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Denying Dixon Release From MCC Judge Rakoff Says All Claim Expertise on COVID

By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - The Source

SDNY COURTHOUSE, May 1 – Jermal Dixon amid the Coronavirus pandemic sought release from the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn on May 1 before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Jed S. Rakoff. Inner City Press covered it.

  Judge Rakoff had been reading the Bureau of Prison's website about number of COVID-19 cases, and the lack of testing.

 Dixon's lawyer cited a 22-page report evaluating MDC and read out quotes from it: "I was alarmed by the facilities refusal to implement simple procedures... Most people in MDC are not being effectively screened."     He said "it came across my screen this morning."

  Judge Rakoff said, In other cases I've said to the attorney, if you can get me evidence of actual cases in the MDC, you can come back. In the two or three weeks I've been doing that, no one has come back. So I'm skeptical there's a real outbreak in the MDC.

 Judge Rakoff continued, You haven't told me how your client is particularly at risk. Maybe a class action is more appropriate for your client.  

   Dixon's lawyer tried again, saying that his client doesn't have much time left on his sentence.  

 The Assistant US Attorney said, The defendant says he's had the virus and improved.   

  Judge Rakoff said, I've noticed that in this crisis, everyone from the President on down seems to think he is an expert in the Coronavirus. 

  He paused then continued, One of the things tried is to use plasma of people who've had it. So why isn't your guy at less at risk?  

Dixon's lawyer said, He's in a very stressful situation. Unlike we who are at home.   

Judge Rakoff said, I'm in the courthouse.

    The defense lawyer replied, I'm jealous.

   Judge Rakoff concluded, I'm not going to make a recommendation that he be released. But if there is a recurrence to your client, or more in MDC, you are free to re-apply. But for today's purposes, I will not make that recommendation.  The case is US v. Dixon, 03-cr-825 (Rakoff).


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