent change, the peacekeeping
mission under the charge of Alan Doss has provided support to Army
units now known to have raped and killed civilians.
its own local
staff, the UN is not protecting. This week, former MONUC staffer John
Dimandja wrote to the Secretary General that his disarmament work for
the UN with militias in Ituri put him and his family at risk and
needs to leave the region. The UN focused on his desperate reference
to stepping in front of the S-G's limousine, called the police and
told Dimandja to stay away. Click here
and here
for Inner City Press'
two exclusive stories; a third is in the works.
Congo mission
was created and is ostensibly overseen by the Security Council. But
when Inner City Press asked a Council diplomat about Dimandja's
plight, the answer was, "We don't really deal with that."
And this
month's earnest Security Council president Thomas Mayr-Harting of
which oversees today's debate, said he had not
heard about Doctors
without Borders days-old public statement that its vaccination drive
in rebel controlled areas of Eastern Congo was used as "bait"
by the Army to attack civilians.
UN Mission in
Sudan has said it cannot protect civilians from the Lord's Resistance
Army; Darfur speaks for itself. These are the UN's largest
peacekeeping forces. Then there are conflicts in which the Security
Council declines to put on its agenda, such as the slaughter of tens
of thousands of Sri Lankans, nearly all Tamils, earlier this year.
China and Russia opposed discussing the matter, but the U.S., France,
UK and others went along.

UN Security Council in the Congo,
whistleblowers and bait not shown
of calling
for a vote, they contented themselves with non-binding non-meetings
in the UN's basement. The Council has not revisited the situation in
Sri Lanka since May, despite hundreds of thousands of Tamil civilians
being locked up in monsoon flooded camps.
it is difficult
not to think, in hearing these lofty UN speeches about protection of
civilians, that "thou dost protest too much." We will
review the days events below as the happen. Watch this space.
Update of 10:01 a.m.
-- at the stakeout in front of the Security Council, correspondents are
told that there will be 62 speakers in the "debate" on the protection
of civilians. There is groaning. For the Secretariat, Ban Ki-moon, John
Holmes and Alain Le Roy -- who strides in smiling -- will be there, as
well as the Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights.
French Ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert comes to schmooze the press --
it's too early in his mandate for a briefing, he says, adding that
sometimes the UN is constrained by member states. As he leaves, a
Middle Eastern reporter quips, "The UN salary seems to be suiting him
the Costa Rican Ambassador walks in, a reporter shouts, "Any problems
with white powder?" The reference is to the anthrax scare, which
started with three Missions to the UN and has proceeded from there.
There are other countries with other white powders...
Update of 10:30 a.m.
-- Austria's foreign minister mechanically thanks Ban Ki-moon for his
"most interesting" speech. Now top UN humanitarian John Holmes is up.
He mentions Yemen -- but apparently not Sri Lanka. He asks, have we
narrowed the gap between rhetoric and action? Apparently not.
Update of 10:36 a.m.
-- Holmes says "we need flexibility" to engage with armed groups (that
is, non state actors), in order to protect humanitarian workers. It's a
good point. But one wonders why Holmes is, for example, so reluctant to
admit that the supposed investigation of the killing of 17 Action
Contre La Faim workers led nowhere, with its advisory committee
quitting due to its lack of credibility. Apparently, if a member state
criticizes the UN or OCHA strenuously and persistently enough, the UN's
message changes or goes silent. There's always another conflict, with
less oversight, to move on to....
Update of 10:40 a.m.
-- Sudan's deputy permanent representative groans and says, seventy
speakers now! And Sudan is 53rd. We are ready for our election, he
tells Inner City Press, then shakes his head at the UN's electoral
snafus in Afghanistan. It's a shame, he says, entirely without irony.
Update of 10:44 a.m.
-- and now, one expects the last Sudanese Mission update of the day,
Sudan's Ambassador comes over to make, again, his double standard
point. He said, those speechifying today, many voted against or
abstained on endorsing the Goldstone report on Gaza. Now they talk
about protection of civilians. He laughs and ambles into the Council.
Update of 10:49 a.m.
-- the Deputy High Commisioner for Human Rights, after touching on the
Goldstone report, which she says has been transmitted to the Security
Council, which is not entirely clear, and on Eastern Congo, turns to
Darfur. Next to her the Libyan Deputy looks glum. She does it
quick, and moves on to Kabul.
Update of 10:58 a.m.
-- as the minister of Croatia reads his speech, Inner City Press is
told that even the word "UN" now makes people mad in Croatia, since
their most recent Ambassador to the UN "misappropriated" national
funds. They didn't call him "the gambler" for nothing...
Update of 11:14 a.m.
-- during the UK's speech, at the stakeout it is asked if this is
the country's new Ambassador. No, Minister Taylor is a woman, and Mark
Lyall Grant is man, who is yet to be seen at the stakeout. Yesterday,
Deputy PR Parham told Inner City Press he was not aware of any plan to
keep British troops in Afghanistan "out of harm's way" pending the UK
Update of 11:20 a.m.
-- As France's Araud speechifies, he uses four examples: Sudan, Gaza,
Sri Lanka and Guinea. Before this can sink in, a correspondent notes
that Araud got a lot of laughs yesterday morning, referring to the
letters from Dallas containing white powder: "Don't mess with Texas,"
he quipped. Now he's speaking on the Congo.
Update of 11:23 a.m.
-- okay, more seriously, it is explained to Inner City Press that the
inclusion of language about humanitarian access in the resolution is
something that can be pointed to in the future. But how much more
access will it lead to?
Update of 11:26 a.m.
-- as the Austrian minister thanks "Excellency Araud" and hands it off
to Russia's Vitaly Churkin, Ban Ki-moon is still in the room, dutifully
checking off on a paper in front of him. France, done. Russia, now.
Four minutes until the Austrians' stakeout is scheduled. But the text
of the Austrian minister's opening statement is not available. Churkin
is denouncing one sided approaches, and saying that private security
companies, too, are subject to international humanitarian law.
Update of 11:33 a.m.
-- First Holmes leaves, grim faced, then the smiling Alain Le Roy. Then
Ban Ki-moon and Vijay Nambiar, flanked by security. Mr. Ban waves. The
Austrian stakeout can't be far behind.
Update of 11:53 a.m.
-- Inner City Press asked Austria's minister three questions, and will
report on the answers, probably in a separate piece -- after the day's
UN noon briefing.
Click here
for an Inner City Press YouTube channel video, mostly UN Headquarters
footage, about civilian
in Sri Lanka.
* * *
Colombia Calls UN Council About Chavez, Silence on Korean Ships Shooting
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, November 10 -- A war of words between Venezuela and Colombia
is on the radar of the UN Security Council, with contacts begun with
the Colombian side. But the actual exchange of
fire between South and
North Korean ships "has not been raised in the Council,"
this month's President Thomas Mayr-Harting told Inner City Press on
Tuesday. Video here,
from Minute 3:37.
Council ostensibly deals with threats to international peace and
security. Shooting between ships, involving a country which has
ostentatiously tested what it calls nuclear missiles, would seem to
be a bigger threat than the most recent spat between Hugo Chavez and
Alvaro Uribe.
just as the
UN's approach to war crimes in selective, the range of conflicts
which never make it to the Council versus some countries no longer in
armed conflict which continue under a Council mandate and mission is
City Press
asked Ban Ki-moon's Associate spokesman Farhan Haq about the Korean
shooting, and he read out a bland statement. Video here.

Chavez at UN, Colombia and North Korea not shown
Inner City
Press followed up asking if there is any thought to replacing Maurice
Strong with a new UN envoy to North Korea. Apparently not, at least
for now. But Venezuela and Guyana have a UN envoy / expert. Go
when Inner City Press asked Mayr-Harting if as Council president he
had heard from Colombia, he said "we have been in formal
contact". Reporters afterwards asked, "in formal or
informal"? The latter seems more likely, but it sounded like the
former. Go figure.
* * *
Lebanon, Russia Resists Calling for Implementation of 1701
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, November 10 -- When the UN Security Council met behind
closed door Tuesday about its Resolution 1701 and the situation
between Lebanon and Israel, there was a surprising blockage to even
calling for implementation of the Council's own Resolution 1701.
Diplomatic sources in the consultations meeting tell Inner City Press
that Russia opposed even the use of the word "implementation."
the UN's
Michael Williams emerged to brief the Press, he repeatedly took issue
with reporters who asked about what opposition parties in Lebanon
call his report's lack of balance. Every over flight of Lebanon, he
insisted, is a violation of 1701.
the ship stopped
by Israel, Williams said it is beyond his mandate to comment on the
legality of the cargo or its seizure. Regarding the Israeli Army
chief of staff's comments that Hezbollah has rockets that can reach
Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Williams answered that he has no way to know
of their range.
City Press
asked Williams about reports that Israel has asked for Italy to
continue to force commander of the UNFIL peacekeeping mission, rather
than pass the mandate to Spain.

UN's Ban in Lebanon, Russia and
implementation of 1701 not shown
Like you,
Williams replied, I read
colorful media reports. But it is up to the Secretary General and the
decision should be made in a few weeks. We'll see.
Russia also, behind the scenes, raised
issues recently about the UN's
panel of inquiry into the killing of civilians in Guinea. As with
the strange
pattern of the UN Mission anthrax scare, people are trying to
find a pattern here.
* *
"Anthrax" Postmarked from Texas, France Says, UN Terror
Defenses Misused
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, November 10 -- At the UN Security Council stakeout the morning
the anthrax scare at the French, Austrian and Uzbek embassies, French
Ambassador Gerard Araud told the Press that the letters had been mail
Dallas. "Don't mess with Texas," he said in an exaggerated
recounted how
the staff of the French Mission to the UN had been decontaminated
until 3:30 in the morning in a truck outside the Mission. Women
first, men after, he said, describing how people passed their
clothing into a small hole, and after decontamination put on plastic
logic (of the three countries targeted) makes no sense, he said.
Austria has the Council presidency this month, and has its big event,
a debate on the protection of civilians, scheduled for November 11.
Others mused to Inner City Press about American bases in Uzbekistan. It
is a country
known for torturing political opponents, and shooting them in the
NYPD quickly
concluded that the substance was not, in fact, anthrax. Because the
common denominator is the UN, missions to, in this publication it will
be called l'affaire Banthrax.

France's Araud and UN's Ban: l'affaire Banthrax not shown
the UN Secretariat used the NYPD's anti-terroristic threat squad to
try to silence or back off a former UN staffer in the Democratic
Republic of Congo who wrote to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon among
other things that his family is still threatened in the region due
to the work he did for the UN. Click here
for that Inner City Press
exclusive story, and watch this site.
* * *
Calls NYPD On Congo Staffer They Used Against Rebels, "UN Put My
Family in Danger"
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, November 9 -- While the UN Security
Council held
consultations Monday about its peacekeeping mission's involvement in
the armed conflict between rebel groups and the Congolese Army, a
related but more personal drama played out just outside the UN on
First Avenue.
UN summoned New
York City police officers to deal with John Dimandja Wembalonge. John
Fernandez of the NYPD's Threat Assessment Unit counseled Mr. Dimandja
to "stay away from the UN," following an e-mail Dimandja
had sent to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, reproduced in full below.
In it
and related correspondence to the UN, Dimandja explained
that he was a national staff member of the UN Mission in the Congo
who had fled death threats after helping the UN disarm rebels in
Ituri in Eastern Congo.
family remains in the region at risk. "The UN is doing nothing,"
Dimandja told Inner City Press on First Avenue on Monday night. He
said that the chief of the UN's Department of Field Services Susana
Malcorra had, though an intermediary named Cedrick, told him to bring
in his internal UN employment file, called at PHP, that perhaps a job
could be found for him in New York and then his family brought.
that will be too late," Dimandja told Inner City Press, and
Officer Fernandez.
Dimandja, while working for the UN in Ituri he was sent in to meeting
of Lendu militias to convince them to disarm..Dimandja took pictures
and video, and had, he says, much success in disarmament. But when
militia leader Mathieu Ngudjolo was indicted for war crimes, Dimandja's
video footage put him in danger.
trying to kill anyone who had taken pictures," he told Inner
City Press. Who? "The militias had become soldiers in the
Congolese Army," he said. It was the same government soldiers
who the UN assists who were trying to kill him.

UN disarmament meeting in Ituri, protection
of UN national staff not shown
says a UN
official, Philip Toulet, advised him to pay a bribe to Congolese
police, and to get
paperwork to flee to the U.S. and seek asylum. He arrived in New
York a year ago, and went straight to UN headquarters. He says the UN
Office of Internal Oversight Services, ostensibly in charge of
investigations, referred him to the staff counsel. He got nowhere,
and lacking the funds to stay in New York City, he went upstate to
Rochester for three months.
being back
in New York, he has sought to meet with Ban Ki-moon. But his e-mails,
culminating in a threat to step in front of Ban's motorcade, resulted
only in interventions by NYPD. "Stay away from the UN,"
Officer Fernandez advised him Monday night. "Perhaps this
gentleman can help you." Here's hoping.
Some of Dimandja's e-mails
John Dimandja
Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 12:51 PM
Ban Ki-moon, Susana Malcorra, DSG Migiro
Mr. Secretary General
afternoon, I am John Dimandja UN staff from MONUC, I would like to
bring up to your attention that I have not a way to contact you due
to multiple obstructions on your way, have prevented me to meet with
you, and the New York local police is already informed about the plan
that I am going to make very soon for meeting you.
Sir, I am going to stop your vehicle everywhere I can, in way to put
myself in contact with you, it will appear like a terrorist act but I
am not a terrorist I am UN staff's member who is looking for a very
urgent assistance.
reason I am writing this mail to you is to inform you in advance that
this will surely happen, you are kindly recommended to inform your
security body about it, if they gunshot on me believe that you kill
your own staff member, please be advised that this E-mail is copied
to the local police of New York City in charge of the UN premises
security (17 precinct community affairs New York, NY 10022) The way
to avoid this sad event is to respond promptly to my request of
would like again to inform you, Mr. Secretary General that my family
is living day after day in a permanent danger and in fear of death
because the community of rebels that wanted to kill me had his base
in UGANDA this is the reason why my family is hidden in UGANDA.
am expecting to hear very soon from you
* * *
UN, Obasanjo Brags of Deadly Kimia II, LRA Not in Mandate, Mountain
in the Dusk
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, November 9 -- Only days after human rights groups
documented hundreds of killings of civilians by the UN-assisted
Congolese Army as part of Operation Kimia II, former Nigerian
President Olusegun Obasanjo told the Security Council that "Operation
Kimia II is achieving reasonable success."
the Council
meeting, Inner City Press asked Obasanjo how this squares with the
killed civilians, which had so far led even the UN Mission in the
Congo to say it is suspending work with elements of the 213th
Brigade, for the killing of 62 civilians.
you what people told us," Obasanjo said, "operation versus
the FDLR is welcome."
about the 600
civilians who have been killed by the Congolese Army, documented by
Human Rights Watch? Obansanjo, rather than disputing the number,
played the ad hoc democracy card. "If the Congolese people says
its necessary, why should I say to MONUC, or to anyone else for that
matter, that what the Congolese people want they shouldn't get?"
Video here,
from Minute 7:19.
the argument
that popular will trumps or supports the killing of civilians, Inner
City Press asked what Obasanjo's report was based on: a poll? "I
was there," Obasanjo said, as a staffer gestured for the
stakeout microphone to be taken away from Inner City Press.
even inside UN headquarters, walked surrounded by bodyguards and
entourage, it's difficult to imagine him conducting a scientific man
and woman on the street poll in the Kivus. But as they say, you hear
what you want to hear. Obasanjo is stepping back from his UN Great
Lakes gig. We will follow his next moves.

Obasanjo at UN on Nov. 9, dead civilians and LRA not shown
he left, Inner
City Press asked, "What about the LRA," Lord's Resistance
Army? Video here,
from Minute 11:08. "The LRA is not part
of my mandate," Obasanjo said,
even though the Great Lakes include Uganda. If you design a mandate
narrowly enough, success is not so difficult. Many say -- another
scientific poll -- that Presidents Kabila and Kagame would have spoken
anyway. But for Obasanjo, next stop: Mo Ibrahim
Council president Thomas Mayr-Harting of Austria read out a press
statement congratulating Obasanjo, as well as MONUC. Inner City Press
asked about the 600 dead civilians, and the report by MSF that the
Congolese Army used them as bait to attack civilians. Video here,
from Minute 1:58. He referred to
the press statement on the first, and said he hasn't seen reports of
the second. We trust he will.
When Inner City Press asked UN Spokesperson Michele Montas about the
MSF as bait story, she didn't answer, except to say that outgoing
MONUC deputy Ross Mountain would be in town this week and should
answer questions. Mountain was seen in the dusk outside the UN on
Monday night. When will the questions be answered?
* * *
UN, Congo Says All or Nothing, Silence on MSF "Bait"
Accusation, New P-5ers
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, November 9 -- While the UN Mission in the Congo will stop
assisting some units of Congo's 213th Brigade because they killed 62
civilians, according to top UN Peacekeeper Alain Le Roy, evidence
mounts of far more extensive murder by other brigades and units of
the Congolese army.
this context,
Inner City Press on November 5 asked the DRC's Ambassador to the UN
Atoki Ileka what he thought of Le Roy's announcement. Ambassador
Ikeka turned the question around, asking "how can you work with
only parts of an army?"
City Press
noted to him that this was similar to Human Rights Watch's position,
that MONUC should stop working with the Congolese Army as a whole, at
least as regards the Kimia II operation. Yes, Ambassador Ileka said,
on that we have the same position. Only at the UN.
standing outside the UN General Assembly after the debate and vote on
the Goldstone report on Gaza, Ambassador Ileka told Inner City Press, Alan Doss, he has his own problems, I'm
going to add to them.
the November 6
noon briefing, Inner City Press asked
City Press: Medecins sans frontieres has said in great detail that a
vaccination campaign they conducted in October in FDLR-control areas
of [the Democratic Republic of] the Congo was used as “bait” --
that is the word they used. So that FARDC [the Congolese Armed
Forces] attacked the vaccination sites, killed some civilians and
sent others into the bush. It’s such a graphic allegation on their
part, I’m wondering what is MONUC -- is this a unit MONUC works
with? Does MONUC deny that it happened? What’s MONUC going to do
about that?
Michele Montas: I’m going to get more information -- in fact, we
are going to have someone from [MONUC] coming to brief you on the
Congo shortly. Mr. Ross Mountain [Deputy Special Representative of
the Secretary-General for the Democratic Republic of the Congo] is
supposed to come next week and he will be briefing you on the Congo,
so I would suggest that you ask him the questions.
Mountain will
immanently leave the MONUC mission, and more and more people say Alan
Doss should. Is there accountability in the UN system?

In DRC, Obasanjo arrives, FARDC civilian abuse not shown
November 9,
former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo strode into the Security
Council with an entourage, to brief about the Great Lakes region: how
many trip to how many heads of state. Some mused that one of his last
times at the UN, he was
about his role in now controversial Chinese infrastructure deals in
Nigeria, if that gave him a conflict in deal with Congo's similar
although now somewhat shrunken -- deal. Didn't he get mad? a
correspondent asked Inner City Press, the poser of the Chinese
dealing question. He should have seen it coming. And this time? Watch
this site.
footnotes, or bookends: The grandly named new UK Permanent
Representative, Ambassador Mark Lyall "No Hyphen" Grant, is
said to have arrived in New York "at the weekend." He will
get accredited, some face time with Secretary General Ban Ki-moon,
and then assume his position in the Council. There are some hoping he's
adopt a less exclusive approach, at least to the media, than those
before him.
France's Gerard Araud,
who's said in French-only briefings to rebuff questions about poverty
and spending, for
example Sarkozy's on his EU Presidency stint, is still settling in.
And so Russia, with the longest serving Ambassador, and China, which
reportedly blocked consensus on the most recent Sudan sanctions
report, will some say have the P-5 upper hand for a while. We'll see.
* * *
Security Phase Confusion in Af-Pak Shown at Stakeout, Ban and Nambiar
Matthew Russell Lee
NATIONS, November 6 -- In a press encounter that ended in disarray,
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Friday called the UN security
threat level in Afghanistan confidential, despite it being public in
Pakistan, and then described the reclassification, renovation and
vacating of various guest houses in Kabul.
His chief of staff Vijay
Nambiar rushed to the stakeout and gestured to spokesperson Michele
Montas to end it. Mr. Nambiar then told Inner City Press, we can't
tell them how to attack us.
Ban had
emphasized the UN is not abandoning Afghanistan, that it cannot
curtail its development efforts there. Inner City Press asked about
northwest Pakistan, where the UN country office issued a press
release putting the threat level at Phase IV and suspending UN
development activities, and asked what the Phase is in Afghanistan.
Video here,
from Minute 6:42.
Ban said that
security phases are "determined by DSS" [the Department of
Safety and Security] "after evaluating all situations." He
said it "needs not to be known publicly."
City Press
asked if there isn't a conflict of interest, like in Algeria before
the UN was bombed there, in which host countries doesn't want the UN
Security Phase raised, even if it's needed. Mr. Ban acknowledged that
this is "very sensitive," that host countries don't like
the level raised because it could effect "national prestige"
and "socio economic activities." He said, however, that the
UN sets its levels objectively.
asked, in light of the UN's pulling out of Iraq after the bombing of
its Canal Hotel headquarters, what are the "red lines" that
would trigger a pull out from Afghanistan. Mr. Ban began to answer.
Inner City Press remarked to a diplomat at the stakeout, yeah, tell
the Taliban what it would take for the UN to leave.
as Mr. Ban
was describing the categorization of the UN's 93 guest houses into
those to be closed and those to be brought to "MOSS"
standards, Mr. Nambiar rushed back to the stakeout and gestured that
this should stop. Some thought this was because of Ban's next
appointment, with his advisory group of businesses on the
environment. But Mr. Nambiar explained, we cannot tell them how to
attack us.

UN's Ban and Nambiar leave Council,
divergence on disclosure not yet shown
statement was at the stakeout, with no mention of being off the
record or on background, some have since tried to say this was
implicit. For this reason, Inner City Press is not using the direct
quote. But in fact, it is not surprising that even the UN's 38th
floor would have divergent views on how much to disclose. Both
positions in this case could be defended. And
reporting these facts is to show how the UN actually functions.
City Press
asked this month's Security Council president, Austria's Thomas
Mayr-Harting, if Mr. Ban had told the Council in its consultations
what the UN Security Phase is in Afghanistan. He said he would rather
not "get into the details." Video here.
remarked to Inner City Press that "it is easy enough to learn
the UN Security Phase." But why then be so secretive? In fact,
Inner City Press is informed that the Phase in Afghanistan, even
after the killing of five UN staff in a commando style raid by the
Taliban, was kept at Phase III, while it was raised to Phase IV in
Pakistan. Is this objective? Watch this site.
for an Inner City Press YouTube channel video, mostly UN Headquarters
footage, about civilian
in Sri Lanka.
Click here for Inner City
Press' March 27 UN debate
Click here for Inner City
Press March 12 UN (and AIG
bailout) debate
Click here for Inner City
Press' Feb 26 UN debate
for Feb.
12 debate on Sri Lanka
Click here for Inner City Press' Jan.
16, 2009 debate about Gaza
Click here for Inner City Press'
review-of-2008 UN Top Ten debate
Click here for Inner
City Press' December 24 debate on UN budget, Niger
Click here from Inner City Press'
December 12 debate on UN double standards
Click here for Inner
City Press' November 25 debate on Somalia, politics
and this October 17 debate, on
Security Council and Obama and the UN.
* * *
reports are
usually also available through Google
News and on Lexis-Nexis.
Click here
for a Reuters
AlertNet piece by this correspondent
about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army. Click
for an earlier Reuters AlertNet piece about the Somali
Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's $200,000 contribution from an
undefined trust fund. Video
Analysis here
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