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Charged As a Spy for Egypt UN Mission Girgis Pled Down Now Time Served No Supervision

By Matthew Russell Lee

SDNY COURT, Exclusive series, Oct 16 – In another illegal spying or representation case, the Southern District of New York unsealed an indictment "charging PIERRE GIRGIS, a dual Egyptian and U.S. citizen, with acting and conspiring to act in the US as an unregistered agent of the Arab Republic of Egypt."

  Jump cut to August 14, 2024 when on no public notice Girgis came before Judge Failla to plead guilty - to a mere misdemeanor. Inner City Press was there (how we found out is another story) - thread:

Judge: I understand this is a plea to a misdemeanor... You are charged with not disclosing on your mail that it was from a foreign power - 22 USC Sections 614(b) and 618. The maximum sentence for this charge is six months in prison

   Judge: Tell me what you did.

Pierre Girgis: In Sept 2019 I sent by WhatsApp a document for an Egyptian government counselor in Manhattan, about the draft and Egyptian expatriates. I did not then know that it was wrong Judge: Do you now? Girgis: Yes. 

Judge: Government? AUSA: We have information about meetings with Egyptian officials. Judge: Mr. Girgis, how do you plead? Girgis: Guilty. Judge: I accept your guilty plea 

And on October 15 Girgis got time served: "FILED JUDGMENT IN A CRIMINAL CASE as to Pierre Girgis (1), Count(s) 1, 2 are dismissed on the motion of the US; Pleaded guilty to Count(s) 1s, Imprisonment for a total term of Time Served. No term of supervised release is imposed. Special Assessment of $10.00 which is due immediately. (Signed by Judge Katherine Polk Failla on 10/15/2024)."

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