In Larry Ray
Trial US Says He Enslaved College Students
As Defense Says He Knew Gorbachev
By Matthew
Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell
- Guardian
- Podcast
March 10 –
Larry Ray,
known as the sex cultist of
Sarah Lawrence College but
before that, a hob-nobber with
Mikhail Gorbachev and Bernard
Kerik, had his criminal trial
begin on March 10. Inner City
Press has covered every step
of the case before U.S.
District Court for the
Southern District of New York
Judge Lewis J. Liman, and live
tweeted the opening
statements, here
(podcast here)
OK - Larry Ray
trial opening, sex cultist at
Sarah Lawrence College (with
Russia echo)
Judge Liman:
We've heard from the MDC jail
in Brooklyn that Mr. Ray
should be able to be brought
into court on time each
morning. Right now, my deputy
is bringing the jurors up. Let
me turn to the information
held by Hulu about Mr.
Rosario, about prior
Federal Defender:
We'd ask that if Mr. Rosario
stays to watch the trial after
he testifies, that he do it
from the "spillover" room so
that the jury doesn't see him.
Jury entering!
Judge Liman: Good
morning. You and you alone are
the judges of the facts.
Assistant US
Attorney: Larry Ray and
Isabella Poll0k went to hotel
to look for a women they had
turned into a prostitute. Ray
thought she was getting away
from him.
When they found
her in the hotel, he told her
to strip and he handcuffed her
to a chair. Larry Ray
tied a plastic bag around her
head and he watched her
He towered over
her, putting the bag over her
head again and again and
again. He smothered her with a
pillow. He choked her with a
AUSA: By the end
of the night, Larry Ray's
message was clear: Behave. She
went back to prostitution. The
evidence will show this - and
money laundering and tax
evasions, to enrich him and
his trusted inner circle and
to brutally victimize
AUSA: Larry Ray
ran an organization. They
lured victim in and gained
control of them. Then he
threatened and extorted his
victims to get what he wanted:
Sex, money and power. Phase 1
started in the Fall of 2010.
He used his daughter and her
friend Isabella Pollok
AUSA: Larry Ray
moved into dorm at Sarah
Lawrence College. He convinced
her circle to move to an
apartment on the Upper East
Side of Manhattan. He insisted
that minor mistakes in the
apartment were intentional
efforts to sabotage him. He
doled out punishment.
AUSA: He insisted
that he was being poisoned. It
was just a way to control. He
made people confess, and
threatened to post the
confessions online. When this
was not enough, he used
violence. A hard squeeze. A
belt. A hammer. Pliers. He
threatened to dismember
AUSA: Larry Ray
extorted and sex trafficked
his victims for the benefit of
himself and his so-called
family. One young man dropped
out of school and gave Larry
Ray nearly every penny he
earned. He gave him $100,000.
The tab grew and grew.
AUSA: One young
woman was only 19. He accused
her of poisoning him, and
forced her into prostitution
to pay him back. He moved
people down to North Carolina
and made them work for free.
He restricted their access to
food. The victims had no
AUSA: You will
see and hear evidence,
including videos Larry Ray
recorded. [Inner City Press
will be seeking to publish
exhibits] AUSA: If you
use your common sense, you
will find Larry Ray guilty.
[Sits. ]
Federal Defender:
Twelve years ago, Larry Ray
wanted to reconnect with his
daughter. He told her his
story, and she told her
friends. How he knew Mikhail
Gobachev, the former head of
the Soviet Union
FD: This was not
an enterprise, it was a group
of storytellers. When one
Rosario sister said she
poisoned another, Larry
believed her. Larry believed.
He believed. This must sound
strange, but through the
looking glass, they all
believed this
FD: Larry Ray
*was* the best man at Bernie
Kerik's wedding. Larry Ray
exposed his corruption and
Kerik lost his position at the
Department of Homeland
Security. Larry testified
against DiTommaso
FD: Larry Ray
wrote to the New York Times
and NBC and said, Investigate
my poisoning. Claudia Drury
and the Rosario siblings, they
believed too. Claudia told
stories to everyone for years.
She had an active imagination.
In 2015 she started selling
stories to men
FD: Another made
a contract with Hulu to make a
movie about Larry Ray. He's
going to make millions off
Larry Ray. Another wrote fan
fiction, hoping to be included
in a great story. Santos wrote
and wrote, to process
childhood trauma.
FD: At the end of
this case, you'll find that
Larry Ray was not guilty.
Judge Liman: First witness. An
Covering will
continue, including on
The case is US v.
Ray, 20-cr-110 (Liman).

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