Darfur, UN Gave Lockheed $12 Million No-Bid Food Contract, Leaked
Minutes Show, Breakfast in Nyala
Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at the UN: News Analysis
UNITED NATIONS, March 6 -- Already
under fire have having granted Lockheed Martin a no-bid $250 million
contract to build peacekeeping camps in Sudan, the UN on New Year's Eve
convened an emergency meeting to give Lockheed subsidiary Pacific
Architects & Engineers another $12 million on an emergency basis,
records show. This no-bid contract was to feed the peacekeepers, and to
strong-arm the UN Headquarters Committee on Contracts to sign off, they
were told that the peacekeepers had "to be fed breakfast in the next few
hours." See
HCC Minutes,
leaked to Inner City Press and placed online
at Paragraph 1.03.
While the UN's Department of Field Support sought approval of the lack
of competitive bidding on the grounds of emergency or "exigency," UN
Controller Warren Sach wrote that "the urgency of the matter stems from
poor planning." See
attached as last page,
Sach's January 2, 2008 note,
copied to the UN Department of Management's
Alicia Barcena and
DFS acting chief Jane Holl Lute.
The last minute
contract to Lockheed Martin is particularly noteworthy for its context,
in which DFS' award of a $250 million no-bid contract for peacekeeping
camps in Darfur Lockheed had already been
by the UN General Assembly, which has called for an investigation of
the waiver of competition. In the General Assembly, a number of
countries' representatives drew a link between the contract and Jane
Holl Lute, an American, married to Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute, President
Bush's war czar for Iraq and Afghanistan. When
Inner City Press asked Ms. Lute if
this is not a conflict of interest,
she said no, her work at the UN and her husband's work for the U.S. on
Iraq and Afghanistan don't overlap. Since the UN has missions in both
countries, this seemed a strange statement. Since then, Ms. Lute has
told reporters that she will not be quoted on the records about either
Afghanistan or Iraq, since it would be "a conflict of interest."
During the General
Assembly's questioning of the $250 million Darfur contract, Inner City
Press is told by sources that Procurement official Dmitry Dovgopoly had
Ukraine's ambassador reach out to other countries' Permanent
Representatives, urging them to cool off on inquiries into the Lockheed
deal, given Dovgolopy's involvement. Earlier this week, Inner City Press
asked Dovgopoly to comment on another procurement irregularity in which
he is involved, the
changing of the final Request for
Proposals for the follow-on Darfur infrastructure contract after a
request from the French mission
to the UN. Dovgopoly did not respond.
Inner City Press first asked DFS
about this no-bid contract, without providing a copy, some weeks ago. On
March 4, the question was reiterated along with the HCC minutes
themselves. To its credit, DFS then responded in 24 hours,
providing an alternate explanation. According to DFS, it because aware
on November 1 that the UN would become responsible for feeding
peacekeepers in Darfur on January 1. Since that date as the beginning of
the UN's responsibilities in Darfur was known since July 31, the three
month lag as regards food still required explanation. But even accepting
November 1 at the starting point, why did DFS wait until New Year's Eve
itself, without presenting any other contractor, only the same Lockheed
Martin subsidiary?

DFS' Jane Holl Lute, with
George Clooney,
in Darfur, PAE's $12 million breakfast contract not shown
DFS' response is that "there
was insufficient time to run a competitive exercise to re-bid the
requirement which was for a relatively short period (three months). So
we agreed to this as a temporary measure prior to being able to move the
ex-AMIS troops over to a standard UN support regime." In this standard
regime, while the troop contributing countries will supply their own
chefs "so that they can prepare food to meet tastes of their soldiers,"
the UN will still contract out the kitchens, apparently to Lockheed
While Controller Sach
in the attached
expresses concern about "the delay in contacting the HCC," the response
from DFS states that Sach was told on November 13. Given 24 hours to
reply, nothing has been heard from Mr. Sach, perhaps due to work
triggered by growing skepticism in the General Assembly toward the
Secretariat's budget add-ons.
In the attached HCC minutes, the
Committee in executive session indicated that the UN "had no way to
determine if the prices were competitive" and "had no certain
confirmation if a competitive solicitation with respect to the contract
with PAE had been undertaken, and if so, if it was done in 2004." As
with the UN's $250 million infrastructure contract with Lockheed's PAE,
the deal began on a no-bid basis by the U.S. government then resulted in
the UN becoming the payer, with no interruption for competitive bidding,
to the U.S.-based contractor.
News analysis: It
is true that Darfur is not as easy environment in which to contract.
But the UN knew well before October 15 that it should seek
competitors for the camps contract; it knew well before New Year's Eve
that breakfast would be needed on January 1. To the degree the
infrastructure contract, after extensive criticism, is being opened up,
has been shown to
involve inordinate access by the UN Mission of France, another of the
Permanent Five (P-5) members of the UN Security Council. Thursday after
Frenchman Jean-Marie Guehenno told his staff he will leave his post in
June, the UN was full of speculation of who from France will take over
this post. Even if such P-5 politics is the norm in the doling
out of top jobs at the UN, procurement is supposedly less subject to
power politics. We say "supposedly" because the
attached minutes
show different. As the Committee states in the
"appropriate measures should be taken by DFS to avoid these situations
from occurring in the future." But we've heard that before. When will
there be some accountability?
* * *
These reports are
usually also available through
Google News and on Lexis-Nexis.
here for a
AlertNet piece by this correspondent about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army.
for an earlier
Reuters AlertNet
piece about the Somali National Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's
$200,000 contribution from an undefined trust fund.
Analysis here
Feedback: Editorial
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