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UN Climate Corruption of Guterres And UNDP Led to Dutch Funding Cut Amid 2d Term Bid

By Matthew Russell Lee, CJR Letter PFTracker  Q&A

UNITED NATIONS GATE, Feb 14 – The corruption in the UN system under UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres ranges from impunity for sexual abuse and harassment to lack of financial disclosures and audits to outright double-dipping of benefits, whistleblower UN staff have repeatedly complained to Inner City Press.

  And now in February 2021 Guterres is trying to steal a second term despite the expanded corruption and sexual abuse on his watch.

Even before the scandal of Guterres crony Fabrizio Hochschild being promoted after he thrust his hands down the pants of another (female) UN official, Inner City Press asked: why is Guterres given a pass in an increasingly rare selective take-down of part of the UN climate scam by Foreign Policy, a publication whose UN embed UNchecked by headquarters never wrote a word as investigative Inner City Press would evicted from its UN office, then roughed up and banned now 956 days? In terms of their recent piece, the scam of the Global Environmental Fund goes further back than they say, reported exclusively by Inner City Press for example here, regarding Tatiata Gorlatch and others.

  This this: Rastislav Vrbensky left UNDP having allowed his wife to earn over a million dollars in contracts from UNDP offices that report to him in the Istanbul Regional Office of UNDP in breach of UNDP's Ethics Rules. And it looks like there is more. All staff have been too scared to report for past 2 1/2 years.   He is a senior UNDP official and Deputy Director of UNDP in Europe in CIS region. He left the organization with no official announcement from the Adminstrator (Achim Steiner), no official announcement from the Europe & CIS Bureau Bureau Director (Mirjana Spoljaric Egger) and no official announcement from anybody in UNDP.  Vrbesnky reported to Spoljaric who reports to Steiner.  Out through the back door ...

Back door Tony. Now in 2021, this: "The Netherlands suspended payments to the United Nations Development Program after reports of corruption in an ongoing greenhouse gas reduction project in Russia. Transactions worth ten million euros have been frozen since last November, according to an investigation by the Trouw and Investico.  It is uncommon for the Netherlands to end an ongoing investment in a UN development project. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs lists the reason behind their decision as “possible malpractice”.    The goal behind the program was to reduce emissions in Russia to European guidelines. An evaluation by the UN showed the project has yielded no greenhouse gas reduction. And there were signals that little of the money actually ended up in the project, according to the newspaper. The Russians tasked with overseeing the project gave orders to family members and friends, and many tasks were not completed or poorly executed." So why would member states support five more years of Guterres? Corruption.

In July in a ham-handed cover up befitting of Guterres' corrupt UN system, Steiner has purported to exonerate the double dippers and finger only lower level country office general managers and national officers.

 Here is Steiner's letter, on which we will be asking Guterres who while banning Inner City Press now 391 days had not a single question at his 26 July 2019 "press" briefing, video here: "Dear Colleagues,   I am pleased to issue the “2018 UNDP Annual Report of the Administrator on Disciplinary Measures and Other Actions Taken in Response to Fraud, Corruption and Other Wrongdoing” [It's locked away, of course.] This report is made available to the general public and provides information on cases of disciplinary measures taken against staff members, former staff members, and other personnel such as contractors.   UNDP is determined to address any allegations of wrongdoing swiftly and effectively. To do so, the organization has put mechanisms in place to prevent, identify, and respond to any acts of fraud, corruption, or other wrongdoing committed by UNDP staff members, other personnel, or third parties such as vendors or implementing partners.     As the report illustrates, appropriate action is taken in all cases where an investigation substantiated allegations of wrongdoing. Such action may include dismissal of staff members, the termination of contracts of other personnel, and/or referral to national authorities for criminal investigation and prosecution of anyone found to have engaged in misconduct or a failure to abide by the required standards of conduct in connection with UNDP programmes or UNDP-funded activities.   As international civil servants, all UNDP staff members are expected to adhere to the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity. This report demonstrates that failure to observe these standards will have consequences. The types and number of cases identified in this report need to be considered in the context of a workforce of approximately 40,000 people, including those holding UNDP letters of appointment, UN Volunteers, and other personnel across our diverse programmes reaching more than 170 countries and territories.   All UNDP managers and staff need to be vigilant against wrongdoing. By providing details on the cases identified last year, we aim to support all personnel and other partners to be even better prepared to identify and report any cases of wrongdoing of which they may become aware in future. I therefore encourage all personnel and other partners to read this report carefully.   In this context, I would like to highlight specifically that UNDP has zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) as well as for sexual harassment. In my statement in March of this year, I underscored my strong commitment to combatting SEA and sexual harassment and to ensuring that any form of SEA and sexual harassment is dealt with promptly and effectively. The incidence of such cases is extremely low. However, to ensure full reporting and accountability, the applicable policies and procedures have been updated, specific resources have been dedicated in both investigation and legal enforcement, and improvements made to coordination both internally and at the inter-agency level.   Best wishes,      Achim Steiner"

Best? No, worth. In Steiner's UNDP there was a meeting in which Guterres' senior official berated staff for leaking to Inner City Press (called "Innercity Press" in the minutes), and bragged that there would be no accountability for the double dippers. This is the corrupt UN of Guterres: "CGSM Follow-up Meeting on 30 November 2018  Minutes of the Meeting   Participants:  Mr. David Bearfield, Director OHR  Ms. Henrietta De Beer, Policy Advisor, OHR  Mr. Dimitri Samaras, UNDP, UNFPA, UnWomen and UNOPS Staff Council Chairman  Ms. Fikerte Assefa, Staff Council Vice-Chair  Ms. Amsale Admassu, Staff Council Representative  Ms. Audrey Hyatt, Staff Council Representative   Summary of Minutes  The OHR Director opened the meeting by welcoming the staff council followed by the statement of the Staff Council Chair on the Council Mandate.   Issues discussed:  Staff Entitlements and Benefits  The Staff Council requested update on the issue of Staff entitlements.  The chair recalled the CGSM discussion action plan.                                        _____________________  The Staff Council Chair expressed his concern on inconsistent implementation and administration of rules and regulations.  He reminded that documented in the CGSM minutes acknowledgement that  “5 were found to be not in line with the existing policies” and asked for clarification on how these individuals could be exempted from any sanction.    The Staff Council chair also informed the meeting that a staff member complained that he was asked by OHR team not to raise benefit entitlements issues anymore.  He also offered to get additional benefit entitlement.     _____________________  The Staff Council Vice-Chair expressed concern around the perception of double standards if the organization decided not to initiate recovery from the 18 staff members even if the mistake was  made by organization.   This approach is clearly a double standard since UNDP has a policy to recover any funds paid to a staff member based on administrative error.  Exempting the people concerned under this investigation would create a double standard and may provoke colleague who are subjected to reimbursing UNDP for 2 years’ worth entitlement due to no fault of theirs. The Staff Representative expressed her apprehension on the inconsistent approach as there are situations in other areas of the organization where overpayments are continuously being recovered from staff.  It was also shared that staff interest and questions is piqued around the issue as we are constantly fielding questions from staff interested in the resolution.   The BPPS staff also complained about the Assignment of the OHR Advisor on the BPPS review while there is still unresolved issues related to her receipt of benefits and entitlements.         The Staff Representative requested what is the organization priority: Protecting the organization interest or individuals? This issue is already out unless appropriate action is taken it will continue damaging UNDP’s reputation. UNDP’s funds comes from donors for development activities and it is the organization’s fiscal responsibility to take corrective measure to stop misuse. In this case, word is already out and if no recovery and action is taken then the organization is subject to in-depth donor scrutiny and skepticism in the future?     The Staff Council chair replied that it is hard to agree with the Director statement exonerating the 5 staff members we were told during the CGSM meeting were questionable.  The SC Chair added that since some of these people have in their function as OHR advisors counseled other staff why they are not entitled for additional benefit while they have double nationality while they themselves receiving such benefit.    The Staff Council chair also mentioned the fact that  he have been asked by CNN to provide information but refused any communication with press since the Staff Council believe that the mandate is bringing issues to management and negotiate for resolution.      The OHR Director replied that after receiving the Legal Office and OAI advice he prepared his recommendation for approval by the Administrator.   The Director stated that the problem was caused by the different interpretation of the staff rules and the implementation was not supported by a policy guidance note. He suggested that after in-depth investigation by externals staff were not found to have deliberately defrauded the organization or involved in outright wrong doing.   The following steps will be taken in the coming days:  1.  An email will be sent to the named  individuals based on the circumstances of the individual case.   2.  A circular with a Clear guidelines on the benefits and entitlements will be communicated to all staff.      __________________  The OHR Director reiterated the findings of the investigation and repeated the actions that would be taken                        ___________________  The OHR Director said that it is her interpretation.                          The OHR Director said again that it is his interpretation.  The case will be handled depending on the individual circumstances.         ___________________  The OHR Director said that the damage is already done when staff gave internal information to the Innercity press.  He considers the focus on HR colleagues is a witch hunt.  He also added that they are working to identify these individuals who communicated the valuable information to outside.      The OHR Director insisted that there is no evidence of wrong doing by any of the 18 staff members mentioned in the article.  He also added that this case has been concluded as an organizational administrative error. Furthermore,  he refuses to let anyone targeting his staff." The UN is in decay. Since Guterres had Inner City Press roughed up on and banned since July 3, 2018 it cannot ask about this at the UN noon briefing as it has in the past, back to the time of Kofi Annan. But it has asked Guterres' spokesman Stephane Dujarric, who Guterres' Communicator Alison Smale has told UN Special Rapporteur David Kaye would answer - but didn't: "August 27-3: Please state the Secretariat's and DSG / Development System's knowledge of dual citizen staff getting US Tax reimbursement and also Home Leave and Education grant entitlements using their national/original passport - and what is being done about it." No answer at all, 23 hours after the briefing in which Dujarric claimed the ban is for being in a parking lot making some diplomats and UN officials uncomfortable. (Isn't that a journalist's job?) On August 28, Dujarric wrote to Inner City Press regarding the question, "I WILL HAVE A COMMENT LATER ON THIS ISSUE." But now two days later, nothing. Instead, from within UNDP, an all-staff email referencing Inner City Press' story, leaked to Inner City Press: "From: UNDP Bulletin
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 5:06:13 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
To: All Staff UNDP Global
Subject: Update on Staff Benefits
Dear Colleagues,
You may have seen a press article published this week which alleges that a number of UNDP staff are improperly receiving benefits related to their expatriate status as internationally recruited staff.
Given our duty of care to staff and to the organization, I would like to take this opportunity to inform you regarding the situation.
Firstly, it is important to recognize that UNDP is a rules-based organization. For the benefit of its stakeholders, its staff, and the people it serves, UNDP recognizes it is of the utmost importance that administrative rules are applied consistently and fairly. In recognition of that principle, and as standard procedure, UNDP regularly screens for compliance with administrative rules.
Secondly, as part of that screening, UNDP had already commissioned an independent review by the UN Secretariat’s Office of Human Resources Management to ensure the fair and consistent application of rules related to eligibility for UNDP headquarters staff who are internationally recruited and receive related entitlements and benefits.
Thirdly, I would like to emphasize that there is no evidence nor any suggestion that any member of UNDP staff has acted inappropriately or dishonestly. OHR, on behalf of UNDP, will continue to ensure that rules and procedures are applied properly and correctly, in this, as in all other cases.
With my best regards,
Michele Candotti
Chief of Staff & Director of the Executive Office."
  But as whistleblowers point out, "Of course they have to say that because so many high level staff are also taking home leave benefits they don't have right to. Many of us hope you won't let this story go. You must press Steiner and the high level ppl listed in that chart you posted to respond to your questions and ask the top man at HR David Bearfield to explain how these ppl take home leave when Staff Rule 4.5 (d) says they can't. This is wrong." So is Guterres' outrageous targeting, roughing up and banning of Inner City Press to try to cover up his UN's corruption. And so is this announcement by Achim Steiner, with a double dipper promoted: "Dear Colleagues, It is my pleasure to announce the following UN Resident Coordinator, UNDP Resident Representative appointments:
Ms. Marina Walter has been appointed as UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Ms. Dena Assaf has been appointed as UN Resident Coordinator for the United Arab Emirates.
Ms. Louisa Vinton has been appointed as UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative for Georgia.
Ms. Nathalie Ndongo-Seh (Cameroon) has been appointed as UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative for the Kingdom of eSwatini.
Please join me in congratulating Marina, Dena, Louisa and Nathalie to their new assignments.
Kind regards,
Achim Steiner"

  Since Dena Assaf was one of the 14 double dippers, Inner City Press on October 30 asked not only Guterres' two spokesmen but also his Deputy Amina J. Mohammed: "please immediately explain the outcome of the inquiry into “double dipping” at UNDP Inner City Press previously asked you about and you said you would have an answer about, and explain how one of the 14 double dippers named by whistleblowers has just been named the UN resident coordinator in the UAE." Despite promises by Guterres' Global Communicator Alison Smale, including to UNSR David Kaye, that questions would be answered, this one has not been. But now this, from inside UNDP "From: Achim Steiner
Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2018 4:57 PM
Subject: Arrangements for RC/RRs
Dear Colleagues,
Further to the announcement of newly appointed UN Resident Coordinators and UNDP Resident Representatives, please note that as of 1 January 2019, following the de-linking of the functions of the UN Resident Coordinator and those of the UNDP Resident Representative as mandated by General Assembly resolution 72/279, Ms. Marina Walter and Ms. Nathalie Ndongo-Seh will continue serving as UN Resident Coordinators, whereas Ms. Louisa Vinton will continue to serve as UNDP Resident Representative. Kind regards." And Dena Assaf? The UN, despite the murky corruption into which Guterres is taking it, must explain.

And here they are, UNanswered by Guterres' spokesman Dujarric who instead blocks Inner City Press after having roughed up, so with names unredacted as no responses at all to questions asked in three days ago to Guterres' Team, including on WOGC, connected to imprisoned UN briber Ng Lap Seng's Carlos Garcia, dealing in Kiribati with the UN, separate exclusive here, now this: "Dear Matthew, While UNDP and all UN agencies are suffering from the budget problem, some dishonest UNDP staff are taking two entitlements using their two passports interchangeably against the UNDP benefits entitlement rules.  As a US Citizen, they get US Tax reimbursement; they also get Home Leave and Education grant entitlements using their national/original passport.  It is sad to see UNDP’s senior staff participated in this fraud, as you can see from below Atlas record these staffs grade is from P4 – D2.  Predominantly, Ana Patricia ALVAREZ, and  Shazma Nathwani, the  HR Advisors also participated in this scam.   Some of the staff got more than $100,000 with this ongoing problem, e.g. Shazma Nathwani, $168,000. HR Staff have identified this issue early this year and reported to the HR Director and BMS Director but no action taken.  All UNDP staff in HQ knows this problem but had no other choice fear of retaliation, because of these people close relationship with UNDP senior management including their network.  We need your help...

ATLAS Record - List of Staffs with inappropriate  multiple benefits
No     Name     Title     Current Location     Level     Country-Place of Home Leave      Nationality Types     Douale payments made
1      ALVAREZ, Ana Patricia     HR Business Partner Central Bureaus, HQ/BMS/OHR     UNDP - New York     P-5     Honduras     Honduras- official     Home Leave and Education Grant
                                    USA - Tax      
2      ASSAF, Dena     Deputy Director, HQ/UNDOCO     UNDP - New York     D-2     Palestine     Palestine - official     Home Leave
                                    USA - Tax      
3      BRANT Heather     Chief of Section, HQ/Evaluation Office     UNDP - New York     P-5     Switzerland     Switzerland - official     Home Leave and Education Grant
                                    USA - Tax      
4      ALAIN Noudehou     Chief of Staff & Director, Executive Office, CO/SS     South Sudan     D-2     Benin     Benin - official     Education Grant
                                    USA - Tax      
5      ORUC  Yesim     Deputy  Director, HQ/BERA/LO/Washington     Washington     P-5     Tureky     Turkey - official     Education Grant
                                    USA - Tax      
6      REIMOV, Ajmiyaz     Programme Analyst (Research), HQ/BPPS     UNDP - New York     P-2     Uzbekistan     Uzbekistan - official     Education Grant
                                    USA - Tax      
7      RUSSELL, Andrew     UN Development Coordinator, HQ/BMS/OHR     UNDP - New York     D-1     Canada     Canada - official     Education Grant
                                    USA - Tax      
8      SERENYI Peter     Policy Specialist, HQ/UNDOCO     UNDP - New York     P-4     Hungary     Hungary - official     Education Grant
                                    USA - Tax      
9     SHAMASH-LADD Hamutal Esther     Legal Specialist     UNDP - New York     P-4     Israel     Israel - official     Home Leave
                                    USA - Tax      
10      UNGUREANU Carla     Human Resources Analyst, HQ/BMS/OHR     UNDP - New York     P-2     Peru     Peru - official     Home Leave
                                    USA - Tax      
11      JUHKAM Robert     Team Leader, HQ/BERA     UNDP - New York     P-5     Estonia     Estonia - official     Home Leave and Education Grant
                                    USA - Tax      
12      KINSLEY Sharon     Deputy Chief of Staff & Deputy Director     UNDP - New York     D-1     UK     UK - official     Home Leave and Education Grant
                                    USA - Tax      
13      LINOU Natalia     Policy Specialist, HQ/BPPS     UNDP - New York     P-4     Greece     Greece - official     Home Leave and Education Grant
                                    USA - Tax      
14      NATHWANI Shazma     Human Resources Specialist, HQ/BMS/OHR     UNDP - New York     P-4     Australia     Australia - Official     Home Leave
                                    USA - Tax     A

UNDP Staffers

We'll have more on this.


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