SBF Jury
Selection Many
Tell of Crypto
Losses as
Scaramucci and
Trubucco Named
Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book
Oct 2 –Inner City Press
covered and live tweeted US v.
Bankman-Fried, the day of jury
selection. Book here
Thread here:
jurors not yet in the room,
but SBF, with (much) shorter
hair, is at the defense table
with 5 lawyers.
Judge Kaplan: The
jurors are on their way up.
But first, Mr. Bankman-Fried,
you have a right to testify,
it's your call. If you wish to
testify, stand up and I'll
send the jury out and find out
why you're standing. If your
lawyers rest, and you wish to,
stand up
Assistant US
Attorney Nick Roos: We raised
the issue early if there
should be plea discussions.
The answer was no, so there
have been no plea offers Judge
Kaplan: Is that accurate, Mr.
Cohen? SBF's lawyer Cohen:
Yes, your Honor. Judge Kaplan:
My question are typed
Kaplan: Are there going to be
slides in the opening
statments? Both sides say yes.
AUSA Danielle Sassoon: May we
have a moment to confer with
defense counsel? Judge Kaplan:
Danielle Sassoon stands behind
defense table conferring. SBF
remains at the table with his
air-gapped laptop.] AUSA
Sassoon: We'd like to add to
the voir dire about current
publicity. Not just the CBS,
but if they've seen any
publicity but could be fair
After a long
pause while prospective jurors
are led into the jury box,
Judge Kaplan tells the lawyers
(and SBF) they can sit down,
Nothing's happening fast right
Judge Kaplan:
Believe it or not, we're just
about ready... [Now the
gallery of this large
courtroom, usually that of
DIstrict Judge Kimba Wood, is
full of prospective jurors.
Let the questioning begin!]
Judge Kaplan: Ready? Folks,
welcome, sorry it took so long
Kaplan: The defendant in this
case is charged with wire
fraud, conspiracy to commit
commodities fraud, wire fraud
and money laundering. My
deputy Andy will swear you in.
Andy: The jurors here and in
the Jury Assembly Room 160
should rise [administers oath]
Kaplan: This case, according
to the lawyers, should take
six week. My cases rarely take
as long as the lawyers think.
Generally, Tuesday through
Friday, sometimes Monday
through Thursday. We need
jurors who are fair and
impartial, based only on the
Kaplan: Be candid in answering
my questions. Forget what
you've seen on TV and movies.
I'll be asking all the
questions. The lawyers on each
side have the right to excuse
a certain number of
prospective jurors, usually
without giving any reason
Judge Kaplan: If
I ask you something you don't
want to discuss in the open,
let me know, I'll invite you
to come to the sidebar over
here. This is not my usual
courtroom, so the computer is
beeping over there. I don't
speak computer. Andy is a
computer whisperer
Judge Kaplan: My
questions are typed out, you
can read them and note down
which ones you'd say Yes to.
When I get to you, remember so
I don't have to read them all
over again. It is likely
the 50 in this room will not
be enough - we'll bring more
Kaplan: Jurors, you are to
post nothing about this case,
or read any thing. No research
at all, not even about the
judge. You can satisfy your
curiosity when it's all over.
More about the case: the
defendant has denied the
Kaplan: It would not surprise
me if some of you have heard
about the case. The defendant
is Mr. Samuel Bankman-Fried.
He founded FTX, and Alameda
research. He is accused of
defrauding customers of FTX
dot com, secondly investors in
FTX and lenders to Alameda
Kaplan: I have an initial
question, which is not on
the sheet. If the answer
is yes, raise your hand or
stand up. Is there
anything about the nature of
the case that would make it
difficult for you to be fair.
Let's start with the jury box-
no hands raised
Kaplan: In the back? The man
in the white T-shirt? Please
tell me your name.
TImothy "Lohort" (phonetic)
also, Lewis DeCaro Robert
Frank. Leslie Day Medea
Kashamani (phonetic) Judge
Kaplan: I'm looking for your

SBF jury selection by Elizabeth
Williams courtesy to Inner City Press
Voice: It's 33
con't: Justin de
Vito. Seth Katz Judge Kaplan:
What number? Voice: 38.
Christopher Cruz, 40. Earnest
Abrello, 48. Bay Leon, 44.
Linda Rodock (phonetic) 43.
Judge Kaplan: Did we miss
anyone? No? The following are
excused... 19, 21 ,22, 23, 33,
29, 38, 40, 43 and 44
Sassoon: My notes say it was
number 20 who stood up, not
number 22. Judge Kaplan:
Number 22, you may stay. Andy,
get the cards to them.
Judge Kaplan: OK, anyone have
hearing problems? You, can you
discuss it publicly? Voice:
Slight hearing loss...
Judge Kaplan: Can
you hear me? Voice: Yes. Judge
Kaplan: No problem, then. I
too have hearing loss, at my
age. Anyone with medical
conditions? Ms. Garver Number
4? Oh, congratulations. You're
not due until February? Can
you serve? Great.
Voice: I
take blood thinners and
cholesterol medicine. Judge
Kaplan: Welcome to the club.
Ms Koch: I have epileptic
Kaplan: Can you serve? A: Yes
Judge Kaplan: How about
religious objections to
judging someone else? No one?
Great. We'll need 12 & 6
Judge Kaplan: We only pay $50
to $60 a day. Anyone unable to
serve due to hardship?
Ms King, Number
2? Ms King (unintelligible)
Judge Kaplan: You're leaving
on a Friday? Andy what are the
dates that week? Oct 30 is a
Monday. Where is it? Are the
tickets paid for?
Judge Kaplan: Jet
Blue... Who is it? Ms. King:
My husband's co-worker. Judge
Kaplan: OK. Ms Martinez,
you'll be leaving the country
for work. Where do you work?
A: Ms Universe. Judge: What's
your role? A: Operations
manager. Judge: Where is it?
A: El Salvador
Mr Zimmer: I'm
involved in a civil case,
October 16. Judge Kaplan: What
court? Mr. Zimmer: I don't
know. My company is being
sued. Judge Kaplan: We will
not be in session some of
those days. So you could
testify. Voice: My boss on
Park and 72 is on vacation
Judge Kaplan: Ms.
Williams-Paul? A: I have an
MRI, and doctor's appointment
on the 16th. Numbe 18: I get
married on the 23rd, then my
honeymoon. Judge Kaplan:
Congratulations. OK, in the
back, by rows.
Number 27:
I have 2 reasons, personal -
my daughter's mother passed
away in Phoenix. Also, I work
in sales... Another: I am an
adjunct at CUNY, 7 am to 730
pm Judge Kaplan: That's a long
lecture... A: I'm in the
nurses' clinical program.
Judge: In CUNY? A: Lehman
Judge Kaplan:
Where do you do this work? A:
Bronx Care. Judge Kaplan:
Pardon me for not having heard
of it. A: It was Bronx Lebanon
before. Judge: Do you ever go
on vacation? What happens
then? A: It's seasonal.
Judge Kaplan:
We're going to seat no more
than two lawyers on each side
here at the sidebar and we'll
see what we're going to do.
[This, we can't hear]
back] Judge Kaplan: OK, folks,
we are excusing 2 (King), 7,
18, 38 ("sorry if I'm mangling
your name"), 39, 42, 49 - and
another, you are still in
play. We'll keep going for a
while, then break for lunch.
We will fill in all the empty
chairs and continue
Judge Kaplan:
With luck and a strong wind at
our back we may finish
today... If not, tomorrow
morning. Now let me introduce
my staff. Andy is my deputy
clerk, he's been with me
longer than either of us
remember, he's Number One at
his job in this courthouse
Judge Kaplan:
This is my law clerk, helping
me for a year, he was in
private practice for three
years, another was with the
court of appeals... OK, let's
go on with the questioning.
Your job will be to determine
the facts
Juror 30:
What would be the sentence? I
would not impose the death
sentence. What would be the
worst? Judge Kaplan: We'll get
to it in a minute or two and
my answer will have to
suffice. Anyone unwilling to
accept that punishment is up
to the court? No one.
Kaplan: Anyone have any
personal knowledge of this
case? Numbers 8, 9, 13... In
the back? Numbers 32, 37,
anyone else? Mr. Weisenberg,
from what sort of source to
have personal knowledge? A:
Fundamentally it's reading
Kaplan: Mr. Zimmer? Mr.
Gadeer? WHat's the source of
your personal knowledge of
this case? Gadeer: A podcast -
Joe Rogan.
Judge Kaplan: Joe
Rogan... Another: The company
I work for invested in FTX and
Alameda. Judge Kaplan:
Made or lost money? A: Lost
Number 37: I do job search for
investment banking firms, so
I've heard about it. Judge
Kaplan: Could you be fair? 37:
Judge Kaplan:
Now, in case any jurors know
then, the teams: Cohen: Mr.
Everdell, David Lisner,
Alexandra Theobald... Judge
Kaplan: Anyone know them? No?
No. Anyone know these
prosecutors? [A Mr. Rosenberg
approaches the sidebar]
Kaplan: OK, we're going to
break for lunch for an hour.
Be back at 1:20, we'll fill
the seats and proceed apace. I
thank you. Do not give any
interviews (laughs). See you
Just an
update: While Judge Kaplan
told everyone to be back at
1:20 pm, the security line
takes a while, and now they
are moving new prospective
jurors upstairs to 26 from the
jury assembly room on the 1st
floor. So thread will be
continuing here, when they
[OK -
they're back.] Andy: Seat
number 38, it's going to be
Juror 64, Cynthia Rodriguez...
Juror 39 is going to be Joel
Rosas. Seat 40 is going to be
juror 66, Jose Muriel. Seat 41
is going to be juror 67, Wise
Akaho - sir how do you
pronounce your name? Akaho
Judge Kaplan: My
first questions are only going
to be addressed to the
prospective jurors who just
joined us. Can anyone not be
fair? Yes ma'am? Jacqueline
Roster (phonetic) 50 or 52.
Judge Kaplan: You are excused.
Now the 22 left, any problems
with your hearing?
Number 33 -
cataracts? Judge Kaplan:
Can you read type written
materials? Thank you. Anyone
on medication? Lady in the
back? Another: Diabetic. If I
cannot eat in the courtroom,
or have my phone to check my
sugar -- Judge Kaplan: You are
right. You could eat
Kaplan: Any hardships?
Seat 19: I have a meeting this
week, I work for Great
American Insurance, I'm an
underwriter. Judge Kaplan:
What's the meeting? 19: It's a
manager's meeting in Vermont,
the tickets are booked. Judge:
Great American is paying,
Zal Dang,
number 29: I have 3 issues. A
wedding, I'm the best man. 2d,
I started a new job. I'm not
sure I can be unbiased with
crypto, I've felt negatively
about it since I learned about
it Judge Kaplan: Could you be
fair, is the question. 29: I
don't think so
Number 35:
I'm only being compensated for
2 days, it would be a
hardship. Judge Kaplan: I
understand. Next: I work for
Self-Help, they won't pay me.
Another: My employer would
only pay for 10 days, I
learned over lunch.
44/70: I watch my toddler
until nanny comes
Juror 72:
I'm self-employed, being
without phone or internet
would hurt me, I'm a solo real
estate agent. Judge Kaplan:
OK. 49: I teach special ed in
the South Bronx, we're
understaffed, my student
wouldn't receive their
services for 6 weeks. Judge:
Kaplan: I am excusing 18,
29,35, 37, 28, 38 & 48.
Now, the other questions.
Juror: I could not put aside
my sympathy. Judge Kaplan:
Have you served before? Juror:
Yeah, you guys call me every
five years.
Judge Kaplan: I
can't hear you, you're wearing
a mask.
Juror: I don't
feel comfortable being that
person to convict someone.
Judge Kaplan: Do you deal with
claims in your insurance
company? Juror: I just sign
off. Judge Kaplan: OK, thank
you. Now we're all on
the same page.
Judge Kaplan:
Anyone in the juror box ever
charged with a crime? Or a
close family member? 11: I
don't want to say it publicly,
it's my child Judge Kaplan:
Convicted? 11: Yes. Judge
Kaplan: Could you be fair? 11:
Yes. Another: My husband,
found guilty, served time
Judge Kaplan:
Could you be fair? A: I'd have
to hear the evidence. Judge
Kaplan: That's the point. OK,
let's go to the back of the
room. 55: Guy Toufaut
(phonetic) A classmate in high
school went to jail. Judge:
Can you be fair? 55: Yes.
Juror: My
husband and I were in this
courthouse, charged with
racketeering. This case, about
stealing millions of dollars,
I am not comfortable with it.
Judge Kaplan: I
understand. Any lawyers?
Juror: I was with EDNY civil
division, and clerked there.
Juror: I
studied law and practiced law
in South Africa. Juror:
I advertise for lawyer
clients. 31: I work for the
Manhattan DA. Investigator,
computer forensics. Also for
Kroll. Canter: I am with
Alphasites, a consulting firm.
Judge: Are you a lawyer?
Canter: No
70: My
father founded a criminal
defense firm, my husband now
works there. South African law
juror: I would hate someone
guilty to get off on a
technicality. Judge Kaplan:
Give me an example. A: The
landlord filed late, but the
resident was there without a
15: I'm a
retired corrections
officer. Another: I work
for FINRA Judge Kaplan:
One lady this morning spoke of
any investment. Anyone else
dealt with FTX or Alameda? No.
You'll hear of cryptocurrency
and blockchain.
55: I invested in
crypto. I lost money. Another:
My fiance investment money in
crypto. Judge Kaplan: Win or
lose? A: Lose. Judge:
Anyone work in finance? A:
Series 7, sale assistant.
Another: I work for Morgan
Stanley, in I.T. 23: I work
for a hedge fund. Judge:
In crypto? A: No
Another: I work
for Bank United. 28: I'm with
FINRA, was with TD Securities.
43: My father's in finance.
Judge Kaplan: Anyone with
strong policies views on the
charges here? No affirmative
Kaplan: This case has
generated publicity. You're to
stay away from it, podcasts,
anything. Did any of you watch
60 Minutes on Sunday?
AUSA Sassoon: Could we get the
juror numbers who raised their
hands? Andy: 31, 32, 33/61,
Kaplan: We're going to read
names of people who may
testify or be related to this
trial. AUSA Sassoon: it's a
composite list, Government and
defense. Julia Drucker,
Wong, Gary Wong, John Gluber,
Mark Tiano, Matt Wong
[probably the wrong name]
Nishad Singh
AUSA Sassoon:
Anthony Scaramucci (!),
Trabucco, Sequoia Capital,
BlockFi, Genesis, Skybridge,
Anchorage, Binance, Celsius,
Silvergate & Signature
Bank, Guarding Against
Pandemic (along others).
Judge: Anyone know these? Lady
in the back. A: I worked
for Signature
Kaplan: How is Signature Bank
involved? AUSA Sassoon: Would
you like me to say it in
court, or at the sidebar?
Judge: Give me a preview at
sidebar [This, we do not hear]
[They're back] Judge Kaplan:
Anyone not vaccinated for
COVID? Anyone not
comfortable being in jury room
with a non-vaccinated
person? I'm going to
give you a short break
prospective jurors out] AUSA
Sassoon: Juror 47, Rene
Harris... Juror 30. SBF's
Cohen: We don't oppose
excusing 30. But we do oppose
excluding 47, she said she
could follow proceedings.
Inner City Press
@innercitypress · 56m SBF's
Cohen: Oh sorry, we had her
confused with another juror.
We don't oppose excluding her.
[Long sidebar - then 12 are
put in the box, more
questions: hardship] Now seat
2: I work for New York City
Housing Authority, they will
not pay me for juror service
yet Inner City Press
@innercitypress · 55m Next is
a tax lawyer, "it's a time
sensitive matter, it would
adversely impact my client."
Judge Kaplan: How much is in
dispute? Tax lawyer: A sizable
amount is being audited, it's
an 8 figure income. Judge: How
much is in dispute? Tax
lawyer: TBD
Kaplan: What's the interest?
Tax lawyer: It's monthly Next,
Number 83: "I have doubts, I
have concerns. First of all I
don't understand the crypto
currency, how it works. I
don't understand it."
Judge Kaplan:
You probably have a lot
company in this
83: Then
there's Madoff and all that
stuff. Judge Kaplan: Please
come visit me at the sidebar.
83: Now? Judge Kaplan: Yes,
right now
back from sidebar] Judge
Kaplan: Would it be a
hardship? 83: No, it wouldn't
be a hardship. Judge Kaplan:
Thank you for your candor.
juror: A friend of mine [names
him] hung himself, it had to
do with Tom Petters. Judge
Kaplan: What's the connection?
Prospective juror: Ponzi
After a sidebar,
they're back Judge Kaplan
excuses 4 of the 12. Then
says, The rest of you, we'll
have you come back in the
morning. We have not selected
the jury yet.
Kaplan: We now have a
sufficient group of qualified
jurors, 50. We will select 18
- 12 and 6 alternates.
Tomorrow we'll pass around a
microphone, you'll each do 60
seconds. Then the lawyers will
confer and the final selection
will be made.
Kaplan: How long will openings
be? AUSA: 25 minutes. SBF's
Cohen: 35 to 40 minutes. Judge
Kaplan: So evidence and
witnesses by mid-morning. It
augers well.
Judge Kaplan: No
internet, no posting or
whatever people do these days
with these device that did not
used to exist. Andy
suggests you arrive by 9, due
to the festivities in a
courthouse near ours [He
did Carroll v
Trump:Prospective jurors leave
for the day]
Judge Kaplan:
Everyone else can be seated.
OK. Another midnight filing?
A: We can file later today, on
their request for
reconsideration. Judge
Kaplan: Sure. My rulings are
my rulings.
Sassoon: One of our witnesses
this week will be an immunized
witness. Judge Kaplan: The
order's been signed.
Footnote: With
Judge Kaplan gone, SBF is
still at defense table talking
with Cohen. A Marshal pulled
him chair back, but is
waiting. Many defendants
here getting hustled back into
the holding cell at this
point. Not Special Sam
FN2 and
last: Sam has walked back into
the holding cell, with one US
Marshal walking in front, and
one behind...
detail / analysis
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