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In Trial of Manafort Lender Calk Former TFSB Director Rigby Says He Quit Due to Calk Loans

By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon  Podcast  II III
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SDNY COURTHOUSE, June 30 – After months of preliminaries, the trial of Stephen Calk for conspiracy to trade his bank's loans to Paul Manafort for the Secretary of the Army position began on June 23. Inner City Press live tweeted, here, previous coverage here,  podcast here

Then the defense opening statement and first witness, here, and Inner City Press question to Calk on Scaramucci, here (& Alamy photo here)

On June 29 came the cross examination  of Anthony Scaramucci, which Inner City Press live tweeted here and below, (podast here) Song I here.

On June 30, there was testimony from former TFSB board member Randy Rigby, who Calk's lawyer tried to block testimony from previously. Now it became clear why: Rigby says he quit TFSB after seeing Calk making loans for personal benefits. Here's from of it, live tweeted:

Calk's lawyer: Is there anything in this document by Mr. Raico about Mr. Manafort's property being in default?

US witness: I don't know off-hand. Calk's lawyer: And here it says Bank of the Internet was the preferred option, do you see that? US witness: Yes.

Next US witness: General (retired) Rigby, who was a board member of Calk's The Federal Savings Bank.

AUSA: Why did you quit in 2017? General: Because I saw loans made for personal benefit. AUSA: How often did the board meet? General: Monthly.

Calk's lawyer: Go to page 68 of this --

General Rigby: Yes, it's --

Judge Schofield: This document is not in evidence. He's just showing it to you privately.

 Calk's lawyer: Does this refresh your recollection that you received documents about the Manafort loan?

General Rigby: I don't recall that. Calk's lawyer: But you don't deny it?

General Rigby: I don't remember it. But I don't deny. Judge Schofield: Let's break for lunch.

Calk's lawyer: The US should not communicate with Gen. Rigby's lawyer.

From June 29: Assistant US Attorney: What did Mr. Calk ask you?

Scaramucci: If it was Mattis' decision.

 AUSA: What did you tell Mr. Calk? Scaramucci: That it might help if he spoke with Mattis.

AUSA: Were you being genuine? Scaramucci: It's a hard communication over text. I was being a little bit passive-aggressive, or sarcastic. AUSA: Did you think Mr. Calk was qualified? Calk's lawyer: Objection! Judge Schofield: Sustained.

 AUSA: How did Mr. Calk's qualifications compare to those of Vincent Viola? Calk's lawyer: Objection! Judge Schofield: I'll allow it. Scaramucci: Mr. Viola was more qualified. He owned the Panthers, but had been with the military more

AUSA: Where did you tell Mr. Calk the Tiger Team would meet him? Scaramucci: In Trump Tower. He replied, Good, I'll fly to New York. It was January 9, 2017 at 3:42 UTC, I told Steve to send his CV to Campbell.

AUSA: Did you meet with Mr. Calk while he was in New York for the Tiger Team interview? Scaramucci: No, I was speaking for The Boss at an infrastructure conference at the Metropolitan Club. Then Mr. Calk asked me about getting a second interview.

AUSA: Did you think he would get the job? Scaramucci: No. AUSA: Why did you forward his name?

 Scaramucci: I was doing a favor for Paul Manafort. AUSA: No further questions. Cross: Calk's lawyer: Good morning.

Calk's lawyer: You didn't charge Mr. Manafort a fee, did you? AUSA: Objection. Judge Schofield: Overruled.

Scaramucci: I didn't charge. Calk's lawyer: You got him an interview for a job you knew he's never get. Scaramucci: My opinion.

Calk's lawyer: On Thursday you were asked if you had been told about Manafort being a customer of The Federal Savings Bank?

Scaramucci: I remember. Calk's lawyer: But you know that bank officials are prohibited from naming their customers? Gramm Leach Bliley Act?

Calk's lawyer: Let me ask, in August 2016 you were added to Mr. Trump's economic advisory committee?

Scaramucci: I don't remember the exact date. Calk's lawyer: Shall I show you some media coverage?  Scaramucci: I see my name in the document.

Calk's lawyer: Do you remember that there was ridicule of there being six guys named Steve? Scaramucci: I don't remember.

Calk's lawyer: Might media coverage refresh your recollection? Scaramucci: Yeah, it might. Scaramucci: It was a very busy time for me. I don't think it was a big thing at the time.

Calk's lawyer: And that there were no women in the first group? Scaramucci: I don't remember that.

 Calk's lawyer: Do you remember Mr. Trump was behind in the polls? Scaramucci: Internal polling showed it closer. Calk's lawyer: Was your standing with Mr. Trump improved by your skill on TV? AUSA: Objection. Judge Schofield: I'll allow it. Scaramucci: Yes.

 Calk's lawyer: You were friendly with Mr. Mnuchin and his fiancee? Scaramucci: Yes. Calk's lawyer: Mr. Mnuchin and Mr. Bannon were part of the nerve center of the transition, and you not?

Scaramucci: Yes. I was not.

Calk's lawyer: Was the Tiger Team set up by Mr. Kushner to vet out the Never Trump people? Scaramucci: Generally. Because of the volume of jobs it would have been impossible to vet them all out.

 Calk's lawyer: In November, Mr Manafort did not mention Mr. Calk to you? Scaramucci: He did not.

Calk's lawyer: Then Mr. Manafort asked you for help on both Mr. Calk and Vernon Parker? Scaramucci: Correct.

Calk's lawyer: Did you practice these questions with the government? Scaramucci: I've heard these questions before, yes. Calk's lawyer: You provided screen shots of your text messages with Mr. Manafort to the government? Scaramucci: I did.

Calk's lawyer: Were you close with Steve Cortes? Scaramucci: We worked together with CNBC. Everyone has a different definition of close. We did not socialize with our wives.

Calk's lawyer: Were you close with him or not? Scaramucci: By my definition, no.

Calk's lawyer: Did you tell the government you were close with Mr. Cortes? Scaramucci: I don't remember. Calk's lawyer: Moving on, let me show you Defense Exhibit 245 - Mr. Cortes wrote that Mr Calk was one of his Chicago friends, a good guy.

Calk's lawyer: Now to Defense Exhibit 249, an email: Hey Anthony, I thought I'd give you a link to my work for the president, a coverage book - did you look at it? Scaramucci: I did not.

 Calk's lawyer: Vinny Viola was a friend of yours, right? Scaramucci: He is. Calk's lawyer: So you told Steve Bannon that Mr. Viola wanted the job? Scaramucci: Among other people. Calk's lawyer: Did you charge a fee? Scaramucci: No. I didn't charge anyone.

 Calk's lawyer: Mr. Trump ran as an outsider, and appointed many people without prior government experience?

Scaramucci: Actually, most in the Cabinet had experience. Calk's lawyer: But not Mr. Mnuchin. Scaramucci: That's true of most Secretaries of the Treasury.

 Calk's lawyer: And what about Wilbur Ross, the King of Bankruptcies? And Ben Carson, a retired brain surgeon? And Rex Tillerson, of Exxon? And you? Scaramucci: I had been at the Ex-Im Bank. Calk's lawyer: But you never served in the military. Scaramucci: I did not.

Calk's lawyer: Skybridge had 40 employees - did you know how many employees Mr. Calk had? Scaramucci: I do not.

 Calk's lawyer: You were a consultant to Fox News? Scaramucci: I hosted Wall Street Week for Fox Business. Calk's lawyer: And you were good at it?

Scaramucci: If you say so.

Calk's lawyer: No further questions. AUSA: Shall we take our morning break?

Judge Schofield: It depends how much redirect you have. AUSA: A decent amount. Judge Schofield: Let's take out morning break. Thread will continue

 During the break, Calk was engaged in animated discussion with his team. Scaramucci came back into the courtroom after, or at the same time as, the juror. So he had to wait to get back into the witness box. But he's back in.

AUSA: How many times did Mr. Calk follow up with you about an interview with the Tiger Team? Scaramucci: 8 or 9 times.

AUSA: Why did you contact Mr. Calk after Steve Cortes contacted you? Scaramucci: I had a list of favors I was working down- Cortes was a reminder

AUSA: And this photo of Mr. Calk with Mr. Trump, what did it mean? Calk's lawyer: Objection! Judge Schofield: I'll allow it. Scaramucci: Not much, it reflected proximity on the day, not actual closeness.

AUSA: Is it legal for you to make loans who gives you a personal benefit? Scaramucci: You are under a fiduciary duty to look at loans objectively. Calk's lawyer: Objection, move to strike, no foundation. Judge Schofield: I'll allow it. AUSA: No further questions.

Calk's lawyer: Two questions.

Judge Schofield: Ordinarily not. But OK.

Calk's lawyer: How many times have you met with the government? Scaramucci: Four times.

Calk's lawyer: No further questions.

Judge Schofield: You are excused

The case is US v. Calk, 19-cr-366 (Schofield)


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