Corrupt UN of Guterres UNFPA
Still Wastes Public Money on
Italian Job As Bans Press
By Matthew
Russell Lee, CJR Letter
UN GATE, Jan 18 –
While untransparent UN
Secretary General Antonio
Guterres has reformed
virtually nothing at the UN,
other than asserting that he
has absolute impunity to have
a critical journalist roughed
up and banned,
now for 1393 days, each agency
goes its own way.
Whistleblowers within UNFPA,
the Population Fund that
supported and defended its own
representative Diego Palacios'
sexual harassment of
contractor Prashanti Tiwari in
India, now exclusively tell
Inner City Press as follows:
For a follow-up
article from the one you
published a while back on the
same subject, here:
the ERP project was under the
purview of the Deputy
Executive Director
(DED-Management) who came from
UNRWA. She left UNFPA. The
project is now under her
The current IT
Chief (Italian) joined UNFPA
also from UNRWA (before the
previous DED-Management left
UNFPA). He recently submitted
his resignation to join
another UN agency after
spending millions on licenses,
staff and consultancy fees but
not delivering a single
application yet.
[Another Guterres crony.]
hired an Italian company,
where he used to work before,
for the project at some
point. This same company
was also contracted to
implement a different project
concurrently in UNFPA (not
related to the ERP project).
The project completely failed
and UNFPA hired a different
consultant/company to salvage
the project. He
hired personnel (mostly
Italians), who used to work in
UNRWA, for the ERP project key
positions. (The mention of
UNRWA shows who these people
move in groups from one UN
entity to
another). The
project is currently in a dire
shape, to the point of no
return, and the main
responsible person is now
leaving the organization
without any accountability and
consequence. There
are also other IT related
projects that are managed by
the people mentioned above
with questionable decisions on
procurement processes and
selection of
Yes, the
project was impacted by
COVID-19 just like any other
projects but the main problem
for the failure of this
project is mismanagement at
the highest level in the
organization and the utmost
disregard of the taxpayers
money. Note: I
hold a senior position in the
organization and I am
exhausted by the leadership
mismanagement and the waste of
taxpayers resources." Note
that no one
they let in
the UN asks or
write about
Link to Inner City Press'
previous exclusive on the
subject, here
From that:
spokesman Stephane Dujarric
started complaining about
Inner City Press' coverage of
Guterres, including for
example its entirely legal
Periscope live-stream from the
sidewalk across Sutton Place
from the UN mansion Guterres
lives in, which showed that on
the day Guterres told the
world to turn off all lights
for an hour for the
environment, his were all
Trying to defuse Guterres
administration retaliation,
Inner City Press had an
intermediary, whom we'll leave
unnamed, convey to Dujarric on
June 20, 2018 that Inner City
Press had voluntarily
suspended all broadcasts from
near the UN mansion, for a
month. Dujarric, who only the
day before had given a private
press conference in the UN
Press Briefing Room to a three
person crew from Al
Jazeera (which
complained when Inner City
Press on Periscope called it a
sleazefest), told the
intermediary it was too late,
"I wish you had been involved
a while ago." There's worse
waiting, Dujarric told the
intermediary on June 20, 2018.
Worse waiting to happen: not
allowed in.
On June
22, 2018 UN Lieutenant Ronald
E. Dobbins, with his own
motive having been mentioned
in Inner City Press' expose of
irregularities in promotions
in UN Security, arbitrarily
singled out Inner City Press
and made it leave the UN at
7:15 pm in the middle of an
event, in the UN Media Alert,
which featured a Guterres
speech. Inner City Press
live-streamed as it was pushed
through the GA lobby, and did
say “This is corrupt.” (That
cannot be a violation of the
UN's / UNCA's vague injunction
to civility, in the midst of
an impermissible ouster
June 25, 2018 Inner City Press
wrote to Guterres, the chief
of staff and Deputy SG and
DPI's Alison Smale, saying
that Lt Dobbins had improperly
ousted it and had a personal
animus. Inner City Press sent
this and more to the UN's
Office of Internal Oversight
Service, recently further
discredited in a UN Dispute
Tribunal decision we're soon
to write about.
Guterres offered no
protection. In fact, his
spokesman Dujarric and deputy
Farhan Haq refused to answer
any questions about the
improper June 22, 2018 ouster,
with Haq on July 3 saying it
has been an appropriate
enforcement of rules (which,
in fact, allow non resident
correspondents to stay in the
UN past 7 pm if there is a
meeting, and for an hour after
the meeting).
On July 3,
2018 as Inner City Press
covered just such a meeting,
of the Budget Committee,
Dobbins and other approached
and initiated violence. Inner
City Press did not, as they
perhaps hoped, respond with
any physical resistance. But
even saying “I am a
journalist, this is corrupt”
is now characterized an
incivility to justify banning
Inner City Press. Things got
worse, indeed. And now we know
Dujarric and Guterres are
responsible, and both should
leave the UN.

July 30, 2018
sleazy basis
for roughing
up and banning
Inner City
Press for 27
days at that
was reported
in the Columbia
Review. Dujarric - who
Inner City
directed to
the CJR
reporter to -
is quoted
that " Lee
shouting, 'Fuck
(Lee says he
that Dujarrac
had given the
Al Jazeera
crew a private
interview, and
excluded him.)
creates an
atmosphere of
within our
Dujarrac says."
This is
a lie. (We
noted that
Dujarric himself has
repeatedly dropped
the F-bomb on
Inner City
Press, telling
it it
asked a "fucking
question" and, while
throwing it
out of the
UN Press
Briefing Room,
"Matthew it's
fucking Friday
night, I'm so
fucking tired,
I want to go
home, just
leave," Vine here.)
Inner City
Press on June 19, 2018
when Dujarric
gave a "private
briefing" to Al
Jazeera about
Nikki Haley
and Mike
announcing the
US pull out
from the UN
Human Right
Council said
in the hall
that is was a
After closing
the door of
the focus booth
it has been
confined to work in
for two years
Dujarric, and long
after the Al
Jazeera trio
James Bays and
Whitney Hurst
were done,
said on
Periscope, F-You. Periscope
video - still
during this 27
day "investigation" -
Dujarric is a
justifying the
beating up and
banning of a
journalist for
something he
broadcast in
a soundproof
booth to his
(and it seems Guterres'
and Smale's) roles
go beyond
justifying the roughing
up of the
Press. It seems
clear that the
green light
was given.
Consider this,
submitted to a
UN Special
Dujarric told
CJR that on
June 19 Inner
City Press
said f*ck you
to an Al
Jazeera crew (as
noted, they
must have
heard and
seized on it
only by
listening to
my Periscope
stream archive
afterward) --
1) on June 20,
2018Inner City
was told by UN
there were
concerns about
Al Jazeera's
crew with its
on June 20,
2018 Dujarric
told a person
trying to be Inner
City Press'
that things
were “going to
get worse” for
me. Inner
City Press
once, on July
20, 2018 about
that, here;
3) on June 22,
2018 UN
Ronald Dobbins
and four
others who
refused to
give their
names stopped
me at 7:15 pm
while Inner
City Press was
covering a
speech by SG
Guterres and
pushed it
out of the
leaving other
non resident
Inner City
Press now
surmises that
Dujarric, or
higher, gave
an order after
June 19 to
target it.
4) on June 25,
2018 Inner
City Press wrote
to Guterres,
his chief of
staff, his
deputy Amina J
Mohammed and
USG Alison
informing them
Lt Dobbins,
with animus,
had pushed it
out of the UN
during an SG
speech, and
requesting the
'protection of
They did...
5) on July 3, 2018
Dobbins and
other officer
got even more
grabbing Inner
City Press'
arm and
twisting it,
tearing his
shirt and
damaging his
computer while
Inner City Press
covered the UN
meeting in the
same way it has
for ten years,
including the
last two as a
non resident
(downgraded in
with Inner
City Press'
coverage of
the Ng Lap
Seng / John
Ashe UN
scandal in
which Ng is
now in jail).
On July 5,
2018 when Inner
City Press came
to work -
reporting the
assault to the
NYPD - it was
told it was banned
from entering
the UN and has
been since.
Inner City
Press now
believes that
Dujarric /
put out orders
to have its
despite the
rules saying he
can stay after
7 pm if there
is a meeting
(true both
times). Maybe
they hoped
Inner City Press
would react in
a way they
could easily
use to ban it.
All he
did was say
loudly “I am a
journalist” -
but they still
banned Inner
City Press.
But they took
a chance
the officers
would more
injure the
Inner City
Press reporter.
It was beyond
reckless - it
must be
reported and
acted on. (It
was reported,
on July 31, here:
the "UN
spokesman had
vowed to make
things worse
for him after
watching a
video Lee
made. 'I
get roughed
up, banned, no
due process,
no end in
sight.'") Inner
City Press at
noon on July
31 asked
Guterres and
his spokespeople
and Deputy and
Smale (and
has asked the
to obtain),
Dujarric's quotes
to Columbia
Review, and
the moribund
nature of the
describe all
given to UN
Security, Lt
Dobbins and
others, after
June 19
Inner City
Press, and
also state
whether any
personnel of
Al Jazeera or
[ ] have
for the
- watch this
Amazingly, the UN is pointing
to a vague language
it negotiated with its UN
Correspondents Association
which Inner City Press quit
after finding the organization
took money from now convicted
UN bribery Ng
Lap Seng and had a
president who rented one of
his apartments to a Sri
Lanka war crimes
suspect: "Where unexpected
circumstances arise, the
approach will be to avoid
confrontation, maintain
civility and find the fastest,
safest and most secure
acceptable solution. Those
Correspondents who violate the
ground rules governing access,
including the abovementioned
standards of ethical behavior
may have their accreditation
withdrawn or suspended by the
United Nations."
But it was
UN Security, Lt Dobbins on
July 3 with another still
unnamed, who initiated violent
confrontation, grabbing Inner
City Press' reporter's arm and
twisting it, and tearing his
shirt, as he sat typing up
interview notes outside a
Budget Committee meeting he
had every right to cover,
under the rules. Guterres' UN
has become a Kafkaesque place
of censorship where guards he
had already been warned (in
writing on June 25) were
targeting the Press can
physically assault a reporter
whose saying "I am a
journalist!" can then be used
as a lack of civility or
unacceptable comportment to
ban the journalist. This is
On July 18, 2018
Guterres' deputy spokesman
Farhan Haq was asked by two
journalists about the status
of what he and lead spokesman
Stephane Dujarric called the
investigation of the
"incidents" of July 3, and
apparently not now of June 22.
Video here,
from the UN transcript:
a follow-up to one that’s been
asked here last week and the
week before, and that’s a
report on the current status
of the investigation into the
events on 3 July leading,
ultimately, to the ouster, at
least temporary ouster, of
Inner City Press. And
did the Secretary-General
receive any communications
from any non-governmental
organization (NGO) on… on this
subject? For example, I
think it’s called the Global
Accountability Project or
something like that.
Deputy Spokesman: The UN
has received a letter from the
Government Accountability
Project, and I believe we’ll
be responding to them in due
Question: And… and the
status of the
investigation? Could
Deputy Spokesman: It’s
ongoing... 2d Questioner:
regarding Inner City Press,
you said it’s ongoing.
Is there an idea of when… is
there a date… any idea of when
it’s actually going to come
out and have a result?
Deputy Spokesman:
No. I mean, once we’ve
come to a decision, he’ll be
informed of the decision." On
what - the excessive use of
force by UN Security? This is
Kafkaesque - or now,
six days after UN Security
roughed up Inner City Press and
four days after UNnamed
official(s) instituted without
any due process an ongoing ban
on Inner City Press for having
been roughed up, on July 9
Guterres' chief of Management,
Saunders supervisor Jan Beagle,
issued a self-serving
"Administrative Instruction"
which seeks to legitimate
Dobbins' police brutality after
the fact, and ensure it goes on
in the future.
Editorial [at]
Previously: UN Office: S-303, UN, NY 10017 USA. Now
Reporter's mobile (and weekends):
Other, earlier Inner City Press are
listed here,
and some are available in the ProQuest
service, and now on Lexis-Nexis.
Copyright 2006-2022 Inner City
Press, Inc. To request reprint or other
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