In SDNY Tekashi 6ix9ine Trial
Government Rests After Fentanyl and Cell
Phone Testimony
By Matthew
Russell Lee, Patreon,
Source - XXL
- The
Root - Vibe,
Sept 25 – At 1 pm on September
25 the government rested in
its case against Aljermiah
Mack and Anthony Ellison,
having for three days used the
testimony of Daniel Hernandez
/ Tekashi 6ix9ine. But for the
defense case there will be a
witness who does not want to
testify, but will be compelled
to with a partial immunity
order, on which we'll have
Earlier on
September 25 Kristian Cruz
disputed whether IGotRich_ was
his Instagram account in 2018,
or only 2019. An NYPD lab
expert testified about
fentanyl, the day after a DHL
envelope from Shenzhen, China
to Kristian Cruz was shown to
the jury.
Donaldson from the U.S.
Attorney's office testified
about the locations of Harv
Ellison's cell phone, from
Perth Amboy, NJ to Smurf
Village in Brooklyn, and to a
hotel on Ludlow Street with
Jasmine Ramirez. It was all
winding down.
defendants moved to drop all
charges, then Mack's lawyer
Fasulo zeroed in on Count 7,
firearm in furtherance of
narcotics conspiracy. Judge
Engelmayer said he would think
about it over lunch. A video
will come in, and the relucant
Inner City Press' blow by blow
of how it went: "And
we're back: #6ix9ine trial
continues with #NYPD
"Criminalist 3" on the
stand @SDNYLIVE .
Earlier today, Kristian Cruz
disputed it was his Instagram
account communicating with
Nuke Mack. Thread Matthew
Russell Lee and 3 others
lab tech is testifying about
scales and grinders and
confirming the presence of
#fentanyl (yesterday we posted
the photos of DHL envelope
from Shenzhen, China to
Kristian Cruz, the sometimes
"IGotRich_" on Instagram)
Engelmayer getting more and
more frustrated. Tells NYPD
tech, You're not here to read
this document, just to say if
it jogs you memory. Then to
the lawyers: we're going off
the rails here. It's not worth
anyone times to explore this
through this witness
witness: US Attorney's Office
investigator Reginald
Donaldson, who analyzed phone
records in connection with
alleged July 22, 2018
kidnapping of $6ix9ine.
He slips in a plug: AT&T
has more cell sites in NYC
than T-Mobile. Much foundation
being laid... The promotion
continues: Asked by AUSA about
T-Mobile and AT&T,
Donaldson says that AT&T
is the only provider which
keeps records of every cell
site a phone connects to
during a call.
Now we're getting
somewhere: Donaldson says that
Harv Ellison's phone moved
from Perth Amboy, NJ to
Brooklyn then before 10:09 pm
and 4:58 am made 27 calls, 1
text message and 92 "data
transmissions." This could
take a while...
reduced to cell phone
movements: Donaldson is
comparing Harv Ellison's and
Jasmine Ramirez' cell sites on
Oct 24-25, 2018, including
lower Manhattan, The #Bronx,
and Smurf Village in #BedStuy
Cannick asks Donaldson, Since
Harv Ellison lived at 1760
Fulton Avenue, wouldn't it be
expected that his phone be
there a lot? Sure,
Donaldson nods. Cannick asks
if Donaldson was asked to
focus on Kings County Hospital
on October 25, 2018. No
Fasulo asks Donaldson how long
each provider keeps phone
records. He answers: Verizon 1
year Sprint 18 months T-Mobile
2 years AT&T - everything
since 2008
And with
that, the government rests -
it's case is over. Both
defendants' lawyers ask to
dismiss all charges. Judge
Engelmayer says he'll think
about it over lunch, until
2:15. Defense says neither
Mack or Ellison will testify.
Each confirms he knowingly
says he will be putting into
evidence a video this
afternoon, the defense's case.
And something more - an
immunity order from the
Justice Department, along with
an order to compel testimony.
Drum roll...
Fasulo is pushing
to dismiss Count 7 against
Nuke Mack, use of a firearm as
part of narcotics conspiracy.
Judge Engelmayer asks AUSA
Longyear to proffer what he
has. Says Mack seen twice with
a gun
A witness before
the Grand Jury in this
#6ix9ine case just invoked his
5th Amendment rights to not
incriminate himself. But US
Attorney Berman is granting
limited immunity. So he has to
testify this afternoon. Thread
to resume at 2:15 pm
September 23, it was 6ix9ine's
driver Jorge Rivera being
cross examined by Anthony
"Harv" Ellison's lawyer
Deveraux Cannick.
dressed in a light suit and
blue tie and speaking in
Spanish, admitted that he was
already working for the
government by the time of the
alleged car-jacking and
kidnapping, after being
detained on immigration
charges by ICE, and that like
6ix9ine he wants a 5K1 letter.
The larger
question seems to be why he
just happened to have so many
cameras inside the Chevrolet
Tahoe he was driving 6ix9ine
in for the car-jacking, and
what he heard afterwards.
Here's how
it went: And we're back, #SDNY
trial has continued with
#6ix9ine's driver Jorge Rivera
on the stand. AUSA: "Did
Shotti say who's car it was?"
Puts up Exhibit 801B. "And
where was this assault rifle
driver Jorge Rivera is in a
light suit and blue tie. He's
testifying in Spanish. AUSA:
"Mr Rivera, was there another
shooting later than same
night?' A: Yes Q: And
what happened? A: We heard
other people walking toward
us. And they started shouting.
Q: What
happened after the gun went
off? A: The police started
searching for us... When the
police frisked me, they didn't
find anything.
AUSA: Mr. Rivera,
I want to switch gears now.
What is your immigration
status? Did they come a time
you were arrested by ICE?
Rivera: Yes Q: While you were
detained, did you speak with
law enforcement about
cooperating? A: Yes.
Rivera, when you were
released, did you start
driving for Mr. Hernandez
again? A: Yes. Q: As a
confidential informant? Judge
Engelmayer to the jury: why
don't you stretch you legs
while we're taking a brief
Now they are
again playing the video of the
car jacking: "Get the f*ck out
of the car." And #6ix9ine
telling Harv, I always treated
you right.
asks Rivera: Did you make a
recording on July 26, 2018 of
Mr. Hernandez and Shotti? A:
Rivera, what is it your
understanding the government
will do in exchange for your
cooperation? Rivera: They'll
give me a letter, saying all
the good as well as the bad
things, that I have
done. Note: So
#6ix9ine's driver Jorge Rivera
gets 5K1 letter too
Cannick: Mr. Rivera, were you
aware that Mr. Hernandez had a
number of radio and social
media appearances on July 22
and 23 right after the
supposed kidnapping? A: No.
Only the Instagram video that
I saw.
Cannick: Do you
recall watching a video of Mr.
Hernandez being interviewed by
Angie Martinez? Rivera: I
started watching it but I
never finished it.
Did you ever advise Tekashi
that you were cooperating with
law enforcement? Rivera: No.
Cannick: Did you ever come to
believe that Tekashi suspected
you of cooperating. Rivera:
Yes, toward the end. The
end -- to be continued after
some coverage of #UNGA, the
once a year UN General
Assembly "High Level" week.
For now more on Patreon here.
Here's how
it went on September 19:
Cannick starts in
cross-examining #6ix9ine -
cuts to the chase, his
Instagram post: "Someone
please snatch my chain for my
project can get more
publicity." Q: Did you post
this prior to [the
Cannick: Do you
recall publishing a video
pretending you were dead?
#6ix9ine: Can you show me? For
now, a private viewing.
says he doesn't remember
uploading the video but he
does remember being "filmed in
that position." Deveraux
wants the video in evidence
but the government objects to
the commentary that
accompanies it.
Cannick: Part of the role of
my client, Anthony Ellison,
was to collect money for you,
correct? #6ix9ine: Correct.
(denies memory of Harv
collecting for him at a strip
club.) Cannick: in month
after Gummo, how much money
did you make? A: Like 60,000
Cannick: So
Trey Way Entertainment was a
legitimate corporation?
#6ix9ine: I would not say so.
I didn't see no paper work.
Cannick: Didn't you just say
Shotti and the others had
tried- #6ix9ine: Tried! Like,
I could try a 3-pointer and
not make it.
Q: Before
Gummo, what was your genre?
#6ix9ine: Like a rockish
Q "Did you tell
others to suck your body
part?" A: Correct. But you
just said you had to ponder
it. A: I don't know what
ponder means.
Q: Do you recall
ever challenging Trippie Redd
to fight? A: No. Q: Casanova?
A: No.
(then #6ix9ine
says he did make a challenge
to fight to his best friend.
But didn't fight. Q: But he
wasn't always your best
friend? A: Before I met him,
he couldn't be my
Q: what about
when Snow followed you [from
the T-Mobile store]? Did you
call Harv? A: Correct. But Mel
Murda came first. Q: But then
Harv came? A:
Correct. Q: And in
the LA airport? A: Harv had
been promoted to be my road
manager. Q: And around the
Super Bowl?
Q: And
around the All-Star Game,
people bothered you? Some gang
members were made you didn't
check in? And Harv squashed
that situation? #6ix9ine: No.
It was me, Harv, his
girlfriend, a light skinned
chick taller than me. I
believe she has a daughter or
Q: Wasn't
Harv mad at Shotti for getting
you banned from places like
the Barclays Center? A: No. Q:
By then you were one of the
hottest artists in the country
#6ix9ine: In the world. Q: And
you were proud of that. A:
It's something to be proud of.
Q: You
didn't tell people that you
knew what the media wanted? A:
Not that comes to my memory,
no. Q: On July 21, 2018 you
were just on the verge of
releasing a song, you were
kidnapped and robbed on the
same day? A: No!
Q: What day
did it happen? #6ix9ine: July
22.. it was like 5 am.. Q: so
this alleged robbery happened
hours before the release,
correct? A: Correct.
[Note: #6ix9ine is taking
swigs of bottled water during
this cross examination, then
leaning back in his chair.]
Q: So when
they supposedly robbed you,
Harv and Sha were not wearing
masks, right? A: Right. No
masks. Q: In fact, according
to you, Jorge went out and
spoke with them who struck the
car you were in. Yes. Q: Did
you see a gun? #6ix9ine: Yes,
almost immediately.
Q: You can
drive, right? #6ix9ine: I
don't have a driver's license.
Q: But you have driven many
times. A: A handful of times.
Q: What's a handful? A: Like
six times. Two handfuls.
Q: So you were
repeatedly hit by Sha?
#6ix9ine: Yes. To the face and
nose. A lot. Q: How many
times? Like ten? A: Like that.
Q: For how long? A: Five to
twenty seconds. Q: Sha's a big
guy? A: Bigger than me.
Q: Do you
recall proffer sessions with
the prosecutors? A: Yes. Q:
Did you tell them you got
punched in the face and nose?
Judge Engelmayer: The jury's
coffee and snacks have
arrived. Let's take a break.
Ten minutes
later Ellison's lawyer Cannick
asks, "They didn't come after
you with the car, did they?"
#6ix9ine: Correct. Q: And a
car just happened to be there,
right? A: Correct. Q:
Yesterday you said you ordered
the guy to drive A: No, I said
"Drive the f*cking car."
Now Cannick
asked #6ix9ine if he even
looked at his jewelry in his
daughter's Pampers bag before
giving it to Sha. No, he did
not. But says it was worth
$360,000: Rolex, Jigsaw chain,
four rings. Q: How do you know
how much it cost? #6ix9ine
asks, "Do we have it?"
Cannick asks,
"Did you have the items
insured?" A: No. Q: How much
did you tell Angie Martinez
they were worth? A million
dollars? A: Correct. Q: That
wasn't the only thing you lied
to Angie Martinez about,
right? A: Right - I lied about
jumping out of car
Q: How did
you get to be on Angie
Martinez' show? #6ix9ine: She
asked me previous to the
robbery. Q: in the interview
you said you're the fastest
man alive and you could make a
movie out of this A: I don't
recall saying that.
asks #6ix9ine, do you remember
telling Angie Martinez, "I
could make a move outta this
and it's be better than NWA."
A: I said more than that-
Judge Engelmayer: Just answer
the question.
Cannick: With
Angie Martinez you embellished
things? #6ix9ine: I don't know
what embellish means.
Cannick: you told Angie your
movie coulda been better than
N.W.A., right? A:
Yes. Cannick: you
were just driving to the Park
Slope area, without knowing
#6ix9ine is done
- meaning, off the stand. Now
he just has to wait to (hope
to) get the 5K1 cooperator's
letter. Now up: NYPD
Officer Lebron from 79th
Precinct, saying "Mr Hernandez
came in bleeding from the
face, said he got hit with a
hard object."
Lebron describing #6ix9ine's
FaceTime call with "a female
who said, Danny, Danny, how
are you." He said he was OK,
asked where driver Jorge
Rivera was. (By the way, where
*is* he?)
Officer Lebron
accompanied Mr Hernandez in
the ambulance to Kings County
Hospital, hearing him say, "I
thought I was going to die, I
thought I was never going to
see my daughter again."
CJA defense
lawyer Calvin Scholar does a
quick cross-examination of
Officer Lebron.
mystery solved: next
government witness is Jorge
Rivera, #6ix9ine's driver
a/k/a Onstar. Judge Engelmayer
tells juror even if they se
habla espanol, it's the
English interpretation that
controls. Vamos a ver.
Rivera says he is from Mexico,
came to Brooklyn via North
Carolina. At first he worked
in a tire shop, until February
2018. Then became a driver for
a car service. He
met #6ix9ine because someone
hired him to drive them to a
video shoot.
Longyear: Prior to this day,
had you ever heard of Daniel
Hernandez or Tekashi Six Nine?
Jorge Rivera: No. Q: Had you
ever heard his music? A:
No. Now Rivera
identifies Shotti, as
#6ix9ine's manager
Q: And what
as Ro's relations with Mr.
Hernandez? A: they were
friends, they were together a
good amount... After the
day he was kidnapped, quite a
bit. [Clearly, Rivera is not
going to share the defense's
skepticism of the car-jack's
promotional timing]
Sorry for the
pause - 2nd #SDNY uproar.
Yesterday it was audio, today
video (seemingly shot
yesterday, most are saying in
the overflow courtroom 506).
No trial tomorrow; jurors get
their own lunch on Monday. For
now more on Patreon here.
And here's how it
went on the morning of
September 19, with 6ix9ine
saying: "I knew Harv had a
video so I wanted to get mines
out there first." As jury is
shown video of Shotti's car in
front of 370 Madison, #6ix9ine
on the witness stand stretches
and yawns.
Judge Engelmayer
rules that Gov Exhibit 808 can
only be considered by the jury
against Harv, not Nuke. Could
be important, since it
involves checking out a
.380 Now #6ix9ine
answers that he won't
interpret or verify the .380,
says Shotti used a small
#6ix9ine is asked about the
phrase "on deck." Will he use
it in a sentence. "Got
the Henny on deck," he says.
"Like in the club." He uses
the word lingo.
Now with
jury out of the room, Judge
Engelmayer tells the
government to show how it
would question #6ix9ine about
what Shotti told him in Santa
Ana, California about "the
incident at Smurf Village"
back in Brooklyn. Now #6ix9ine
being taken out of court for
10 min
We're back and
Judge Engelmayer says he is
"sustaining my own objection"
because #6ix9ine is not
answering the questions AUSA
Longyear is asking about how
the "prison line up" decided
who would run the operations
at Smurf Village in Brooklyn.
Next... Now #6ix9ine says he
offered $50,000 for someone to
rob Harv. This is after Harv
car-jacked and kidnapped
him: Now #6ix9ine says
that on Power 105.1 he
denounced them, saying that
"Trey Way is a fraud... dirty
Bloods." When he says he knows
this would make him a target,
Judge Engelmayer tells the
jury to disregard it.
Now a
wiretapped call with Mel Murda
reviewing #6ix9ine's
"interview" on Power 105.1
where he said Trey Way was a
fraud. "He must be on drugs...
You gonna go on social media
with it? I feel kinda
Wiretap call
continues: "We made you who
you was so you could help us
with our situation. We gave
you life. You wouldn't be shit
without Trey!" AUSA Longyear:
Have you heard of the term dry
snitching? #6ix9ine:
it's a term on the street,
snitching without snitching,
it's like - Judge
Engelmayer: I don't think we
need to hear any more on this
answer. But what was said is
Q: Who is Jim
Jones? #6ix9ine: He's a
retired rapper. Q: Is he a
member of Nine Trey? A:
Next call: "Every
time you look at it on YouTube
or WorldStar you see Shotti
with this shit... He didn't
get enough money for that. Now
his shows all canceled. He
ain't a gang member no
more. TMZ wanna
talk to the N on
Monday. We don't
need to be on no TMZ
"You better stalk that
shortie. No security gonna
wanna work for him. He gonna
have to stay in your
house." "Security of New
York can't run around with
guns, right?" "Unless
they ex cops."
#6ix9ine is
perched in witness chair
listening to this wiretapped
call: "You ain't never put no
work in. So who the f*ck are
you? We made that little N, we
can break that little N." "We
gonna paralyze him." #6ixNine
put his leans his chin on his
palm, slouches.
Longyear asked #6ix9ine about
his cooperation agreement. He
told the government he
brokered a 1 kilo of heroin
deal into Bushwick around
August of 2017.
Also sold heroin and marijuana
in 2015. Got "five days of
community service."
#6ix9ine: I
punched a guy in Times Square,
with Shotti. And in
Houston I grabbed a fan by his
jacket. The case is still
pending, I think.
Q: Mr. Hernandez,
have you been sentenced? A:
No. Q: What is the maximum you
face? A: Life. Q: What is your
understanding of a 5K letter?
A: it has the good bad and the
ugly about me. The Judge gets
it, and can go under the
mandatory minimum. Like, time
without a 5K1 letter, the
minimum I could served would
be 47 years. Government: No
further questions. First
question on cross-examination:
you are testifying to get the
5K letter or to help the
government? #6ix9ine: Little
bit of both.
Now Nuke
Mack's lawyer Alex Huot is
emphasizing that #6ix9ine's
attempted murder was with
Shotti, not with his client.
"You wanted to take part,
right?" "Right." Cross
Exam Q: After the robbery in
Times Square where you video
taped all the guys in the
lobby, Mel Murda and them,
Shotti threw the gun in your
lap and you said you're too
famous to hold a gun?
#6ix9ine: No. I said I'm too
famous to get out the car with
a gun.
Cross Exam Q:
"What does trolling mean to
you? #6ix9ine: Showing a
little bit of my
personality.... I wasn't
trolling, I made a video
saying f*ck Chief Keef.
Q: Then you ordered a
shooting? A: Correct.
Q: If you get time served
you'd get out at the beginning
of next year, correct?
#6ix9ine: Correct. Inner City
Press @innercitypress · 1h Q:
You're not being prosecuted
for shooting a gun in the
Barclays Center, correct?
#6ixNine: Correct. Now Mack's
lawyer is playing video of
Tekashi bragging after the
Barclay's shooting. Inner City
Press uploaded yesterday:Q: So
you were mocking them for
ducking when fired on? A:
Correct. Q: Do you think it is
surprising that someone ducks
when a gun is fired at them?
#6ix9ine (pauses) No, not
Did you says,
"I've had so many Instagrams,
bro, I'm the king of getting
my Instagrams deleted"?
#6ix9ine: Was that an
interview? I have no
recollection of saying that.
Q: Did you ever do a podcast
with Adam22? Can I show you a
transcript? (showing)
Q: Have you had
11 Instagram accounts? A: Less
than that. Q: Were some
deleted? A: Yes. Q: Were you
ever told why? A: No. Q: Did
you ever say, "I'm just a
troll who knows how to rap"?
Another transcript. Angie
Now Mack's
lawyer Huot asks about 2
interviews on the Breakfast
Club. #6ix9ine called the DJs
"Blood." He says he did it
because "that's how Shotti
talks and it rubbed off on
Q: You
still have a lot of fans? A: I
hope so. Q: You put out a
record after you were in jail,
Dummy Boy? A: Yes. Q: Were you
popular in jail? Objection.
Judge Engelmayer: Sustained -
irrelevant. Q: Did you sign
autographs for guards? A: Not
guards, a nurse.
Q: Jail is
still lonely for you? A: What
do you mean, lonely? Yes, jail
is really lonely. Q: Let's
talk about the Mets game with
Shotti and Jorge... Somebody
told Shotti that Ro had been
robbed? A: Correct. Judge
Engelmayer give #6ix9ine a
"comfort break."
Now Nuke
Mack's lawyer is cross
examining #6ix9ine about
Gummo, how many Nine Trey hand
signals are in it. "You wanted
it perfect, right?" A: "I want
all of my music to be
\ Q: Do you have
any idea how many people are
members of the Bloods? A:
Hundreds of thousands. Q: How
about Nine Trey. A: I don't
know, I'm not a statistic.
Q: The kid
whose jacket you grabbed in
Houston, afterward you took a
photo with him with both of
you making the Nine Trey sign?
#6ix9ine: Can you show me the
picture? Mack's lawyer Huot:
"I don't think I have that one
with me."
Judge Engelmayer:
Mister Smallman tells me the
lunch has just arrived. Have a
good lunch. Don't discuss the
case. AUSA Longyear says since
#6ix9ine is on cross
examination, the case agents
moving him won't discuss the
case with them.
And they usually
do? More on Patreon here.
This is
how on September 18 the rest
of 3:30 pm to the end went:
#6ix9ine said he
was in California when he
learned of the shooting in
Smurf Village, through an
#InstagramLive by Billy Ado.
Describes the fragmentation of
Nine Trey into Sterling (the
Ro group) versus Smurf Village
[around Boys & Girls High
School - where Inner City
Press this summer shot a
Periscope video of Dominica PM
Roosevelt Skerrit bragging
about his relationship with
#6ix9ine: Shotti
pulled out a chrome .38. AUSA
Longyear: Did he use it? A:
No. Longyear ireads 69's
Instagram messages, telling
Billy Ado that the day he
walked into the strip club
taking the side of Harv, it
was over. They put me in a
position & I chose
#6ix9ine: I was
supposed to perform at the
event for a professional
football player, for $40,000.
But it got shut down. So I
went to the strip
club... Now AUSA
Longyear asking about jewelry.
Driver Jorge wraps it in
Bounty, puts it in daughter's
Pampers bag
We're editing the video on
Final Cut. I didn't know how
to put a name template on it.
So I tell Jorge to get the car
ready to drive to Park Slope.
Andrew Green moved there
because he was scared -
Objection! Sustained.
We stop at
intersection of Atlantic
Avenue and Bedford, by the
shelter. We get hit from
behind. Jorge tells me, Don't
get out of the car, I'll let
them go on their way. Assuming
it was someone drunk. Jorge
gets out of the car. He takes
longer than usual...
#6ix9ine: I
see a guy running up with a
gun. I could have tried to
lock the door but it was too
late. The person who ran up
was Harv's friend - Objection!
Judge Engelmayer: The jury
will disregard the description
of someone as Harv's friend.
He's like, shut
the f*ck up, get out the car.
Harv was there too, wearing a
red hoodie. There was a
scuffle. My driver wasn't
making the situation any
better- Objection. Judge:
Sustained - no opinions about
the driver. Just, what
#6ix9ine: I was
telling him, Bro, I put money
in your pocket, I did right by
you. I was tired of being
extorted. Harv goes in
the car and takes my bookbag
with my laptop. They tell me
to get in the car that bumped
me. Harv gets in the driver's
We drive like a minute. Then
Harv stops and gets out,
running with gun back to Jorge
who's following us. Jorge puts
it in reverse. Now video
from Tahoe owned by Jorge
Rivera - with subtitles into
English. Carajo
There is audio of
the car jacking. "Get the fuck
in." "Chill! Chill!" "I put
money in your pocket bro."
"Where the f*ck is everything?
Get in the car with us,
N." Then a "Call Onstar"
message in Spanish.
"Esta llamada puede ser
continues: "Tienes que llamar
la policia! Me llamo
Jorge!" AUSA Longyear:
Stop it there. What was Harv
wearing that evening? A: A red
hoodie. Judge Engelmayer:
Please focus on what actually
#6ix9ine: I
was pleading with Harv. I
mentioned my daughter-- Judge
Engelmayer cuts in. You're
daughter was not there that
night. Just say what happened.
"Mister Longyear, you may have
to lead. This is..." #6ix9ine:
I see a phone flashing, like
it was recording.
Harv made me say, three times,
"I'm not Billy." They picked
me up from the floor--
Judge Engelmayer cuts in: "Let
me see counsel at the
Judge Engelmayer
tells #6ix9ine to answer only
the question asked. He says:
Harv says, we can just do this
N right here. No one will ever
know. This is a [stolen
vehicle.] Harv asked, what are
u exchanging for your life?
#6ix9ine said, Stay with me
til the morning
offers to give Harv $100,000
in the morning when the bank
open. Nah, Harv said. What you
got right now? They drove to
Kingston. "We came to an
agreement if I gave them my
jewelry they would let me go."
He asked mother of his
daughter to bring jewelry down
They grabbed the
jewelry. I was expecting to be
let out of the car. But Harv
just keep driving. They let me
out right behind Smurf
Village. Harv said, Get out
the car. I said no, if I get
out you gonna shoot me in my
back. Harv: get the f*ck out
of the car.
#6ix9ine: So I
ran, I took the first left I
could. I jumped in the
backseat of a car. The guy
said, Get the f*ck out my car.
I said, Bro, you need to relax
at this point. Just drive. He
made all the turns I made: a
right, another right. Right to
Harv's car
#6ix9ine: After
Harv drove away I told the guy
to drop me at the precinct, by
Quincy. I asked
for medical assistance. I went
to Kings County Hospital.
Shotti got me discharged. He
took me to somewhere in Long
Island, a hospital. CAT scan.
Concussion medication.
"Later at 31 Kingston I told
Mel Murda what had happened.
Shotti brought a big assault
rifle. He said he was gonna go
spin the block, looking to
harm Harv. Now AUSA
Longyear is passing the
(disabled) gun to the jurors.
After the gun
show-and-tell and a sidebar,
Judge Engelmayer said breaking
for the day. #6ix9ine was
supposed be over by midday on
September 17. But it's going
into September 19, at least.
AUSA Longyear
says will wrap up direct
examination of #6ix9ine
tomorrow by lunch time, or
*maybe* mid-morning break, has
more recordings to get
through. Nothing else how long
cross will go. Inner City
Press will continue to cover
this case. For now more on
Patreon here.
Earlier in the
afternoon of September 17:
#6ix9ine says Ro (Roland
Martin) told him Nuke stole
his car. "It was embarrassing
for us. The Godfather of our
line up was robbed." AUSA
Longyear: Let me draw your
attention to Gov Exhibit
501gg, messages from Instagram
turns to Magoo, high ranking
Blood in the prison line up.
And Frank White. Q: Do
you have any understanding of
what the phrase "You're not
part of the fam" means? A:
You're not part of the game.
Q: What does that mean? A:
Nine Trey.
#6ix9ine moves on to
messages of Nine Trey member
Coke Boy Mad Max, bodyguard
for French Montana. (By the
way, he's still live - and
Instagram has still not
responded on TheShadeRoom)
Now #6ix9ine says
that Ms.TR3YWAY's mother owns
370 Madison. Objection. Judge
Engelmayer: Substained as to
speculation about ownership of
the building.
Turning to
two shootings in Brooklyn on
April 21, 2018. #6ix9ine says
he was with Jorge. "I went to
the bank, bought some
clothing, got some food at a
Spanish restaurant. I was
getting ready for performance
at Barclays Center...
Two guys are harassing me.
Jorge is driving my Suburban.
They pull up parallel,
recording, mocking me. So
Shotti pulls out a gun, opens
their door and pistol whips
them. We're telling Shotti to
chill, it's a main street,
Graham Avenue...
The guys
says, Come to Gates and
Garvey. We drive away. There's
a garbage truck. We get caught
behind it. Shotti cocks the
gun. Quote: "These Ns think
I'm playin?" He runs toward
the car. It goes into reverse.
Shotti gets on 1 knee and
starts firing off
Q: Mr Hernandez,
what happened after that
shooting? A: We went back to
Kingston. Then later that
night I had a performance at
the Barclays Center, the Main
Event fight. Adrien Broner
against some other guy, I
don't remember his name
#6ix9ine: Harv
told me to stay away from
Casanova, he was a b*tch ass
N-word and a snitch.
Testimony turns to "Billy" -
Inner City Press covered
Judge Engelmayer's ruling
admitting into evidence some
but not all of the video
They played parts
of "Billy" in the courtroom.
Judge Engelmayer excluded
parts of it, saying it was be
too prejudicial...
Longyear is asking #6ix9ine
about the lyrics of Billy,
Exhibit 608t. In the song, the
first voice is Shotti. The
song is directed at Casanova.
Q: "Follow protocol Blood" -
what does that mean? A: You
know, protocol. Follow the
politics of it...
AUSA Longyear
asks about the line "I'm a
killa too" - is it referring
to Nine Trey? #6ix9ine
says flatly, "No." Refers to
"the craft, you know, the
Now it turns to
the Barclays Center. #6ix9ine
"We're in a tunnel. The doors
open and 30 of Casanova's
people come rushing at us, 6
or 7 of us. They were trying
to get to me but I made my way
to the back." Shotti told
Fuquan Lovick to pull out the
gun and shoot it
AUSA Longyear: In
the Barclays video, who is the
gentleman in the black
collared shirt? A: Jorge [the
driver.] Q: And what's Fu
Banga doing? A: He's throwing
up Nine Trey. Q: What about
the arm reaching in? A: Can
you zoom in for me? I'm bad
with my eyes.
Inner City Press
wonders: will this throw-away
line come up on
#6ix9ine: We
watched the fight from the
car. But before that, I got on
Instagram and mocked Casanova.
It's coming in as Exhibit 500a
They play the
#6ix9ine mocking Casanova
Instagram. Then Judge
Engelmayer calls mid-afternoon
break. Once jury out of room,
he puts on the record the
bases of his evidentiary
rulings. Will there be an
appeal? For now more on
Patreon here.
Earlier, the
answers spanned all the way
from Times Square to Fulton
Street in Brooklyn with a
loaded gun on the subway, and
to Citi Field in Queens,
taking photos with Mister Met
when news came on that Nuke
had tried to rob Godfather
Roland Martin.
Here is how
it went, after the mid-morning
continued: "Harv said,
Stopping picking and choosing
when you wanna be gangster,
when you show up and deal with
a situation." [Elsewhere in
the #SDNY, also in prison
blues, Joshua Schulte appeared,
charged with stealing info
from the CIA]
Harv said, I'd
rather have 10 lions than 100
detailing split of Harv and
Shotti, with Harv now on trial
saying Shotti (who's pled
guilty) is not as gangster as
Harv told
#6ix9ine to pawn his jewelry,
get security and "live your
Internet life... stop being
billy." Things seem to
have been going south fast...
Shotti would
shake the barricades outside
the strip clubs and scream, we
the mob, we Trey Way
Objection. But #6ix9ine
continues. Judge tell
him, When lawyers object, I'm
the 1 to answer, not u.
But he's already answered.
Judge tells jury to disregard
any explicit "I guess"
Q: And how did
Harv respond? #6ix9ine:
"He said, 'Respect this
d*ck.... I'm laughing but I'm
not playing."
continues: we went to confront
Trippie Redd in Times Square.
But Frenchy was there, his
protection when in New York
City.... Trippie should have
checked in with us, Nine Trey.
We drive off because there's a
lot of police presence
fires five or six shots into
the sprinter van. Q:
what happened after the shots
were fired? A: The
shots hit the car.
Q: Turning to a
robbery. A: I was at 31
Kingston, my residence at the
time. With Jorge Rivera, my
#6ix9ine: Shotti
put a bullet in the gun. I
started filming. Q: why
did you want to record?
A: To show that we robbed
them. That they disrespected
us-- Now video being
shown: govt exhibit 600
In the
middle of Times Square in the
middle of the day, #6ix9ine
says, what the f*ck, I'm
f*cking famous by now, &
someone's gonna see me with a
fully loaded gun in my
hoodie. We tried to flag
some cabs down but they
weren't stopping for us. So we
take the train.
We took the A
train from Times Sq to Fulton
Street in Bklyn. Q: what
happened to what you stole?
The backpack? A: It was
put in 31 Kingston, my place
of residence. It wasn't like a
trophy or nothing.
His line by
April: Ro was the godfather,
Shotti was second, everyone
was eating. "We
went to a strip club,
Scarlets. Harv pushed Nuke.
Nuke started laughing: you
wanna do this right here? He
made the motion like he had
the gun in his hoodie."
Then around
April, Nuke robbed Ro. "I
learned about it at a Mets
game. We were taking a picture
with Mister Met. Shotti is
screaming on the phone, Nuke
robbed Ro. Jorge goes to
get the car ready. Shotti
meets Ro on Sterling.
Actually, I don't know
Judge Engelmayer:
Nuke was asking
Ro to set Rainbow up for him.
Ro said no, slipped out of the
car. Drama is mad that
his car is all messed up. The
window is shattered.
Going back: Nuke was drunk,
not even trying to dodge the
bullets. The gun jammed and
they drove off.
Now gov't putting
into evidence the video Nuke
uploaded to his
Judge Engelmayer
cuts in. The jury's lunch has
Longyear: I'm not going to get
in the way of lunch.
The reporting will
continue. For now more on
Patreon here.
Earlier on
Sptember 18, AUSA Longyear's
first question: We were
talking about the leadership
structure of Nine Trey, right?
A: Yes. Now
turning to the money..Did you
have the understanding that
the money you gave was for
people behind the wall?
#6ix9ine: When
they started taking the money.
Say I would get $250,000, they
would give me like $185,000
and take the rest. I was going
shows, appearances,
They would send me the front
end, half, with the back end
in cash. Q: What was it that
Shotti did with the money? A:
At first I didn't ask any
questions. Shotti was like,
feed the wolves, feed the
homies, support them.
After Roland Martin came home,
from prison, I learned...
Shotti said, "Make sure these
Ns are good they make sure we
good." I had to go pay Frank
White's wife two thousand
was made to the Black
Disciples. Many are
wondering: where will
6ix9ine go after this?
For now, more on
Patreon here.

For more on this case, including
the April 30, 2019 multiple defendant discovery
conference before Judge Engelmayer, click here.
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