Climate Change, UN's Africa Project Triggers Complaint Which UNDP Refuses to
Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press: News Analysis
September 23 -- While Ban Ki-moon in his nearly nine months as Secretary-General
of the UN has put more focus on global warming than nearly anyone expected, when
one drills slightly deeper down into the UN's activities on climate change,
contradictions become apparent. At the UN Development Program on September 21,
for example, UNDP's Olav Kjorven purported to take
questions from interested UN correspondents about his agency's activities. After
a slew of generalities, and after other reporters had posed two or three
questions each, Inner City Press asked about the whistleblower complaint filed
against UNDP by Mattieu Koumoin, who alleges that
funds he help
raised to combat global warming in Africa were ordered by UNDP to be diverted to
companies in France and Canada.
"What is the question?" Mr. Kjorven
While what the UN might want to address
about a global warming funding scandal, three days before Mr. Ban's climate
change summit, seemed obvious, Inner City Press specified that it would be good
to know what the UNDP project was, and what the response to Mr. Koumoin's
complaint is.
"It is outside my responsibility to deal
with that issue," said Mr. Kjorven, who as head of UNDP's Bureau of Development
Policy is a member of Ban's Climate Change Team.
"But did you know Mr. Koumoin?"
Mr. Kjorven said that he did, and that
Koumoin "was unhappy with a decision, it is now in the hands of another part of
the system."
But Koumoin's request for review and
protection against retaliation, filed with Robert Benson of Ban's Ethics Office,
was left unacted on by
Mr. Benson last week, because Koumoin has also complained within UNDP. Mr.
Benson had previously ruled that UNDP has no effective policy against
retaliation. So which "hand of the UN system" is this climate change-related
scandal in?

Olav Kjorven at UN, Millennium
Development Goals half-shown
Of a "climate change
partnership" UNDP
loudly announced three and a half months ago with the financial services firm
Fortis, Mr. Kjorven said that while no results could yet be announced, "we
get a good price, but I can't disclose it." Not only lack of transparency, but
also procurement, appear on reflection to be under Kjorven's control. At a
September 12 UNDP "town hall" meeting, characterized by some staff as little
more than propaganda, UNDP Associate Administrator Ad Melkert said that Kjorven
"is working with a group of people on resource management to include the
greening dimensions of UNDP and to incorporate them into our procurement
process." Using funds meant for Africa to procure services in Canada and Europe
seems a strange way to do this. Mr. Kjorven, a Norwegian, also mentioned funding
from Norway, in this briefing held in UNDP's light-wooded "Norway Room." The
quid pro quo between funding and hiring at the UN is another area too rarely
Inner City Press also asked about UNDP's
involvement in diamond
mining -- and allegedly smuggling -- in Zimbabwe. That's enough, UNDP's Ben
Craft cut in, stating that the questions had to remain tied to climate change.
Another reporter said that "mining of connect to climate change," but to no
avail. Questions were then taken on tourism, peacekeeping and a variety of
topics over which UNDP has -- thankfully, Mr. Kjorven appeared to feel -- no
responsibility. Inner City Press requested, and Mr. Craft appeared to agree to
seek to by today disclose details about the investigation into the Zimbabwe
project which UNDP's David Morrison months ago promised to provide.
This is the new era of accountability at
the UN? While this dodging is largely the responsibility of UNDP, spreading
from its Administrator Kemal Dervis on down, it seems fair to hold the Office of
the Spokesperson for the Secretary General responsibility for ensuring at least
some follow-up on commitments made by UN funds and programs spokespeople in
Ban's briefing room. An Assistant Secretary-General and former government
minister like Olav Kjorven should have been able to answer, or ensured responses
were provided, to pertinent questions within the very field he was briefing
about. More pressingly, the responsibility to provide a credible structure to
investigate claims and protect against retaliation lies ultimately with the
Koumoin has now also
filed a
complaint with the World Bank in Washington D.C., on which we will have more
to report.]
On the science of global warming, Inner
City Press on Saturday asked Yvo De Boer of the UN Framework Convention
on Climate Change, who also added that "oil and coal are here to stay." Inner
City Press asked de Boer and Rajendra Pachauri, the chairman of the
Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change to address
reports that
a single coal-fired plant will negate the impact, for example, of California's
plan to require new cars to reduce emissions by 25% in 2009.
"Combating climate change is not a war on oil, and is not a war on coal," said
Mr. de Boer. He spoke of China and India both having coal and "economic growth
goals" that means that coal is here to stay. Dr. Pachauri said one shouldn't
"minimize the importance of behavioral changes," and that these don't mean
"going back to the Stone Age." As an example, he mentioned shifting to public
transportation. Inner City Press asked him to clarify a statement in Australia
last month, that
government's should do economic analysis
before setting emission reductions goals.
"That was totally misreported," Dr. Pachauri said. His statement against
"political and emotional responses" referred to claiming that environmentalism
"will cost jobs," not to those who say climate change is the largest problem. De
Boer chimed in that national assessments should including the savings brought on
by reducing energy use, and not only the costs. Video
from Minute 40:20.
On the
issue of offsetting the carbon emissions of the Summit, which Inner City Press
has been asking Ban and his spokesperson for weeks -- "unexpected," Mr. Ban has
called Inner City Press' question -- de Boer was handed a note. "We respect the
position of member states," he said. "It's their responsibility to offset their
own emissions. We in the UN are exploring what we can do to offset the carbon
footprint of this conference." Video
from Minute 22:04.
City Press asked when the exploration would be over, given that the conference
is in two days' time. The spokesman said, "I believe before the conference
begins we'll be able to be more definite about those details."
And the conference
is beginning. We'll have an update article late in the day.
* * *
here for a
AlertNet piece by this correspondent about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army.
for an earlier
Reuters AlertNet
piece by this correspondent about the Somali National Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's
$200,000 contribution from an undefined trust fund. Video
Analysis here
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