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Three Men Looked For a Fourth Who Opened Fire on Them Now Bail for One US Opposed

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Feb 26 – Back on August 24, 2024 on Andrews Avenue in the South Bronx three men "spun the block" looking to retaliate, for a stabbing, against a fourth man - who opened fire on that, prosecutors say. 

  On February 24, all four were before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Jessica G.L. Clarke. Inner City Press was there, thread:

All 4 brought from MDC Brooklyn, 2 US Marshals each.

 Lead defendant, handcuffed, pleads not guilty. AUSA: 3 of these defendants were spinning the block in The Bronx looking to retaliate for a stabbing - the 4th defendant opened fire on them, next to a school.

Judge: On a weekday?

AUSA: It was a Saturday. AUSA: We have 50 gigs og discovery Judge: So we'll reconvene in May. Adjourned   Why are all four in the same case? Will there be severance?

On February 25 the US Attorney's Office wrote in opposed the bail application of Rimel Mack, complete with color photos of gunfire - by the defendant, and several redactions.

On February 26 he was granted $100,000 bail, subject to verification of a relative's home on Staten Island and a third party custodian.

The case is USA v. Bonilla, et al., 1:25-cr-55 (Clarke)


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