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At UN, Morales of Bolivia Contradicts US Crowley on Obama Aid Cuts, ALBA Wash

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, September 25 -- When Bolivian President Evo Morales appeared September 21 for the first of his two press conference at the UN, Inner City Press asked him about reductions in aid from the US.

    Based on his answer, Inner City Press went later than day to the US Mission to the UN and asked State Department spokesman PJ Crowley about Morales' statement “that the U.S. and the Obama Administration has cut a lot of aid to Bolivia. He tied it to the failure to fall in line in Copenhagen and to a variety of issues.”

  Pressed, Crowley answered that “we went through some restructuring of aid that was needed, where Bolivia did not qualify for certain kinds of aid based on conditions on the ground there. But we pledge to work with Libya to see if we couldn’t improve Bolivia’s track record to be able to qualify, once again, for some conditional aid that is provisional based on certain specifications and performances by the host country. So this is an issue that we’ve pledged to continue to work with Bolivia on.” (This is from the US transcript; the reference to Libya seems strange.)

  But this happy talk on Bolivia was contradicted by Morales on September 24. Inner City Press went to his second press conference and conveyed what the US had said, asking for response. In Spanish, Morales totally disagreed (see Spanish full text below, transcribed by a friend of Inner City Press.)

  Morales said that the US cut off funding under the Millennium Account -- but that Bolivia had turned to Brazil. He said that the US made tariffs on textiles less favorable -- but that Bolivia turned to Brazil, Argentina and “especially Venezuela," leader of the Grupo Alba. He denounced immunity for US diplomats, and said he had no regrets about expelling the US Ambassador from Bolivia.

Morales on Sept 24, 2010, ALBA (white) wash of US spin (cycle) not shown

  Atmospherically, Morales was galant, calling on “las damas” -- the ladies -- first, then “los varones” (the boys). In response to a question about freedom of the press and a pending law which would allow the stripping of the license of any media engaged in racism, Morales told how his mother was precluded from walking on the sidewalk, had to walk “with the horse.” He said, “Now WE are in the palace.” He ran fifteen minutes over, to the consternation of first Cyprus then the Arab League.

  Below is Morales' answer to Inner City Press' questions; compare it to PJ Crowley's answer, as transcribed by the US (again, the reference to Libya seems a little strange) --

Inner City Press: There was a press conference by Evo Morales of Bolivia today across the street, and he said – as he said before, he said that the U.S. and the Obama Administration has cut a lot of aid to Bolivia. He tied it to the failure to fall in line in Copenhagen and to a variety of issues, but he was pretty strong on that. And he also said as – of Colombia, who is running for a Security Council seat, he said they’re just a U.S. candidate. So I wanted to know if you can have any response, I guess, to either of those two. And also, who does the U.S. prefer among Germany, Portugal, and Canada for the WEOG seat on the Security Council?

MR. CROWLEY: I’m quite confident we’re not going to talk about our deliberations in terms of votes for countries for particular seats on committees.

Inner City Press: And what about – do you have any response to the two – is it a fact that the aid was – he said last time he came here, he said again today, that U.S. aid to Bolivia is rapidly (inaudible).

MR. CROWLEY: I’m a little rusty on these subjects. We did have a meeting last year with the Bolivian foreign minister. We went through some restructuring of aid that was needed, where Bolivia did not qualify for certain kinds of aid based on conditions on the ground there. But we pledge to work with Libya to see if we couldn’t improve Bolivia’s track record to be able to qualify, once again, for some conditional aid that is provisional based on certain specifications and performances by the host country. So this is an issue that we’ve pledged to continue to work with Bolivia on.

Morales' September 24, 2010 answer to Inner City Press' questions:

Yo tengo mucho deseo que las relaciones bilaterales con Estados Unidos mejoren. Y sobre todo deberia mejorar un presidente afro-Americano... Antes los acuerdos nunca respectaban las normas ni las constitucion, es mas, nos pedian inmunidad para los funcionarios de lla embajada de Estados Unidos. Inmunidad es una carta blanca para que maten, que nunca sean procesados por las normas Bolivianas. Las bases militares, donde hay, tienen inmunidad, como en Colombia, pueden matar a quien sea, y nunca van a ser procesados en Estados Unidos, perdon, en Colombia. No comparto con las bases militares.

Segundo, es, no hay ninguna muestra clara por parte de la administracion Obama para mejorar las relaciones diplomaticas, relaciones de comercio, de cooperacion, de inversion, de socios.

Porque digo eso, mira, nos quitan las preferencias arancelarias. Pero ya no me quejo de eso. Sin las preferencias arancelarias de EEUU, ahora vendemos mejor nuestros textiles, a otros paises, como Brazil, como Argentina, y especialmente, Venezuela. Y sin ningun condicionamiento, a demas de eso. Y tenemos mas ingresos.

Segundo. EEUU, como los paises llamados en via de desarrollo, tiene la cuenta del milenio. Nos quitaron la cuenta del milenio. Y felizmente hemos resuelto con Brasil. Ya no necesitamos.

Y supuesta cooperacion con USAID. Mediante USAID. Mas si con los recursos economicos del pueblo norteamericano, prebenda algunos dirigientes, y los dirigientes conspiran contra el gobierno nacional. En este momento. No traje documentos.

No me arrepiento de haber expulsado el embajador de estados unidos. Expulsa del embajador de Estados Unidos, ya no hay intento de golpe de estado al gobierno nacional, de esta manera acabar con la democracia.

Entonces. El gobierno de EEUU, que de verdad, dos presidentes marginados, humillados, discriminados, un presidente producto de la migracion, otro presidente sometido a los migrantes de esa invasion europea, si tenemos ese origen, es como para juntarnos para ver, y trabajar, para los migrantes, no? para resolver, y ayudar a los sectores mas indefensos. Eso deberia ser nuestra politica. Seguramente en los EEUU y en el mundo, quieren ver trabajar juntos. Yo decia, un negro con un indio. Seria belleza para la gente. Pero no, no hay, tengo muchas dudas. Ojala mejore, y quiero que sepan, nosotros venimos de una cultura de dialogo, y quisieramos que el dialogo sea con todo el mundo. Dialogo con todos.

* * *

At UN, Evo Morales Calls Colombia “US Candidate,” IMF Praise Out of MDG Document

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, September 21, updated -- With Colombia running for a seat on the UN Security Council, several leftist countries in Latin America have been grumbling. Inner City Press asked Bolivian President Evo Morales on Tuesday for his nation's view. After asking a second time, Morales said Colombia “is a candidate of the United States.”

  Earlier, Inner City Press asked Morales about the International Monetary Fund, criticism of which was proposed for the MDG Summit outcome document by Bolivia, Venezuela and others, but which was edited out.

  Morales replied that the IMF is guilty of “blackmail,” such as applying pressure for privatization. In the press conference before Bolivia's, Venezuela's Permanent Representative to the UN Jorge Valero told Inner City Press that at least a portion of the document what would have praised the IMF and World Bank had been removed.

  Valero declined Inner City Press' question about Colombia, saying that relations are going better with the country and it is in the hands of Hugo Chavez. Neither did he answer what had happened to the earlier prediction his country would head the Group of 77 this year: Argentina has now gotten the spot.

Evo Morales at UN, G-77, Argentina replacing Venezuela not shown

  Morales was asked how the Obama administration has treated Bolivia. Badly, Morales said, questioning how an African American could mistreat an indigenous person, noting various forms of US aid that have been cut. [See response of P.J. Crowley of US, below.]

Inner City Press had wanted to ask Morales for his views on immigration, but time did not permit. His Ambassador to the UN Pablo Solon said he will speak again later in this week. Watch this site.

Footnote: Evo Morales' press conference as a head of state was rare this eye. Earlier on Tuesday, Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan was replaced by his foreign minister, just as Hugo Chavez was replaced by Ambassador Valero. But Rosa Otunbayeva of Kyrgyzstan, slated for a 2:30 press conference, canceled altogether. Another US candidate? Barack Obama has having one of his few bilateral meetings with her, on Friday. Watch this site.

Update of 7 p.m. -- at a briefing across from the UN at the US Mission, Inner City Press asked P.J. Crowley of the US State Department about what Morales said, about aid and Colombia.
  Crowley said that US aid to Bolivia has been "restructured" based on conditions on the ground making Bolivia "ineligible" for U.S. aid.

  Crowley did not answer on Colombia. But, in response to Inner City Press' question of whom the US supports between Germany, Portugal and Canada for the two Western European and Other Group seats on the Security Council, Crowley said "I'm quite confident we will not" describe "our deliberation on votes" for seats at the UN. 
   But the US has made much of seats it opposed Iran for, to answer criticism of Iran gaining a seat on the Committee on that Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women....

 Click here for an Inner City Press YouTube channel video, mostly UN Headquarters footage, about civilian deaths in Sri Lanka.

Click here for Inner City Press' March 27 UN debate

Click here for Inner City Press March 12 UN (and AIG bailout) debate

Click here for Inner City Press' Feb 26 UN debate

Click here for Feb. 12 debate on Sri Lanka

Click here for Inner City Press' Jan. 16, 2009 debate about Gaza

Click here for Inner City Press' review-of-2008 UN Top Ten debate

Click here for Inner City Press' December 24 debate on UN budget, Niger

Click here from Inner City Press' December 12 debate on UN double standards

Click here for Inner City Press' November 25 debate on Somalia, politics

and this October 17 debate, on Security Council and Obama and the UN.

* * *

These reports are usually also available through Google News and on Lexis-Nexis.

Click here for a Reuters AlertNet piece by this correspondent about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army. Click here for an earlier Reuters AlertNet piece about the Somali National Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's $200,000 contribution from an undefined trust fund.  Video Analysis here

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