Gucci Event Bent and Broke UN Rules, UNICEF's
Veneman's Venom Toward the Press
Byline: Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at
the UN: News Analysis
UNITED NATIONS, February 7 -- As the dust settles on
Gucci's night of glitzy on the UN's North Lawn, it emerged Thursday that the
event violated not only UN precedent of not allowing itself to be used as
advertisement, as Gucci did, but also violated the UN's own rules -- although
one rule was changed just prior to the event to try to accommodate Gucci. An
amendment to the rule on the Use of the UN emblem" quietly issued on January 23,
effective February 1, includes a new paragraph providing that "when the Un
participates in organizing" an event "the emblem may be used" with others.
ST/AI/189/Add.21/Amend.1, signed by Alicia Barcena of the Department of
Management. Ms. Barcena did not mention this new rule when Inner City Press
questioned her about the event on February 4, although she did say that Gucci's
statement that the event celebrated the opening of their flagship store on Fifth
Avenue was inappropriate.
But another UN rule was broken.
Madonna, co-founder of Raising Malawi with the Kabbalah Center of Los Angeles'
Michael Berg in 2006, said at the event that "I want to put Raising Malawi on
the map. I want credibility as a philanthropic organization." But the UN's
Administrative Instruction ST/AI/416, "Use of UN Premises," provides that
"outside entities, including non-governmental organizations, may not hold
meeting or events on UN premises to conduct their own organizational business or
to advance their purposes or aims."
Given these rules, why did
UNICEF's Ann Veneman push for the event, and why did Alicia Barcena, in charge
of UN grounds, give the land for this use? Thursday, a day after her spokesman
said she would not stop to answer Inner City Press' questions on her way in or
out of the event, Veneman was still lying low, even as a formal request for her
presence was made at the UN's noon briefing. Video
from Minute 11:37.
emerged that this is a pattern with Ms. Veneman. Inner City Press' Washington
sources recount that when Veneman became the head of the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, the practice was that journalists could ask questions of officials,
stakeout-style, at the USDA. One day returning from questioning on Capitol Hill,
Ms. Veneman saw the reporters doing their jobs, and something snapped. Hours
later, the reporters were told they could no longer ask questions. The Senate
Committee overseeing USDA expressed opposition to Veneman's press ban. Now in
the UN system, Veneman dodges the press, particularly any critical coverage.
While it had been said that
space was so tight at Wednesday's event, Veneman brought her executive officer
and long-time George W. Bush supporter Blake Nabors with her, along with US Fund
for UNICEF uber-fundraiser Jeffrey Towers. The "uber" is consciously used, as
UNICEF faces a scandal in Germany, that was asked about at Thursday UN noon
briefing. Click
here for
video, click
here for
Deutsche Welle's article entitled "Donors Flee, Criticisms Mount Amid Germany's
UNICEF Crisis." Among the charges is that a UNICEF worker was being paid $1,244
a day. What
does Veneman have to say about it?
While amid the excess on Wednesday night, $300,000 a year at UNICEF might not
seem like much, we still don't know Veneman's views.

Trick or treat box - under Veneman,
to be redesigned by Gucci? To collect $1000 a day salaries?
UNICEF insiders, more and more
of whom are coming forward to speak to Inner City Press, paint a picture in
which Veneman appears most concerned with what she will do after leaving UNICEF.
She is said to not want to offend her Republican base, and for that reason to demand to
personally approve any UNICEF utterance that concerns Iraq or Cuba. Perhaps it
is playing to her Republican base that explains her
answer during the process of being placed
at UNICEF by President Bush in 2005,
when "asked if she would continue to emphasize primary and secondary education
for girls. 'I don't come with any broad agenda with regard to those or any other
social issue,' she said. 'I don't believe these issues are relevant to the
mission of UNICEF.'" But a paparazzi red carpet auction "celebrating" the
opening of a Gucci store on Fifth Avenue is "relevant to the mission of
Of the event, while UNICEF has refused to
provide previously-promised information, we can report that the wait-staff was
recruited from a modeling -- actually, an escort -- service, and were done up in
brown Gucci suits. A $500 Gucci swag bag was given to attendees at the end.
Perhaps that's why they pushed to do it on the UN's international territory,
suggested one wag -- to make it all tax free.
noted in The Guardian,
"Gucci's creative director, Frida Giannini, admitted that she was surprised the
UN had allowed them to hold the event there. 'When our PR team proposed it I
didn't think it would be possible,' she said. 'I mean, why would they let some
stupid fashion party inside the United Nations?'" Why indeed. We'll have more on
all this.
* * *
These reports are also available through
Google News and on Lexis-Nexis.
here for a
AlertNet piece by this correspondent about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army.
for an earlier
Reuters AlertNet
piece about the Somali National Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's
$200,000 contribution from an undefined trust fund.
Analysis here
Because a number of Inner City Press'
UN sources go out of their way to express commitment to serving the poor, and
while it should be unnecessary, Inner City Press is compelled to conclude this
installment in a necessarily-ongoing series by saluting the stated goals of the
UN agencies and many of their staff. Keep those cards, letters and emails
coming, and phone calls too, we apologize for any phone tag, but please continue
trying, and keep the information flowing.
Feedback: Editorial
UN Office: S-453A,
UN, NY 10017 USA Tel: 212-963-1439
Reporter's mobile
(and weekends): 718-716-3540
Other, earlier Inner
City Press are listed here, and
some are available in the ProQuest service, and now on Lexis-Nexis.
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