At UN, More Questions About Satyam Contracts and
Procurement Orders Arise
Byline: Matthew Russell Lee of
Inner City Press at the UN: News Analysis
March 23 -- As the scandals
Satyam, the so-called Indian Enron, continue
to gather force, further
emerged on Monday about the Satyam
contracts with the United Nations which the
UN has said it is cancelling. At Monday's
UN noon briefing Inner City Press
asked UN Associate Spokesman Farhan Haq
Inner City Press: a Satyam
question. In reviewing the website of
the Procurement Division, it seems like there was a contract
reached for just
over $6 million in July 2008, but there were two purchase
orders of $3.3
million in June and July 2008. So some
are saying that this means that… Was the full $6 million… Was $6
million and more
actually paid already to Satyam under that contract?
And two, what explains the discrepancy
between what was the purchase orders and the contracts?
Associate Spokesperson Haq: I am
not going to get too much into the
details of the Satyam deals, just to let you know that all throughout
the UN
system we’d taken the decision not to have further dealings with Satyam. So the current deals that had been previously
made are all being wrapped up. And so
that’s where we stand on that.
Inner City Press: So exactly on
that point -- I don’t want to go on and on and on -- but the deal that
through 2013, has all the money in fact been paid and is there any
for it to be returned? It seems from
this that the money was already actually paid out.
So what wrapping up would mean is not clear
to some people.

Associate Spokesperson Haq: Throughout
the system the various bodies of
the UN will wrap up the contracts. The
details of that may need some fine-tuning, it may need to be worked out
in the
coming months. But, certainly, all the
contracts are being wrapped to whatever extent that things that are
already in
the pipeline need to be completed, some will be completed, but it will
all be
shut down.
would the UN apparently have paid in advance for work to be done until
What of the seeming $600,000 discrepancy? The questions arise in the
context of
the UN
having misspoken earlier this month about its Procurement Division's
coverage of the UN-affiliated International Computing Center, and
admission that Satyam serves the UN through ICC contracts as well.
Click here for Inner City
Press March 12 UN (and AIG
bailout) debate
Click here for Inner City
Press' Feb 26 UN debate
for Feb.
12 debate on Sri Lanka
Click here for Inner City Press' Jan.
16, 2009 debate about Gaza
Click here for Inner City Press'
review-of-2008 UN Top Ten debate
Click here for Inner
City Press' December 24 debate on UN budget, Niger
Click here from Inner City Press'
December 12 debate on UN double standards
Click here for Inner
City Press' November 25 debate on Somalia, politics
and this October 17 debate, on
Security Council and Obama and the UN.
* * *
reports are
usually also available through Google
News and on Lexis-Nexis.
Click here
for a Reuters
AlertNet piece by this correspondent
about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army. Click
for an earlier Reuters AlertNet piece about the Somali
Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's $200,000 contribution from an
undefined trust fund. Video
Analysis here
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