UN in Africa Needs Further Oversight, Should
Protect Trucks to Darfur, of Double-Standards
Matthew Russell Lee of
Inner City Press in Africa: News Analysis
YORK, June 10-11 -- During the
UN Security Council's seven-nation African tour, what was learned? The
interlocutors on Somalia do not include the insurgents who are actually
fighting the occupation by Ethiopian troops. While the UN has begged
Sudan to
allow a second extension of Lockheed Martin's no-bid contract for
bases in Darfur, Sudan has said it will stop giving visas to Lockheed
Martin in
July. (At the June 11 noon briefing, at deadline for this round-up,
Inner City
Press formally asked the UN to confirm that Sudan granted a final three
extension for the no-bid Lockheed Martin contract that expires in July,
While the
UN's World Food Program attributes its halving of food rations in
Darfur to the
hijacking of trucks from El Obeid to Darfur, the UN is not using the
troops it
has in El Fasher to go out and protect at least some trucks. Inner City
interviewed numerous peacekeepers in the UNAMID base in El Fasher,
Martin's cash crop, who express frustration at the lack of action, at
not being
able to help more. The UN should arrange protection for at least some
some routes. You have to start somewhere.
France's blind and desperate support of the Chadian regime of Idriss
Deby Itno,
he feels no need to meet with the Council delegation led by France's
Jean-Maurice Ripert, and Ripert is willing to dissemble to the press to
up this snub. Even South Africa's Dumisani
Kumalo, at trip's end, said Chad is "a lost cause."
The Council
as a whole likes to hear praise of the International Criminal Court
Congo's Joseph Kabila, even though an even-handed Court could indict
Kabila and
not only his opponents. But when challenged on this point, the Council
to have no relation to the ICC, despite its insistence in Sudan on
with the Court. The troubling evidence that UN peacekeepers in Eastern
traded guns for gold with murderous militias does not appear to be
subject to
any substantive re-investigation, despite the UN's own lead
investigator now
stating that his findings were hidden and whitewashed.

The UN in Wali's world: UK's Sawer with Wali
of N. Darfur, the grass is always greener on the Wali's side of the
Security carries loaded guns on planes, as evidence by the gunplay in
incident, and unlike UN propped-up governments like Congo's, Rwanda
does not
give favors, on visa, security checks or even air fuel. In the face of
demands, at least those involving their own convenience, most Council
dig into their pockets to pay. (One P-5 member, not at the
Ambassadorial level,
said it was outrageous and refused to pony up.) Ban Ki-moon's man in
Choi Young -Jin, has not gotten the memo about taking a proactive
against sexual abuse and exploitation, but rather dodges questions on
topic. He is praised by Ivorian leader Laurent Gbagbo because unlike
predecessors he takes a hands-off approach, which Gbagbo believes will
him to consolidate his power later this year.
the UN Security Council allows itself to be dominated by former
powers. The Council's public performance, particularly out in the
field, is
further distorted by the ambitions and self-interests of the
exemplified by but not limited to France's Ripert running around
Mugungo I camp
in Goma looking for the France 24 television crew, and trying to
coverage of the trip by the Press. The ten non-permanent members do not
an effective counter-balance; even P-5 member Russia lets the U.S. and
do and say what they want in Africa, while China saw no need to be part
of the
trip in Congo, Rwanda or Ivory Coast, no even sending its Ambassador in
Kinshasa -- where it has a $9 billion deal for natural resources -- or
to attend the Council's functions. China prefers to deal with African
economic issues bilaterally, not through the Council. Therefore despite
claims of many human rights groups, China hardly controls the Council's
approach for example to Sudan. There, former colonial power the UK
takes a hard-line, while in private being pushed around by Al-Bashir.
example was, in their closed door meeting, the UK's John Sawers raising
complaints which al-Bashir cut off, saying the NGOs should be using the
previous established complaint process rather than waiting to tattle to
members. According to Inner City Press' sources in the meeting, Sawers
did not
contest his. But a day later, in the Chadian IDP camp near Goz Beida,
he told
an audience of people admitted from Chad that he and the Council are
hard on President al-Bashir." The following day France's Ripert waded
the crowd in Mugunga IDP camp outside Goma in the Congo and said he and
Council are doing everything possible "so you can go home." Does
unqualified support for Joseph Kabila, and nodding dismissal of the
legislature -- which questioned the politics and timing of the arrest
Kabila's main opponent Jean-Pierre Bemba -- qualify in this regard?
Time will
On the
other hand, the UN operationally is feeding and sheltering, sometimes
in brutal
conditions, destitute refugees and displaced people. In Mugunga, people
live in
huts of plastic sheeting, with floors of lava rock. Somehow 10,000
people are
fed three meals a day. NGOs in Goz Beida run almost village-like camps
thatch-roofed huts. In Darfur's Zamzam camp outside El Fasher, there is
climate of fear, armed men everywhere, UN helicopters overhead.
In two,
maybe three, of countries visits, the UN operates nearly as a state
within a
state. In Sudan the UN has two separate missions. UNMIS in the South
and distorts the local economy, seeming akin to UNMIK in Kosovo. In El
in Darfur, the UN's and NGOs' presence has led to house rents of $5000,
emergence of a pizzeria and sale of balsamic vinegar.
In the Congo, MONUC has an air force and
peacekeepers everywhere, except when called on to engage rebel groups
like the
CNDC -- then they stand down and return to their bases, with good food
and even
surfing, and allegedly guns for gold sales. In Abidjan, Ban Ki-moon's
man Choi
is installed in an old hotel on a hill, with his own radio station and
no need,
apparently, to answer questions about the Mission's alleged wrongdoing,
when some at Headquarters say ONUCI senior leadership have a lot to
answer for.
There is a
need for more oversight, more checks and balances, less cover-up. We
continue to follow these issue.
Footnotes: In the
Kigali airport, clutching a
print-out an Inner City Press article which noted that France's
Ripert had abruptly pulled back from the media after being accused of
about Deby by, among others, the BBC's world correspondent, Ripert
Inner City Press and demanded, "Why did you write this?"
How about, because
it's true?
In fact,
Ambassador Ripert's problematic relationship with the truth began
earlier on the trip,
when he told the Wali of North Darfur that France had no role in the
and release of the French staff of L'Arch de Zoe after they were found
of kidnapping Chadian and Sudanese children. It also continued right to
the end
of the trip, when in the final press conference before the Ambassador's
whisked to the Abidjan airport, Ripert grabbed the microphone to
announced that
"Licorne is not a French force," when the question hadn't even been
asked. If put in charge of UN Peacekeeping Operations, thing would only
worse. And, we're compelled to report, one of the organizers of this
Council trip tried to bar Inner City Press from going -- unsuccessfully
as it
turned out. But in Kigali, Ripert may have missed the point of that
article and
series, which looked more at the UN's own operations in these countries
than at
the quality and veracity of each Ambassador's performance.
In Djibouti, Inner City
Press asked the staff
of Ould-Adballah how much the UN is paying its largely London-based
opposition interlocutors, but the answer was not provided in Djibouti,
nor in
the following nine days of the trip. (At the June 11 noon briefing, at
for this round-up, Inner City Press formally re-posed the question at
the UN's
noon briefing in New York, video here.)
In Sudan,
it remains unclear if the legal advisor to UNMIS' Ashraf Qazi did, as
claims, try to block the press' visit to the Omdurman museum of the
including on civilians, of the Justice and Equality Movement rebels.
whether UNAMID's Rodolphe Adada is using what credit he has with
Khartoum to
plead for extended no-bid contracts for Lockheed Martin.
In Chad,
MINURCAT's Victor Angelo demanded off-the-record treatment for his
answers to
questions about JEM, about alleged French domination of the
peacekeeping in
Chad and the Central African Republic, including through EUFOR. On the
question of the UN's closeness with Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, where
served, he pointed at the retraction of one of the allegations, while
even it it was true, it was "the Cameroonian," not him. At the end of
the Chad leg, he asked Inner City Press for a review. Decidedly mixed.
In Congo
Alan Doss, while viewed as more of a post-conflict specialist than
might be
needed, at least had an answer, however canned, to questions of
abuse, the trading of guns for gold. This stood in contrast the ONUCI's
Young-Jin, who went asked by Inner City Press about a less than two
week old
report of sexual abuse by UN peacekeepers in Ivory Coast, of which
senior ONUCI
leadership was informed but did not nothing, merely referred to his
statement, which ONUCI sources say involved a largely dismissive buying
of time
to respond. Still, Chad was the low
point of the trip -- a "lost cause," as Ambassador Kumalo put it --
and its high point, at least for this reporter, was the Democratic
Republic of
the Congo, where people who have suffered too much war are still
scrappling in
the street, selling fruit and avocados and photocopies from machines
run by
generators, rolling enormous propane canisters of self-made wooden
striving for better lives. When the UN can help that, it does well. But
it does
much that works against it, which should and will be covered.
* * *
These reports are
usually also available through Google
News and on Lexis-Nexis.
here for a Reuters
AlertNet piece by this correspondent
about Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army. Click
for an earlier Reuters AlertNet piece about the Somali National
Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's $200,000 contribution from an
undefined trust fund. Video
Analysis here
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