Corpse Removed from UN Lawn, 44-Year Old Woman Fell
from High Story, UN Tight-Lipped
Byline: Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at
the UN
12:40 pm, 1:10 pm update
-- A corpse on the UN's South Lawn was put in a body bag and removed just after
noon on Sunday. While UN Security was informed not to speak with the press, this
reporter saw a deep indentation on the lawn, and the body being packed up, taken
upstairs in a freight elevator and loaded into the New York City Medical
Examiner van. Two sources told Inner City Press that the deceased was a woman,
dressed in light blue, believed to have jumped or been pushed from a high floor
of the UN's 40-story headquarters, noting that the uniforms of the UN's cleaning
contractor, One Source, are light blue.
p.m. update -- New York City DCPI, called by Inner City Press, confirmed that at
8:09 a.m. NYPD responded to the UN, finding a 44-year old white female
unconscious and unresponsive in the "back courtyard" of the UN. No criminality
is suspected at this time. Asked by Inner City Press if the deceased was a UN
staffer or cleaning contractor - or diplomat -- the response was that the
individuals "was a worker at the location."
sources put the deceased's age at 45, nationality Australian, floor of
department, 19. With the Security Council's 1 p.m. consultations on Kosovo's
declaration of independence postponed to 3 p.m. due to a lack of interpreters,
cynical UN correspondents tried to link the leap with the lack of translation.

Body wheeled out of UN on Sunday, photo (c) M.R. Lee
With preparations underway for the UN Security Council's 1 p.m. emergency
meeting on Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence, the South Lawn
directly outside the window of the Council's consultation room was surrounded by
yellow police tape, a deep gash still visible in the lawn. Developing.
p.m. update -- even before the Council meeting began, and before the assembled
media noticed what had happened, the police crime scene tape was removed.
p.m. -- the New York Post, for example, now says they "are aware of it."
* * *
These reports are
usually also available through
Google News and on Lexis-Nexis.
here for a
AlertNet piece by this correspondent about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army.
for an earlier
Reuters AlertNet
piece about the Somali National Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's
$200,000 contribution from an undefined trust fund.
Analysis here
Because a number of Inner City Press'
UN sources go out of their way to express commitment to serving the poor, and
while it should be unnecessary, Inner City Press is compelled to conclude this
installment in a necessarily-ongoing series by saluting the stated goals of the
UN agencies and many of their staff. Keep those cards, letters and emails
coming, and phone calls too, we apologize for any phone tag, but please continue
trying, and keep the information flowing.
Feedback: Editorial
UN Office: S-453A,
UN, NY 10017 USA Tel: 212-963-1439
Reporter's mobile
(and weekends): 718-716-3540
Other, earlier Inner
City Press are listed here, and
some are available in the ProQuest service, and now on Lexis-Nexis.
Copyright 2006-08 Inner City Press, Inc. To request
reprint or other permission, e-contact Editorial [at] -
UN Office: S-453A,
UN, NY 10017 USA Tel: 212-963-1439
Reporter's mobile
(and weekends): 718-716-3540