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On Chagos US Praises UK Deal Inner City Press Asked Colonial Guterres Still No Answer

By Matthew Russell Lee, New Platform

UN Gate, Oct 3 – In the UN, even as restricted by colonial Portuguese censor UNSG Antonio Guterres, most decolonization fights are in the Fourth Committee or C-24. On 22 May 2019 before the UN General Assembly voted against UK colonialism over Chagos Islands, 116-6-56, Inner City Press in writing asked "on colonialism and the P5, please immediately state the SG's position on calls for the UK to relinquish control over the Chagos Islands." Guterres and his spokesman Stephane Dujarric did not answer, then or since.

Now on October 3, 2024, from Tony Blinken, this: the US "welcomes today’s historic agreement... the United Kingdom will agree that Mauritius is sovereign over the Chagos Archipelago, including Diego Garcia, site of a joint U.S.-UK military facility. In turn, the UK will exercise the sovereign rights and authorities of Mauritius with respect to Diego Garcia in accordance with the terms of the agreement.  This agreement will secure the operational future of the joint U.S.-UK military facility on Diego Garcia into the next century." Yeah.

  Later after the 2019 vote the UK's then-UN now DC Ambassador Karen Pierce used or abused the UNSC stakeout to speak in favor of colonialism. Could the proponents of the GA resolution speak there? Or this just more abuse, like the UK Mission refusing to answer Press questions about Cameroon, here.

  Now still banned from any entry of the UN by Guterres who tries to conceal his financial links to P5 powers like China and its CEFC China Energy, through Gulbenkian Foundation whose payments to Guterres went undisclosed in his form covering 2016 (and has other undisclosed colonial business interests through his son Pedro Guimarães e Melo De Oliveira Guterres in Lusophone Africa and Timor, Inner City Press has asked in writing - without response.

Back on 19 June 2017, a photo exhibit is in the UN Secretariat Lobby (along with a sign that this is not an endorsement by the UN). Tweeted photo here.


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