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As UN Bans Inner City Press E-Asks Spox Dujarric of Zimbabwe China AI Cameroon Sexual Harassment 300+ UNanswered

By Matthew Russell Lee, CJR Letter PFT Q&A, NY Post

UNITED NATIONS GATE, January 16 – Inner City Press on July 5 was banned from entering the UN, the day after it filed a criminal complaint against UN Security for physically removing it from covering the meeting about the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres' $6.7 billion peacekeeping budget, as witnessed and essentially cheered on by senior UN official Christian Saunders, tearing its reporter's shirt, painfully and intentionally twisting his arm and slamming shut and damaging his laptop. On August 17, Guterres' Global Communicator Alison Smale issued a letter banning Inner City Press from the UN - for life. With no due process. She and Guterres have put the UN in the US Press Freedom Tracker, here. Smale said, again, that the UN would answer Press questions to the Spokesman Stephane Dujarric and his Office; Dujarric said the same on camera. On January 16, before a briefing Dujarric began late while Guterres falsely bragged about saving money while flying to Lisbon 16 times, Inner City Press submitted 416 questions including "There are more than 300+ questions UNanswered. No answer on Dec 17 or 18 or 19 or 20 or 21 - another FIVE days in a row, even as SG's direct conflicts of interest and failure to disclose emerge, and a newest low. While appreciating the lone read-out answer sent on Jan 7, nothing on Dec 24 or Dec 26 or Dec 27 or Dec 28, or January 2, 3 or 4 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 14 or 15, SIX work days in a row, apparently under orders. No answers at all during those four days of the US v Ho trial showing corruption in the UN says it all. This ban is just censorship - and Inner City Press must be allowed back into the noon briefing to ask its questions in person and follow up on them. 

January 16-1: On Zimbabwe, what is the SG's comment and action on that police and military have launched a massive crackdown in Zimbabwe after what appears to be have been a widespread breakdown of public order linked to food and fuel shortages in the impoverished country.  Access to the internet and social media was shut off for most of Wednesday, and armed soldiers were patrolling the streets of major cities as unidentified men were reported to be sweeping through poor neighbourhoods of Harare, the capital, and beating people at random? 

January 16-2: On China, what is the SG's comment and action on the pattern of official Chinese efforts to use foreign nationals as bargaining chips in disputes with other parties, including private individuals, overseas companies, or even other countries.  The Lius’ case received a splash of attention when it first broke—it was, after all, the first detailed accounting of China’s use of exit bans against American citizens. Since then, their plight has vanished from the headlines. And yet, the case is very much worthy of note: First and foremost, the Chinese government is blocking two innocent American citizens from returning to their home country, in violation of international law. At the same time, the treatment of Victor and Cynthia Liu is part of a larger pattern of Beijing’s growing disregard for the rights of foreign nationals present in China 

January 16-3: On artificial intelligence, does the logo of Paolo Zampolli's WAIO comply with UN rules regarding use of logos similar to the UN's? What is the SG's comment and action on Mr. Zampaoli being Dominica's ambassador to the UN though not from Dominica? What rules apply to that, including given the seven guilty verdicts in the Patrick Ho / CEFC case? Again, how many times did the convicted Mr Ho access the Ho? Does ex-El Salvador PR Carlos Garcia still access the UN? Does Francis Lorenzo who pleaded guilty to UN bribery? 

January 16-4: The Deloitte "Safe Space Survey Report," how much did it cost the public? How was Deloitte chosen? What is the SG's comment and action on the systemic sexual harassment at UNAIDS, UNFPA including Diego Palacios (will SG lift immunity? If not, why not?), ICSC and UNESCO? Who has been held accountable? 

January 16-5: Relatedly, what is the SG's response to UN staff complaints that the report only covered sexual harassment and excluded abuse of authority and harassment in general, which a separate survey by staff unions showed to be seven times more prevalent in the organisation. So some staff in the field will get fired for visiting prostitutes but major harassers at the senior level remain protected.   And what about Jan Beagle who was part of senior management at UNAIDS and linked in the independent report to facilitating a culture of harassment when there? How does the SG respond, if at all?

January 15-1: On Nigeria, please state the UN's knowledge and action on the attack that reported killed at least 10 civilians and set many houses and a UN compound ablaze in Rann, Borno State.  January

15-2: On Haiti, please state what the SG has done about the Nov. 13, 2018 massacre of at least 21 people in the La Saline neighborhood of Port au Prince and, again, give a read out of the SG's meeting in December with Josette Sheeran. 

January 15-3: On China and Canada, what is the SG's comment and action now that the Dalian Intermediate People's Court in China's north-east province of Liaoning retried Robert Lloyd Schellenberg, who had appealed against his original 15-year sentence, and decided on execution? 

January 15-4: On Central African Republic, please immediately as you did not yesterday provide the SG's comment and action on photos of videos of blue helmeted peacekeepers, apparently from the UN's Mauritanian contingent, carrying wounded / killed people near Ippy. To ensure your prompt answer, here are two of the photos.

January 15-5: Please state why the SG's meeting yesterday with the PGA was not on his public schedule while meetings with (some) SRSGs, for example, are.

January 14-1: On Sudan, what is the SG's comment and action on that Sudanese security forces Sunday fired tear gas and real bullets on Khartoum North Hospital and other medical facilities in other towns said a statement issued by the Sudan Doctors’ Syndicate? Again, please state when and why Mr Guterres met Omar al Bashir. 

January 14-2: On Central African Republic, please immediately provide the SG's comment and action on photos of videos of blue helmeted peacekeepers, apparently from the UN's Mauritanian contingent, carrying wounded / killed people near Ippy. 

January 14-3: On Cameroon, what is the SG's comment and action on the documented burning of schools and homes in by Paul Biya's Army in, among others, Bafut and Lebilem in Fontem County? 

January 14-4: On Cambodia, what is the SG's comment and action on that Prime Minister Hun Sen today threatened to retaliate against the opposition if the European Union withdraws duty-free trading access over human rights concerns. “If you want the opposition dead, just cut it,” Hun Sen said in a speech at the inauguration of a ring road around the capital, Phnom Penh, addressing the European Union and referring to Cambodia’s EBA status.  “If you want the opposition alive, don’t do it and come and hold talks together,” he said. 

January 14-5: On Burundi, again, what is the SG's comment and action on te foreign non-governmental organisations in Burundi which recently closed their offices after failing to comply with the country’s laws by the December 31, 2018 deadline. The Burundi government has demanded, among other things, that NGOs observe ethnic quotas in recruiting staff. 

January 14-6: On China and Canada, again, what is the SG's comment and action on that China's Foreign Ministry said on Monday that former Canadian diplomat Michael Kovrig, who was detained on suspicion of endangering China's national security, is not entitled to diplomatic immunity. Relevant departments are handling the case in accordance with the law, and the claim that China arbitrarily and unfairly detained Canadian citizens is groundless, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying told the press on Monday. 

January 14-7: Also on Central African Republic, please provide detailed information on the Portuguese UN Peacekeepers use of force last week around Bambari to prepare for a Presidential visit including the UN's estimate of casualties, including if civilian or not. 

January 14-8: On Bangladesh and freedom of expression, what is the SG's comment and action on that A Bangladeshi man who distorted and posted photos of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been sentenced to seven years in jail under tough internet laws that critics say are used to muzzle dissent. Mohammad Monir, 35, was found guilty late on Wednesday by a Dhaka cyber tribunal for doctoring and publishing on social media images of Hasina and ex-president Zillur Rahman.  "He posted those distorted images in his Facebook status and made derogatory remarks in the photo captions," prosecutor Nazrul Islam Shamim told AFP news agency.  He was convicted under section 57 of the South Asian country's Information and Communication Technology (ICT) law?

January 11-1: On Uganda, beyond the UNanswered questions about China Energy Fund Committee's payments to Sam Kutesa, what is the SG's comment and action on that " On Thursday, January 10, 2019, news broke out that one Moses Ishimwe Rutare – a 33-year-old Rwandan businessman based in Uganda, was picked by operatives attached to Uganda’s Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) as testified by his relatives.     Rutare was reportedly picked up from Bugolobi – a Kampala suburb where he had attended a church service.  “The continued arrests and torture of Rwandan citizens in Uganda is not only against basic human rights, but a threat to East African Community’s Common Market Protocol,” Rwanda’s State Minister in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Amb. Olivier Nduhungirehe said.  Rutare’s development adds to a series of other cases reported by Rwanda Police where several Rwandans were aligned before media after days of torture in the neighboring country"? 

January 11-2: Please immediately state all UN connections to an event in the UN Delegates Dining Room tomorrow involving Ban Ki-moon and described as " UNITED NATIONS CHINESE ARTS GALA / SPEECHES BY STEVE FORBES & BAN KI MOON." Is UN Security charging money? How much is being charged? Does UN Security enforce a dress code? Was the UN contacted by the organizers? Did the UN tell them Inner City Press is "not welcome" in the UN? What is the basis of that, without any hearing or appeal? What is the SG's comment and action on - and role in, if any - threat of litigation against Inner City Press for reporting on this and other events in the UN? On deadline. 

January 11-3: On Nigeria, since Inner City Press was banned from the stakeout by SRSG Chambas yesterday, what is the UN's and SG's position on the (lack of) compliance with human rights by troops of the 82 Division of the Nigerian Army in so called Operation Python Dance III a/k/a Egwu Eke III? Again, state why DSG Amina Mohammed was at the SG's meeting with Chambas but not at other meetings with SRSGs, and her and the SG's position on President Buhari having a relative by marriage on the Electoral Commission. 

January 11-4: On UN wide rules against inappropriate religious imposition in the workplace, what is the SG's comment and action on staff complaints to Inner City Press that the Ng Lap Seng linked Office of South South Cooperation's chief Jorge Chediek distributed religious paraphernalia in the office. The religious article in question is the medal of St. Benedict, which is known to be the “devil chasing medal” and used in exorcisms. The pendant is inscribed with the Latin phrase, which translates as “Begone Satan! Tempt me not with your vanities! What you offer me is evil! Drink the poison yourself!” Multiple staff discovered pendants hidden in their workstations leaving them frightened and confused because of the diabolical connotation. 

January 11-5: On Egypt, what is the SG's comment and action on that a leading figure in Egypt's 2011 revolution was handed 15 years in prison on Wednesday after a retrial. Ahmed Douma was arrested in 2013 on charges of clashing with security forces in Cairo two years earlier, and received a 25-year prison sentence in 2015? 

January 11-6: On Thailand, again, what is the SG's comment and action now that voters who still cherished the hope of casting their ballots on Feb 24 saw the likelihood fade as the Thursday deadline for publication of the royal decree on the general election slipped away?

January 10-1: On Sri Lanka, what is the SG's comment and action on the naming of notorious Shavendra Silva, whom even Ban Ki-moon sought to have removed from the peacekeeping position the Rajapaksa government nominated him for, has been named Army Chief of Staff under Sirisena? Given Shavendra Silva's UN-documented record in 2008 and 2009 what steps will the UN stake with regard to vetting - or continuing to use - "peacekeepers" from his Sri Lanka army?

January 10-2: On Sudan, again, what is the SG's comment and action on now that three more people were killed and several others were injured in the largest opposition protest that took place in the Khartoum’s twin city of Omdurman, on Wednesday [even the Sudanese police said.

January 10-3: On Haiti, what is the SG's comment and action including to pay compensation on that a US Federal judge this week in the EDNY case in Brooklyn case challenging the impending end of Temporary Protected Status in the US for Haitians referred to Haiti cholera as "exacerbated by if not introduced by UN peacekeepers?" What is the read out of the SG's meeting last month with Josette Sheeran?

January 10-4: Given Gordon Brown's UN roles, has he sought Ethics Office permission and has he disclosed - where? - this: "Gordon Brown is to become an ­adviser for the Swiss private equity firm Partners Group on its so-called impact investments.  Zug-based Partners, which has $78bn (£61bn) of assets under management, started its $1bn “impact” fund PG Life last year. The fund is focused on investments that meet the United Nations’ sustainable development goals such as eliminating poverty and improving access to healthcare.  The former prime minister is joining Partners’ co-founder Urs Wietlisbach and the ­former UN General Assembly president Vuk Jeremić on the fund’s advisory council." Note the Jeremic information in the Patrick Ho conviction trial.

January 10-5: On refugee issues on which the SG speaks, what is his comment and action on that a boat with 17 Vietnamese asylum seekers ran aground near the mouth of the Daintree river in August and the passengers fled into the crocodile-infested mangrove to escape. After being picked up by authorities in Queensland, they were transferred to the Christmas Island detention center before being sent back to Vietnam in September.  No one has heard from them since and attempts to track them down have proven fruitless. Vietnamese journalists and government officials have refused to answer even basic questions about their fate?

January 9-1: On Somalia, please immediate state the impact on the UN's work in Somalia of the functional redployment of UN personnel from Mogadishu to Nairobi as reflected in the memo of Clark Toes OiC UNSOS leaked to and published (in voluntarily redacted form) by Inner City Press. 

January 9-2: On Cyprus, please immediately state the status of the complaints and cases, which Inner City Press has previous asked about including before being roughed up and banned from the UN 189 days ago, against Chief Finance Officer of UNFICYP Husein Moussa who was reported to the OIOS for illegally obtaining the citizenship of the host country (Cyprus) in violation of the Status of Force Agreement and was reported for accepting a free VIP ticket to a champions league football match. On information and belief a  case with number 661/16 was opened by OIOS and it was redirected to the Under-Secretary-General for Field Support, Mr. Atul Khare, to follow up and investigate the allegations. What has happened?  Please respond to criticism that current UNFICYP’s SRSG Ms. Spehar knows but looks the other way.     OIOS knows and twice (Case No 661/16 & Case No 395/17) have initiated an investigation process but then somehow the cases came to a standstill. What is the status? What is the SG's comment and action? 

January 9-3: On the Philippines, what is the SG's comment and action on President Rodrigo Duterte reportedly joking about kidnapping and torturing Commission on Audit personnel as he criticized the agency anew over its accountability rules on the spending of government funds? Again, where is OIOS head Heidi Mendoza? Is still still involved in OIOS's (in) actions? What is the status of Inner City Press' filings concerning being roughed up by UN DSS Lt Ronald E Dobbins and others unnamed on June 22 and 3 July 2018? 

January 9-4: On Yemen, please state where the 75 monitors proposed by the SG would come from - other missions? and whether there are any Program Budget Implications. 

January 9-5: On Thailand, what is the SG's comment and action, and any DPPA involvement, as Prayut Chan-o-cha refuses to say if there will be a further delay of the election there?

January 8-1: On Nigeria, what are the comments and actions of the SG and separately DSG on that five truckloads of heavily armed soldiers yesterday invaded the head office of Media Trust Limited at Jabi, Abuja and proceeded to occupy the newspaper company, which publishes the Daily Trust titles, for five hours, driving out all the staff, carted away desktop and laptop computers and restricted entry or departure from the premises? Please state why the DSG is attending today's 4 pm meeting with UNOWA's Chambas while not attending other similar meetings. What is the DSG's comment on a relative of President Buhari on the electoral commission?  January

8-2: What is the SG's response to staff who are offended to be told not to ask him any specific questions when he visits their work areas? What is the rationale for such a restriction?  January

8-3: On South Sudan and Sudan, what is the comment of the SG and separately UNMISS SRSG on that South Sudan authorities have banned media houses in the country from covering the unrest in Sudan.  The South Sudan Media Authority acting director Mr Sapana Abuyi said on Monday that the demonstrations in the northern neighbour, now in their third week, were internal affairs.  “The ongoing protests in Khartoum are internal issues affecting a friendly nation, the media in South Sudan should not write or broadcast instigative statements and comments about it,” Mr Abuyi said in a statement on Monday. 

January 8-4: Please immediate confirm or deny that (US nationals who are) UN staff were sent other staff member's IRS tax information and if not denying state what is being done about this breech of privacy. 

January 8-5: Again, on Cameroon, what have the SG and his envoy Francois Lounceny Fall been doing amid ongoing state violence in the SW and NW regions, and now on the case filed in the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights in Banjul, The Gambia over the impending trial of 47 asylum seekers which asks "the Chairperson and the Bureau to urgently hold an extra-ordinary session of the African Commission to address the illegal and unfair return of 47 refugees and asylum seekers, and the continuing violations of the rights of the returnees by the government of Cameroon"? 

January 8-6: On Tanzania and refugees, what is the SG's comment and action on that Tanzanian President John Magufuli on January 4urged his ministers to “take advantage” of refugee crises and make money by selling food to international aid organisations.  The country hosts around 300 000 refugees, mainly from Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), largely in three camps in the north-west of the country, according to the Norwegian Refugee Council.  Speaking in Dar es Salaam, Magufuli celebrated the signing of a contract to deliver 36 000 tons of maize to the UN World Food Program (WFP) for around $9.1 million.  “These funds are allocated to help our refugee friends from other countries in conflict, it is our duty to take advantage of them,” said Magufuli in Swahili, to laughter in the room.  “We must take advantage of their problems. They fight at home and we get the money.” 

January 8-7: On the UN Pension Fund, on which your Office has been refusing to answer Press questions, what is the SG's response to the staff unions' letter AFTER the UNGA late December vote, that "Mr. Levins appeared to conspire with other Board members to manipulate the process. In the email (enclosed), the Chair stated his intention to exclude us “as it is clear what their view will be.”   Since then we have not heard anything from Mr. Levins.   In light of the above...  recommend that you do not accept the Mr. Levin’s proposal as a recommendation of the Board but instead request that the minutes of a special session of the Board or meeting of the Standing Committee be provided, in order to satisfy Article 7(a) of the Regulations.   We also recommend, given the departure of the current Acting CEO on 31 December, that existing delegations of authority by the Acting CEO be maintained so that staff of the Fund Secretariat in Geneva and New York may continue to certify and approve payments from 1 January and until a new Acting CEO is appointed. If necessary, an officer-in-charge can be designated from among the senior staff of the Fund Secretariat for the purpose of maintaining those delegations beyond the departure of the current Acting CEO"? 

January 8-8: Please provide read-outs of the following SG public appointments on Jan 4: 10:25 a.m. Professor Anna Tibaijuka, Member of Parliament for Muleba South, United Republic of Tanzania 10:45 a.m.  Meeting with H.E. Mr. Jean-Pierre Raffarin, President, Leaders for Peace, and Members of Leaders for Peace 12:15 p.m. H.E. Mr. Aurélien Agbenonci, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Benin 12:45 p.m. and prospectively H.E. Mr. Matteo Renzi, Senator and Former Prime Minister of Italy - or state why no read outs are being provided. 

January 8-9: On Kazakhstan, what is the SG's comment and action on the continued detention of Mukhtar Dzahakishev? 

January 8-10: On Cyprus, again, what is the SG’s comment and action on that Turkey issued an announcement on Thursday declaring it will conduct “seismic research” in a large area of the Eastern Mediterranean which includes parts of the Greek continental shelf and the Cypriot E.E.Z.  Turkey said the research will be ongoing in the blocked-off area until Saturday, January 5? Also, what is the SG’s response to the protest letter Cyprus filed last month? 

January 8-11: On Western Sahara, what is the SG’s comment and action on Morocco’s expulsion of two Spanish citizens, allegedly for not staying in a hotel? Does the SG accept that as a legitimate ground for a country to expel a non-national? 

January 8-12: On Saudi Arabia, does the SG’s Youth Envoy still have the MOU with MBS’s MiSK Foundation? Is so, why, after the killing of Jamal Khashoggi?  January 8-13: On Saudi Arabia, what is the SG's comment and action on that Netflix has removed from its streaming service in Saudi Arabia an episode of a comedy show critical of the kingdom.  The second episode of Patriot Act With Hasan Minhaj was removed following a legal demand, which reportedly said it violated a Saudi anti-cybercrime law.  It features Minhaj mocking the actions of Saudi officials following the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi and condemning the crown prince's policies. 

January 8-14: On DSS and treatment of staff, again, please confirm the death in 2018 of Officer Richard Devera, separately state if the UN understands it to have been suicide and confirm or deny that after Mr. Devera's foot surgery his request for a seating or sitting position was rejected, and that he was terminated prior to his demise as DSS personnel complain.

December 31-3: What is the SG's comment and action on the upholding of jail sentences to human rights activists Nabeel Rajab in Bahrain and Ahmed Mansoor in the UAE?

December 31-5: Beyond the 40 questions from Inner City Press you refused to answer last week, still set forth below for promised answer, this is a request, given that Gulbenkian Foundation was trying to tell its Partex Oil and Gas affiliate to CEFC China Energy in 2018, that you immediately disclose all connections to Gulbenkian by the SG, this lead spokesman and their family members. Given that Peter Thomson is the SG's rep on Oceans that you describe in detail Thomson's 2017 meeting with now disappeared Ye Jianming of CEFC, name which UN DSS officials were with him and what reports they filed, what their duties were; what was seen by those accompanying Thomson, specifically Zhu Juwang andAbdelghani Merabet, both apparently still with the UN (the latter still in PGA's office) and Zhang Yi, now back with the Chinese government? There are many more questions that should have been addressed in the audit of CEFC that the SG should have begun, at latest, in November 2017. For now this is a reiterated request past deadline that you (1) state when SG Guterres left his position on the Gulbenkian Foundation, (2) state why Gulbenkian was not listed on SG Guterres' public financial disclosure which covered 2016; (3) explain how it is not a conflict of interest for SG Guterres to have refused to start an audit of CEFC in the UN, as requested by Inner City Press in January 2018, given CEFC's bid for the oil business of Gulbenkian. Also, again, state why under SG Guterres there have been no updates to the UN public financial disclosures since those filed for 2016. Also, again, explain your refusal to answer any of Inner City Press' questions this week despite USG Smale's statements to GAP, me and UNSR David Kaye.

December 31-6: On Egypt, what is the SG's comment and action on that an Egyptian appeals court has imposed a two-year prison sentence against the women's rights activist Amal Fathy, who criticised the authorities for failing to tackle sexual harassment?

December 31-8: On Cameroon, what is the SG's comment and action on the widely seen dragging of at least two people behind motor bikes in Bangourain, condemned by local human rights groups but on which the UN has said nothing? What is the SG's action, if any, on the continued detention of those grabbed up in Abuja contemporaneous with the DSG's presence there and illegal refouled to Yaounde?

December 31-9: On the UAE, what is the SG's comment and action on the grabbing up of (and prior 36 minute video by) Sheikha Latifa the daughter of Dubai's ruler? Who in the UN system did Mary Robinson contact before declaring Latifa to be OK, just “troubled”?

December 31-10: On Kenya, what is the SG and separately UNRC's comment and action on the killing of 23 year old student Maina and the lack of credibility in government responses?

December 31-11: On South Sudan, please immediately state the UN's knowledge of Peter Gadet's role in threatening to shoot down UN helicopter and, separately, in actually shooting down UN helicopter, in light of his election at the chairmanship of the South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA) - what is the SG's comment and action on this? How will the UN system engage with Gadet, given the past and UN talk of accountability and protecting peacekeepers and staff?

December 31-12: On Turkey, what is the SG's comment and action on reports that the Erdogan government has fined two of the last television channels critical of the government over on-air comments which allegedly insulted the country’s president and encouraged civil disobedience?

December 31-13: On Uganda, what is the SG's comment and action on the Boxing Day crackdown on supporters of MP Bobi Wine?

December 31-14: Since your Office has refused to answer Inner City Press' questions about the SG's inaction on UNAIDS Sidibe and ICSC's Rhodes, what is the SG's response to this, from The Lancet? "UN Secretary General António Guterres appointed Sidibé. It is his prerogative to intervene, to demonstrate that contravention of the governance standards set by the UN needs to be publicly met with accountability. Guterres has often affirmed his personal commitment to zero tolerance for sexual harassment. But faced with the reality of this commitment, he failed to provide much-needed leadership. By being allowed to control the narrative of his departure from UNAIDS, Sidibé was given the power to protect his legacy—a legacy that includes many successes but that was built partly at the expense of those who were harassed or bullied. In Guterres' deafening silence, a pervasive unspoken truth is echoed to the global health community: in the name of a greater purpose, the culture of impunity can prevail."

December 31-15: Please immediately state whether Williams Uchemba of Nigeria has attended youth or other conference as the UN, and also state whether the SG's Envoy on Youth still has in place the Memorandum of Understanding with the Saudi Crown Prince's MiSK Foundation, even after the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

December 31-16: What is the SG's comment (and action if any) on this “Palestinian foreign minister Riyad al-Malki declared on Wednesday that Palestine would apply for full state membership at the United Nations in January.Mr Al-Malki told the official radio station Voice of Palestine that he would file the application to upgrade Palestine's status from an observer state to a full member state to the UN Security Council.”

December 31-17: On Japan, what is the SG's comment and action on that Japan is resuming commercial whaling for the first time in more than 30 years. The country’s fleet will resume commercial operations in July next 2019, the government’s chief spokesman, Yoshihide Suga, said of the decision to defy the 1986 global ban on commercial whaling.

December 31-18: What is the SG's comment, now SIX days after the fact, on the UNGA and Budget Committee votes and non-votes on Dec 22 including the non action on Human Resources Management, the call for more openness in recruitment / succession at the Pension Fund (your Office has refused to answer Inner City Press on this); also confirm that DM staff were told not to take any leave days on Dec and Jan, even today, when the SG is away.

December 31-19: Again, please state where the SG is and how much it is costing the UN and public, including in Security costs.

December 31-20: The promised “highlights” are not online as of 12:07 pm. When are they supposed to go up? How is one supposed to ask any follow up about them - particularly given your Office's total lack of responses? What is the staffing cost of the OSSG? Today? When is the last time the Office communicated with the SG? Has the SG been asked about his Gulbenkian Foundation omission? If not, why not? If so, what is his explanation? Is he filing a new Financial Disclosure? What about the obvious conflict of interest - and censorship?

December 31-21: On China, what is the SG's comment and action on the “secret” trial of human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang without even a verdict announced? Tianjin No. 2 Intermediate Court cited "state secrets" for the closed-door trial and said "verdict will be announced on a selected date."

No answers - the questions were emailed by banned Inner City Press, pursuant to USG Alison Smale's promise to UNSR David Kaye they would be answered, also to, among others, Amina Mohammed, Marcia Soares Pinto, Keishamaza Rukikaire, Hua Jiang (who refers to Hak-Fan Lau, Mita Hosali, Joachim Harris and Lydia Lobenthal) and Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, who refers to Arnab Roy and Eihab Omaish - as well as the Guterres' own email. No answers, including on the UN Public Financial Disclosure omissions, nor on these:

December 21-1: On Burundi, repeating and amplifying a question you refused to answer from December 6 on, please immediately confirm or deny that Burundi has asked the UN system to decrease its human rights presence, on which countries' missions in Bujumbura have now commented (The Burundi government has ordered the United Nations Human Rights Council to shut its office in the country within two months), and state the SG's view and response. Again, what is the SG's comment and action if any on the Nkurunziza goverment's international arrest warrant against Pierre Buyoya and 16 others? Also, what is the UN's comment on the reporting about the Nkurunziza government's “torture house”?

December 21-2: Again on China and Canada, Inner City Press' question on yesterday you refused to answer, what now is the SG's comment and action not only on that a Canadian military surveillance aircraft monitoring United Nations sanctions was harassed in international airspace off North Korea by the Chinese military, but also on the detention of Canadians (and others) in China, including Michael Kovrig who previously worked in the UN as a diplomat? It is now reported that Kovrig is being denied legal representation and is not allowed to turn the lights off at night. And on the case(s) against the Huawei executive in Canada?

December 21-3: On costs to the UN and to the public, please state where the SG is going Dec 21 - Jan 1 and how much it costs the UN and the public, including in security costs.

December 21-4: Please explain (and change) that there is no online public archive of the SG's and DSG's daily public schedules, when for example the PGA has had an archive as to many public officials at all levels.

December 21-5: Also on transparency, please confirm or deny that the SG spoke with Imran Khan of Pakistan and if you don't deny, please provide a read out of that and other calls with heads of state, heads of government or foreign minister in the past week (and prospectively Dec 21-Jan 1). [Dujarric confirmed the Khan call to a Pakistani journalist, no answer to Inner City Press on the rest.]

December 21-6: On Zambia, what is the SG's comment and action on that Zambia's Supreme Court on Thursday slapped an 18-month jail sentence on a journalist for contempt of court after he accused the judiciary of corruption. Derrick Sinjela, editor of the Rainbow Newspaper, had questioned one of the court's rulings earlier this year when it overturned a lower court's decision involving two large corporations - Stanbic commercial bank and Savenda Management Services. In an article he published between April and May this year entitled "Zambian supreme court verdict in the Savenda and Stabic case questionable", Sinjela accused the judges of corruption.

December 21-7: On Cameroon, on which you have been refusing Inner City Press' questions, what is the SG's comment and action on calls for the Paul Biya's government to release imprisoned journalist Thomas Awah Junior, the Northwest correspondent for privately owned Afrik 2 Radio in Yaoundé and publisher of the monthly Aghem Messenger magazine, on humanitarian grounds. A military court on May 25, 2018, sentenced Awah to 11 years in prison, after he was convicted on several charges including terrorism and the spreading of false news use of the charge of “fake news.” Again Francois Fall describes “Gender Desks” in police stations but an Inner City Press reader today called the Kumba police station and they'd never heard of it. What was the basis of Mr. Fall's statement?

December 21-8: On the DRC, what is the SG's comment and action on the reported further delay of the election scheduled for Dec 23 to Dec 30 and the reasons given? Again, what FARDC units does MONUSCO currently work with? [Dujarric called on a Reuters favorite on DRC vaguely, nothing on due diligence, no answer.]

December 21-9: Again on Togo, on which you have refused to answer, what is the SG's comment and action today as some in the country vote in legislative elections that are being boycotted by the main opposition after a year of political upheaval which saw demonstrators demanding President Faure Gnassingbe step down. A coalition of 14 opposition parties has said it will not take part, citing "irregularities" in preparations for the vote and calling for an overhaul of the electoral commission... Ahead today's parliamentary elections, the opposition called for 10 days of protests to halt the ballot while urging supporters to follow them in a boycott. evangelical, Presbyterian and Methodist churches in Togo called for the election to be delayed for several months because of concern about its organization; on Friday night, senior Muslim leaders also called for a delay? Two persons, including a child, were shot and killed on Saturday during clashes between demonstrators and police in some parts of Lomé? On that Togo's government has banned a series of planned opposition protests, saying the marches posed a security risk. A coalition of 14 opposition parties announced earlier this week that they would boycott a parliamentary election planned for 20 December and instead try to stop the electoral process. Coalition coordinator Brigitte Adjamagbo Johnson told local radio that there are no grounds for the ban and they intend carry on with the protest? Again, what is the SG's comment and action on that the campaign for the parliamentary elections starts today in Togo. The election is scheduled for December 20, but the opposition has already announced that it will not participate. The opposition also boycotted the National Assembly last week, during debates about the proposed constitutional reform?

December 21-10: On Guinea Conakry, including in light of a protest held yesterday just outside the UN against killings by Alpha Conde, what is the SG doing about the killings and political situation there?

December 21-11: On UN sexual harassment, please immediately state what the SG ever did about the detailed complaint against UNFPA India's Diego Palacios by Prashanti Tiwari, who held an event on it today in which Inner City Press participated. This request is on deadline.

December 21-12: On Western Sahara, confirm SG receipt of and state his response to letter of Polisario urging him to clear “mines that threaten the lives of Saharwis” and that on Friday, December the 14th, two mines caused the “death of a Sahrawi man and serious injuries to others”?

December 21-13: Yesterday USG Smale told me that the decision to “Bar” me from any entry to the UN, even when invited by member states, is by UN Security. But I have received no notice much less due process. Please confirm that UN Security has a barred list, state who is on it and how people are put on it, the role of the SG. Additionally, state yesterday evenings schedule using UN resources on the SG and state those accompanying him.

December 21-14: On the Rohingya, please immediately answer why the message from the overall UN of the SG does not match the message from the FFM on Myanmar who confirm Rohingya face genocide / war crimes at the hands of the Myanmar military and govt. Also, why the Rohingya people are not included in the MOU because w/o them the needs are not identified?

December 21-15: On Sri Lanka, still, what is the SG's comment and action now that President Maithripala Sirisena accused newly reappointed Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe of corrupt leadership in a scathing speech in which he voiced doubts about their ability to work together and signaled the two-month-long political crisis is far from resolved?

December 21-16: On the (Office of the) High Commissioner for Human Rights, what is the SG's comment and action on complaints that the Commissioner mused to staff about slapping or calling a fascist a Swiss diplomat in Geneva?

December 21-17: On Mozambique and press freedom, what is the SG's comment and action on that three journalists, one local and two foreign, have been detained by Mozambique's army in Palma district in the restive northern province of Cabo Delgado. They were detained on Monday morning while on their way to Palma from Chitolo, in the neighboring district of Mocimboa da Praia, where they had been working. They said they had been detained despite authorisation from the local and provincial military commanders to work there.

December 21-18: Please immediately confirm the SG's receipt of, and state the SG's action on, the Dec 14 letter from staff unions for more transparency in choosing the next CEO of the UNJSPF Pension Fund. I reiterate Inner City Press' unanswered question on transparency in the replacement of Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights Kate Gilmore.

December 21-19: On Nigeria, what is the comment and action of the SG, and separately DSG Amina J Mohammed, on the revelations and analysis about when Nigerian soldiers opened fire on rock-throwing protesters in late October. “A close review of video from the largest and most deadly of the protests, as well as interviews with more than a dozen witnesses, clearly shows the military opening fire on unarmed demonstrators, sometimes shooting indiscriminately into the crowd at close range as people turned and tried to flee.” What is the UN, SG and DSG, doing?

December 21-20: On Chile, what is the comment and action of the SG and separate of the officials he nominated on the case of Camilo Catrillanca who was murdered by police of the Jungle Command?

December 21-21: On Somalia, please now state the role of the UN system in the elections, and the UN Secretariat's position on AMISON monitoring the elections and where it comes from. Again (unanswered), what is the SG's comment and action now that Somali authorities say Mukhtar Robow has been disqualified from contesting in this week's regional elections? Also, what is the UN's knowledge of any role by UN supported AMISOM and/or Ethiopian troops in the arrest of Mukhtar Robow?

December 21-22: On Uganda, what is the SG's comment and action on the renewed attempt by President Museveni's forces to arrest / harass MP Bobi Wine, on which many others have expressed concern?

December 21-23: On South Sudan, please immediately state the status of the $100,000 “independent” review of civilian staffing in UNMISS commissioned by SRSG David Shearer, the Terms of Reference of which were provided to Inner City Press by whistleblowers asking why the report has been buried. When will it be made public? Where is Wolfgang Weisbrod Weber? Elizabeth Lercara Chester? Anees Ahmed? How much did it cost?

December 21-24: Please confirm that UN staff / personnel Mutaz Hyssat was assaulted or beaten last week by the husband of an Argentina diplomat, Martiniano Sosa, and whether the SG believes and is requested that immunity be waived for prosecution of the assault / harassment. Also, why has the SG not waived the immunity of UN DSS Lt Ronald E. Dobbins and his unnamed colleagues on 3 July 2018 and 22 June 2018? What is the status of DSS USG responding to the written complaint, which USG Smale told UNSR Kaye is being processed?

December 21-25: While the SG was in Doha an agreement with Qatar and UN Counter-Terrorism was signed, according to Qatar state media. Where is it public online? Or provide it. How did the SG travel to and from Qatar and who paid, given the PGAs now disclose such information. When will the public financial disclosures, in past years already online by this time, be made available?

December 21-26: On CEFC in the wake of the US v Ho / CEFC of Ye Jianming verdicts, and the SG's refusal to date to even do an audit of CEFC and its affiliates in the UN, this is a request that you confirm that Ye Jianming's China Academy of Culture a/k/a China Cultural Institute remains in special consultative status to ECOSOC and for a description of what the Secretariat knows of this bribery affiliates activities in the UN. Again, this is a request that the SG confirm and act on the other UN officials depicted as advisers to CEFC and its UN program - including Jeffrey Sachs, who has over the weekend online denied any such role, stating he may have attended a lunch “catered” by CEFC. Since this denial shows the absolute need for an audit at least like the previous SG did of Ng Lap Seng's groups, please state why the SG has not even begun such an audit. On December 6 you were asked about SG Guterres refusing to answer Inner City Press' question about the US v. Ho verdict, you said only that the UN “cooperated.” But CEFC is still in ECOSOC, without even the audit the previous SG did of Ng Lap Seng's groups (on which, South South News' Francis Lorenzo is reportedly back at UN event - I repeat my request for information about the ability of those who pleaded guilty to enter the UN, not on any BARRED list, while the Press is on. This is also a request for any SG comment on indictment for charity fraud of Robin DiMaggio, who appeared in UN Press Briefing Room with Lorenzo). The question is, explain why SG Guterres who was asked (by Inner City Press) in January 2018 has STILL not even started an audit of a NGO still in the UN which not only paid cash bribes but also offered weapons for oil to a long time ruler. Please answer and explain this. Inner City Press published a text message in which UN-accredited NGO China Energy Fund Committee's Patrick Ho texted the offer he'd make to Chad's Deby: “$200 million up front plus some arms & renminbi discount loans.” This is the UN NGO that SG Guterres has refused to audit: offering arms. Again, another exhibit made part of the record shows the head of UN accredited NGO China Energy Fund Committee planning to help violate Iran sanctions. Inner City Press has published the CEFC email. What now is the SG's comment and action on a still UN accredited NGO not only offering weapons to Chad's Deby and others, but moving to violate Iran sanctions? Also, a wiretapped audio was played in which Patrick Ho of still accredited CEFC plotted with Sheri Yan who pleaded guilty about bribing PGA John Ashe (RIP). Given that there WAS an audit of some of the bribing of Ashe, why has SG Guterres done no audit of Patrick Ho, and payments to PGAs Jeremic and Kutesa? Also, it was described how PGA Kutesa went to Hong Kong and made CEFC's Ye Jianming a special consultant or adviser to the office of the UN PGA. Given what else has come out at the trial - offers of weapons by CEFC as well as bribery evidence - what did UN DSS observe on that trip and do afterward? What are the duties of UN DSS officers? Also an exhibit was shown of Patrick Ho's entries into the UN, showing that the UN keeps such information. This is a request for that information with regard not only to Ho but also Kutesa after he was PGA, Francis Lorenzo, Carlos Garcia and Cary Yan. On Nov 29 Cheikh Gadio admitted to filing false joint tax returns with this spouse, the UN's Resident Representative in Equatorial Guinea. Please immediately state whether she informed the UN of false tax returns, what rules apply to such legal violations, and her current status. Again, on Nov 28 there was more testimony about how UN accredited NGO China Energy Fund Committee offered Chad's Deby not only $2 million in cash in gift boxes, but also tanks and surveillance equipment. Beyond the other questions from Inner City Press about this UN scandal you have refused to answer, please explain what actions have been taken on the pitching of weapons and bribes inside the UN building, where Patrick Ho routinely met UN Secretariat officials, where Gadio made this pitch to Deby - at a “high level” meeting about CAR, no less and where UN Security witness much of this and apparently did nothing (but now bans Inner City Press from entering to report). Again, what is the duty of UN Secretary and Secretariat staff when they witness such wrongdoing?

December 21-27: Again and more specifically, given the UN NGO CEFC offered weapons to Chad (and Libya and South Sudan), what is the SG's comment and action on that and on that Uganda defied a European Union arms embargo and purchased arms and ammunition from at least three EU members — Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia — that were then transferred to South Sudan’s military and armed allies in Sudan before the United Nations Security Council imposed an arms embargo on Juba in July this year?

December 21-28: On OHCHR, please confirm or deny that Deputy Kate Gilmore is leaving and if so, state if the recruitment will involve a public posting of vacancy, interviews and a short list.

December 21-29: On Kenya, what is the SG's and separately RC Chatterjee's comment on Miguna Miguna having been illegally deported to Canada and “tortured,” and the court awarded of $70,000 damages because of it?

December 21-30: On harassment and UNAIDS, does the SG believe that Mr Sidibe offering to resign in June 2019 is accountability enough? Relatedly, is ICSC head Kingston Rhodes ending today at 5, after a 2 pm farewell party, accountability enough? Please confirm receipt of the request to lift his immunity - and state the reason for not granting it.

December 21-31: Please state if Sarah Clarke, insulted by Malta diplomat at the Marrakesh meetings, is a UN consultant, if she has made a complaint to Andrew Gilmour, and again why Inner City Press was barred from the Human Rights Day event with no due process.

December 21-32: On Gabon, during the disappearance of and now controversy around Ali Bongo, what has the SG and separately envoy Chambas said or done? What is the SG's comment and action on that a nationwide strike is under way in Gabon where workers are calling for recent changes to the constitution to be reversed. "We don't know exactly who is in charge of Gabon today. Let the president speak out and reassure the Gabonese people," said Louis Patrick Mombo, of trade union alliance Gabon Dynamique Unitaire. President Ali Bongo, 59, has been out of the country since October seeking medical treatment - first in Saudi Arabia, followed by Morocco. In his absence, Gabon's Constitutional Court has amended part of the constitution to allow the vice-president, Pierre-Claver Maganga Moussavou, to hold ministerial meetings and to unblock pending cases. But the trade union alliance wants the president of the Senate to act as interim president, which is what the constitution specified before it was amended.

December 20-29: Why has the SG not acting on the UNAIDS report? What is his response to the widespread harassment and retaliation systemwide shown in the CCISUA survey?

December 21-33: Please immediately explain -- as you did not yesterday or the day before - and justify the message from OHCHR about DSS, including in light of your Office's statement that no one there has used the term lifetime ban, and I have never been given a hearing or right to appeal - and in light of NYPD's statement to Inner City Press under FOIL that “Upon conferral with the NYPD Intelligence Division, it was confirmed by UN security that the list of “banned” individuals to which you refer in your request is an internal UN record.” How can the UN have a secret BARRED list on which anyone the SG or USG wants to put on, is put on, without any notice, hearing or appeal? This must be answered.

From: New York OHCHR <>

Date: Fri, Dec 7, 2018 at 6:39 PM

Subject: Human Rights Day event on Monday, 10 December, 3pm - your access

To: innercitypress <>

Dear Matthew,

We have received notification from UN Security that your name was flagged as "BARRED" on the list we submitted for passes for Monday's event (3pm, ECOSOC Chamber).

We will therefore not have a pass for you and are unable to facilitate entry.

Thank you for your interest and best regards,

OHCHR New York Office

December 21-34: As asked since November 8 and now further specified: I am informed that the SG's spokesman has selectively contacted some of those (from Europe) raising questions about the UN 3 July 2018 Press ouster and ban since and urged watching my Periscope broadcasts “outside of the SG’s residence” - as if those stand-ups, across Sutton Place from this $15 million mansion, are not covered by free press principles and claimed among other things that Inner City Press improperly filmed on the 4th floor. Since MALU told me I could film on the 4th floor without an escort or minder, this is a request that you immediately provide the information requested yesterday and the specifics of the incidents the Spokesman has referred to, and that you state in what capacity Antonio Guterres' spokesman undertook these communications.

I specifically ask you to explain the statement that “ I have responsibility to make sure that my staff is safe” - which is precisely what the US Administration is saying regarding the CNN reporter who's six day ban they are now being sued for.

NEW: Please provide the SG's, and separately that of his spokesman (formerly Helen Clark's spokesman) to Helen Clark's statement yesterday across 1st Ave from the UN about journalists being excluded “across the road.”

The precise quote - there is video - is “shrinking space for journalism” including “exclusion of journalists from some forums, including across the road”

What is the basis of the SG's ongoing ban of Inner City Press, without due process, possibility of appeal or timeline?

Now that the Trump Administration has given CNN time (44 hours) to response to their re-suspension, and has lifted the suspension, please explain why the UN did not and has not provided even that amount of time or due process - and immediately provide it, readmitting Inner City Press in the interim to the noon briefing and SG and GA proceedings.

More specifically, please immediately explain how Mr. Dujarric's statement that “press credentials to work at the UN, just like any other institution, is a 'privilege'” is different in any way that the position taken by the Trump Administration in response to the CNN lawsuit. Now that the Federal judiciary has ruled that access to the White House is not, as OSSG Dujarric has claimed, a privilege but a right, this is a FORMAL REQUEST THAT THE SG LIFT MIS-USED LEGAL IMMUNITY IN THIS CASE.

This is a request that immunity lifted- and that you explain and document, or withdraw, Mr. Dujarric's statement that “Over the last couple of years, he continuously harassed my staff.”

Given his vague allusions to hostile environment, please explain why he and the UN have done nothing whether some correspondents were shouted down by Dujarric's favorites, were elbowed at the UNSC stakeout, etc - clearly the concern about environment is selective and a pretext, to be address by communication not roughing and and banning including no due process inclusion on a withheld “banned from the UN” list and even targeting for attempted ouster as from the Park East Synagogue on Oct 31.

Since even the Spokesman's false claims do not justify banning me from the noon briefing now for 128 days this is a formal request that beginning Nov 13 I be allowed - escorted if you see fit - to enter to attend and ask questions at the noon briefing on, for example, Sri Lanka, Burundi and the UN Budget, which the Spokesman purports to respect my right to do. There is no allegation that at any noon briefing I caused any of the Spokesman's unnamed sources to feel “unsafe.” Ironically, I was covering the Budget Committee when I was roughed up by UN Security on July 3. For re-entry to noon briefing and to the General Assembly and other events in the UN to which the SG has no right at all to ban me -- even the US administration is not blocking the CNN reporter from entering Congress -- my application to MALU in early September was never acted on - MALU is being cc-ed here - and should now be approved and access restored in light of the contents of the Spokesman's communications. Immediately.

December 21-35: While you refused to answer on Nov 15 and since, given new developments at WIPO, again: three UN Staff Union have cc-ed Antonio Guterres on their letter to WIPO's Francis Gurry opposing his retaliation against whistleblower Wei Lei. Please immediately confirm the SG's receipt of the letter and what is his comment and action - and what is the SG's comment and action on Wei Lei's request that Gurry be suspended.

December 7-1: Given the SG's claims of zero tolerance, what is his response to the belatedly made public UNAIDS Independent Expert Panel report which says, for example, “1. GOVERNANCE: The UNAIDS Secretariat is governed in a way that has produced a vacuum of accountability. 2. LEADERSHIP: The Executive Director of the UNAIDS Secretariat has created a patriarchal culture tolerating harassment and abuse of authority and in his interviews with the Panel he accepted no responsibility for actions and effects of decisions and practices creating the conditions that led to this review”? [By 2 pm, no answer - but in the briefing Dujarric backed Sidibe, pointing to Sidibe's press release about what he "WILL continue to do, see here.]

December 7-2: On Cameroon, what is the SG's comment and action on the continued incarceration, now through at least January 10, of those illegally refouled from Abuja, Nigeria in the same time frame the DSG was there? Is the UN monitoring the (military) “trial”? Beyond the many unanswered questions, please state the last date on which envoy Francois Fall visited the country, and separately spoke with its officials about the situation in the NW and SW, and what was accomplished. Also, the SG's comment on and view of Cameroon being stripped of the 2018 African Cup of Nations football tournament as related not only to mismanagement but also the government's violence against Anglophones.

December 7-3: On DRC, please confirm the receipt of this letter critical of the credibility of the UN's data, and provide UN's response: Aid agencies working in the Democratic Republic of Congo have accused the United Nations of manipulating data ahead of elections to give an overly positive impression of the situation in a country beset by conflict and disease. They say new figures from the U.N. humanitarian agency that show a large drop in the number of displaced people are misleading, accusing it of bowing to government pressure before a presidential election scheduled for December 23. “Overall humanitarian needs have risen during 2018 rather than decreased,” a group representing about 45 humanitarian agencies said in a letter to the U.N

December 6-1: On Burundi, on which you have been refusing to respond to Inner City Press' written questions, please immediately confirm or deny that Burundi has asked the UN system to decrease its human rights presence (The Burundi government has ordered the United Nations Human Rights Council to shut its office in the country within two months), and state the SG's view and response.  Also, what is the UN's comment on the reporting about the Nkurunziza government's “torture house”?

December 6-2: In light of the SG's stated concern about and even “zero tolerance” for sexual harassment in the UN system, please immediately confirm that the SG has refused to lift the immunity of the head of the ICSC and explain how this is consistent with the SG's claims.

December 6-3: On Togo on which you have been refusing to respond to Inner City Press' written questions, now what is the SG's comment and action on that Togo's government has banned a series of planned opposition protests, saying the marches posed a security risk. A coalition of 14 opposition parties announced earlier this week that they would boycott a parliamentary election planned for 20 December and instead try to stop the electoral process. Coalition coordinator Brigitte Adjamagbo Johnson told local radio that there are no grounds for the ban and they intend carry on with the protest? Again, what is the SG's comment and action on that the campaign for the parliamentary elections starts today in Togo. The election is scheduled for December 20, but the opposition has already announced that it will not participate. The opposition also boycotted the National Assembly last week, during debates about the proposed constitutional reform?

December 6-4: On Morocco, does the SG believe or not believe that the Casablanca Court of Appeals should consider evidence that the police tortured the defendants when it reviews the convictions of protesters and activists from the Rif region?

December 4-2: On the Philippines, as Inner City Press asked you Nov 12 without answer, what is the SG's comment and action on the tax charged and now arrest warrant against Maria Ressa of The Rappler?

December 4-4: Again and more specifically, given the UN NGO CEFC offered weapons to Chad (and Libya and South Sudan), what is the SG's comment and action on that and on that Uganda  defied a European Union arms embargo and purchased arms and ammunition from at least three EU members — Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia — that were then transferred to South Sudan’s military and armed allies in Sudan before the United Nations Security Council imposed an arms embargo on Juba in July this year?

December 3-1: On Sri Lanka, Inner City Press has asked you repeatedly for updates on what the UN is doing. Now, please confirm that DPA's Mari Yamashita visited Sri Lanka, with whom she met and what was accomplished.

December 3-2: On Cameroon, beyond the many unanswered questions, please state the last date on which envoy Francois Fall visited the country, and separately spoke with its officials about the situation in the NW and SW, and what was accomplished. Also, the SG's comment on and view of Cameroon being stripped of the 2018 African Cup of Nations football tournament as related not only to mismanagement but also the government's violence against Anglophones.

December 3-3: Please immediately provide read out of SG's talks with Saudi MBS, Jamaica PM, Poland President, and list and read-out other meetings.

November 30-2: Given the UN NGO CEFC offered weapons to Chad (and Libya and South Sudan), what is the SG's comment and action on that and on that Uganda helped funnel European arms and ammunition to South Sudan at the height of its civil war, circumventing a European Union arms embargo on the East African country?

November 30-3: On Cameroon, beyond the many unanswered questions, what is the SG's comment and action on that ten leaders who were [illegally refouled] from Nigeria earlier this year will face trial next month on terrorism charges that could lead to the death penalty, one of their lawyers said after a court hearing on Tuesday. Among them is Sisuku Julius Ayuk Tabe. Mr Tabe and his co-defendants have been charges with 10 offences, including terrorism, advocating terrorism, secession, civil war and revolution.

November 29-2: On Haiti (and Brazil) please today state what the UN ever did to investigate and hold any of its peacekeepers accountable for its “Iron Fist” massacre in Haiti in which Brazilian general named Augusto Heleno led hundreds of United Nations troops into a Haitian slum to bring a powerful gangster to heel. Over the course of a seven-hour gun battle, the peacekeepers sprayed more than 22,000 bullets into the impoverished Port-au-Prince neighborhood of Cite Soleil. The operation, dubbed “Iron Fist,” was call a “massacre,” alleging dozens of bystanders were killed in the crossfire, many of them women and children. What did the UN do?

November 29-3: On Nigeria, again, what are the SG's and separately DSG's comments and action on that one hundred and thirty nine policemen who recently returned from the United Nations peace-keeping mission in Mali, have accused the Nigeria Police Force of unjustly withholding their allowances. The Nigerian Police personnel were part of the UN Police Unit which served in Timbuktu from October 2017 to September, 2018. They also took part in police duties during the Malian presidential elections in July?

November 29-6: On the UN system retaliation case Inner City Press has asked you in writing about without answer, what is the SG's comment and action now that The World Intellectual Property Organisation has temporarily suspended CIO and whistleblower Wei Lei as it probes allegations of misconduct made against him?
November 29-7: On DRC, beyond the FARDC vetting and other questions you have refused to answer, please immediately disclose and describe any and all dealings by the UN with Jean de Dieu Mambweni or any military units he has been affiliated with.
November 29-8: On the UN Women corruption questions you are refusing to answer, this is a formal request for the SG's comment and action on this too, from whistleblowers of the type the UN has retaliated against in Somalia as elsewhere: “Ms. Izeduwa flew two participants, one of them from New York to Maputo in Mozambique to make a fifteen minutes presentation to the shock of UN Women staff who had accompanied her.”

November 28-1: In US v Ho yesterday (Nov 27) in the SDNY there was more testimony about the money the UN took from CEFC for its “sustainable development” award. Please state what happened with the money the UN took in 2017 which Inner City Press asked about in November 2017, before being roughed up and banned apparently for life. Also Vuk Jeremic testified about his meeting with CEFC while PGA, including in Trump World Tower. Please state what UN DSS does, did or is expected to do if they witness illegality by an official they protect. Also, Gadio testified that UN funder CEFC offered “military equipment” to Chad. What is the SG's comment and action on a UN accredited NGO brokering wepons? Still UN answered: it was said that still UN accredited NGO CEFC was used to bribe PGA Kutesa and other UN officials including John Ashe. Given that even Ban Ki-moon audited the bribery of Ashe by Ng Lap Seng well before his conviction, explain why Antonio Guterres has not audited Ho's / CEFC's alleged bribery of Ashe and Kutesa (among others). In terms of yesterday's canned response, please confirm you are claiming the UN has made available thousands of documents in US v Ho, or whether you were referring to US v Ng Lap Seng. And again, given that access was provided to Ng at Cipriani 42nd Street, what safeguards are in place this is not repeated with SG Guterres on 5 December 2018.

November 28-4: On Uganda, what has the SG said or done about the army's attack on Rwenzururu that killed over 100 civilians including 15 children?  No arrests of military actors have been announced, and the operation's commander was promoted. The country's leadership was described in detail in US v Ho as soliciting and accepting bribes through the UN. What is the SG doing?

November 28-5: On CAR, what is the SG's comment and action on that “Central African bishop condemns inaction by UN peacekeepers While burnings, killings and thefts were committed, the U.N. peacekeepers did nothing, said Bishop Nestor-Désiré Nongo-Aziagbia of Bossangoa”?

November 28-9: On Liberia, given the UN's long time role there (and DSG's recent speech without questions in The Bronx), what are the SG's and separately DSG's comments and action on that Liberia's House of Representatives has ordered the arrest of the journalist who broke the news about the alleged disappearance of more than $100m-worth (£76m) of newly printed bank notes intended for the central bank?

November 28-10: On Nigeria what are the SG's and separately DSG's comments and action on that some Nigerian UN peacekeepers who served in Mali have cried out over ill-treatment they allegedly experience from the hands of the police force - The policemen claimed that they were short changed and that their allowances were withheld by the force - They also alleged that their military counterparts who served alongside with them in Mali were paid their allowances in full The Nigerian Police Force (NPF) has been accused of holding on to the allowances of about 139 officers who recently returned from the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping mission in Mali.

November 28-12: On Togo, what is the comment and action of the SG and Chambas (yesterday's DPI question unanswered) on that The main opposition coalition in Togo said on Monday it will boycott December 20 general elections and call for further protests over what it alleged was a "fraudulent" poll. "We're not going to give our blessing to this masquerade being prepared," a co-ordinator in the coalition, Brigitte Adjamagbo-Johnson, told local radio?
November 27-1: In US v Ho yesterday in the SDNY it was said that still UN accredited NGO CEFC was used to bribe PGA Kutesa and other UN officials including John Ashe. Given that even Ban Ki-moon audited the bribery of Ashe by Ng Lap Seng well before his conviction, explain why Antonio Guterres has not audited Ho's / CEFC's alleged bribery of Ashe and Kutesa (among others). In terms of yesterday's canned response, please confirm you are claiming the UN has made available thousands of documents in US v Ho, or whether you were referring to US v Ng Lap Seng.


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