Staff Council Votes to Tell Ban to Make UNDP's Dervis Accept Ethics Office, Stop
"Culture of Impunity"
Matthew Russell lee of Inner City Press at the UN: News Analysis
August 29 -- The UN Staff Council on Wednesday passed a resolution calling on
Ban Ki-moon to require the Administrator of the UN Development Program Kemal
Dervis to comply with the protection against retaliation policy and accept the
jurisdiction of the UN Ethics Office. Portions of the resolution are below.
reported exclusively by
Inner City Press on
August 20, Dervis rebuffed Ethics Office chief Robert Benson following his
finding that former UNDP staffer Tony Shkurtaj was retaliated against for
reporting irregularities in UNDP's program in North Korea. In the nine days
since, Ban has staked out a position supporting Dervis, and "passing the buck,"
in the words of one Council diplomat, to the General Assembly to perhaps place
future whistleblowers, but not Shkurtaj, under the Ethics Office's protections.
The Staff
Council's Second Vice President, just prior to the vote, said that the question
is whether the whistleblower policy will "have the force of law." A question
had been asked about a UNDP Staff Union resolution which was said to have also
passed. The Second Vice President's response what that while the resolution
concerns "a staff member of UNDP," it is also impacts staff of the Secretariat:
if the Ethics Office is weakened, so are whistleblower protections throughout
the UN System. This might explain Benson's plea, so far rejected, to Ban and
Dervis to accept Ethics Office jurisdiction over UNDP "for the good of the UN."
Now the UN Staff Council has asked for the same thing. But will Ban listen?
Ban and UN Staff Council, June 15,
2007 - meeting, but is he listening?
UNDP is now seeking to get its Executive Board to accept terms of reference for
an inquiry to purportedly replace the Ethics Office, in which UNDP Administrator
Kemal Dervis would choose his own investigator, the question is also raised
regarding what the Executive Board members will do on and about the UN Staff
Council's resolution. As one staff member put it, how far does the "culture of
impunity" referred to the resolution extend? The resolution goes one step
further and urges Ban to recommend to the General Assembly "the establishment of
the Internal Justice Council." As Staff Council officials often say, without a
meaningful and binding internal justice system, including but not limited to
whistleblower protections, the UN will continue to lose prestige and foster a
culture of corruption and impunity.
portions of the resolution adopted Wednesday by the UN Staff Council:
Transparency, Accountability and Justice
Upholding Ethical Conduct
Noting that the General Assembly under its
resolution 60/1 urged the Secretary-General to scrupulously apply the existing
standard of conduct and develop a system-wide code of ethics for all United
Nations personnel...
Aware that a staff member of the [UNDP]
who had the courage to report a significant case of misconduct and was declared
a whistleblower by the Ethics Office suffered retaliation and is not longer
employed by the United Nations;
Noting the findings of the Ethics Office
that it would have supported a determination that a prima face case of
retaliation has been established in this case had UNDP agreed for the case to be
pursued within the parameters of ST/SGB/2005/21;
Dismayed that UNDP contends that its
autonomy overrides the provisions of ST/SGB/2005/21 which is administrative law
promulgated by the Secretary-General as the Chief Administrative Officer of the
entire United Nations family and not parts thereof;
Concerned that the refusal of the
Administrator [of] UNDP to abide by the administrative law provisions
promulgated by the Secretary-General confirms that the culture of impunity
permeating the higher levels of the organization, complemented by a
dysfunctional internal justice system;
Reiterating that the Ethics Office and
Office of the Ombudsman cannot operate in isolation and must be underpinned by a
fully independent internal justice system, as recommended by the
Secretary-General's own redesign panel on the UN system of administration of
justice (A/61/205).
The Council decides:
To request the Secretary-General
(a) direct the Administrator of UNDP to
comply fully with the administrative law provisions of ST/SGB/2005/21;
(b) to take appropriate measures to
safeguard the interests of the complainant in accordance with the provisions of
ST/SGB/2005/21 para 5.6;
(c) to recommend the General Assembly
approve the establishment of the Internal Justice Council, pursuant to para 142
of the Redesign Panel's report.
* * *
for an earlier
Reuters AlertNet
piece by this correspondent about the Somali National Reconciliation Congress, and the UN's
$200,000 contribution from an undefined trust fund. Video
Analysis here
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