UN Misspeaks on
Sri Lanka Complaints and Skanska Suit, Kosovo Runaround, Fiji
Byline: Matthew
Russell Lee of Inner City Press at the
UN: News Analysis
NATIONS, April 19 – In last
week’s UN answers to questions asked at noon, there were at least
two seeming misstatements, and one near-comical runaround. On Sri
Lanka, Associate Spokesman Farhan Haq told
Inner City Press on both
April 13 and April
14 that the UN had “repeated” urged the government
to release UN staff members detained in internally displaced people’s
camps. But by week’s end, Sri Lankan “Resettlement” Minister
Baduideen replied that the first the government heard from the UN
about the issue was on April 15 -- two days after
Inner City Press wrote and asked about it, and Mr.
Haq’s answer.
On April
Inner City Press asked and Haq responded
Inner City Press: Just on this asbestos, first
can you
either confirm or respond to the seeming fact in the public record
that Skanska is a named defendant in an ongoing civil suit about
mishandling asbestos in the Monterey Courthouse in California, and
that it had paid a fine in connection with that case earlier on?
And also that ATC has been issued an order of non-compliance from the
Clean Air Act by the EPA, and why they were selected.
Associate Spokesperson Haq: You know, I have
for you on that, but I don’t know whether I have it here. So
many papers, but that one is still upstairs. I’ll have to
tell about that on afterwards.
[The Associate Spokesperson later said regarding the lawsuit in
California concerning Skanska and asbestos abatement: Skanska
had made the United Nations aware of this lawsuit before they were
selected, in the 2007 Request for Proposal process. Neither
Skanska nor Skanska subcontractors performed any asbestos abatement
on the referenced project and all charges were dismissed in 2007 and
permanently removed from the record by the State of California.]
There is only
one problem with this answer: it is false to say that the lawsuit is
dismissed, because the civil suit continues, as Skanska and CMP
personnel below the level of Michael Adlerstein admit. Adlerstein has
misspoken, and the Spokesperson’s office has repeated it, in
writing. (Similarly, it is possible that OCHA or the UN Country Team in
Sri Lanka are the origin of Haq's statements that the Sri Lankan
government has denied.) Now what?
Of the Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary General, sources
tell Inner City Press that it is filing complaints with DPI chief
Kiyosaka Akasaka and others that the Office is under-staffed,
particularly with Ban Ki-moon's near constant travel. Despite Sri Lanka
directly contradicting with Haq and John Holmes said, it is of course
possible that it is the UN telling the truth. But then one expects the
UN to publicly take issue with Sri Lanka's denials, just as the UN and
OSSG have with Sudan, Zimbabwe and other member states. We'll see.

Inside the UN: let the cover up begin, follow the money
Also of
interest is the line that “Skanska had made the United Nations
aware of this lawsuit before they were selected.” Perhaps this was
merely voluntary on Skanska’s part. Because regarding former
Nigerian president Obansanjo, a UN contractor in a way, \although the
UN has refused Inner City Press’ request to know how much he gets
paid as envoy to the Great Lakes, Haq on April 15 said he was not
aware of charges:
Inner City Press: Actually two things.
One is,
there is a report
out of Nigeria that is unfolding a Halliburton
bribery scandal that… Anyway, the report is that former President
[Olusegun] Obasanjo received bribes from Halliburton for a liquefied
natural gas plant in the country. I am wondering of its
something that the UN is aware of and what impact it might have on
Mr. Obasanjo’s service as an envoy in the Great Lakes region.
Associate Spokesperson Haq: We’re not aware of
And apparently
the UN has done nothing since to make itself aware, despite a request
in the Halliburton scandal being made to the UN state parties to the
anti-corruption agreement.
The run-around
concerned the budget of the UN Interim Administration Mission in
Kosovo, of which both Serbia and Russia complained Thursday morning
in the Council. That
day, Inner City Press asked
Inner City Press: There is a letter by Serbia
to the
Security Council complaining about the budget proposal of the UN
Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), saying that, as
proposed by the UN, it wouldn’t allow the Mission to carry out its
functions under resolution 1244 (1999), and that Mr. [Lamberto]
Zannier has not been signing the laws of the Assembly of Kosovo, as
they believe is required. I understand that the Council will
talk about it, but what’s UNMIK’s response to this critique of
its budget and Mr. Zannier not signing the laws of Kosovo?
Associate Spokesperson: Well, first of all,
you could
ask UNMIK about its response. But what I know about this is
that the Security Council is expected to discuss this under other
matters this morning. So I think the thing to do would be to
wait until they are done with that particular discussion.
Inner City Press: Just one question. Who
makes… who
draws up the budget for UNMIK? Is it UNMIK itself or is it the
Secretariat here in New York?
Associate Spokesperson: If I were you, I would
with UNMIK about how their budget process is done.
City Press did check with UNMIK, whose spokesman Alexander
Ivanko replied
on this that “The
proposed budget is submitted to UNHQ and it is up to them to provide
it to the media.”
so on April
17, Inner City Press asked asked Haq:
Inner City Press: I just want to ask you again
about this, the
UNMIK; what was discussed in the Council yesterday under other
matters? You said to ask UNMIK so I did about the allegation
that the budget doesn’t allow them to comply with resolution 1244
(1999). And among other things, the Spokesman there,
Mr. [Alexander] Ivanko has said: “The proposed budget is
submitted to UNHQ and it’s up to them to provide it to the media.”
So I wanted to know from you whether we can get
since it was the big topic of the Council yesterday if
we can... He represented that this budget, although it represents a
90 per cent cut, totally complies with 1244; that Russia and
Serbia are wrong, et cetera. But can we get a copy of the
actual budget? He has referred me back to you, so I am back to
Associate Spokesperson Haq: Well, certainly
I’ll check
whether that’s a public document or not, and we’ll try and get
back to you on that.
sounded fair enough. But when Haq “got back on that,” it was
question on UNMIK's budget
From: UN Spokesperson - Do Not Reply
To: Inner City Press
Sent: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 12:38 pm
related to the budgets of peacekeeping operations, pls contact DPKO's
public affairs section.
is, more run-around referring
Inner City Press to yet another part of the Secretariat, for a
question twice asked of the UN’s official spokespeople at the noon
briefing. What’s that office for?
did, however,
provide at least one answer through the Spokesperson’s
Office, on Inner
City Press’ April 15 question if the military dictator in
Fiji ever serves as a peacekeeper:
Inner City Press: Yesterday, I asked about this in
regards to
New Zealand, but now, Australia. There is an article in from
Australia that the Rudd Government has told the UN to stop not just
future, but current use of Fijian peacekeepers. Can you state
if, in fact, the UN has formally heard from both New Zealand and
Australia, or separately? And also, can you confirm that the
current military leader of Fiji was a UN peacekeeper himself?
Associate Spokesperson: Commodore [Frank]
you mean?
Inner City Press: That’s correct. He
served in previous UN missions.
Associate Spokesperson: I am not aware.
check with the Department of Peacekeeping Operations on that.
The Secretary-General has spoken to a number of officials on
In fact, even as he departed Thailand, he met with the Prime Minister
of New Zealand, and Fiji was one of the topics that they had
discussed. So, he and other people in the Secretariat have
discussed the matter. But our position stands that we would
review any future contributions of Fiji to UN peacekeeping on a
case-by-case basis. All right, have a good afternoon everyone.
[The Associate Spokesperson later said that there was no record of
Commodore Bainimarama having served as a United Nations peacekeeper.]
last, in brackets, is what was inserted into the UN’s transcript.
In fact, DPKO via the Spokesperson’s office sent Inner City Press a
bit more:
question on Fiji
From: UN Spokesperson - Do Not Reply
Inner City Press
Sent: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 3:39 pm
We have
not found
any record that Commodore Bainimarama had served as a
peacekeeper for the United Nations, but he had
served in the Multinational Force and Observers in Sinai in 1986/87.
The Multinational Force and Observers is an
(non-UN) peacekeeping mission, created as a result of the 1978 Camp
David Accords and the 1979 Treaty of Peace. If we receive more
information, we'll convey it to you.
Interestingly , while Bainimarama’s
resume does not list the UN, it shows he
received military training from, among others, Chile, New Zealand,
Australia, Canada Malaysia, and the United States… We will have more on
all this.
Click here
for a new YouTube video, mostly UN Headquarters footage, about civilian
in Sri Lanka.
Click here for Inner City
Press' March 27 UN debate
Click here for Inner City
Press March 12 UN (and AIG
bailout) debate
Click here for Inner City
Press' Feb 26 UN debate
for Feb.
12 debate on Sri Lanka http://bloggingheads.tv/diavlogs/17772?in=11:33&out=32:56
Click here for Inner City Press' Jan.
16, 2009 debate about Gaza
Click here for Inner City Press'
review-of-2008 UN Top Ten debate
Click here for Inner
City Press' December 24 debate on UN budget, Niger
Click here from Inner City Press'
December 12 debate on UN double standards
Click here for Inner
City Press' November 25 debate on Somalia, politics
and this October 17 debate, on
Security Council and Obama and the UN.
* * *
reports are
usually also available through Google
News and on Lexis-Nexis.
Click here
for a Reuters
AlertNet piece by this correspondent
about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army. Click
for an earlier Reuters AlertNet piece about the Somali
Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's $200,000 contribution from an
undefined trust fund. Video
Analysis here
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