Report Confirms North Korea Errors of UNDP While Letting Wider UN, Kemal Dervis
and U.S. Allies Off the Hook
Byline: Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at
the UN: News Analysis
UNITED NATIONS, January 23 -- While the UN
Development Program
operated in North Korea, government officials monitored UNDP's
communications and searched its employees' houses, according to a Senate report
released Wednesday night on the eve of testimony by UNDP and other United
Nations officials.
focusing solely on North Korea, and criticizing UNDP but not the breakdown in
oversight by the wider UN system, the Report and hearing are seen as
representing a missed opportunity to bring about meaningful reform. For example,
while the report focuses on a past UNDP payment to a vendor asserted by the U.S.
State Department to be involved in Kim Jong-Il's weapons programs, Zan Lock, it
fails to mention that more recently, UNDP consciously decided to
contract with a company banned from
business with the UN Secretariat due to bribery, Corimec,
a decision that UNDP's Administrator
Kemal Dervis called a "judgment call" and
essentially defended.
Dervis is not
scheduled to testify at the Senate hearing, only his spokesman and head of Asia
programs. Indicating that this report and hearing may be too little, too late,
Dervis in an one-hour speech at UNDP's Executive Board meeting this week did not
feel it necessary to mention any of these issues. Click
for that story.
Likewise, even in revealing
how compromised UNDP's communications out of North Korea were -- whistleblower
Artjon Tony Shkurtaj had to travel to China in order to email his superiors
about them -- the Report and apparently the Senate have not considered that the
monitoring by national staff occurs in,
among other places reported on by Inner City Press, Sudan through the UN's
mission there.
report states that Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has tried to strengthen
whistleblower protections through a plan that, the report says without providing
the basis, has been subject to criticism. But
Ban allowed Dervis to block the UN Ethics
Office's inquiry into
Shkurtaj's case (after the first stage found prima facie retaliation), and Ban
issued a
new system in which each UN Fund and
Program can make up its own Ethics Office.
Since then, the UN Ethics Office's Robert Benson, who will be subject to
questions, has rebuffed yet another UNDP whistleblower, Mattieu Koumoin, click
for that story.
The report says that a forensic audit is taking place, but the
UN's Board of
Auditors has been blocked from going to North Korea, and UNDP itself
controls what documents it has brought out of the country. UNDP brags that the
report credits "a proposal that would grant routine access to UNDP Executive
Board members to UNDP audit reports is currently before the UNDP Executive
Board," without explaining this policy's
The Senate's report
should become available for download through its
[If not, Inner City Press can be
for a copy, obtained from Senate sources.] UNDP has
put it online, along with its response which tellingly "welcomes" the report
and its limited scope.

Senators Levin and Coleman: is
their report on UNDP too little, too late?
The report, co-issued by Democrat Carl
Levin of Michigan and Republican Norm Coleman of Minnesota of the Senate's
Permananent Subcommittee on Investigations, largely confirms the charges leveled
over the past year at UNDP for its North Korea programs: that UNDP paid workers'
salaries directly to the government in hard currency, had only limited access to
sites of projects it funded and no access to its own bank accounts, and paid a
vendor asserted by the U.S. State Department to be involved in Kim Jong-Il's
weapons programs. The specifics about wiretapping and unannounced searches are
new, as are some of the details about the flow of UNDP's funds through Banco
Delta Asia, a Macao institution later frozen as a money laundering concern.
In places, the Senate report quietly lets
UNDP off the hook, for example saying that North Korea used accounts affiliated
with UNDP to transfer its own money to its diplomatic missions overseas. Earlier
charges were that UNDP's funds were being diverted to North Korea's embassies,
to buy real estate. While the report says that UNDP's "hybrid" delivery system
in North Korea, in which it pretended that the government was implementing
project over which UNDP claims to have retailed control, caused "confusion"
about the volume of direct payments, the report does not directly confirm or
deny previous estimates of the volume of payments, or even mention the issue,
raised by whistleblowers, of larger South Korean funds having passed to the
North through UNDP.
The report goes noticeably
light on the rest of the UN, and on Ban Ki-moon. If Kofi Annan were still
Secretary General, one feels sure he would be held responsible for such
pervasive problems in a UN program. But in this Report, the asserted
independence of UNDP is emphasized, while the specifics of UNDP's
non-accountability even to its own Executive Board is not adequately analyzed.
Recent it was
exposed that UNDP refused to show financial documents to the UK and Belgium
about a procurement snafu in a Burundi program the countries funded, then
hired the Belgian official who sought to pursue the matter. Likewise UNDP
relocated jobs to the previous chair of its Executive Board, Denmark. Click
for that story.
The limitation of the U.S. Senate's review to the
UNDP program in North Korea, which at the time the inquiry launched was still
viewed as a part of Bush's "Axis of Evil," leaves unexplored UNDP's
transgressions in places like
Uganda, where UNDP was
involved in disarmament program that culminated in the burning of villages,
and Somalia,
where UNDP trained security forces which
targeted civilians.
That both Uganda's Museveni government and Somalia's Transitional Federal
Institutions, installed by Ethiopia, are allies of the U.S. makes the need for
further inquiry all the more clear. The report is, however, a start. Watch this
* * *
These reports are also available through
Google News and on Lexis-Nexis.
here for a
AlertNet piece by this correspondent about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army.
for an earlier
Reuters AlertNet
piece about the Somali National Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's
$200,000 contribution from an undefined trust fund.
Analysis here
Because a number of Inner City Press'
UN sources go out of their way to express commitment to serving the poor, and
while it should be unnecessary, Inner City Press is compelled to conclude this
installment in a necessarily-ongoing series by saluting the stated goals of the
UN agencies and many of their staff. Keep those cards, letters and emails
coming, and phone calls too, we apologize for any phone tag, but please continue
trying, and keep the information flowing.
Feedback: Editorial
UN Office: S-453A,
UN, NY 10017 USA Tel: 212-963-1439
Reporter's mobile
(and weekends): 718-716-3540
Other, earlier Inner
City Press are listed here, and
some are available in the ProQuest service, and now on Lexis-Nexis.
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