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Ghislaine Maxwell Delays Epstein Deal Lawyer Says To Dissuade Criminal Trial Testimony

By Matthew Russell Lee Patreon Periscope Song
BBC - Decrypt - LightRead - Honduras - Source

SDNY, Dec 23 – In a case of a Jeffrey Epstein victim, ready to settle, Ghislaine Maxwell is asking for more time.

The plaintiff's lawyer said it seems to be in order to dissuade testimony at Maxwell's criminal trial (the judge says there no evidence of that). On December 23 Inner City Press live tweeted, here:

OK - now Ghislaine Maxwell in SDNY civil case is saying she needs some time before settling the case, Jane Doe v. Indyke as executor of Epstein estate. Judge Koeltl notes difficulties of communication with her in MDC.

Judge Koeltl: Ms Maxwell's lawyers hold out the prospect that if I give you all some time, it will be worked out. The plaintiff's counsel held out the prospect that Ms. Maxwell is unreasonably delaying dismissal of this case. Should I intervene? Or is it a waste?

Lawyer: The plaintiff participated in the Epstein fund. The program requires that if the offer is accepted, she must dismiss any pending litigation with prejudice. Then the money is wired within 15 days.

Lawyer: It requires that the dismissal involve Ms Maxwell too. We sought a stipulation. Then all this stuff started happening. So we said, we'll carve out Maxwell and move against her once her criminal case is resolved. But the Epstein program won't allow that.

 Lawyer: We wonder if Ms. Maxwell's delay is meant to impede possible witness against her in her criminal trial. I think it's unfair. Judge Koetlt asks Maxwell lawyer Menninger to respond. "Mr. Glassman has run to the court. But it is hard to speak to Ms. Maxwell."

Judge Koeltl refers to Ms Maxwell's "integral" connection to the case. "Mr. Glassman points out there was a request to stay the case pending the criminal case... That is routinely granted." Ms Menninger was only asked about this last week. I don't disbelieve her

 Judge Koeltl: This can be worked out soon, without a round of motions. The Epstein estate won't settle without a release from Ms. Maxwell. Let's meet again in mid January. Robert Glassman: This calls into question the integrity of the [Epstein settlement] program

Glassman: Now we're giving all the power to Ms. Maxwell to set additional terms into the way the case is dismissed. I'm being blindsided after we've accepted the offer. It's a re-negotiation of the deal. Next time, the administrator of the program should be here.

Judge Koeltl: You're charging that what's going on in this case is improper, for purposes of somehow influencing witnesses in the criminal case. Those are serious charges...

Now Jeffrey Epstein Program lawyer Bennet Moskowitz of Troutman Pepper says he rejects the argument that the Epstein Program is being used to silence potential witnesses against Maxwell in criminal trial.  Watch this site.

After the death of Jeffrey Epstein in the MCC prison, on July 2 Acting US Attorney for the Southern District of New York Audrey Strauss announced and unsealed in indictment of Maxwell on charges including sex trafficking and perjury.

   Inner City Press went to her press conference at the US Attorney's Office and asked, Doesn't charging Maxwell with perjury undercut any ability to use testimony from her against other, bigger wrong-doers? Periscope here at 23:07.

  Strauss replied that it is not impossible to use a perjurer's testimony. But how often does it work?

  At 3:30 pm on July 2 Maxwell appeared in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Hampsire, before Magistriate Judge Andrea K. Johnstone. Inner City Press live tweeted it here.
(Also live tweeted bail denial of July 14, here.)

  Separately, Inner City Press showed that on the board of Maxwell's Terramar Project Inc. was UNSG Antonio Guterres' chief Partnerships official, Amir Dossal, below.

  While UNEP official Lisa Svensson appears in the documents unsealed July 30 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York which Inner City Press covers since ousted from the UN by Guterres for is reporting, Inner City Press is continuing its exclusive 2018 reporting in Svensson's "Volvo Boating" and other scams at UNEP, here, where we published in full, on Scribd and Patreon, the agreement with Volvo Ocean Races signed by Erik Solheim, here, and the EUR 500,000 agreement signed by UNEP's Lisa Emilia Svensson, here and here. [Now, Aug 1, 2020 song here.]

  From July 31 until today, Inner City Press has each week day asked Guterres, Melissa Fleming and Stephane Dujarric in writing about Svensson. Nothing.

  Now it has been shown that the UN world is so corrupt and in denial that in 2013, long after the acts of Epstein and Maxwell were known, Maxwell showed up at a fundraiser with then French Mission UN Ambassador Francois Delattre for a group called Stop the Trafficking of People, run by a long time member of the UN Correspondents Association, Celhia de Lavarene, photo here.

  Delattre and the French government under Emmanuel Macron virtue signal about sex trafficking, while doing nothing about UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres actively covering up rapes by UN Peacekeeping, headed five times in a row by a French man, and Guterres' and Stephane Dujarric banning Inner City Press which asks about it. We'll have more on this.

   In the July 3 media coverage of Maxwell, media all of the world used a video and stills from it of Maxwell speaking in front of a blue curtain, like here.

 What they did not mention is something Inner City Press has been asking the UN about, as under UNSG Antonio Guterres with his own sexual exploitation issues (exclusive video and audio) it got roughed up and banned from the UN: Ghislaine Maxwell had a ghoulish United Nations press conference, under the banner of the "Terramar Project," here.

 On July 5, after some crowd-sourcing, Inner City Press reported on another Ghislaine Maxwell use of the United Nations, facilitated by Italy's Permanent Representative to the UN, UN official Nikhil Seth and Amir Dossal, who also let into the UN and in one case took money from convicted UN briber Ng Lap Seng, and Patrick Ho of CEFC China Energy, also linked to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

  At the Ghislaine Maxwell UN event, the UN Deputy Secretary General was directly involved.

List of (some of) the participants on Patreon here.

  The connection runs deeper: Dossal with "25 years of UN involvement" was on Terrarmar's board of directors, one of only five directors, only three not related to Maxwell by blood and name.

The directors: Ghislaine Maxwell, Christine Malina-Maxwell, Steven Haft, Christine Dennison and... Amir Dossal. Inner City Press is publishing this full 990 on Patreon here.

  Dossal has operated through the UN Office of Partnership, with Antonio Guterres and his deputy Amina J. Mohammed, here.

And the links to the world of UN bribery, including Antonio Guterres through the Gulbenkian Foundation, runs deeper. More to follow.

Antonio Guterres claims he has zero tolerance for sexual exploitation, but covers it up and even participate in it. He should be forced to resign - and/or have immunity waived.

  Terramar has been dissolved, even though Maxwell's former fundraiser / director of development Brian Yurasits still lists the URL on his (protected) Twitter profile, also here.

  But now Inner City Press has begun to inquire into Ghislaine Maxwell's other United Nations connections, starting with this photograph of another day's (or at least another outfit's) presentation in the UN, here. While co-conspirator Antonio Guterres has had Inner City Press banned from any entry into the UN for two years and a day, this appears to be in the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) chamber. We'll have more on this, and on Epstein and the UN. Watch this site.

  The case is US v. Maxwell, 20-cr-330 (Nathan).


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