North Korea, Blue Words Move to a Saturday Showdown, UNDP Uzbek Stonewall
Matthew Russell Lee at the U.N.
7 -- The missiles flew, and at the UN the words turned blue. Friday in the
hallways outside the Security Council, the Japanese and American ambassadors
said their resolution imposing certain sanctions on North Korea is ready for
vote within 24 hours. France's Ambassador De La Sabliere, the Council president
this month, said the vote might or might not happen on Saturday.
Inner City Press asked him
if the vote might be put off pending a Chinese visit to North Korea. "I cannot
tell you the timing," Ambassador De La Sabliere replied. A staffer added that
the resolution's sponsors will let members and reporters know of their Saturday
plans by late Friday afternoon. Russia's ambassador, meanwhile, walked away from
the stakeout with reporters in tow, joking but refusing to comment. "I don't
want to steal the French ambassador's show," he said. As the stakeout
presentation turned to the Central African Republican, most reporters left in
DPRK a/k/a North Korea
"The vote
will not happen," one Council exiter said, "on Sunday between three and five,"
the time for the World Cup's final game between Italy and France. Another wag,
this one, mused that North Korea might conduct an additional test at just that
time, a sort of half-time show. Inner City Press asked a French staffer if there
was any North Korean commitment to
hold its fire
on Sunday. "Fireworks," the staffer answered. "Perhaps on the 14th of July?"
Bastille Day -- you read it here first. Here's a key paragraph of the proposed
resolution now in blue:
"The Security
Council... 4. Decides that Member States shall take those steps necessary to
prevent the procurement of missiles or missile-related items, materials, goods
and technology from the DPRK, and the transfer of any financial resources to end
users involved in or supplying DPRK's missiles or WMD programmes."
Closer reading by
Inner City Press' bleary-eyed legal team of the gone-blue resolution leads to
this question, among others: who are the targeted "end users... supplying DPRK's
missile or WMD programmes"? Logically, an end user doesn't supply anyone else:
they end use. So, at whom is Paragraph 4 directed?
speaking of financial resources, substance over semantics, many observers note
that the crackdown on North Korea's dollar counterfeiting program, and the
seizure of its assets in Macau, precipitated this crisis. And in the darkened
stakeout, a photographer opined that John Bolton needs to get his glasses fixed,
to stop fiddling with them. "Lens Crafters," he recommended. "They're having a
At the
noon briefing,
the spokeswoman announced that the talk on the small arms conference, scheduled
for 12:30, would now be held at five. Great timing, to get the news out. Having
received no responses from the UN Development Programme's external
communications head, nor UNDP staffers in Zimbabwe and Uzbekistan,
Inner City Press asked
Kofi Annan's spokeswoman about the UNDP program to help the government of
Uzbekistan collect taxes. Given that the UN's Office of the High Commissioner
for Human Rights' finding that the government of Uzbekistan shot its own people
in Andijan in May 2005, and has demanded the refoulement of all dissidents from
Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Kakakhstan, as critiqued by UNHCR, what safeguards does
UNDP have in place, if any, to ensure that the taxes it helps to collect are not
used for such purposes?
try to follow up on the question with UNDP for you," the spokeswoman
While such intersession should not be needed, whatever gets answers...
Interim follow-up: On
Uganda, the UN Department of Political Affairs report circulated to the Security
Council on Monday is still not an "official document," though that slow alchemy
is expected next week, the spokeswoman said. [Post-briefing, she specified by
email that July 12 should be the day.] Then it should move to the Council's
Postscript 8:30 p.m.
-- on the North Korea fracas, it's been announced that there'll be no Security
Council meeting over the weekend. The text went blue and for what? In the
interim in the basement, the small arms conference plodded to its end. No text
was agreed on, the main objector being the United States which opposed any
review conference in six years.
In a wan
post-conference sit-down with five reporters in an adjoining room, Chairman
Prasad Kariyawasam of Sri Lanka called the U.S.'s stance "unique." Inner City
Press asked how this compared to the HIV/AIDS conference, and whether he thought
the process could have benefited from more involvement from the General Assembly
president (who will travel mid-July to China wearing two hats, that of Sweden
and the G.A. presidency). While the spin was that this small arms conference was
a victory, that wasn't the review from the floor or audience in the final
proceedings. "Disgusting," an arms-violence expert in the cheap seats said. The
UNDP seat was empty, and past deadline the S-G's spokesman's office had only
this to say: "On your question today about how UNDP can work with the Uzbek
Government on assistance to its tax collection efforts when the UN human rights
officials say the government harms its own people [we're] checking in with UNDP
on this." Inner City Press has been checking in with UNDP on this and other
questions for more than a week. And so, again, it goes...
Feedback: editorial
[at] innercitypress.com
UN Office: S-453A,
UN, NY 10017 USA Tel: 718-716-3540
the World Turns in Uganda and Korea, the UN Speaks only on Gaza, from Geneva
Matthew Russell Lee at the U.N.
NATIONS, July 6 -- The world moves fast and the UN? Not so much. Forty-eight
hours after the launch of the North Korean missiles,
when asked if
the Secretary-General had any comment, his spokeswoman in New York pointed to
months-old statements. In terms of the missiles "over the weekend or on the
Fourth of July, he has deferred comment as the Security Council is focused on
the matter, is seized of the matter," she said. It's nice to be restrained, but
sometimes deference and leadership pull in opposite directions.
Less in
the media spotlight, the same is true of Uganda. A day after the incoming
president of the Security Council, Ambassador De La Sabliere, said he was still
waiting for the Secretary-General's report, Inner City Press obtained a copy of
the report, which is dated July 3. The report inveighs against impunity for the
leaders of the Lord's Resistance Army, who have been indicted by the
International Criminal Court, but says that the UN troops in Congo and South
Sudan are otherwise occupied. On July 4, Uganda president Museveni offered
amnesty to the LRA's Joseph Kony, explaining this in light of the UN's failure
to take action. On Thursday
Inner City Press at the noon briefing
asked for the UN Secretariat's
reaction to Museveni's offer of amnesty. The spokeswoman responded that although
the report had been circulated, it was still not "out on the racks," and
therefore she couldn't comment on it. "'It's not yet a document." But it has a
document number, S/2006/478.
the speed at which events are moving, the Secretary-General or Secretariat might
want to comment," despite the precedent of the racks. Or maybe not. "You're
free to quote from the report," the spokeswoman said. Okay then. Its 51st
paragraph begins, "While recognizing the threat posed by the LRA, I should like
to reiterate that since UNMIS and MONUC have already challenging tasks to
perform in their respective areas of responsibility, they should channel their
capabilities and resources primarily to address those challenges." One wag
observed that an indictment without any enforcement might be worse than no
indictment at all.
future per UNHCR
in Geneva, the new UN Human Rights Council in its first special session passed a
Gaza resolution, 29 in favor, 11 against and five abstentions. Switzerland was
among the abstainers, stating that "both parties should be reminded of their
obligations." At an afternoon stakeout briefing by the Palestinian permanent
observer Riyad Mansour on the perceived stalemate in the Security Council,
Inner City Press asked him to
compare the two Councils: Security and Human Rights. "They are entirely
different," he answered. Ya don't say...
As dusk
fell on Turtle Bay, reporters sought out the elusive group of experts still
toiling over North Korea language, whether resolution or Presidential Statement.
At seven they gave up. Those who voted on no action until Friday seem to have
won the bet.
From the
UN Development Programme, the silence remains deafening. On its programs in
Zimbabwe and North Korea, regarding which Inner City Press submitted written
inquiries earlier this week, no answers have been provided. (By comparison, the
World Food Programme responded Wednesday morning, and UNHCR on Wednesday night.)
Inner City Press has asked UNDP staff in the region to comment on UNDP's
assistance with
tax collecting for the Karimov regime in
Uzbekistan. What sort of
development is this? We'll see. Until we do, we'll call it, developing...
North Korea in the UN: Large Arms Supplant the Small, and Confusion on Uganda
Matthew Russell Lee at the U.N.
NATIONS, July 5 -- On display Wednesday was the UN Security Council as a divided
center of power. Responding to North Korea's launch of six then seven missiles,
the permanent representatives of the US and UK appeared at the stakeout in
support of Japan's demand for a resolution of condemnation. Russia, while
complaining that fragments of one missile landed near its territory, insisted
that no resolution is needed. China has sent the same signals, but China took no
questions, like North Korea. One journalist reported that the North Korean
ambassador, asked what he would say, replied that "I am the permanent
representative of the People's Democratic Republic of Korea -- I come and go as
I please." As with the missiles, and the UN's World Food Programme.
after the missiles' flight, Inner City Press asked WFP as well as UNHCR and of
course UNDP to explain their North Korean activities. This was raised to UNHCR,
in Geneva and New York: reportedly a Mr. Park of
North Korea, in Bangkok, was told by UNHCR they would only give him refugee
status if the US embassy will take him. Then the US embassy said they would
only consider his case if he already had UNHCR refugee status. How does UNHCR
As of press time, sixteen
hours later, UNHCR does not yet respond. Nor does
UNDP, where questions are building up.

The World Food Programme
provided a transcript of a May 2006 press conference, restarting a slimmed down
the approximate
total food needs of DPRK are about 5.3 million tonnes a year. They produce
around 4.5 million tons, though it varies somewhat from year to year. They have
an annual gap of about 1 million tons. They need to get food to fill that gap.
They can get it through commercial imports, from bilateral assistance, from
humanitarian aid. WFP has played a very important role for the past decade in
helping to provide assistance to the people in the country who were suffering
because that gap hadn’t been filled. The DPRK is going to continue to face a
food gap; they will have to meet it in some way. If they can meet it from
commercial imports or bilateral aid, then the requirement for WFP is less. But
right now they can’t fill the entire gap from other resources...
Under the new operation, given its limited size, we
have had to make very difficult decisions. We decided to concentrate our
assistance mainly on women and children. Elderly people who we helped in the
past are not going to be beneficiaries of this program. Life for some elderly
people in DPRK can be very tough. Their pension is about 900 won a month. The
dollar exchange rate now is about 2,900 won. So they’re getting 34 cents a month
from their pension.
Speaking of pensions and food, or using
them as trope transitions, France holds the presidency of the Security
Council this month, and its ambassador Jean-Marc De La Sabliere took questions
from the press for nearly an hour. Amb. De La Sabliere recited a list of crises
to deal with, from Darfur and the Congo through Cote D'Ivoire and Kosovo. Uganda
was not among them, except cryptically in a footnote. Since more than 24 hours
before, Uganda's Museveni had loudly offered amnesty to Joseph Kony of the
Lord's Resistance Army, despite his indictment for war crimes by the
International Criminal Court, Inner City Press asked for Amb. De La Sabliere's
position on whether war crime indictments can be waived. "That's for the
prosecutor to answer," the Ambassador replied. Video is
with Uganda question(s) and answer running from Minute 46:40 through 51:10, the
third-to-last question. Amb. De La Sabliere acknowledged that he hadn't heard of
Museveni's amnesty offer,
nor presumably of the Ugandan People's Defense Force's
cordon-and-search disarmament in Karamoja.
"I don't know when Uganda will be on our agenda," he said. "We've heard from Jan
Egeland, there's a ten point proposal, no?" We'll see.
In the
basement the conference on small arms continued, overshadowed by large arms in
the sky and two floors up. At two p.m. the UN's lights flickered; this was
later blamed on Con Ed. One wag wondered of the role of North Korea. Many wags
congregated in the basement cafe, from which this is filed, to watch France -
Portugal, the last weekday World Cup game. The mostly pro-French crowd roared
its approval for Zidane and at the game's 1-0 conclusion. A still downcast
German in the crowd recounted how 300 people watched their loss to Italy at the
German mission on Tuesday. "The Italian mission is only one floor in DC-1," he
said, "so they couldn't compete. Except on the pitch." As the afternoon waned
and the experts met in the basement, a stakeout was established in front of
Conference Room 10, but the sum total of expertise filmed consisted of which
selections to make from the potato chips and coffee machines.
After five
p.m., a school of experts swam the basement hallway. One said, "Ask the
Japanese." An American said, "Ambassador Bolton will speak on the resolution. If
I tell you folks anything of substance, I'll be fired." Reporters took
bets on probable outcomes, with a Friday evening statement gaining the
plurality. To re-coin a phrase, and so it goes.
UN Gives Mugabe Time with His
Friendly Mediator, Refugees Abandoned
Byline: Matthew Russell Lee at the U.N.
UNITED NATIONS, July 3 -- As thousands of Zimbabweans
seeking asylum are forcibly returned, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has said
he will give "time and space" to Robert Mugabe's handpicked mediator. Speaking
to the press about Zimbabwe on July 2 following the meetings of the African
Union, the UN Secretary General announced that "the former Tanzanian President,
Ben Mkapa, had been appointed as a mediator. I told President Mugabe that I was
committed to helping Zimbabwe and the people of Zimbabwe... and we both agreed
that the new mediator, former Tanzanian President Mkapa, should be given the
time and space to work."
At the noon briefing at UN
Headquarters on Monday, Inner City Press began questioning by asked if this
means that the Secretary-General will not visit Zimbabwe to see the mass
evictions, and that the treatment of those being forcibly returned to Zimbabwe
by South Africa, profiled in the current
Frontline World,
will continue unchecked by the UN. (Video
here; questions start at Minute
12.) The spokeswoman responded that the Secretary General would not throw his
weigh behind a process he didn't believe it, but that she would check into Mr.
Mkapa's mandate and get back to reporters.
The questions only grow. Rudimentary
research shows that after the 2002 elections in Zimbabwe, Mkapa wrote to Mugabe
that "your firmness was good for all Africa." (AP of March 13, 2002.)
Then-Foreign Secretary of Security Council member Britain, Jack Straw, said this
"firmness" included having "prevented voters from registering, instructed the
police to break up rallies, had the leader of the opposition arrested and
reduced the number of polling stations in opposition strongholds." Observers
have noted that Mr. Mkapa was appointed by Mugabe himself, less as a mediator
than as an ambassador. Where goes this leave the people in Zimbabwe,
particularly those who fleeing or seeking to flee the country, now said to
number close to three million?
Before the noon briefing, Inner City
Press asked the UN's refugee agency UNHCR to explain its position "on which of
those leaving Zimbabwe are refugees and the propriety of forced return to
Zimbabwe?" Within hours, this response was received:
[at] unhcr.org
To: Matthew.Lee
[at] InnerCityPress.com [and 2 at UNHCR]
Sent: Mon, 3
Jul 2006 11:50:23 +0200
Subject: Re: Two UNHCR press questions:
forcible return to China of Huseyincan
Celil, and UNHCR actions /
Dear Matthew
There are
indeed many Zimbabweans deported from South Africa. However, we have not found
them to be refugees or asylum seekers in the process of requesting refugee
status. South Africa has strong legal structures in place for refugees to
prevent refoulement -- the forcible return of refugees to the country they have
fled -- and we believe that is the practice. We monitor the process to the
extent that our resources permit, including visiting the detention centre where
most of those deported are held. An area of concern for UNHCR has been the slow
processing of asylum requests -- which affects those from many countries
incluidng Zimbabwe -- but the government has now launched a "backlog project"
that aims to clear some 100,000 pending applications over the next year.
Instead of
being refugees and asylum seekers, the deportations of Zimbabweans have involved
migrants. While the story you noted mentions some two million Zimbabweans in
South Africa, we do not have an authoritative figure. That figure could well be
correct since the lowest estimates are still hundreds of thousands, which may be
rising with the economic deterioration in Zimbabwe. I was there a few weeks ago
and life is clearly difficult. However, relatively few Zimbabweans have
requested refugee status in South Africa. The queue of asylum applications
(submitted by July 2005) facing the backlog project in early April of this year
numbered more than 103,000. Of those, about 10 percent were Zimbabweans. The
largest number of applicants were from Democratic Republic of Congo. Most
Zimbabweans here have not requested asylum and those are the people who are
being deported. This is a situation that UNHCR will continue to watch closely to
ensure those with the right to refugee status receive it, but the problem you
are enquiring about is mainly the bigger, more complex question of migration.
Migration is moving up the list of international concerns and will be discussed
this coming autumn at the United Nations.
Best regards,
Jack Redden, Senior Regional Global Public Information Officer, Pretoria
This is certainly a faster and
more comprehensive response than from, from example, the UN Development
Programme (see
last week's Inner City Press UN Reports,
and see below). But not only does it not address the
headlined case of refoulement from
Uzbekistan to China -- UNHCR
does not explain why people who flee saying that in Zimbabwe they face torture,
rape in prison or even, in the continuum, the destruction of their homes in
Operation Murambatsvina -- "Drive out Filth" -- are not refugees. In fact, Mr.
Redden was quoted last month that "
The number of Zimbabweans
applying for asylum in South Africa rose sharply in the first three months of
this year to 7,211. Zimbabweans account for 38 percent of the total 18,800
requests." And yet by November 2005, only 86 Zimbabweans had been approved for
refuge status.
Some question whether the approach of UN
and UNHCR to South Africa's and others' treatment of those fleeing Zimbabwe is
less a matter of following international law and more a matter of history and
politics. The same may be asked of the fast announcement and seeming deference
to a purported mediator who had already made his position known, and who was
unilaterally appointed by Mugabe himself. We'll see.
Inner City Press also asked if the
Secretary General's discussions in Banjul included the situations in Uganda,
including the negotiations with the Lord's Resistance Army, whose leaders are
under indictment for war crimes by the International Criminal Court. The
spokeswoman said she was not aware of any discussions on the topic, but would
check. The UN Development Program over the weekend, simultaneously with UNHCR,
was asked in writing:
"that if and when UNDP restarts
disarmament programs or assistance to disarmament programs in eastern Uganda /
Karamoja, an announcement be made. The decision to halt is still not on UNDP
Uganda's web site (or UNDP's web site); this request is that confirmation and
any restart be announced, as was the halt, and last week's Fenway Park award
ceremony, at the noon briefing of Office of the Spokesman for the
Secretary-General, hence the cc's [to Kofi Annan's Spokesman's Office].
Also, we'd like to request an interview
with either UNDP's Africa regional director Gilbert Houngbo and / or the
Administrator. You could tell Mr. Houngbo, to whom this is cc-ed, that the
interview will concern not only the Uganda issues, but also, inter alia,
UNDP's activities in Somalia and the DR Congo (the disarmament component of
which we would like information on, beyond that at
respectively). Also, Kenya.
For your information, I am pasting below
two articles from Uganda, in which the UPDF reiterates it will continue with
cordon and search disarmament,
and a particular incident in
also, one re disarmament in Kenya. Please ensure confirm that notification will
be provided of any restart by UNDP disarmament programs or assistance to
disarmament programs in eastern Uganda / Karamoja. Thank you.
As of
mid-afternoon Monday, no response had been received. A next question will
concern UNDP's engagements with Zimbabwe.
And the beat goes on.
Postscript 8 p.m. July 3: Monday afternoon
lethargy was palpable at UN Headquarters. In the basement in Conference Room 4,
the Small Arms Conference plodded on. Three speeches in a row criticized the
lack of translation of documents. In any language, human rights were lacking. In
an otherwise nearly-full room, there were empty seats behind the name plate of
Uganda, as that nation continues forcible disarmament and abuse of civilians in
Karamoja. The UNDP seat was empty, then temporarily filled. There was a stack
of UNDP Statements by Ms. Kathleen Cravero, with no mention of UNDP halting, or
restarting, programs parallel to abuse by the Ugandan government.
At 6:15 in the Dag Hammarskjold auditorium
a dozen people gathered for a screening of a near-snuff movie of child soldiers
in Liberia, Les Petits Soldats. Young teens were repeatedly asked, "How
many people did you kill?" They answered in pidgin English. One's nom de guerre
was Notorious B.I.G.. Another told of his commander ZigZag Master cutting out
hearts to eat them. Afterwards there was no discussion. The audience trooped out
through the empty UN HQ. There was still no response from UNDP. Another request,
with an addition on Zimbabwe, has been sent. The host country and city prepared
for fireworks. Mesmerized by gunpowder...
the UN, Friday Night's Alright for Fighting, But Bolton Goes Missing
Matthew Russell Lee at the U.N.
1 -- "If it's all night, it's all right." So said John Bolton at a
5 p.m. Security Council
But in the General Assembly from nine to eleven p.m. he was nowhere to be seen.
The major vote was left until last. Four member states disassociated themselves
from the raising of the UN budget cap: the U.S., Japan and Australia, and a
last-minute addition, Canada. Speaking to reporters just after the vote,
outgoing Canadian Ambassador Rock predicted slow progress on management reform
and mandate review. "Next week is only three days," he said. For John Bolton,
the weekend started early.
Bolton's foil
Mark Malloch Brown conferred with two advisors in the lobby outside the G.A..
Inner City Press approached and asked if Canada's vote had come as a surprise.
MMB, as they call him, stayed Sphinx-like. His colleague said Canada's eloquent speech spoke for
Among the U.N.
press corp, only Japanese media, AP and Inner City Press remained on the scene.
In garbage time the G.A. President was asked about the strange-shaped gavel he
uses. "It's a gift from Iceland," he answered. Thursday afternoon he'd said he'd
cancelled Friday plans. But in New York at 11, the night was still young.
under-the-radar diplomatic skirmish news, a vote on Lebanon turned on paragraphs
about Israel, debts from '96. The U.S. and Israel were joined by Palau in
opposition. The Marshall Islands were nowhere to be seen. The development
resolution passed, but with Qatar excluded from paragraph 62.
Earlier in the
afternoon, two lower profile Ambassador briefed on background about this
resolution on development, with its over sixty operational paragraphs, include
three which gentle chide the World Bank and IMF. They said optimistically that
it would be voted on at 4 p.m., it fact it got tied to the rest, and began at
nine p.m.. A speech by UAE began without translation. The gavel from
Iceland banged down again and again.
Before he left
the building, at the 5
p.m. stakeout John Bolton declined to call the kidnapping a month ago of UN
troops in Ituri an act of terror. He didn't criticize the UN's slow approach,
saying only that events are being closely followed.
On other
African topics, during the U.S. holiday there'll be news from the African Union
in Banjul. Before he left, Inner City Press shout-asked the Secretary General if
he'll be meeting with Robert Mugabe. After a pause, Mr. Annan answered "yes."
(Click here for the video; Mugabe's at Minute 6:15.) Annan's spokesman's office
followed this up with two earlier statements, and a no-comment as to any visit
to Zimbabwe.
Update: On July 1,
it's reported that the UN Secretary General met for 40 minutes with Robert
Mugabe. Also in the meeting held at the Sheraton Hotel were foreign affairs
minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, justice minister Patrick Chinamasa, foreign
affairs secretary Joey Bimha and the UN Under-Secretary General for African
Affairs, Ibrahim Gambari (a/k/a specialist in the Kofi Annan legacy). Sudan and Somalia will also be discussed in Banjul - watch this
up on violence against civilians in disarmament in Eastern Uganda, Inner City
Press Friday at noon
asked the
director of the UN's Institute for Disarmament Research about UNDP's current
halt of programs, "pending clarification from the Government of Uganda on the
current disarmament approach in Karamoja." The director drew analogies to Mali
and Iraq, and suggested a talk with UNDP's Robert Scharf, who's in New York for
the small arms conference. Another person present at the
noon briefing said
she'd make Mr. Scharf available in the afternoon. As of 8 p.m., Inner City Press
had not heard from Mr. Scharf. In the UN basement a table sat unmanned, with a
sign saying "UNDP Promoting Security for Development."
in Uganda, Questions for UNDP
There is
a request that if and when UNDP resumes funding disarmament in eastern Uganda,
an announcement be made, in New York as well as Kampala. Kofi Annan's
spokesman's office
says it
is not an enforcement agent. But who then holds a UN agency to the statements it
provides, in this case about Ugandan government troops' abuses of civilians? And
reported on UN OCHA's IRIN,
UNDP played a role in celebrating the destruction of weapons collected,
presumably by voluntary and involuntary means. (Click
-- the article quotes UNDP's Bob Scharf.) In Kampala, the Minister of State for
Defense Ruth Nankabirwa "denied reports
that the UPDF has suspended the 'cordon and search' for guns." How much more
clear does UNDP want it? And where else is it funding such programs?
While the
General Assembly provided only anonymous background on its development
resolution, an on-the-record briefing was held on DESA's "Diverging Growth and
Development" report. This report, like the resolution, approaches the Bretton
Woods two with velvet bureaucratic gloves. A call is made for "gradual,
country-specific and home-made institutional reforms," and for using for
developing countries what shrinking space the WTO allows for protections. In
1950, Africa's income was 40% of the developed world's. The figure is now seven
percent. The rich are getting richer and vice versa for the poor, this UN report
concludes. Dog bites man, some say. From the World Bank / IMF to the Security
Council's P-5, power talks and the rest of the world just walks and walks and
walks. Or wait and votes 'til late on Friday night.
his last UN talk, outgoing German Ambassador Gunther Pleuger said the budget cap
games put pressure on the wrong target: the Secretariat. He said he had no
regrets about his G-4 gambit. Days earlier in the half-hit Council stakeout,
he'd opined that Japan walked behind the U.S., until the chips are down. He said
not to quote him until he leaves his post, which has just happened. Buena
In lieu of fireworks,
and speaking of the need for reform and impunity's end, we offer this blind
item: Which outgoing SRSG was pushed rather than jumped due to an illicit taste
for the topic of his charge? Just throwing in the word conflict does not make it
go away...
Other Inner City Press
reports are archived on
www.InnerCityPress.org -
UN in Denial on
Sudan, While Boldly Predicting the Future of Kosovo/a
UN's Selective
Vision on Somalia and Wishful Thinking on Uighurs
UN Habitat
Predicts The World Is a Ghetto, But Will Finance Be Addressed at
Vancouver World Urban Forum?
At the UN, a
Commando Unit to Quickly Stop Genocide is Proposed, by Diplomatic Sir
Brian Urquhart
UN's Annan
Concerned About Use of Terror's T-Word to Repress, Wants
Freedom of Information
UN Waffles on
Human Rights in Central Asia and China; ICC on Kony and a Hero from
At the UN,
Internal Justice Needs Reform, While in Timor Leste, Has Evidence Gone
UN & US,
Transparency for Finance But Not Foreign Affairs: Somalia, Sovereignty
and Senator Tom Coburn
In Bolton's Wake,
Silence and Speech at the UN, Congo and Kony, Let the Games Begin
Pro-Poor Talk and
a Critique of the World Trade Organization from a WTO Founder: In UN
Lull, Ugandan Fog and Montenegrin Mufti
Human Rights
Forgotten in UN's War of Words, Bolton versus Mark Malloch Brown: News
In Praise of
Migration, UN Misses the Net and Bangalore While Going Soft on Financial
UN Sees Somalia
Through a Glass, Darkly, While Chomsky Speaks on Corporations and
Everything But Congo
AIDS Ends at the
UN? Side Deals on Patents, Side Notes on Japanese Corporations,
Salvadoran and Violence in Burundi
On AIDS at the
UN, Who Speaks and Who Remains Unseen
Corporate Spin on
AIDS, Holbrooke's Kudos to Montenegro and its Independence (May 31, 2006)
Kinshasa Election
Nightmares, from Ituri to Kasai. Au Revoir Allan Rock; the UN's
Working with
Warlords, Insulated by Latrines: Somalia and Pakistan Addressed at the
The Silence of
the Congo and Naomi Watts; Between Bolivia and the World Bank
Human Rights
Council Has Its Own Hanging Chads; Cocky U.S. State Department Spins
from SUVs
Child Labor and
Cargill and Nestle; Iran, Darfur and WHO's on First with Bird Flu
Press Freedom?
Editor Arrested by Congo-Brazzaville, As It Presides Over Security
Place of the Cost-Cut UN in Europe's Torn-Up Heart;
Deafness to Consumers, Even by the Greens
Background Checks
at the UN, But Not the Global Compact; Teaching Statistics from
Turkmenbashi's Single Book
Ripped Off Worse
in the Big Apple, by Citigroup and Chase: High Cost Mortgages Spread in
Outer Boroughs in 2005, Study Finds
Burundi: Chaos at
Camp for Congolese Refugees, Silence from UNHCR, While Reform's Debated
by Forty Until 4 AM
In Liberia, From
Nightmare to Challenge; Lack of Generosity to Egeland's CERF, Which
China's Asked About
The Chadian
Mirage: Beyond French Bombs, Is Exxon In the Cast? Asylum and the
Uzbeks, Shadows of Stories to Come
Through the UN's
One-Way Mirror, Sustainable Development To Be Discussed by Corporations,
Even Nuclear Areva
Disparities Grew Worse in 2005 at Citigroup, HSBC and Other Large Banks
Mine Your Own
Business: Explosive Remnants of War and the Great Powers, Amid the
Human Rights Are
Lost in the Mail: DR Congo Got the Letter, But the Process is Still
Iraq's Oil to be
Metered by Shell, While Basrah Project Remains Less than Clear
At the UN, Dues
Threats and Presidents-Elect, Unanswered Greek Mission Questions
Kofi, Kony,
Kagame and Coltan: This Moment in the Congo and Kampala
As Operation
Swarmer Begins, UN's Qazi Denies It's Civil War and Has No Answers if
Iraq's Oil is Being Metered
Cash Crop: In
Nepal, Bhutanese Refugees Prohibited from Income Generation Even in
their Camps
The Shorted and
Shorting in Humanitarian Aid: From Davos to Darfur, the Numbers Don't
Add Up
UN Reform:
Transparency Later, Not Now -- At Least Not for AXA - WFP Insurance
In Congolese
Chaos, Shots Fired at U.N. Helicopter Gunship
In the Sudanese
Crisis, Oil Revenue Goes Missing, UN Says
Empty Words on
Money Laundering and Narcotics, from the UN and Georgia
What is the Sound
of Eleven Uzbeks Disappearing? A Lack of Seats in Tashkent, a Turf War
at UN
Kosovo: Of
Collective Punishment and Electricity; Lights Out on Privatization of
Ferronikeli Mines
Cleansing and (Money) Laundering, Says Georgia
Human Rights Abuses, including by UNDP in the Maldives
Who Pays for the
Global Bird Flu Fight? Not the Corporations, So Far - UN
Dissembles at United Nations Environmental Conference
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