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UN Security's Bongi Bungles Testimony, As Letter Raises Turkish Dust-Up

By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive

UNITED NATIONS, June 18 -- While prior to today's testimony by UN Security Chief David Bongi seeking to justify re-testing his officers Inner City Press asked, "What will Bongi say" -- the answer has included, what is being said about Bongi?

   Two weeks ago Inner City Press exclusively reported on a UN Dispute Tribunal preliminary injunction which confirmed criticisms long made of fairness in the UN Department of Safety and Security by whistleblowing Security officers and Inner City Press.

  After two weeks of further testimony, summarized below, on June 18 chief David Bongi was hauled in front of the UNDT or "in the dock" as some in Security put it.

  Here's from our whistleblower reporter's view of the day's proceedings, followed by portions of an explosive "open letter" --

Monday, Bongi gave his testimony and made a blunder when the lawyer put a question to him regarding the Personnel Action form that contains some acronym about funding, which is what they are claiming is sufficient to inform us that we are hired for the Capital Master Plan. The acronym is CMO; here is a short excerpt of the Q&A.

Question: Do you know the meaning of CMO?

Bongi: Yes I do it mean Capital Master blablabla that the O is not realy define but anyone with common sense will know the meaning.

Question: Are you sure everyone should know the meaning of CMO?

Bongi: Yes, anyone with common sense should know the meaning.

Question: What if I told you that the Management laywer said in the open court that he doesn’t know the meaning?

Bongi: Eemmm maybe some staff don't know the meaning of some acronyms.

That is just a little piece of the show; it was all pretty interesting.

It all began, in a sense, with a leaked master plan of promotion which Inner City Press obtained and published in 2009 entitled Possible Transfers and Assignments / Reassignments." The list undermined the credibility of interviews that were being conducted, implying that some decisions have already been made.

  And so a Panel was set up, in UN style, to investigate. But chief Bruno Henn refused to be interviewed by the Panel, Inner City Press learned.

  Inner City Press then covered Bongi along with Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Under Secretary General Greg Starr, failing to back up UN Security after they were beaten by guards for Turkey's Erdogan.

  Inner City Press covered Bongi most recently after exposing the cover-up of 14 kilograms of cocaine in the UN mail room. Both of these stories were stolen without credit by big media at the UN, who now after Inner City Press complained have set up their own Panel to seek to expel Inner City Press. The UN Dispute Tribunal probably can't take that case: but a real court could.

  While Bongi was testifying on Monday, an "Open Letter" including to the Secrtary General (who is, again, traveling) and diplomats about Bongi and his deputy circulated. It was nearly immediately obtained by Inner City Press.

  Inner City Press sought comment and input from Bongi-side DSS officials, and there are portions not published below in order to not invade privacy.

  Previously, Inner City Press has asked the spokespeople of the traveling Ban Ki-moon to respond to the security officers' complaints in the UNDT, and before that about Erdo-gate, without meaningful response. If such is later received on this, it will be published.

   The portion about the dust up between Turkish President Erdogan's security and UN DSS, on which Inner City Press had the first exclusive reports which were widely stolen or subject to unauthorized uncredited use by big media at the UN, seems of most interest. But here's how it starts:

Open Letter to the SG, Delegates and SSS: Greetings to every one.

This pertains to the current work atmosphere prevailing in the Safety and Security Service which is full of anxiety, distrust and even contempt among colleagues...

To illustrate my point,let me give you some examples of his "bizarre" brand of leadership seemingly imported from some shadowy military depot:

a) During the preparation and planning stages for the past two GA Sessions, the present Chief had exhibited on many occasions his low regard to the ideas/inputs of veteran officers who had decades of experiences running the security operations of such GA debates. He had outright assumed that security preparations in the pasts had been inadequate,therefore, the implication of which, is that we had been found wanting in our job and that our efforts then were mediocre! What an arrogant,boastful and insidious attitude! A dubious way of inspiring your subordinates to perform better.

 Interestingly, you don't see him with this demeanor when he is dealing with Host country security entities where he appears as the "energetic building superintendent" eager to please the building owners! Even more, he looks like he is working more comfortably with the host country outfits than with the organization that currently employs him!

  We will have more on this -- watch this site.

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Click here for Sept 23, '11 about UN General Assembly

Click for Mar 1, '11 re Libya, Sri Lanka, UN Corruption

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These reports are usually also available through Google News and on Lexis-Nexis.

Click here for a Reuters AlertNet piece by this correspondent about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army. Click here for an earlier Reuters AlertNet piece about the Somali National Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's $200,000 contribution from an undefined trust fund.  Video Analysis here

Click here for Sept 26, 2011 New Yorker on Inner City Press at UN

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