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On Syria, As Saudi PR Tells ICP His Draft to UN GA on Monday, of Law

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, July 27 -- Outside the UN General Assembly Friday morning, Inner City Press asked Saudi Arabia's Permanent Representative Abdallah al-Mouallimi when the Syria resolution he is drafting will be presented to the General Assembly.

"Next week," he exclusively told Inner City Press. "Monday."

The General Assembly cannot impose sanctions or authorize any use of force. Its credential committee can withdraw accreditation, as it did for diplomats representing Gaddafi's Libya and the Cote d'Ivoire of Laurent Gbagbo.

In Syria, UN Peacekeeping chief Herve Ladsous is already dismantling the observer mission which the Security Council extended for a month back on July 20.

Both Saudi Arabia and Qatar, whose former Permanent Representative is now President of the General Assembly, are widely reported to be arming the rebels in Syria. They stand accused, too, of involvement with the extremist who are destroying mausoleums in Timbuktu in northern Mali. Whatever the legality, they now have another GA resolution.

Saudi's Ambassador also spoke on July 25 at the UN stakeout about Palestine. Inner City Press asked him about the effectiveness of the Quartet and whether it should continue. He stopped and said, on camera, it should continue, but take up its responsibilities. Watch this site.

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Click for re Libya, Sri Lanka, UN Corruption

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