Stormy Daniels Book Trial Anderson Cooper
Intro of Avenatti to Agent Janklow
By Matthew
Russell Lee, Patreon
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Jan 24 – Michael Avenatti's
financial affidavit to get a
publicly paid lawyer for his
Stormy Daniels case, which
Inner City Press formally
sought to have unsealed for
eleven months, were on July
27, 2021 ordered unsealed. Order.
Podcast here.
Aug 13 podcast here.
On the
weekend before trial there's
was a request to delay it, on
COVID policy and
Constitutional grounds. It was
The trial
started on the morning of
January 24. Inner City Press
live tweet here.
It continued in the afternoon,
with Stormy Daniels' literary
agency Lucas Janklow being
cross examined about being
introduced to Michael Avenatti
at a hotel bar, by Anderson
Cooper. Inner City Press live
tweeted, thread here;
stream here,
video here
OK, the jurors
are back from their break.
AUSA Podolsky: Who wrote the
text in the green bubble, and
in the gray bubble? Janklow:
Myself, and Mr. Avenatti. I
wrote, Stormy money was in,
the third payment, we'll send
it out, we missed the bank
deadline for today
Then I texted Mr. Avenatti
that Stormy WhatsApp-ed me,
wanting to talk. AUSA: Why did
you tell him?
Janklow: He
wanted me too. He wanted to
control all that. Federal
Defender: Objection Judge:
Sustained. Mr. Janklow can't
opine as to Mr. Avenatti's
introduce a copy of Ms.
Daniels' book. To congratulate
her about it, Mr. Janklow, did
you call Ms. Daniels? Janklow:
I asked Mr. Avenatti if I
AUSA: And did
you? Janklow: I don't believe
I did. Janklow: Avenatti wrote
back, "It's my birthday as
well, I've been dealing with
this his all day." I assume he
meant sh*t, but he wrote his.
Janklow: Then
Stormy told me, Michael is no
longer my attorney. Please do
not discuss my business with
him. I told her, That's
disappointing. Have you told
OK - now
cross examination of Janklow
by Avenatti's publicly-funded
Federal Defender (FD). FD: You
met with the prosecutors
yesterday, right?
Janklow: Yes. FD:
You told the truth, correct?
Janklow: I did. FD: The US
asked if you had any problems
with Ms. Daniels?
Janklow: I said I
had no problems with her. FD:
Did she accuse you of
withholding royalties from
her? Janklow: There are no
royalties. FD: What about the
cover? Janklow: She wanted to
use her mugshot. Then she
FD: Do you
remember writing to Mr.
Avenatti, Not everyone is a
stone-cold motherf*cking
professional like us? AUSA:
FD: So you
said, If she wanted to be
anything more than a stripper,
she -- Janklow: That's not
what I said. FD: So what did
you say? Janklow: That she was
a feminist icon.
FD: You said you
weren't sure she wanted
anything different. Janklow: I
was sad about that.
FD: Who are
the "fu*king deluded clowns"
you were referring to?
Janklow: Denver Nicks. FD: And
Janklow: Not
necessarily. She was hurt. She
was scared. She collapsed when
the book came out. I wrote,
"She's going to sink this,
it's hard to watch."
FD: You're a book
agent. So you read a lot. What
did you mean, "If you want to
unleash me"? Janklow: What I
wanted to talk to Stormy. FD:
And reprimand her? Janklow:
Just talk with her.
FD: You
said, Dealing with Stormy is a
f*cking nightmare, right?
Janklow: About publicity, yes.
I was trying to reassure St.
Martin's that the PR would go
OK. FD: You invited Mr.
Avenatti? Janklow: Of course.
[A problem has
developed with the jurors'
screens. Thread will continue
- Inner City Press is going to
out to check the sex cult case
of Larry Ray, who was
threatening to remain in jail
and not come to court at 2 pm,
We're back. FD:
Mr. Janklow, you wrote, So she
wants to sink the whole thing
because of this moronic
as*hole. Which as*hole?
Janklow: Denver Nicks, the
amateur documentarian.
FD: Where did you
first meet Mr. Avenatti?
Janklow: At a hotel bar. I was
introduced to Mr. Avenatti by
Anderson Cooper.
FD: What's this?
Janklow: An email between
Anderson Cooper, Mr. Avenatti
and me. Just after Mr.
Avenatti sued President Trump.
I liked that.
FD: So on
March 13, the day after you
met him, you sent Mr. Avenatti
the contact info for meetings
with two publishers,
MacMillan's imprints Holt
& St Martin? Janklow: Yes.
I didn't remember it as being
so fast. FD: So why did they
want Ms. Daniels to have a
press blackout?
Janklow: So that
the public would want more,
wouldn't be saturated.
FD: And Mr. Avenatti assured
Ms. Richardson of St. Martin
that he would work on that
Stormy Daniels' media
blackout? AUSA: Objection
FD: Richardson
was getting heat from her
legal department? Janklow: I
don't recall. FD: Here's
defense exhibit R5. You say,
We are moving toward the close
we want, and Sally is getting
pressure, 'pus*y squares of
the highest order."
FD: What
does that mean? Janklow: The
bureaucratic side of the
business. Business affairs.
Belt and suspenders type
people. They wanted radio
silence from Ms. Daniels,
since they were buying her
Furman: We'll stop here for
the day. Jurors, if you see
any news of this, close your
With jury
done, Federal Defenders cite a
1989 Supreme Court case.
Janklow is still in the
witness box, sans mask. He's
asked to leave. Judge Furman
says, Other than boring him, I
don't see why he should stay.
But he steps out- as will we,
to see if Avenatti speaks
Update: Judge
Furman orders that Janklow
should not speak with anyone
about his testimony -
including his own lawyer, from
Skadden Arps. Says may reverse
that in docket.
[See US letter arguing he CAN
speka to counsel, tweeted here]
Avenatti, still at defense
table, passes note to Federal
Defender then complains that
he got 3500 material about US
meeting the Janklow earlier
Judge Furman:
3500 only has to be given at
conclusion of direct
examination and they complied.
Plus you can prepare over
night. Email chambers your
COVID results
Now after a
scheduling discussion they're
done, Judge Furman is done.
Avenatti still in the
courtroom with big gray
briefcase. Inner City Press
rushing down to see if
Avenatti speaks, as before, on
Worth Street
He did:
stream here,
video here
Furman released his juror
questions, asking each side to
respond by January 19 at 10
am. The questions include:
"Based on anything that you
have read, seen, or heard
about Mr. Avenatti, have
you formed any opinions
about Mr. Avenatti that might
make it difficult for you to
be a fair and impartial
juror in this case? 10.
Would you have any trouble
following my instructions to
put anything you may
have read, seen, or
heard about Mr. Avenatti out
of your mind and decide this
case based only on the
evidence presented at
trial? 11. Do you or
does any member of your family
or a close friend personally
know or have past or
present dealings with the
alleged victim in this case,
Ms. Clifford (also known
as “Stormy Daniels”), or
with any of her family
"Do you know or
have you heard of any of the
following people or entities,
which include the
lawyers in this case, people
who may testify at the trial,
and other names that may
be mentioned during the
course of the trial? •
Pamela Baez • Elizabeth Beier
• Thomas Bolus • Clark
Brewster • Christine Carlin •
Michaela Catando (also known
as Kayla Paige) • Dmitri
Chitov • Dwayne Crawford •
Jennifer Donovan • Anna Finkel
• Mark Geragos • Jack
Guiragosian • Holtzbrinck
Publishers • Luke Janklow •
Janklow & Nesbit
Associates • Geoffrey Johnson
• Global Baristas • Sean
Macias • Macmillan Publishers
• Susan McClaran • Benjamin
Meiselas • Travis Miller •
Mareli Miniutti • Erik Nathan
• Denver Nicks • Kevin Carr
O’Leary • David Padilla •
Brandon Parraway • Pro Tech
Security and Automation • Judy
Regnier • Sally Richardson •
Security and Automation LLC •
St. Martin’s Press • Enrique
Santos • Jessica Volchko •
Juliet Vicari • Donald Vilfer
25. Are you familiar with
anyone else present in the
courtroom, including your
fellow jurors, all Court
personnel, and myself?"
On October 14
Judge Furman held a proceeding
in the Stormy Daniels case and
Inner City Press live tweeted
it here
and podcast here
On August 10
Avenatti's Federal Defenders
filed a copy of the affidavit
with multiple redactions. The
form refers on nearly every
question to an attachment,
which is blacked out in absurd
ways. It reads, for example,
"I own stock in two closely
held companies that may have
value: (a) [REDACTED] located
and (b) [REDACTED]
located in [REDACTED]...
I technically
still have an
interest in a
HondaJet 420)
that was
seized by the
IRS and is
still in their
This interest
is held
through a
entity named [REDACTED],"
and so forth.
published the
affidavit on
and asked,
Will the Court
be accepting
August 11, the
correct answer
was: No. "MEMO
to Michael
Avenatti (1)
on [139]
re: [139]
addressed to
Judge Jesse M.
Furman from
Robert Baum,
Tamara Giwa
& Andrew
Dalack dated
August 10,
2021 re:
Letter Motion
In Response to
Court's Order
to File
The Court is
that privacy
redacting the
names and
locations of
the corporate
entities in
Paragraphs 14,
15, and 17 of
After hours on
August 12,
were removed:
Avenatti's owned
a plane
Passport 420
LLC; an
paid a
attorney in
the Nike case,
whose name is
Avenatti owns
stock in
Tyrian Systems
(aka Seek
Thermal) of
Santa Barbara,
CA and
Holdings I,
LLC of St.
so fast. Inner
City Press
research in
the hours
after the
removal of the
redactions found
that Centurion
Holdings I,
LLC is based
in Arnold,
Missouri - and
"received a
PPP loan of
$60,477 in
May, 2020."
That's the
Program; the
funds came
through the
Central Bank
of St. Louis.
the aka: "Seek
Thermal, Inc
of 6300
Hollister Ave
in Goleta,
California received
PPP loan from
the SBA of
in April,
2020." We'll
have more on
this site.
On August
27, Inner City Press filed a
formal request that documents
in the case not be sealed,
full filing on Patreon here.
November 12, Inner City Press
made a third filing with Judge
Furman, on a decision
to unseal issued earlier in
the day by SDNY Judge J. Paul
Oetken after Inner City Press
filed to similarly unseal Lev
Parnas' co-defendant David
Correia's financial infor: "we
again ask, why should lower
income and less high profile
defendants in the SDNY -- and
now David Correia -- have
their financial information so
disclosed while Avenatti's
information is sealed in its
entirety? The documents at
issue should not be sealed and
should be made available."
On August
28, 2020 Judge Furman entered
an order: "The Court received
the attached communication
from Matthew Lee of Inner City
Press “seeking leave to be
heard and for the unsealing of
the CJA Form 23, affidavit,
and all associated documents”
relating to this litigation.
To the extent that Mr. Lee
(who is admitted to the bar of
the Southern District of New
York) seeks leave to be heard,
his application is GRANTED.
The Court reserves judgment on
the question of whether
Defendant’s CJA Form 23 and
related documents should be
unsealed. SO ORDERED. Dated:
August 28, 2020 New York, New
York JESSE M. FURMAN." Docket
No. 85, on Inner City Press'
DocumentCloud, here.
On July
27, 2021, Judge Furman four
times citing Inner City Press
Avenatti's affidavits
unsealed: "Avenatti filed a
letter brief arguing that the
Initial Financial Affidavit
should remain under seal. ECF
No. 80 (“Def.’s Mem.”).
Thereafter, the Court received
submissions from Inner City
Press, a media outlet that
intervened to seek disclosure
of the Financial Affidavits,
ECF Nos. 85, 90, 99... The
Defendant initially argued
that the Government lacked
standing “to assert any right
on behalf of the public to
access Mr. Avenatti’s sworn
financial statements.” Def.’s
Mem. 7 n.1 (citing United
States v. Hickey, 185 F.3d
1064 (9th Cir. 1999)).
Subsequently, however, the
Court granted leave to Inner
City Press to be heard on the
Defendant’s motion, ECF No.
85, which indisputably does
have standing to assert such
rights." Full order here,
filings due August 10. Watch
this site.
This case is US v. Avenatti, 19-cr-374

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