Ban Vows Transparency, After Lockheed Gets $250M Sole-Source Darfur Contract
Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at the UN: News Analysis
October 16 -- A day after the UN quietly
announced a $250 million sole-source
contract with American defense
contractor Lockheed Martin for infrastructure for its hybrid peacekeeping
operation in Sudan's Darfur region, a UN briefing document emerged claiming that
the UN "as a result of negotiations" with Lockheed Martin got the "price reduced
from $700 to $250 million." Click
here for
the document,
exclusively obtained and put online by Inner City Press in the spirit of
closed door session of the UN's Administrative Committee on Administrative and
Budgetary Questions, several members sarcastically marveled at the UN's
new-found haggling skills. Others questioned the credibility of a contractor
which would inflate its initial bid by nearly 200 percent. Still others pointed
out that the UN's October 15 press release mentioned that the $250 million is
for six months, with the option to review for two three-month periods, making
the contract potentially worth $500 million. This would make the negotiated
savings less than presented to ACABQ, in what would in this scenario become a
functionally misleading document.
City Press asked Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon about why the UN dispensed with
competitive bidding, and if future Darfur and UN Peacekeeping contracts would
also be sole-source. "I assure you full transparency and accountability in
carrying out" this Darfur infrastructure contract, Mr. Ban responded. Video
available through
"There is only one company with all the equipment and readily available to
construct the camps" for the hybrid peacekeeping force, Ban said, adding that "I
am going to make it very accountable and very transparent."
But at
Tuesday's noon press briefing, basic questions such as who signed the contract
and whether it allows for subcontracting were asked but not answered. The UN
spokesperson spoke in general terms that "there has been a transparent process"
about the contract, that a rule (FR 105.16) was "evoked... in this emergency
case." Inner City Press asked how it was an emergency, if the Darfur hybrid
force had been discussed all the way back when Kofi Annan was Secretary-General,
and there have been fifty people working on planning. "There is always a gap,"
the spokesperson said.
"Will the
contract be made public?" Inner City Press asked.
yes, yes," the spokesperson said. Video
from Minute 16:40. That statement, combined with Mr. Ban's later vow of
transparency, would seem to militate for the contract to be made public
General Assembly president's spokesman also took questions. Inner City Press
asked about the eight-page briefing paper, whether it had been presented to the
GA's Fifth Committee as well as to the ACABQ. The spokesman answered that there
is a Fifth Committee consultation scheduled for November 8, at which it will be
considered. Video
from Minute 34:05. The Secretariat spokesperson asked that questions about the
contract be pursued later, directly with the Department of Peacekeeping
Operations. "Did DPKO sign the contract?" Inner City Press asked.
"DPKO is
in charge of the mission" in Darfur, the spokesperson answered.
City Press has been told that the contact was signed by the Under Secretary
General for Management,
Alicia Barcena,
with the "blessing" of UN Controller Warren Sach, who must approve waivers of
bidding and procurement rules. Sources say that Jane Holl Lute, the acting head
of the Department of Field Support, spun off this year from DPKO, was most
involved in dealings with Lockheed Martin.

African Union peacekeeper in Darfur,
Lockheed Martin not shown
eight-page UN memo
rationalizing the sole-source contract states that Lockheed Martin's Pacific
Architect Engineers, Inc. unit "as a contractor to the US Government, has been
performing in Darfur since 2004, constructed and is maintaining all logistical
services to the existing 34 AU camps, and already has personnel and assets on
the ground." The timing of Lockheed's selection followed a July 16 "sole source
request for proposals," which was submitted on August 15.
negotiations [were] conducted from 20 August through 9 September 2007.
Negotiations centered around price, terms and conditions, performance bond and
insurance. The UN used commercial information available from the US Government
sources for benchmarking purposes.
OIOS, in its capacity as observer, had
been briefed on several occasions
during the process of the sole source contracting.
"As a result of
negotiations prices reduced from ~$700 million to ~250 million. All other issues
[were] resolved to the satisfaction of Procurement Division, Department Field
Support [sic], Office of Legal Affairs and Insurance Services... The UN has
ensured that PAE maximize local sourcing i.e. cement, gravel, labor, etc.... The
suggested approach is... consistent with the principles contained in the
Secretary-General's letter to the President of the General Assembly dated 2
October 2007."
This S-G
letter, on which Inner City Press reported
announced as Ban Ki-moon power "the immediate reassignment of civilian personnel
for key administrative positions without advertisement of the posts... [and]
entering into non-competitive, single-source contracts for the provision of
medical, real estate and security-related equipment and services, as well as
prefabricated buildings and water supply equipment, should insufficient time be
available to follow normal procurement procedures." Less than two weeks later,
the $250 million sole-source contract to Lockheed Martin was quietly announced.
What's next?
News analysis: UN
insiders requesting anonymity due to fear of retaliation had predicted that one
purpose or effect of splitting off the Department of Field Support, and of
having an American run it, at least on an ongoing "interim" basis, would be to
award more of UN peacekeeping's logistics funds to U.S.-based contractors.
Whether true or not, this view is not uncommon along the Group of 77 and China,
and has been heard at the margins of the ACABQ's now-moot consultations.
The insiders pass along the tale that ultimately the U.S. cannot control both
the Department of Political Affairs and the Department of Field Support, and
that DFS may be being prepared for Pakistan, a major troop contributor, possibly
in the form of its Ambassador Munir Akram, currently the chairman of the Group
of 77. This elicited a scoff from a denizen of the UN's 38th floor, who also
said it is his understanding that the drop from $700 million to $250 million is
explained by the UN having removed from the scope of the contract certain heavy
American equipment. But how then is Lockheed Martin the only company with the
necessary equipment? And how is such a designation not self-reinforcing for the
future? Perhaps the transparency and contract-disclosure promised on Tuesday
will make all of this clear. Watch this site.
* * *
here for a
AlertNet piece by this correspondent about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army.
for an earlier
Reuters AlertNet
piece about the Somali National Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's
$200,000 contribution from an undefined trust fund. Video
Analysis here
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