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UN Hides Central African Republic Sex Abuse As Guterres Refuses Answers Now French Only

By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Periscope
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - CJR - PFT

UN GATE, Jan 18 – In the United Nations from which SG Antonio Guterres has banned Inner City Press 930 days for asking about his complicity in the killing of civilians in Cameroon and their mass imprisonment by China in Xinjiang, on June 1 French Ambassador Nicolas de Riviere (and now UNSC outgoing and Guterres super spreader trip host German Ambassador Christoph Heusgen, telling all to wear mask which his new Deputy does not) held a censored online press conference about the Security Council.

  Now on January 18, Inner City Press in the morning asked Guterres and his spokespeople Stephane Dujarric and Melissa Fleming questions including "On CAR, what are SG Guterres' comments and actions if any on that after rejecting all petitions filed by several opposition candidates calling for the cancellation of the 27 December presidential election, the Central Africa Republic's Constitutional Court has declared Faustin Archange Touadéra the winner. But the election results have huge legitimacy problems, with just about 35% turnout. Most of the 16 opposition candidates in last month's polls rejected the elections, citing what they called large-scale fraud and insecurity.One of them, former Prime Minister Martin Ziguélé, said that opposition leaders will meet on Tuesday to decide on the next steps to take."

No answer - but hours later, this, only in French (Google translated here) - "The African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security, Ambassador Smaïl Chergui; the President of the Commission of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), Ambassador Gilberto Da Piedade Veríssimo; the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix; and the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Mr. Josep Borrell, take note of the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Central African Republic, ruling on the electoral dispute and proclaiming the final results of the presidential election of December 27, 2020.     The senior officials of the African Union, ECCAS, the United Nations and the European Union call on all the actors concerned to respect the decision of the Constitutional Court and to reaffirm their commitment to the consolidation of democracy and the Rule of law in the Central African Republic. They recall the importance of dialogue in the search for lasting solutions for peace."

Guterres, lusting after an UNmerited second term, refuses to answer questions about the Morrocan and Gabonese peacekeepers in CAR.

Nor about the rapes including of children in DRC as well as  CAR by Lacroix' UN Peacekeepers, on which Guterres and his French spokesman Stephane Dujarric conceal evidence. Serval, servile. No second term.

 This after a French military jet fly over which colonial Guterres' representative praised: "Q: Recently, Paris ordered the overflight of the Central African capital, by two Mirages just after an interview between Emmanuel MACRON and the outgoing Central African President, Faustin-Archange TOUADÉRA. Can this assertion of power be a deterrent in the current context?
The head of MINUSCA Mankeur Ndiaye: 'At the request of President TOUADÉRA, and in agreement with MINUSCA, the French President, Mr. Emmanuel MACRON ordered a mission to fly over the Central African territory by fighter planes. This mission took place on Wednesday 23 December itself and this action marks France's condemnation of the attempts to destabilize the country. This "show of force" had a significant psychological impact.'"

So Guterres' Mission "agreed" to the fly-over of a country by military attack planes of its (former?) colonial master?

  After refusing to confirm reports of troops moving to CAR, Dujarric belatedly confirmed. And what will happen where they took them from, South Sudan where UNMISS spread COVID with a bus for national staff without any social distancing, flying infected international staff in and out like Guterres, violating the rules?

And from Guterres, violating quarantine in Lisbon, these December 26 robo-platitudes: "As Central Africans prepare to take part in the general elections on 27 December, the Secretary-General calls on all stakeholders to ensure that the polls are conducted in a peaceful, inclusive and credible manner. To that end, he invites all actors to refrain from any action, including violence, hate speech and incitement to violence, that could threaten human lives and undermine the electoral process and national stability.     The Secretary-General strongly condemns attacks against civilians, humanitarians, state authority and peacekeepers, as well as candidates. He calls on national authorities to ensure accountability for election-related violence. He urges signatory parties to the Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in the Central African Republic to strictly comply with their commitments and address their concerns through peaceful means.     The Secretary-General also calls on all political stakeholders and their supporters to resolve their differences peacefully, including through dialogue and appropriate institutional mechanisms, in accordance with national laws.     The Secretary-General reiterates to the people of the Central African Republic the continued support and solidarity of the United Nations.  Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General   New York, 26 December 2020." Support like covered up child rapes with impunity? These people are criminal censors.

  And on December 24 he and Dujarric and Melissa Fleming refuses to answer this from Inner City Press: "What has the UN done and what is it doing to try to prevent violence and fraud in the elections in Central Africa Republic (and what has SG Guterres done about UN sex exploitation and abuse there)."  Still no answer - Guterres is a corrupt censor.

Guterres' spokes- / hatchetman Stephane Dujarric holds his noon briefing refusing all questions from Inner City Press despite an on camera promise.

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