In Larry Ray
Trial Santos Rosario Says Ray Put Knife On
His Genitals and Made Him Confess
By Matthew
Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell
- Guardian
- Podcast
March 10 –
Larry Ray,
known as the sex cultist of
Sarah Lawrence College but
before that, a hob-nobber with
Mikhail Gorbachev and Bernard
Kerik, had his criminal trial
begin on March 10. Inner City
Press has covered every step
of the case before U.S.
District Court for the
Southern District of New York
Judge Lewis J. Liman, and live
tweeted the opening
statements, here
(podcast here)
Then the
first sustantive witness, live
tweeted here:
Santos Rosario.
He went to Sarah Lawrence
until the 2d semester of his
junior year. Seems to say he
now works in fabrics.
Santos Rosario
had identified a disk, some of
the contents of which it seems
will be played only for the
jury, sealed to the public.
AUSA: Who is that, on the
recording? Santos Rosario: Me
and Larry Ray. AUSA: Who said,
What's the problem? Santos
Rosario: Larry
[Sound of hitting, demanding
questions] What were those
noise? Santos Rosario: Larry
Ray was hitting me. AUSA: Was
that the first time? A: No.
AUSA: Where
is Sarah Lawrence College?
Santos Rosario: Bronxville.
[He names friends including
Talia Ray (his girlfriend at
the time) and Isabella Pollok,
her sister, working at Amazon
on Staten Island, to be tried
later, see here.
AUSA: What did
Talia Ray tell you about her
father? Santos Rosario: That
he was in jail because of
corrupt politicians but that
he was a good guy. AUSA: What
did you do for the summer?
Santos Rosario: Stayed with my
family in The Bronx. Then
Slonim 9 dorm
Rosario: He came into the dorm
with some friends. AUSA: What
did you think of him? Santos
Rosario: That he was cool. He
spoke about honesty and honor.
I told him about my family, my
depression. AUSA: Why did you
confide? Santos Rosario: He
seemed attentive.
juror break, Larry Ray
speaking animatedly with
Federal Defender. Now they're
back] AUSA: Where was
Defendant's apartment? Santos
Rosario: On the Upper East
Side. I spent most of my time
there, with Yvonne Goiphachea,
Talia Ray and Isabella Pollok
AUSA: What did
you do that summer? FD:
Objection! Calls for
narrative! Judge Liman:
Overruled. Santos Rosario:
Fixed up the apartment. Talked
about honor with Larry Ray.
Also with Claudia and Dan
AUSA: What's
this? Santos Rosario: A Google
Chat with my sister. GX
3001 FD: Objection!
Hearsay! AUSA: Prior
consistent statement. Judge
Liman: To what? Sustained. FD:
We ask for a sidebar. Judge:
AUSA: Did you
introduce your sisters to
Larry Ray? Santos Rosario:
Yes. My sister was at
Columbia. She was struggling.
Then I introduced him to my
other sister who was living in
California. Larry began to
call me derogatory names like
Trash, Scum
Santos Rosario:
He held a knife to my
genitals. AUSA: How did Larry
Ray treating you that way make
you feel? Santos Rosario:
Terrified. AUSA: Why did you
continue to spend time with
him? FD: Objection! J:
Overruled Santos
Rosario: He made me feel
I deserved it.
AUSA: What if you
denied damaging Larry Ray's
property? Santos Rosario: It
would be hours long
conversations with him until I
admitted it. Then he would
stop, and encourage me to
write the confession down.
Covering will
continue, including on Patreon.
The case is US v.
Ray, 20-cr-110 (Liman).

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