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UNDP Ambassador Ronaldo in Prostitution Scandal, As UN Watches the News

Byline: Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at the UN: News Analysis

UNITED NATIONS, May 6 -- They talk about "One UN," but when scandal hits, it's every agency for itself. This was made clear this week when UNICEF loudly disavowed any connection with Brazilian soccer player Ronaldo, embroiled in a transvestite prostitute scandal. Ronaldo was quoted that the scandal "will not interfere with my position as UNICEF ambassador, nothing will be an obstacle to that." UNICEF immediately issued a statement denying that Ronaldo is its ambassador or that he "has any other tie to the agency." But Ronaldo is a UNDP Ambassador -- few so far have followed up on this.  As of May 6 at 10:30 a.m. UN Headquarters time,  in Google News "Rolando UNICEF" resulted in 57 hits, while "Ronaldo UNDP" garnered only 14. This may change.

Inner City Press asked UNDP's new spokesman Stephane Dujarric to confirm and generally comment. On Tuesday morning he replied, "Yes, Ronaldo is a UN Goodwill Ambassador. We are following this matter very closely as it is being investigated by the Brazilian authorities. UNDP expects all of its Goodwill Ambassadors abide by the highest standard of conduct and not to embarrass the organization."

            Of course it is embarrassing when an endorser or public face of an organization surfaces on the tabloids' front pages. But when the organization at issue is part of The Organization, the UN, the questions that should be raised and answered include what due diligence was done before aligning with the individual. In this case of UNDP, specific questions will include who did the due diligence, what risks were identified, what are viewed as outweighing the risks, and who made the decisions -- Kemal Dervis? Ad Melkert? Both have appeared with UNDP's Ambassadors, often beaming. What type of review is being conducted of UNDP's other, or remaining, Ambassadors? "Following closely" and "expecting highest standards" may not be enough in this case.

UNDP "closely watching" Ronaldo, focus to expand

            Wider questions are raised by the UN's creeping embrace of celebrities of all stripe. Upcoming this week is an appearance by "Uptown Girl" Christie Brinkley, in connection with something called UN-Learning Intolerance. (Yes, the double meaning has been noticed.) Reportedly, attempts were made to get a Brinkley artist friend into the associated group show at the last moment. There was, as Inner City Press reported, an award given to cell phone throwing model Naomi Campbell May 2 at the UN, which was reported at least in photo captions as an award BY the UN. For reporting on this, a lawyer's letter (or call) has been received. An organizer of the ostensibly environmental event involving Naomi Campbell told Inner City Press on Monday night that they just want to raise the profile of their issue. But at what cost?

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These reports are usually also available through Google News and on Lexis-Nexis.

Click here for a Reuters AlertNet piece by this correspondent about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army. Click here for an earlier Reuters AlertNet piece about the Somali National Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's $200,000 contribution from an undefined trust fund.  Video Analysis here

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