Protester Was Killed by Bullet, Not "Blunt Object" As UN
Claimed, "Mostly Rubber"
Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at the UN: News Analysis
NATIONS, July 2 -- While the UN congratulates
itself for naming Bill
Clinton as envoy to Haiti, questions are multiplying about the June
18 death of a civilian mourner in a crowd policed by the UN in Port
au Prince. On June 19, UN Spokesperson Michele Montas said that the
demonstrator, who remains unidentified but was among 2000 marching
with the casket of Rev.
Jean-Juste, was killed not by a bullet but by a "blunt object."
In June 22, Inner City Press asked
Ms. Montas if the UN
peacekeepers policing the crowd has fired rubber bullets or live
ammunition. Ms. Montas never answered the question, but instead
that "the demonstrator was not killed with a gun."
Now it emerges
from the autopsy that the demonstrator was
killed by a bullet. In Haiti, the UN has acknowledged this finding
the local press corps, and that its peacekeepers used live
ammunition. But nothing was said by the UN in New York, to amend its
previous statements.
On July 2, Inner City Press asked Ms. Montas
about her statement
that the demonstrator was killed by a blunt object.

Team Ban with Bill Clinton in Haiti earlier
this year, bullets and updates not shown
has said that, true," Ms.Montas replied, referring to the UN
mission in Haiti by its French acronym. She then said, contrary to
her UN counterpart in Haiti, that the autopsy was not yet out.
Inner City Press repeated its unanswered June 22 question about live
ammunition, Ms Montas said "I didn't get an answer, I gather
they are rubber bullets, mostly." Video here,
from Minute 13:03.
It seems to some that the UN Spokesperson
should update claims she
has made once they are contradicted in the public record --
particularly by local UN offices. We aim to have more on this.
* * *
UN, Clinton Will Work on Haitian Children Reporting, Not of Sexual
Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at the UN: News Analysis
NATIONS, June 15 -- The depths of Haiti's problems emerged at Bill
Clinton's UN press conference on Monday. After Clinton spoke of the
need to make a registry of non-governmental organizations to better
coordinate their work, Inner City
Press asked about the lack of
registration of the children that are born, particularly in rural
Haiti. Video here,
from Minute 29:12 to 33:59.
the Security Council's recent trip to Haiti, a representative of
UNICEF told them that the lack of registration leads to illegal
adoptions and even the sale of babies for organs, one Permanent
Representative told Inner City Press, urging that this too be asked
of Clinton. He was responding to Inner City Press' June 12 question,
at a briefing on child labor, about Haiti's restavek system.
Clinton's opening statement, Inner City Press asked about restavek,
registration and the UN's failure to disclose any discipline meted
out to the more than 100 peacekeepers repatriated to Sri Lanka after
being accused of sexual abuse and exploitation. On punishment for
sexual impropriety, Clinton said he would not answer, that Secretary
General Ban Ki-moon would.

Bill Clinton and UN's Ban on June 15, outcome
of repatriation not shown
But on restavek, he said he knew
well of
the problem. He said, parents were promised their children would be
educated in exchange for work, but the schooling never happened. Some
restavek victims are in the United States, he said. He will try to
work on the problem.
sexual abuse, Mr. Ban said the UN has received assurances that some
discipline took place after repatriation. But the UN has never said
what this was. Inner City Press asked Haitian Foreign Minister
Alrich Nicolas, also present, but he did not know, either. How can the
claim a zero tolerance policy when it won't report this basic
information? We will continue on this.
the UN's
City Press: President Clinton, you had mentioned the registration of
NGOs in Haiti. But there are parts of the country where babies'
births are not being registered. We are told this leads to illegal
adoptions, something called the restavek system of forced labour and
even of trade in organs. This is something that one of the
Ambassadors on the recent Security Council trip there raised. I am
wondering, what, as part of your work, you can do? And also on the
theme of, first do no harm, recently more than 100 Sri Lankan
peacekeepers were repatriated from Haiti under charges of sexual
abuse and exploitation. Thus far, the UN hasn't announced what
happened to them once they got back to [Sri Lanka], whether any
discipline was imposed. Do you think the UN should release that kind
of information, and what do you think of that? Will part of your job
involve making the UN either more transparent or more accountable,
including to the people in Haiti?
Envoy Clinton: Well, first, I think the Secretary-General should
answer the question about the peacekeepers. But I will answer the
other questions.
restavek system is one of several kinds of mechanisms around the
world where desperately poor people earn money by, in effect, by
putting their children in conditions of involuntary servitude of all
kinds. In Haiti, much of it was originally pitched as “I'll send
your kid to school if your child will work in my home”, but as we
all know, more often than not, it doesn't work out that way. I
believe the most important thing that we can do is to raise the
economic conditions in those areas, increase the reporting and the
accountability, and then encourage the Haitian Government to take
appropriate legal action. But, I am sad to say, we have even had the
example of restavek children being found in the United States, in
Haitian communities. And so, yes, it's one of those things I know
about. I care a lot about it. I am going to do what I can to create
the conditions in which we can bring an end to it, and the other
abuses that you mention.
I think it is important for those of us who have never been there.
Keep in mind that this country is close to the United States. It is
in our hemisphere. It is a Caribbean country. But its per capita
income is quite low. Probably one of the 35 lowest in the world, and
in the rural areas, even though it is not a large country
comparatively, there are almost no systems of the kind that you and I
take for granted, even in other relatively low income Central
American countries to stop these kinds of things from happening. So,
we have go to build out these systems, and I am very aware of all
this. I will do what I can to help end it. But I assure you, most
Haitians would like to end it too. We just have to give them the
power to do so. I can't comment on the Sri Lankan soldiers; I don't
know, maybe?
On the second portion of your question, it is a consistent policy of
the United Nations, when those soldiers commit crimes, they are
repatriated to their own homes. We demand the national authorities of
the countries concerned to take administrative and judiciary
punishment, procedures, corresponding to the seriousness of the
crimes. This is exactly what we did in the case of the Sri Lankan
peacekeepers. I understand that they have taken the necessary
domestic measures.
City Press: [Maybe] the Government of Haiti was told what happened
with the peacekeepers that were repatriated. Because I know that here
it was never said how many were convicted, or what discipline was
Minister Nicolas: It is the Minister of Justice and the Minister of
Planification and Cooperation are working on that.
* * *
On Haiti, UN Council Members
Blame Aristide, Blur Sex Abuse, Pitch Development
Byline: Matthew Russell Lee of
Inner City Press at the UN: News Analysis
April 6 -- In the run-up to a Haiti
donors' conference on April 14, the UN Security Council heard speeches
for five
hours on Monday. Afterwards, Inner City Press asked Hedi Annabi, the
chief of
the UN's mission in Haiti MINUSTAH, about collapsed school buildings,
peacekeepers returned to Sri Lanka charged with sexual abuse, and the
price riots of a year ago. Video here.
Annabi said
that one third of Haitian still suffer from malnutrition and perhaps
that fully 111 Sri Lankan soldiers were repatriated under what he
called the
UN's "zero tolerance policy on sexual abuse." Inner City Press asked
what had been done in and by Sri Lanka about the 111 soldiers. Annabi
said that
he is not well informed of what is filed with UN headquarters, but that
Lanka filed something. But what? The UN's policy for now, to paragraph
advertisement for Las Vegas, seems to be "what happens in Haiti, stays in
Costa Rican
ambassador Jorge
Urbina, who had said he would raise the sexual abuse issue
when he led the Council's trip to Haiti last month, likewise had no
update on any discipline meted out to these soldiers in and by Sri
Lanka. He
spoke of nation building. When Inner City Press asked if he thought
that the
upcoming elections should include the party of Aristide, he answered
that the
exclusion was due to Aristide himself being unwilling to sign for
either of his
party's candidates. Still, he said, legitimacy would be enhanced by the
inclusion of these "important" groups, adding, "I don't know how
important" they are. Video here.

UN's Ban and Annabi and Bill Clinton in
Haiti, sex abuse follow-up not shown
Security Council
president Claude Heller of Mexico told the Press it is up to Haitians
interpret the Council's Presidential Statement, that the elections
should be
"inclusive." Inner City Press asked about an incident early in the
resumed Council session in the afternoon in which Chile's Ambassador
to complain about UN agencies speaking to the Council before member
states like
his. Heller replied that he thought it important that the agencies
speak when
they did, immediately after the 15 Council members. Video here.
We'll wait to hear from
Footnotes: on the
UN's flimsy "zero tolerance
of sexual abuse" policy, its previously proponent and defender, Jane
Lute, was recently grilled in the U.S. Senate confirmation process for
Deputy of Homeland Security post about lack of follow-through on sexual
and about her role in steering a $250 million no-bid contract to
Martin's PAE in Darfur. Her defense, according to Capitol Hill sources,
was to
blame the UN for refusing to release documents, even to Congress. Zero
tolerance, indeed... Just taking the repatriation from Sri Lanka as an
-- one could just as easily choose the repatriation to Morocco from
Coast, or the ongoing spat between the UN, DR Congo and India on this
issue --
it is imperative that the UN be questioned for the actual follow-up
and release them. Watch this site.
Posing seemingly
obligatory North Korea questions,
Inner City Press asked President Heller for an update (consultations
and Ambassador Urbina of Costa Rica if the non-permanent members other
Japan have any involvement. Urbina replied that the process will soon
them, and they hope for a resolution. A resolution, and not a
presidential or
press statement? That is our position, Urbina said. And that day at the
stakeout was done.
President of the General Assembly D'Escoto to
his credit took a North Korea question from Inner City Press -- click here for his
answer -- while at a press conference about the
human right
to food, which Inner City Press is covering in a separate dedicated
story, click here
to view.
Click here
for a new YouTube video, mostly UN Headquarters footage, about civilian
in Sri Lanka.
Click here for Inner City
Press' March 27 UN debate
Click here for Inner City
Press March 12 UN (and AIG
bailout) debate
Click here for Inner City
Press' Feb 26 UN debate
for Feb.
12 debate on Sri Lanka http://bloggingheads.tv/diavlogs/17772?in=11:33&out=32:56
Click here for Inner City Press' Jan.
16, 2009 debate about Gaza
Click here for Inner City Press'
review-of-2008 UN Top Ten debate
Click here for Inner
City Press' December 24 debate on UN budget, Niger
Click here from Inner City Press'
December 12 debate on UN double standards
Click here for Inner
City Press' November 25 debate on Somalia, politics
and this October 17 debate, on
Security Council and Obama and the UN.
* * *
reports are
usually also available through Google
News and on Lexis-Nexis.
Click here
for a Reuters
AlertNet piece by this correspondent
about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army. Click
for an earlier Reuters AlertNet piece about the Somali
Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's $200,000 contribution from an
undefined trust fund. Video
Analysis here
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