Corruption Allegation in UN in Beirut, IIIC and ESCWA, Not Addressed by Ban Ki-moon,
Shrouded in Turin
Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at the UN: News Analysis
August 28 -- Ban Ki-moon ran for Secretary-General on a platform of reform,
saying he would be transparent and clean up the United Nations. Nine months in,
transparency is sorely lacking, and reform is hard to find. Most recently, Ban's
own Ethics Office chief Robert Benson asked him to allow the continuation of an
investigation of retaliation by the UN Development Program, "for the good the
UN," but Ban decided to allow UNDP Administrator Kemal Dervis to select his own
investigator, click
for that,
here for video
here for
Benson's memo, publicized
first by
Inner City Press.
weeks ago, a detailed complaint of corruption and nepotism was sent to three top
Ban advisors, including Kim Won-soo. It had initially be sent to Inner City
Press, which had
previously covered issues in the UN
Economic and Social Council for Western Asia;
then the complainant sent copies to the three Ban aides -- none of whom have
responded or acted on the complaint. On
Ban's August 28 press conference, despite
taking a staged question about his work on behalf of the South Korean hostages
in Afghanistan, the
Spokesperson for the Secretary-General (OSSG) did not allow any follow-up
questions to Ban on ethics. Here are issues, at both ESCWA and the UN
International Independent Investigation Commission, also based in Beirut:
Subject: ESCWA
From: [Name withheld in light of possible retaliation and
lack of Ethics Office protections]
To: Inner City Press
CC: kimw [at], beagle [at] etc.
Date: 8/3/2007 8:55:11 AM Eastern Standard Time
Again, ESCWA
and Tallawy. Thank you for [publishing] the material sent before, she was not
extended. Though this mail might sound a bit late it should be published for the
new-coming Executive Secretary Mr. Al-Dafaa to read and understand what is he
getting into. Nevertheless the story continued, here is the latest from a number
of staff in ESCWA:
Mervat Tallawy
and Atif Kubursi (the current Acting Executive Secretary whom Tallawy chose to
appoint as she left ESCWA) share two things in common:
-The same
management style and abuse of authority
-A Harvard
affiliated institute they are jointly (partnership) establishing at Cairo, big
business in developing World. Not content with leaving ESCWA so soon, Tallawy
chose to appoint a close friend of hers (and a business partner), Atif Kubursi
as Deputy Executive Secretary to maintain her close grip on ESCWA and to return
favors to people. The management style of Kubursi is very similar to that of Ms.
Tallawy, if not worse. Having himself never been a manager (he is a professor of
Economics at McMaster University in Canada), his idea of managing can be
summarized as follows:
-He intimidated
an information assistant and threatened to fire her from ESCWA within 12 hours
if she does not fill the ESCWA website with his pictures and remove all other
pictures of staff!
-He apparently
instructed Chiefs of Divisions and staff members to walk behind him when
proceeding to meetings as he is the boss!
-He is filling
the place with his relatives and current and former students at McMaster
University... He leaves everyday the office for 4 hours for lunch break! He
religiously makes a weekly phone call to Tallawy to take instructions from her!
...Finally, to
ensure that he controls everything, Mr. Kubursi is the only person at ESCWA who
reads the official mail. All other staff are briefed verbally. It does not
matter because Mr. Kubursi's motto is "I am the Executive Secretary, everything
should come to me and only me. You are subordinates!"
One of the
latest achievements is about Tallawy's ex-"private driver" in NY, who she placed
as Special Assistant to her countryman, USG in charge of GA, Security Council
Affairs and Conference Services. The gentleman cannot be promoted in New York,
so Kubrusi is promoting him in ESCWA against a post he is not even qualified
The biggest
question to be asked to both Tallawy and Kubrusi is who is Mr. Pak!? He came to
ESCWA before Tallawy's departure under the pretext of doing a study for the UN,
later on from one of his faxes to Tallawy it transpired he was preparing ground
for the Tallawy/Kubrusi venture in Cairo but paid by ESCWA. How nice... Same
style, same management and the saga continues… and the New York is aware, OIOS,
OHRM, SG's Office, The Ombudsman and no reaction... We think this is
interesting reading for your site! Keep on unveiling the nepotism in the UN!
The "new
era" created when Ban
failed to back up his own Ethics Office chief's
request to act "for
the good of the UN" has created a situation in which UN system staff who see
corruption apparently have no confidence that they would be protected from

Demonstrating at ESCWA, UNIIIC not
On the
ESCWA theme above -- nepotism -- and in light of the UN International
Independent Investigation Commission having a locked website, no visible
spokesperson except for the OSSG, which refuses to allow ethics related
questions to be put to Ban, consider that a detailed complaint from Beirut
alleges, among other things, that at the UNIIIC
Actions by the Chief of Staff include
-the use of official vehicles and drivers
to collect family members and friends of the Chief of State from the airport,
without payment of drivers and vehicle costs.
-the selected authorization of the payment
of overtime to drivers so that the CoS can be driver for personal use
-Use of official vehicles and drivers,
paid overtime, to drive the CoS's family members on tours of Lebanon, without
reimbursement of vehicle costs and drivers time.
-Failure to have insurance waivers signed
for non-UN personnel to use official vehicles.
-significant time taken off work, without
leave, when family members were in the mission area. Allegedly, the Commissioner
indicated that he was aware of this.
-CoS allegedly used his position with a
commercial hotel to obtain a special rate for his family, that is not available
to other staff or their families.
-CoS allegedly did not submit MOP forms
for external stays like other staff are required to.
-Failure to adhere to UN security
restrictions -- for example, CoS allegedly traveled in contravention of 20 km
radius rules without prior authority.
-Mismanagement of money: failed to consult
on office plans which resulted in a disastrous floor plan, for which more money
had to be spent to partially correct. Allegedly, the Commissioner was aware of,
but did nothing about, this.
-CoS has a staff member involuntarily
removed, despite the staff member's objections so that he could replace this
person allegedly "with a woman that he was having an affair with," according to
the IIIC source, who adds that Commissioner is aware of this but has done
nothing about it, and says that Brammertz allows leaks when the leaker is one of
his friends. It is also alleged that the Chief Investigator is hiring her
friends and former workers at the ICTY, and concerned staff are silenced and
This is becoming a
trend in Ban's UN, click
here for today's
story about the sell-out of the UN Ethics Office and its promise of protection
against retaliation. Watch this site.
* * *
here for a
AlertNet piece by this correspondent about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army
(which had to be finalized without Ban's DPA having responded.)
for an earlier
Reuters AlertNet
piece by this correspondent about the Somali National Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's
$200,000 contribution from an undefined trust fund. Video
Analysis here
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City Press are listed here, and
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