Eastern Congo Violence Allowed by UN, Fancy Uvira
Camp as Council Visits Goma, Gold and Guns Denied
Byline: Matthew Russell Lee of
Inner City Press in Africa: News Analysis
June 8, updated Kigali June 9 -- As Security Council members head to
Eastern Congo, the UN's own performance in the Congo has been called
question. It has emerged that during the fighting in December in North
Kivu in
which the forces of renegade Tutsi general Laurent Nkunda soundly
thrashed the
Congolese Army, the UN Peacekeeping battalion in the area, Indian
stood down and did not fight. Worse, the orders to take no chances are
said to
have come from New Delhi, which continues to cash big UN checks for
peacekeepers to UN mission. But what's the value, in a place like
Congo, if the troops refuse to fight?
Inner City Press at a
Thursday news conference
in Kinshasa asked the UN's Alan Doss, head of the UN Mission in the
Congo, what
he is doing about documented allegations that Indian peacekeepers in
Congo traded for gold, with rebels, and that a Pakistani contingent did
same, according to new interviews given by militia leaders Dragon and
Kung Fu
from prison in Kinshasa. Doss
off-handedly questioned how anyone could interview them, since they are
prison. Then he repeated the party line from the UN in New York, that
allegations have already been investigated, and only a few of them
found true.
But even for those found true -- for example, the Pakistanis who drove
illegal gold
traders around in UN vehicles -- no punishment has been issued. The
were sent back to their country, but despite a "note verbale" from
the UN, Pakistan has refused to say what discipline, if any, has been
on them.

UN on road to Sake, gold and guns not shown
In fairness
to the Pakistanis, many in the region marvel at the way they have
the Eastern Congo town of Uvira, or at least their forward base there.
officers' club serves the best Punjabi food, there are Christmas lights
on the
trees and even swimming and light surfing, when the crocodiles allow.
physical improvements, it is said, are characterized as quick impact
in the UN's budget. But quick impact for who?
seriously on the war crimes and military fronts, the International
Court's indictment and arrest of Jean-Pierre Bemba has caused reactions
other powers on the ground. Nkunda, it is said, sealed off the areas he
controls in the days after Bemba's arrest. A
senior member of Joseph Kabila's government who
hails from Eastern
Congo is said to be re-forming his own militia, in case he needs to
hide there.
One can never be too prepared. The ICC has promised, and for
consistency's sake
must bring, indictments about the Kivus. Who'll come first? And are the
claims that Rwanda has supplied Nkunda, specifically through Ugandan
territory? And what of the colleague of
still-free Peter Karim, who was in a U.S. training program? If responsibility were truly followed to the
top, the Permanent Five members of the Council would not be sitting so
They do, however, have veto rights on Council votes and all of its
Chapter VII
resolutions like those aimed at Sudan. This Council power over the ICC
was again denied at the Saturday night press conference in Kinshasa's
Hotel, when Inner City Press asked Amb. Ripert how Bemba had come up in
earlier meetings in the Palais du Peuple. "The ICC is a completely
independent body," Ripert said, the Council is not to interfere with
ICC. But the Rome Statute itself allows the Council to refer cases to
the ICC,
and even to freeze and put on hold indictments that have been issued by
Council members' program starts in Goma, with a meeting at the
office then "lunch with Malu Malu" at the Stella Hotel. The risque
part is set for Sunday afternoon,
a visit to the Mugunga I camp for internally displaced people. An
version of the program, shown to Inner City Press, said to have
security ready
to extract the Council members if the IDPs get violent. It also urged
behavior by the Congolese National Police (in French the PNC), at least
the few hours that the Council is in Goma. After that...
The Council
is not visiting Sake, the town repeatedly taken by Nkunda. Nor will
they visit the
Rutshuru camp, which the FDLR recently attacked. The group's press
after the attack, issued by an ex-UN Development Program employee who
used UNDP
equipment to kill Tutsis, was circulated for response within MONUC's
reaches. Don't dignify it with a direct response, was the decision.
Ridicule it
obliquely and really drive the FDLR crazy. But is that what's needed
now? Crazier
Some in
the Congo whisper that Alan Doss, though a nice guy, is not the right
man for
the task. He did well in relatively post-conflict situations in
Liberia, Sierra
Leone and Cote d'Ivoire. But the Congo is not truly post-conflict at
this time.
William Lacy Swing, for all his other bluster for example on Kazana,
the town
torched by the Congolese Army under the watchful eye of UN peacekeepers
denied, was a hands-on guy, who went out to hold meetings even while
raged around him, as in March 2007 in Kinshasa. He moved in an armored
personnel carrier and had to be extracted from Jean-Pierre Bemba's
house. This
is not Alan Doss. His approach in the East seems to involve throwing
money at
the rebels. The so-called Kisangani process, the Goma accord, all of
it, has
given rise to the hand-out of per diems to purportedly rebels, some of
imposters. The idea is that if you're paying them, there will not be as
fighting. But close observers of the Kivus note for example that sexual
has gone up as fighting has done down, as rage and violence is
displaced as
people are. The number of IDPs has increased, a troubling fact that
Doss and
MONUC try, rather than addressing, to spin away by saying the higher
count is
attributable solely to having more access.
Speaking of
access, or the lack thereof, the French have gotten worse. On the
flight from
Chad to Kinshasa, there was not a word from Ambassador Ripert. It's said that Sarkozy's public face of human
rights, Ms. Rama Yade, was in town. But again no questions were
allowed. As
with Chad, missing opposition leaders and Deby's mass evictions, she's
got some
'plaining to do about the Congo. Back in March 2007, after hundreds
were killed
in Kinshasa, France arrived with an aid package and new cooperation
replete with secret clauses. As Inner City Press reported on the way
from Sudan
to Chad, French Ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert bristled at questions
about France's
deal with Chad, insisting it is not for defense but only... ammunition.
where are these agreements?
Footnote: Also on
the security front, it has
emerged that back when the Council was still considering visiting
Somalia, the
UK offered MI6 as protection but was rejected by the UN. UK Ambassador
Sawers left the delegation on Saturday night, whisked to the airport
from the
Palais de Peuple in a four-by-four flying his country's flag. More and more Ambassadors are leaving; even
some still in Kinshasa were said to
stay poolside and not venture to Goma. In
fact, the remaining Ambassadors flew to Goma, although some forewent
the IDP camp visit for an NGO briefing that one Ambassador afterwards
characterized as same-old, same-old, even "canned." By the time
trip gets to Abidjan, it may be only Burkina and the Press. Watch this
* * *
These reports are
usually also available through Google
News and on Lexis-Nexis.
here for a Reuters
AlertNet piece by this correspondent
about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army. Click
for an earlier Reuters AlertNet piece about the Somali National
Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's $200,000 contribution from an
undefined trust fund. Video
Analysis here
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